Aleksandra Raonic
Successfully combined Teaching and Practice for over 18 years. Founder and principal architect of an award-winning architectural studio RAUM. Aleksandra has been teaching Architecture in Europe (Belgrade, Serbia and visiting UK, Germany) and in China continuously since 2005. Before NTNU Aleksandra was Associate Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, XJTLU in China, 2014 to 2020, where she was leading Year 3 and held a visiting post at the University of Liverpool, UK.
In parallel to teaching, within my own architectural office RAUM [ ] I have been developing research-oriented design practice. Leading variety of scales architectural projects (from 60sqm up to 60.000sqm) from conception to construction detailing and realization. Realised over 15 architectural projects and 2 urban designs - all of which have gained recognition and were awarded either at the beginning as a winning competition entry, or after being built. All have been published and exhibited nationally and internationally. My projects were presented at La Biennale di Venezia 3 times: in 2006, 2012 and 2014. My research is predominantly through design practice. However, my focus has always been on setting up education platforms from which to launch research.
Internationally recognized track record demonstrated through the list of publications, exhibitions and presentations of the substantial number of projects in the field of Architecture and Urban Design, and some in Art as well as through the number of Awards, Honours and Recognitions with over 25 awards granted for Architectural practice and a number of awards for Teaching practice. The most recent awards granted was by an International Jury for the 2000sqm Green Kindergarten in the Stubline village at the 20th Salon of Architecture, 2016, Novi Sad. The same project got awarded at the 2017 S.ARCH International Architecture Award and exhibited at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).
2018 Jiangsu Province Tutor Award for Final Year Project of Li Shaokang, co-tutored with C. Westermann in 2016-17, awarded with a second prize in the Jiangsu Province Department of Education Final Year Project Awards.
2017 OUTSTANDING BRIEF awarded to A. Raonic and C. Westermann for the Final Year Project studio brief “Framing Indeterminacy” in year 4 of XJTLU’s BEng Architecture programme at 2017 National Architectural Education Annual Symposium in Shenzhen
2017 Outstanding Design Studio Coursework award for Li Shaokang’s FYP ’A Palimpsest of Old Shanghai’, Tutor Award, co-tutored with C. Westermann, 2017 National Architectural Education Annual Symposium in Shenzhen, China.
2017 Outstanding Design Studio Coursework award for Shao Fuwei’s FYP ’Shifting Perspectives in the Urban Theatre’, Tutor Award, co-tutored with C. Westermann, 2017 National Architectural Education Annual Symposium in Shenzhen, China.
2017 Best Final Year Project in Architecture award for Li Shaokang (FYP co-tutor with C. Westermann), Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
2017 Nomination by year 3 students for the 'Best Teacher' Award, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
2016 SUZHOU EXCELLENT EDUCATOR AWARD by the local government in Suzhou, China; Suzhou City Excellent Educator 2015-2016 (2015-2016 苏州市优秀教育工作者); Suzhou city government.
2016 INNOVATIVE TEACHING PRACTICES, Highly Commended, XJTLU; 4th Annual TeachingPrizes.
2016 OUTSTANDING BRIEF awarded to the ARC204 2015-16 teaching team including G.Andrianova, A.Raonic, J. Hidalgo, L. Stergiou, A. Williams for the brief ‘Creative Hub/Co-working Space in Suzhou’ brief at the 2016 Architectural Education Annual Symposium and Awards; Higher Education, School Architecture Discipline Steering Committee & College of Architecture & Art, Hefei University of Technology.
2016 Nomination by year 3 students for the 'Best Teacher' and the 'Most Innovative Teaching practice' Award, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
2015 Nomination by year 3 students for the 'Best Teacher' Award, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Supervised students’ work recognitions:
2017 OUTSTANDING GRADUATION PROJECT to Li Shaokang's FYP by the Department of Education of Jiangsu province (co-tutored with Claudia Westermann)
OUTSTANDING STUDENT WORK awarded to Shaokag Li’s FYP Design Studio work at 2017 National Architectural Education Annual Symposium in Shenzhen (co-tutored with C. Westermann)
OUTSTANDING STUDENT WORK awarded to Fuwei Shao’s FYP Design Studio work at 2017 National Architectural Education Annual Symposium in Shenzhen (co-tutored with C. Westermann)
BDP-FARRELL PRIZE delivered to the best 2017 graduate Shao Fuwei(co-tutored with Claudia Westermann)
BDP-FARRELL PRIZE runner up: Li Shaokang, 2017(co-tutored with C. Westermann)
FYP PRIZE for the Best Final Year Project: Li Shaokang, 2017 (co-tutored with C. Westermann)
OUTSTANDING STUDENT WORK awarded for the Year 3 student Shaokag Li’s ARC204 Design Studio work at 2016 Education Annual Symposium in Hefei
2016 Best Final Year Project in Architecture award for Bian Zhifan - shared with two other students (FYP co-tutor with C. Westermann), Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, DANS INTERNATIONAL AWARD 2018, the 21st International Salon of Architecture Novi Sad, Novi Sad Serbia, 29-Sep-2018.
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, PIRANESI AWARD 2018 nomination, the 36th PIDA – Piran Days of Architecture, Piran Slovenia, 17-Nov-2018.
