Alexander Gamst Page
Alexander Gamst Page is an associate professor in social work. He has an interdisciplinary background and a multifaceted research profile. He has researched and published on a variety of topics: culture, migration, integration, inclusion, diversity, language, religion, ethno-religious minorities, autism, discrimination, racism, and Islamophobia. He is particularly interested in how people construct explanatory models to understand the world around them, and how these often contain irrational elements. He is a qualitative researcher and is especially skilled in individual interviews and participant observation.
He has a master's degree in social anthropology focusing on the role language choice plays in how one is perceived in a multilingual society in China.
He obtained his PhD in social work in 2011, focusing on immigration, integration, and diversity. This focused on Chinese international students, why they chose to study in Norway, the difficulties they encountered, and how these were resolved. The main data came from ethnographic fieldwork among a group of students who had converted to evangelical Christianity.
He held a postdoctoral position in teacher education, focusing on teacher students' construction of professional identity. The key findings here were that relationships with children were a central part of students' identity construction, that phronesis could be created through frequent shorter periods of practice, and how failure was necessary to create mastery situations.
He has been a researcher on the PLURISPACE project, which looked at how integration and inclusion are understood and worked on in four European countries. Page was responsible for collecting and analyzing the Norwegian data. These were rich data with many possible implications. A common theme is how skin color was used to exclude Norwegian Muslims from identifying themselves as "Norwegian."
Together with Sobh Chahboun at DMMH, he leads the Shared Horizons project, which is an exploration of how immigrant families from Muslim countries experience collaboration with the Norwegian public sphere.
Page, Alexander Gamst.
«Det handler om relasjonen til barna»: Relasjonsbygging som sentral målsetting og undervurdert aktivitet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
PÅ VEI MOT LÆRERYRKET: Studentaktiv læring via transformative prosesser.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
The presentation and self-presentation of mosques in Norwegian mediascapes: construction of ‘the good ones’.
Culture and Religion
Academic article
Lindhardt, Celina;
Fredriksen, Katrine Lyngvær;
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Autismespekterforstyrrelser: forståelser og konsekvenser for praksis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Perspective Chapter: Myths of the Child Welfare Services – An Online Bogeyman for Muslim Families.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lehn, Elisabeth Walsøe;
Chahboun, Sobh;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Purity or perversion? from taboo to fact: kindergarten teachers’ reflections on age-normal sexuality.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Chahboun, Sobh;
Stenseng, Frode;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic literature review
Page, Alexander.
From Familial Pressure to Seeking One’s Fortune: Chinese International Students’ Search for Geographical and Social Mobility as a Response to Societal and Familial Pressures.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chahboun, Sobh;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Page, Alexander.
Extending the field of extended language: A literature review on figurative language processing in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Frontiers in Communication
Academic literature review
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Løhre, Audhild.
Introduksjon: Om ProfILU, antologien og nye utfordringer.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Kunnskapsformer og danningsidealer i lærerutdanningen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Language Relations on Shamian: A Study of Sales Aggression Triggered by Language in a Trilingual Community
Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune.
En syklisk vei til profesjonell
kunnskap: Praksisperiodens
påvirkning på kunnskapsproduksjon
i lærerutdanning.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Ethnic enclaves transcending space: Chinese international students’ social networks in a European University town.
Asian Ethnicity
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst.
International studies as global capital: a case study in how Chinese students utilize their sojourns for achieving global mobility.
Asian Anthropology
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Emerging empowerment of international students: how international student literature has shifted to include the students’ voices.
Higher Education
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chris, McManus;
González, Carmen P.;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Is Beauty in the Hand of the Writer? Influences of Aesthetic Preferences through Script Directions, Cultural, and Neurological Factors: A Literature Review.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic literature review
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Marko, Valenta.
Moorings and Disembeddedness: The Search for Modern Subjectivity and the Need for Belonging among Chinese International Students in Norway.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Johansen, Stein Erik;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Language Relations in Guangzhou. The Intimate and Official Dimension of Linguistic Codes in Urban China.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
The presentation and self-presentation of mosques in Norwegian mediascapes: construction of ‘the good ones’.
Culture and Religion
Academic article
Lehn, Elisabeth Walsøe;
Chahboun, Sobh;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Purity or perversion? from taboo to fact: kindergarten teachers’ reflections on age-normal sexuality.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Chahboun, Sobh;
Stenseng, Frode;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic literature review
Chahboun, Sobh;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Page, Alexander.
Extending the field of extended language: A literature review on figurative language processing in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Frontiers in Communication
Academic literature review
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Language Relations on Shamian: A Study of Sales Aggression Triggered by Language in a Trilingual Community
Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Ethnic enclaves transcending space: Chinese international students’ social networks in a European University town.
Asian Ethnicity
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst.
International studies as global capital: a case study in how Chinese students utilize their sojourns for achieving global mobility.
Asian Anthropology
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Emerging empowerment of international students: how international student literature has shifted to include the students’ voices.
Higher Education
Academic article
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chris, McManus;
González, Carmen P.;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Is Beauty in the Hand of the Writer? Influences of Aesthetic Preferences through Script Directions, Cultural, and Neurological Factors: A Literature Review.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic literature review
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
PÅ VEI MOT LÆRERYRKET: Studentaktiv læring via transformative prosesser.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Page, Alexander Gamst.
«Det handler om relasjonen til barna»: Relasjonsbygging som sentral målsetting og undervurdert aktivitet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Lindhardt, Celina;
Fredriksen, Katrine Lyngvær;
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Autismespekterforstyrrelser: forståelser og konsekvenser for praksis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Chahboun, Sobh.
Perspective Chapter: Myths of the Child Welfare Services – An Online Bogeyman for Muslim Families.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander.
From Familial Pressure to Seeking One’s Fortune: Chinese International Students’ Search for Geographical and Social Mobility as a Response to Societal and Familial Pressures.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Løhre, Audhild.
Introduksjon: Om ProfILU, antologien og nye utfordringer.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Kunnskapsformer og danningsidealer i lærerutdanningen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune.
En syklisk vei til profesjonell
kunnskap: Praksisperiodens
påvirkning på kunnskapsproduksjon
i lærerutdanning.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Page, Alexander Gamst;
Marko, Valenta.
Moorings and Disembeddedness: The Search for Modern Subjectivity and the Need for Belonging among Chinese International Students in Norway.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Johansen, Stein Erik;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
Language Relations in Guangzhou. The Intimate and Official Dimension of Linguistic Codes in Urban China.
Masters thesis
InterviewPage, Alexander Gamst. (2016) Kinesisk guts møter norsk hverdag. [Internet] 2016-08-08
InterviewPage, Alexander Gamst. (2016) Kinesisk guts møter norsk hverdag. [Internet] 2016-08-08