2017: 2017 S.ARCH International Architecture AWARD for the Stubline Kindergarten design, Hong Kong
2016: DANS INTERNATIONAL JURY AWARD for the Kindergarten in Stubline at the 20th Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad / jury members: Idis Turato (Turato Architects, CRO), Marc Neelen (Stealth, NL), Ana Dzokic (Stealth, NL) Eugen Pănescu (Planwerk, RO), Grozdana Sisovic (Re:act,RS)
2015: FIRST PRIZE for RAUM in architectural competition. Museum of Contemporary Arts in Vojvodina /MSUV/, Novi Sad. Invited architectural competiton for the extension of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Vojvodina /MSUV/, Novi Sad.
2014: RAUM placed among the BEST WORLD practices. AIAC - Italian Association of Architecture. Italian Association of Architecture and Criticism (AIAC) led by Architecture critic Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi placed RAUM among the Best World Architectural Practices;
2014: Annual City of Belgrade Award Nomination. City of Belgrade. Housing complex Dr. Ivana Ribara by RAUM nominated for the Annual City of Belgrade Award for 2013 in the category of Best Architectural Design realized in 2013.
2013: Ranko Radovic Award for best work of Architecture realized in 2012 Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS). WON the “Ranko Radovic Award” by ULUPUDS for the Seaside family house in Bigovo as the best realized architectural work completed in 2012;
2013: FIRST PRIZE for RAUM in an architectural – urban planning competition. Municipality of Negotin, Serbia. Invited architectural – urban planning competition for the Reconstruction and extension of the Negotin Green Market
2013: UAS ANNUAL AWARD - Best work of Architecture realized abroad. Union of Architects of Serbia (UAS). AWARDED by the Union of Architects of Serbia (UAS) for the Seaside family house in Bigovo as the most successful work done by Serbian architects in 2012 realized abroad ( dodeljene- nagrada-i-povelja-udruženja-arhitekata-srbije-ya-2012-godinu.html)
2011: FIRST PRIZE in an open architectural–urban planning competition. ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). Open architectural–urban planning competition for 60.000 sqm Housing complex (707 apartments, 6 buildings), Belgrade.
2011: FIRST PRIZE in an open architectural competition. ASSOCIATIONOF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). Open architectural competition for a Kindergarten for 300 children in Stubline, Belgrade.
2010: THIRD PRIZE at the International Architectural competition. Islamic Development Bank (IDB). International architectural competition for a School - Cyclone shelter ( Fael Khair School-Cum-Shelter) in Bangladesh
2010: WINNING ENTRY. Invited competition. Small invited competition(four architectural offices competing) for a private residence in Richmond, London
2010: Top Ten under 40. New Italian Blood. Online Architectural magazine "New Italian Blood" placed RAUM in Top 10 Architectural practices in Serbia,
2009: SPECIAL JURY AWARD in an open architectural competition. ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). Open architectural competition for the design of a New Belgrade Boat House
2009: SPECIAL DIPLOMA at International Architectural Bienniale. International Architectural Bienniale. International Architectural Bienniale "Leonardo Award 2009" awarded RAUM for a series of projects in the category of Public and Industrial buildings, Minsk.
2008: HONORABLE MENTION at the open architectural competition. ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). Open architectural competition for a Ski hotel in Serbia. Won Honorable Mention;
2008: FIRST HONORABLE MENTION at the open architectural competition. ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). Open architectural competition for an office building in Mutapova Street, Belgrade,
2008: FINALIST at the International architectural competition. ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS BELGRADE (ABA). International architectural competition for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad, Serbia;
2007: FIRST HONORABLE MENTION at the International architectural-urban competition. Municipality of Herceg Novi. International architectural-urban competition for Civic Square and the underground public garage, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
2006: GRAND PRIX. International architectural Bienalle. International architectural Bienalle in Minsk “Leonardo 2005” awarded with Grand Prix for the design of New Gates of Belgrade, Minsk 2005
2006: SECOND PRIZE for the concept design. Municipality of Belgrade. Open competition for the best concept design for the "Days of Belgrade" manifestation
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM. Poster presented at: Architecture across Boundaries 2019 Conference at XJTLU - Xi’An Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou China. 19-Jun-2019 – 21-Jun-2019 (presentation date: 19-Jun-2019).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra and Westermann, Claudia. 2018. Framing indeterminacy: Pedagogical journey into experimental architectural thinking. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 16(2): 137-151 (peer reviewed; DOI: 10.13-86/tear.16.2.137_1; published: December 2018).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, PIRANESI AWARD 2018 / Exhibition, organizer: Piran Days of Architecture, Slovenia at the 14thBINA - Belgrade International Architecture Week, Gallery Kolektiv, Belgrade Serbia, 22-May-2019 – 29-May-2019 (peer reviewed).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, PIRANESI AWARD 2018 / Exhibition, organizer: Piran Days of Architecture, Slovenia at the ORIS – Oris House of Architecture, Zagreb Croatia, 12-Feb-2019 – 28-Feb-2019 (peer reviewed).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, PIRANESI AWARD 2018 / Exhibition, at the 36thPIDA – Piran Days of Architecture, Obalne galerije Piran/ Gallerie Costiere Pirano, Piran Slovenia, 17-Nov-2018 – 13-Jan-2019 (peer reviewed).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM, DANS INTERNATIONAL AWARD 2018 / Exhibition, organizer: DaNS – Association of Novi Sad Architects,at the 21st International Salon of Architecture Novi Sad, Macut Gallery, Novi Sad Serbia, 29-Sep-2018 – 06-Oct-2018 (peer reviewed).
2018: Raonic, A. (2018), ‘Framing Indeterminacy – Pedagogical Journey into Experimental Architectural Thinking, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 16:1, pp. 97–109, doi: 10.1386/tear.16.1.97_1
2017: S.ARCH Awards awarded projects exhibition: Stubline Kindergarten design, S.ARCH , Hong Kong, June 2017
2017: Raonic A., Herr C. M., Wash G., Westermann C., Zhang C, (eds.) CAADRIA 2017– Protocols, Flows and Glitches: Short papers, posters, workshops.The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-988-19026-9-6.
2017: Janssen, P. Loh, A. Raonic, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Protocols, Flows and Glitches, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017, 561-571. © 2017, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong.
2017: Raonic. A., (2017) DIGITAL TOOLS, ANALOGUE MINDS: A Project- based Framework for Understanding the Dialogue In-between. Published in the proceedings of CAADRIA2017 conference. P. Janssen, P. Loh, A. Raonic, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Protocols, Flows and Glitches, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017, 561-571. © 2017, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong.
2017: Raonic, A., Negotin Green Market - article by prof.Mihajlo Mitrovic about the Negotin green market designed by RAUM, published in his regular column “Architecture in the world and at home” in magazine Politika, 4th March. 2017.
2016: Raonic. A., Days of architecture in Istria 2016 "regional conditions" , Pula, Pazin, Labin and Poreč, Nov. Dec. 2016.
2016: Raonic. A., 20th Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad (DANS), AWARD OF THE SALON for the Kindergarten in Stubline, Obrenovac
2016: Raonic. A., 38th Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, Kindergarten in Stubline, Obrenovac
2015: Raonic. A., (2015) From model to drawing and back // Reversing the design process. Published in the proceedings of ASA2015 conference. R.H. Crawford and A. Stephan (eds.), Living and Learning: Research for a Better Built Environment: 49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2015, pp. 1–10. ©2015, The Architectural Science Association
2015: Architecture in Context, Belgrade Culture Centre. RAUM latest realisations and competition winning entries [ kontekstu-malih ]
2013: Raonic, A., Ranko Radovic Award. Bigovo house exhibited at the "Ranko Radovic Award" joint exhibition organized by Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDUS), Music Gallery, Ilija Kolarac Foundation, Dec. 2013, Belgrade
2013: Raonic, A., Kuca Stil #230. Bigovo house published in the architectural magazine "Kuća Stil" No.230, OCTOBER 2013, Belgrade
2012: Raonic, A., "How about young architects in...?". Bigovo house published in the article “How about young architects in...?” Indira van 't Klooster, editor-in-chief, and Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, director of Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica (AIAC) and guest editor of A10 Eurovision #47
2011: Raonic, A., "BELGRADE Momente der Architektur". Several projects published as a part of "BELGRADE Momente der Architektur" publication within an article by V.Vucinic; Müry&Salzmann, Salzburg 2011
2011: Raonic, A., "From the Mediterranean stones to the Indian ocean" - article by prof.Mihajlo Mitrovic about several projects from RAUM, published in his regular column "Architecture in the world and at home" in Daily magazine Politika, 15th Oct. 2011.
2011: Raonic, A., "BELGRADE Momente der Architektur". Several projects exhibited at "BELGRADE Momente der Architektur", group exhibition curated by Adolph Stiller for the Vienna Insurance Group exhibition space in Vienna, July 2011
2011: Raonic, A., 8A/40- NEW PRACTICES. RAUM studio was presented as a part of the NEW PRAXIS - [8xA/(40-)] exhibition which brings together 8 architectural practices run by people under 40, Belgrade International Week Of Architecture (BINA), Belgrade, May 2011
2011: Raonic, A., "Recycle BINA". "Recycle BINA" workshop with students from Faculty for Art and Design; spatial structure exhibited at BINA (Belgrade International Architecture Week), Belgrade City Museum, May 2011
2011: Raonic, A., Winning competition designs. Winning design for Kindergarten in Stubline exhibited at BINA (Belgrade International Architecture Week), Ozone Gallery, Belgrade
2010: Raonic, A., Top10 architects under 40 > New Serbian Blood. Several projects published in the online architectural magazine New Italian Blood.
2010: Raonic, A., Designed. Article on the awarded Kindergarten in Stubline published, Designed webportal on design and architecture, Nov 2010
2010: Raonic, A., Five Kindergartens.Winning entry for the Kindergarten in Stubline at ”Five kindergartens” joint exhibition, City of Belgrade Museum, Resavska 40b, Belgrade, Dec. 2010
2009: Raonic, A., Bienniale of young architects "Leonardo 2009". Designs exhibited at the International Bienniale of young architects in Minsk, "LEONARDO 2009" (Special diploma for a series of projects in the category of Public and Industrial buildings)
2009: Raonic, A., BINA 2009. Concept design for the office building in Mutapova street exhibited in "Awards for Architecture and Architectural and Urban Planning Competitions in the period 2008/09" joint exhibition, Cultural Centre of Belgrade, May 2009
2008: Raonic, A., ARQUITECTUM's 8th International Contest "LONDON 2008". ARQUITECTUM's 8th International Contest “LONDON 2008”, Exhibition hosted by the Architectural Association School of London. Concept design for a movable architecture gallery.
2008: Raonic, A., BINA 2008, exhibition: Annual Awards for Architecture. Concept Design for the New Belgrade Boat House / Special Jury Award at the Open Architectural competition, exhibited at Belgrade International Week of Architecture, BINA 2008 within the program "Annual Awards for Architecture", Organizers: Association of Belgrade Architects (DAB) and Union of Serbian Architects (UAS), at ex-Turkish bathhouse, Belgrade July 2008
2008: Raonic, A., 100 Hotels; A concept design for a Ski Hotel (Honorable mention in open architectural competition) exhibited in the gallery of the Belgrade City Library, Belgrade, Feb.
2007: Raonic, A., INside INsight at Sibiu, Cultural capital of Europe 2007. Several architectural designs exhibited at the Festivalul ÎNtre/ÎNtru CULTURI /// INside/Insight CULTURES within the exhibition program 'Project Belgrade.Transition:ism', Sibiu, Cultural capital of Europe 2007, Romania, Oct. 2007
2007: Raonic, A., Arhitext. Published recent architectural design production in the Arhitext magazine, August 2007, Sibiu (Cultural capital of Europe 2007), Romania
2007: Raonic, A., 29th Salon of Architecture. Concept design for the City square with the public garage in Herceg Novi exhibited at the 29th Salon of Architecture, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade
2007: Raonic, A., Museum of Contemporary Arts. Concept Design for the New building of the Museum of Contemporary Arts / Finalist at the International Architectural competition / exhibited at the joint exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Novi Sad, July 2007
2006: Raonic, A., Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture. "12 prominent young architects" , group exhibition within the 8th Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture, curated by arh. Ivica Mladjenovic, Belgrade Fair, July 2006
2006: Raonic, A., La Biennale di Venezia 2006. Exhibiting several architectural designs at 10. Biennale of Architecture within program Project Belgrade, Venice, Italy
2006: Raonic, A., New building of the Surcin Municipality. Concept design of the New building of the Surcin Municipality, competition entry for the open architectural competition exhibited in the joint exhibition in the Municipality of Surcin, Belgrade, March 2006
2006: Raonic, A., AG magazine, Avg. 2006. Two designs published in article about "12 prominent young architects", a group exhibition within the 8th Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture, curated by arh. Ivica Mladjenovic held at the Belgrade Fair, AG magazine Avg. 2006
2005: Raonic, A., Bienniale of young architects in Minsk. Design exhibited at the International Bienniale of young architects in Minsk, "LEONARDO 2005" (Grand Prix for New Gates of Belgrade)
2005: Raonic, A., Frankfurt Frequency (FFM). FFM -Frankfurt Frequency, a group exhibition that brings together several architects and artist from seven different countries that have Stadelschule as a common ground, SKC (Student Cultural Centre), Belgrade, July 2005
2005: Raonic, A., UIA World Congress of Architects. A poster displayed at the "CITIES: Grand Bazaar of Architectures" program of UIA (International Union of Architects) 22nd World Congress held in Instanbul, July 2005
2005: Raonic, A., Non-profit housing. Concept designs for two non-profit apartment buildings in Valjevo exhibited in a joint exhibition of competition entries in the Municipality building.
2005: Raonic, A., AG Magazine, Sept. 2005. Three designs published in an article about FFM –Frankfurt Frequency (a group exhibition that brings together several architects and artist from seven different countries that have Stadelschule as a common ground at SKC-Student Cultural Centre), Belgrade, Sept. 2005
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM. Poster presented at: Architecture across Boundaries 2019 Conference at XJTLU - Xi’An Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou China. 19-Jun-2019 – 21-Jun-2019 (presentation date: 19-Jun-2019).
2019: Raonic, Aleksandra, Raonic, Milos. 2019. Central greenmarket in Negotin, RAUM. Poster presented at: Architecture across Boundaries 2019 Conference at XJTLU - Xi’An Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou China. 19-Jun-2019 – 21-Jun-2019 (presentation date: 19-Jun-2019).
2018: Raonic, A., People and spaces. Presentation at the 10th International DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2018: ‘Space of Freedom’ SARAJEVO 23-27 May,
2017: Raonic, A., Framing Indeterminacy-Pedagogical Journey into Experimental Architectural Thinking. Presentation at the international conference: “Consciousness Reframed XX: Subtle Cybernetics and the Art of Mind”, DeTao Masters Academy and CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, November 25-26, 2017
2017: Presentation at the 2017 S.ARCH International Architecture Conference, Architecture AWARD, the Stubline Kindergarten design, HKU, Hong Kong, June 2017
2015: Architecture in Context, Belgrade Culture Centre. Presentation of the latest realizations and competition winning entries. [ arhitektura-u-kontekstu-malih-mogu%C4%87nosti-studio- raum]
2014: La Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo Widmann, Venice (International). 2014 AIAC - Italian Association of Architecture and Criticism placed RAUM among the best world architecture practices, presentation at Palazzo Widmann, Venice, June 6th 2014
2012: "How about young architects in...?" (International). Several recent designs by RAUM were presented at “How about young architects in...?” by Vesna Vucinic within presentation of young European architects at the A10 - European architecture magazine - meeting at the Architecture Biennale Venice 2012, Aug 2012
2011: Belgrade International Week Of Architecture (BINA), (International).RAUM was invited to present recent designs as a part of the NEW PRAXIS
[8xA/(40-)] exhibition which brings together 8 local architectural practices run by people under 40, Belgrade International Week Of Architecture (BINA), Belgrade, May 2011
2005: UIA World Congress of Architecture (International). Presentation of a Concept design for Camouflage Boat house at UIA World Congress of Architecture in Istanbul, Turkey
2017: Center of Culture “Dom Sindikata”, Invited competition / FINALISTS/ Interior Design , Belgrade
2016: Head Office Building, Podgorica, Montenegro.
2016: Hemofarm Head Office redesign competition proposal, Belgrade
2014: Apartment building (Local). Commissioned concept design for a Five- story apartment building in Borca, Belgrade 2013
2014: Kindergarten for 300 children in Stubline, Belgrade/ (National). / Kindergarten for 300 children ( 2000sqm) in Stubline, Belgrade / Concept Design / FIRST PRIZE in an open architectural competition / Final Design with construction details / Site Supervision/ COMPLETED
2013: Office building (National). Concept design for the Office building for JKP "Toplovod" in Obrenovac, competition entry at the restricted architectural competition, Municipality of Obrenovac, 2013
2013: Dr.Ivana Ribara Housing complex / CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED (National). 60.000sqm Housing complex ( 707 apartments, 6 buildings) in Belgrade/ Concept Design/ FIRST PRIZE in an open architectural – urban planning competition / Final Design with construction details / Site Supervision/ COMPLETED
2012: Interior design (International). Concept design for the Interior of a Private residence at Notting Hill, London, UK / Commission/ COMPLETED
2012: Kindergarten (National). Concept Design for a Kindergarten for 300 children, Municipality of Surčin, Belgrade, Serbia / Invited Competition
2012: Housing complex (National). Concept Design for a Housing complex in Lazarevac, Serbia / Open urban planning architectural competition
2012: Richmond House / (International). / Invited architectural competition for a family house in Richmond, London, UK / 300sqm/ Concept design / FIRST PRIZE / Final design with construction details / COMPLETED
2012: Bigovo House / (International). Commission for a seaside family house in Bigovo, Montenegro / 80sqm / Concept Design/ Final design / Building Supervision/ COMPLETED
2011: Social Housing (National). Concept Design for Social housing complex in Ovca, Belgrade / Open urban planning-architectural competition
2010: Sport and recreation center (Regional). Concept Design for Sport and recreation center, Obedska Bara, Serbia / Commission
2010: Private residence (Local). Concept design for a Private residence at Dedinje, Belgrade / Invited Competition
2009: Fael Khair School-Cum-Shelter (International). Concept design for a School-Cyclone Shelter in Bangladesh ( Fael Khair School-Cum-Shelter)/ THIRD PRIZE at the International Architectural Design Competition
2009: Head-office building (Local). Concept design for the VOREX Head-office building, New Belgrade / Commission
2008: ARQUITECTUM International Contest (International). Concept design for a movable architecture gallery, a competition entry for ARQUITECTUM's 8th International Contest “LONDON 2008”. Exhibition hosted by the AA School in London
2008: Residental Complex (Local). Architectural and urban planning design of residential district Aksakovo,Moscow, Russia / Commission
2008: New Belgrade Boat House (National). Concept Design for the New Belgrade Boat House / SPECIAL JURY AWARD at the Open Architectural competition, Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA), 2008
2008: Interior design and apartment reconstruction (Local). Interior design and reconstruction of the apartment at Helena Court, Ealing, London, UK / Commission / COMPLETED
2008: Home for Seniors (Local). Concept Design for a Home for Senior citizens at Avala, Belgrade /Commission
2008: Ski Hotel (National). Concept design for a Ski Hotel in Serbia / FIRST HONORABLE MENTION in an Open Architectural Competition
2008: Hotel, Congress and Sports Complex (National). Concept Design for a Hotel, Congress and Sports Complex at Bezanijska Kosa, Belgrade, Serbia / Invited competition / FIRST PRIZE
2008: Data & Contact Center (National). Concept Design for Data & Contact Center (14.500 sqm) / Commission / New Belgrade, Serbia
2007: Museum of Contemporary Arts (International). Concept Design for the New building of the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Novi Sad, Serbia / FINALIST at the International Architectural competition, Novi Sad, 2007
2007: Office building (National). Concept Design for an Office Building in Mutapova Street, Belgrade / FIRST HONORABLE MENTION at the Open architectural competition, Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA), Belgrade 2007
2006: Office building (National). Concept design for an office building in Vrnjacka Banja, competition entry in an open architectural competition, Association of Serbian Architects (ASA), Municipality of Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, May 2006
2006: Municipality building (National). Concept design of the New building of the Surcin Municipality , competition entry for the open architectural competition, Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA), Municipality of Surcin, Belgrade, March 2006
2006: "12 prominent young architects". Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture. Ranked amoung "12 prominent young architects" at the 8th Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture
2005: HONORABLE MENTION at the UN HABITAT architectural competition. UN HABITAT. Open architectural competition for Social Housing Complex in Kraljevo, organized by UN Habitat and Association of Serbian Architects (ASA)
1998: SECOND PRIZE. AUPA. SECOND PRIZE at the student urban design competition " Dinamika grada" for the city of Pancevo,Serbia; organized by Architecture and Urbanism of Pancevo
2006: Square and Public Garage (International). Concept Design for the Square and a Public Garage in Herceg Novi, Montenegro / FIRST HONORABLE MENTION at the open architectural – urban planning competition
2005: UN Habitat Social Housing (National). Concept design for a Social Housing complex in Kraljevo, a competition entry for an open architectural competition organized by UN Habitat and Association of Serbian Architects (ASA), HONORABLE MENTION, Kraljevo 2005
2005: Non-profit Housing (National). Concept design for a two Non-profit Apartment Buildings in Valjevo, a competition entry for an open architectural competition organized by UN Habitat and Association of Serbian Architects (ASA), Valjevo 2005
2005: Office building (National). Concept design for the Office building with underground garage in Skerlićeva street in Belgrade, a competition entry at an open architectural competition, Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA), Belgrade2005
2005: New Gates of Belgrade (International). Concept Design for the New Gates of Belgrade / GRAND PRIX at "Leonardo 2005"
2007: Days of Belgrade manifestation (National). Installation Art / AWARDED and Realised by the city of Belgrade, June 2007
2004: Polymer composite folded bench - Installation Art; exhibited at “MATERIAL VISION” Frankfurt Messe, (International). Frankfurt, Germany
2004: Rundgang 2004, Daimlerstrasse - Staedelschule, Frankfurt, Germany.
2003: Rundgang 2003, Daimlerstrasse - Staedelschule, Frankfurt, Germany.
2015: Central Green Market (National). Central Green Market in the town of Negotin, Serbia / FIRST PRIZE for RAUM at the Invited competition; Concept Design/ Final Design with Construction details / Site supervision / COMPLETED
2013: Dr.Ivana Ribara Housing complex / (National) /60.000sqm Housing complex ( 707 apartments, 6 buildings) in Belgrade/ Concept Design/ FIRST PRIZE in an open architectural – urban planning competition / Final Design with construction details / Site Supervision/ COMPLETED
2010: Developing project (International). Urban and architectural concept design for a 43ha developing project called “Big Breakage” (including designs for the facilities such as workshops, stores, truck repair shops, training schools, other public and religious facilities) Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 2010
2010: Design Against the Elements (DAtE) (International). International competition (DAtE) Design Against the Elements for disaster-resistant, climate change-proof housing; Metro Manila, Philippines
2010: Tourist and Recreation Centre (Regional). "The Danube Pearl" Tourist and Recreation Centre, Urban Design / FIRST PRIZE/ Invited Competition, Municipality of Negotin
2010: Pedestrian and bicycle bridge (International). Concept Design for the new pedestrian and bicycle bridge, Lent - Tabor, Drava river, Maribor, Slovenia / International competition / EPK – European Capital Of Culture 2012
2010: Tourist centre (National). Tourist Centre "Srbija na Dlanu", Open Architectural - urban planning competition, Silver Lake, Serbia
2009: Tourist centre (International). Tourist centre “Wine village”, Concept for Urban Architectural Design / International Competition /Sipcanik, Podgorica,Montenegro
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi ved Heather Frasch
Architectural exhibition
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Felles/skap/skip - satelitt.
ULLDAGA FESTIVAL på TSSK - Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst
Museum exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Mending the Nest
Practicing Circular Ethics. Gløshaugen
Art exhibition
Rødne, Gro;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Exploding windows .
Textile art installation, artistic/ architectural intervention for the opening of Trappa by Circa Teater
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Invisible sails. Architectural weaving with wood and wool. .
Public art, spatial Installation with year 1 architecture students. Elgester Park
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Redesigning the Process.
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, UIC
Doctoral dissertation
Raonic, Aleksandra.
La Arquitectura como campo compartido y evolutivo de coexistencia creativa Experimental practice. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (220).
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación
Academic article
Sæther, Anne Marit;
Rødne, Gro;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Performing Arts
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Hyfer festival. Installasjon ved Suhmhuset, Trondheim, 22.09.-08.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse.
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice exhibitions: Barnas Katedral: 4 projects at Ladeomen Kirke. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim.
Barnas Katedral: 4 projects
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice workshops: Moving Threads with Paola Anziche at ReMida- senter for kreativ gjenbruk. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. .
Moving Threads
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice workshops: Archi-sketching with children with Pål Bøyesen at ReMida- senter for kreativ gjenbruk. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-10
Archi-sketching with children
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice exhibitions: Work in Progress. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Gløshaugen, NTNU, Trondheim. 2023-11-09
Work in Progress.
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Rødne, Gro;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Part of DIKU financed Threads of Innovation Fullscale Installation, building workshop: 6.-17.06.2022/
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts of Hannah Ryggen. Spatial Installations in wood/bamboo and yarn in the city and in Trondheim Kunstmuseum- Gråmølna, as part of the Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-02-14 - 2022-03-25
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Room to rest. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Gaulåsen forest. Applied research – space interventions.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Outdoor kitchen. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Gaulåsen forest. Applied research – space interventions.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Chada, Katy;
Johnsen, Eileen Garmann;
Lundebrekke, Edith.
Experimental practice master course. Rethinking spaces. Exhibition and architectural performance. Skiboli, Gløshaugen, NTNU. Dec 2022.
Experimental practice: Rethinking spaces
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts of Hannah Ryggen. Spatial Installations in wood/bamboo and yarn in the city and in Trondheim Kunstmuseum- Gråmølna, as part of the Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-02-14 - 2022-03-25
Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts Carnival. Architectural Performanse as part of Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-03-24
Hearts Carnival. Architectural Performanse as part of Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Chicken house on wheels. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Lerfald gård. Applied research – space interventions. .
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Animal shelter. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Lerfald gård. Applied research – space interventions.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August.
Moving Borders, exhibition
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Digital Representation Workshop
Meghana Walimbe & Udit Parekh
Fingerprint Collective
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Gond Art Workshop, Kaushal Prasad Tekam Artisan.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Sites of Indie-Futurisms:
Speculating divergent passages in Traditional Indian Board Games
Ishita Jain & Ankita Trivedi
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Handmade Type Workshop, Ishan Khosla, Visual artist, Associate Professor, UPES Dehradun
Kastura Ram | Paniben Rathod | Savitriben Rathod Artisan
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Rødne, Gro.
TREVEV. Spatial Installation and exhibition setup at HAVET Arena. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050 & Making is Thinking master course.
Threads of Innovation & Making is Thinking. Applied research – space interventions
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Wool spinning workshop
Khamir, Gujarat
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Exploring Tangaliya Craft, Visit to Vastadi & Sayla, Gujarat
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Internet exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Rødne, Gro.
Weaving spaces at HAVET Arena.
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050 & Making is Thinking master course
Threads of Innovation & Making is Thinking. Applied research – space interventions
Architectural exhibition
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Rødne, Gro;
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Åpning av MELLOMROM i "djupet scene" og Making is ThinkingMasterkurs/Threads of Innovation i "Heim".
Architectural exhibition
Journal publications
Raonic, Aleksandra.
La Arquitectura como campo compartido y evolutivo de coexistencia creativa Experimental practice. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (220).
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación
Academic article
Artistic productions
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Mending the Nest
Practicing Circular Ethics. Gløshaugen
Art exhibition
Rødne, Gro;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Exploding windows .
Textile art installation, artistic/ architectural intervention for the opening of Trappa by Circa Teater
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Invisible sails. Architectural weaving with wood and wool. .
Public art, spatial Installation with year 1 architecture students. Elgester Park
Art exhibition
Sæther, Anne Marit;
Rødne, Gro;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Performing Arts
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Chada, Katy;
Johnsen, Eileen Garmann;
Lundebrekke, Edith.
Experimental practice master course. Rethinking spaces. Exhibition and architectural performance. Skiboli, Gløshaugen, NTNU. Dec 2022.
Experimental practice: Rethinking spaces
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts of Hannah Ryggen. Spatial Installations in wood/bamboo and yarn in the city and in Trondheim Kunstmuseum- Gråmølna, as part of the Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-02-14 - 2022-03-25
Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts Carnival. Architectural Performanse as part of Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-03-24
Hearts Carnival. Architectural Performanse as part of Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Art exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Exploring Tangaliya Craft, Visit to Vastadi & Sayla, Gujarat
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Internet exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Redesigning the Process.
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, UIC
Doctoral dissertation
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi ved Heather Frasch
Architectural exhibition
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Felles/skap/skip - satelitt.
ULLDAGA FESTIVAL på TSSK - Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst
Museum exhibition
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Hyfer festival. Installasjon ved Suhmhuset, Trondheim, 22.09.-08.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse.
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice exhibitions: Barnas Katedral: 4 projects at Ladeomen Kirke. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim.
Barnas Katedral: 4 projects
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice workshops: Moving Threads with Paola Anziche at ReMida- senter for kreativ gjenbruk. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. .
Moving Threads
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice workshops: Archi-sketching with children with Pål Bøyesen at ReMida- senter for kreativ gjenbruk. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-10
Archi-sketching with children
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Threads of Innovation & Experimental Practice exhibitions: Work in Progress. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] IAT/NTNU Applied research – space interventions. Gløshaugen, NTNU, Trondheim. 2023-11-09
Work in Progress.
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Rødne, Gro;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Part of DIKU financed Threads of Innovation Fullscale Installation, building workshop: 6.-17.06.2022/
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August.
Moving Borders, exhibition
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Digital Representation Workshop
Meghana Walimbe & Udit Parekh
Fingerprint Collective
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Gond Art Workshop, Kaushal Prasad Tekam Artisan.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Sites of Indie-Futurisms:
Speculating divergent passages in Traditional Indian Board Games
Ishita Jain & Ankita Trivedi
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshops:
Handmade Type Workshop, Ishan Khosla, Visual artist, Associate Professor, UPES Dehradun
Kastura Ram | Paniben Rathod | Savitriben Rathod Artisan
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Rødne, Gro.
TREVEV. Spatial Installation and exhibition setup at HAVET Arena. Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050 & Making is Thinking master course.
Threads of Innovation & Making is Thinking. Applied research – space interventions
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Thakkar, Jay.
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop:
Wool spinning workshop
Khamir, Gujarat
Threads of Innovation hybrid workshop
Other presentation
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Rødne, Gro.
Weaving spaces at HAVET Arena.
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050 & Making is Thinking master course
Threads of Innovation & Making is Thinking. Applied research – space interventions
Architectural exhibition
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Rødne, Gro;
Raonic, Aleksandra.
Åpning av MELLOMROM i "djupet scene" og Making is ThinkingMasterkurs/Threads of Innovation i "Heim".
Architectural exhibition
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Hearts of Hannah Ryggen. Spatial Installations in wood/bamboo and yarn in the city and in Trondheim Kunstmuseum- Gråmølna, as part of the Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2022: Anti-monument
Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Threads of Innovation & ARK2. IAT/NTNU & & FORM+TEKTONIKK. Applied research – space interventions. Trondheim. 2022-02-14 - 2022-03-25
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Room to rest. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Gaulåsen forest. Applied research – space interventions.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Outdoor kitchen. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Gaulåsen forest. Applied research – space interventions.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Chicken house on wheels. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Lerfald gård. Applied research – space interventions. .
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Experimental practice master course. Animal shelter. Full-scale experimental sustainable building activity. Lerfald gård. Applied research – space interventions.
LectureBerstrand, Tordis Henriette; Raonic, Aleksandra; Haarsaker, Nina Katrine. (2024) Weaving Ideas, Weaving Space. KIT - Trondheim Art Academy Friday Lecture , KIT - Trondheim Art Academy 2024-11-01 - 2024-11-01
Academic lectureRaonic, Aleksandra. (2024) Practica experimental La Arquitectura como campo compartido y evolutivo de coexistencia creativa. Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación, Universidad de Palermo IX Coloquio Internacional de Investigadores en Diseño , Buenos Aires 2024-07-23 - 2024-08-02
Academic lectureRaonic, Aleksandra. (2024) Experimental Practice. Architecture as a Shared Field of an Exploratory Rethink . Aarhus school of Architecture EAAE ARCC Architecture into the Unknown , Aarhus 2024-05-23 - 2024-05-26
Academic lectureRaonic, Aleksandra. (2022) Experimental Spatial Drawing Techniques as a Framework for Critical Discourse . AMPS and PARADE AMPS Conference: A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY. University of Kassel; Ball State University; Beaconhouse National University; University of Pretoria | ISSN 2398-946 , Kassel 2022-04-21 -
Academic lectureRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay. (2022) Craft-design collaboration: an emerging hybrid model of academic pedagogy in design and architecture education. Part of Threads of Innovation TOI international research project . AMPS and PARADE AMPS Conference: A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY. University of Kassel; Ball State University; Beaconhouse National University; University of Pretoria | ISSN 2398-946 , Kassel 2022-04-21 -
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Espelien, Ingvild Svorkmo. (2021) Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050. Field visit and wool workshop at Selbu Spinneri, Klæbu. . [Internet] 2021-10-06
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Shah, Archana. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: The Story Of Wool, Archana Shah, Founder, Bandhej . [Internet] 2021-09-17
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Khosla, Ishan. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Typecraft Workshop, Ishan Khosla, Visual Artist . [Internet] 2021-10-08
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Lønmo, Solveig. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Threads of Hannah Ryggen, Solveig Lønmo, Curator, Head of Exhibition and Education, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum . [Internet] 2021-10-29
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Davis, Austin. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Developing a Board Game Idea, Austin Davis, Play Experience Designer . [Internet] 2021-10-28
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Anziché, Paola. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Culture Fibers, Paola Anziché, artist, Italy . [Internet] 2021-10-15
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Lundebrekke, Edith. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Wood weaving, Edith Lundebrekke, artist and professor at Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU, Norway . [Internet] 2021-11-12
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Jain, Ishita. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Sites of Indie-Futurisms: Speculating divergent passages in Traditional Indian Board Games.Ishita Jain, Performative Researcher & Architectural Historian . [Internet] 2021-10-18
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Bårdsgård, Anne; Viken, Anne Grøtte. (2021) Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050.Field visit to Selbu Bygdemuseum and Selbu Husflidscentral. . [Internet] 2021-10-05
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Karkaria, Hazel. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Introduction to typography, Hazel Karkaria, Graphic Designer . [Internet] 2021-09-16
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Khosla, Ishan. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Typecraft, Ishan Khosla, Visual Artist | designer, Associate Professor, UPES Dehradun. [Internet] 2021-10-08
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Trivedi, Ankita. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions. Sites of Indie-Futurisms: Speculating divergent passages in Traditional Indian Board Games, Ankita Trivedi, Spatial Designer & Storyteller . [Internet] 2021-10-18
Academic lectureRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay. (2021) International academic project Threads of Innovation, a joint presentation by Aleksandra Raonic (NTNU) and Jay Thakkar (CEPT). Aleksandra Raonic (NTNU) and Jay Thakkar (CEPT) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: , Trondheim, Norway & Ahmedabad, India 2021-08-23 - 2021-12-10
PosterRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay. (2021) Poster presentation for the UTFORSK seminar. Project: Threads of Innovation UTF-2020/10050 . Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills UTFORSK-2020 projects seminar , Lillestrøm 2021-10-29 - 2021-10-29
Programme managementRaonic, Aleksandra; Thakkar, Jay; Vikram, Nisha. (2021) Threads of Innovation Friday lecture sessions: Narrative Crafts of India by Nisha Vikram. [Internet] 2021-08-27