Øyvind Mikkelsen
Research Field:
Environmental and Analytical Chemistry
Our research endeavors delve into both fundamental and applied realms within the domain of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, with a particular focus on elucidating the intricate dynamics of water and soil chemistry. Employing cutting-edge multi-element analytical techniques, we conduct meticulous studies on trace elements in the environment, spanning local and regional scales. Our pursuits extend to the forefront of innovation, where we pioneer the development of state-of-the-art sensors for industrial surveillance and real-time monitoring.
Key areas of research engagement include:
Arctic Water and Soil Systems: Investigating the complex biogeochemical interactions within Arctic water and soil environments, shedding light on critical ecological processes.
Arctic Pollution Dynamics: Scrutinizing the sources, transportation patterns, and impact of pollutants in Arctic ecosystems, encompassing metals, metalloids, organic pollutants, and microplastics.
Water Management Solutions: Spearheading efforts in water recycling and reuse, with a focus on enhancing water quality within Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS).
Metal-Natural Organic Matter Interactions: Exploring the complex interplay between natural organic matter and metals in aquatic environments, unraveling their implications for ecosystem health.
Sediment Dynamics Studies: Investigating sediment dynamics in river mouth areas, elucidating their geological and biological significance.
Climate Change Impacts in Arctic region: Assessing the influence of climate change on water / soil chemistry dynamics, including the role of vegetation in shaping degradation products, natural organic matter levels, and trace metal mobility. Impact of thawing permafrost.
Sensor Development and Monitoring Systems: Pioneering the design and implementation of advanced sensor technologies for real-time detection of environmental toxins and nutrients in natural water bodies, coastal regions, marine environments, and industrial processes.
Analytical Techniques Advancement: Harnessing a diverse array of analytical methodologies such as Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), and voltammetry to unravel the intricate chemical fractionation and speciation of trace elements in natural waters.
Sensor Technology Advancements: Innovating nanoscaled sensors for environmental and industrial process monitoring, including the development of ion-selective electrodes based on solid-state and ISFET technology.
Electrochemical Surface Characterization: Employing electrochemical techniques to characterize alloys and metals, elucidating surface chemistry phenomena such as hydrogen gas formation, metal deposition, and adsorption processes.
Our commitment to excellence in research, coupled with our dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges, underscores our mission to advance knowledge and drive sustainable solutions for a better tomorrow. Join us in our quest to explore the frontiers of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry.
Methylmercury and Total Mercury in Arctic Permafrost
Studies of birds as vector for inorganic and organic contaminants In Arctic soil systems
Studies of Environmental Pollutants in wetland areas and water ponds on the Arctic tundra
Amey, Joséphine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Fate of trace elements and emerging environmental pollutants (benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles) from a glacier-fed river in the mixing zone of an Arctic fjord system.
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Academic article
Andersson Stavridis, Malin Maria Zoi;
Pollestad, Bjørg Marie;
Veiberg, Vebjørn;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
Toxic metals and other elements in Svalbard reindeer: Establishing baselines and assessing non-invasive sampling for biomonitoring.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros.
Molecular formula assignment of dissolved organic matter by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry using two non-targeted data processing approaches: A case study from recirculating aquaculture systems.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Andersson Stavridis, Malin Maria Zoi;
Røed, Susanne Brix;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
Tracing the footprints of Arctic pollution: Spatial variations in toxic and essential elements in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) faeces.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Sofie Olsen, Hauge.
Study of organic and inorganic pollutants in former industry areas in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, and potential effects on drinking water reservoir Tvillingvatnet.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Syvertsen, Mathilde Katrin.
Long-range transport of pollutants to arctic areas by seabirds.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Andersen, Tyra.
Undersøkelse av utvalgte tungmetaller, metalloider og organiske miljøgifter i arktisk snø.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Terjesen, Robin Nikolai.
Kartlegging og studie av metallavrenning til Gaula, Holtålen kommune. Påvirkning fra Killingdal gruve med sulfidholdig bergmateriale.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Sigurdsen, Pål Ivar.
Studie av vannkjemi i akvakultur som basis for studier om skinnhelse hos laks.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Araya, Piquè Valentina;
Stavridis, Malin Andersson.
Sources and Levels of Mercury in Terrestrial and Fresh Water
Resources Related to Feeding Areas for Reindeer at Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Johnson, Sara Elizabeth.
Cryoconite Holes as Potential Tools for Environmental Monitoring in the Arctic. A Study of the Accumulation
of Atmospherically Deposited Inorganic and Organic Pollutants in Cryoconite Holes from Three Glaciers in Ny-Ålesund.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Horn, Cornelia.
Hvilken effekt har gruveavrenningen fra Nordgruvefeltet på vannkvaliteten i Glomma?.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Perander, Margrethe Follesø.
Local pollution sources in Ny-Ålesund. Follow-up study of booster impact area in Brøggerdalen, and new study of leaching pollutants from Kolhaugen.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Amey, Josèphine Nathalie;
Asimakopoulus, Alexandros;
Breedveld, Gijs D..
The Fate of Trace Elements and Emerging Environmental Pollutants (Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles)
from Glacier-fed Rivers in Mixing Zone of Arctic Fjord System.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Magister thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Kvamme, Sunniva.
Levels of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), trace elements, and steroid hormones in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from Lake Diesetvatnet, Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Braaten, Pauline Verula.
Study of snow, supraglacial debris and particulate matter released from the glacier systems of Austre Brøggerbreen and Vestre Brøggerbreen at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Zhang, Xiaoxue.
The development of antifouling materials with potential application on sensors.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Granerud, Selma Tofte;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyse glycol ether and pesticide metabolites in Norwegian children and their potential determinants.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Messinger, Anna Nicola;
Breedvald, Gijsbert.
Deposition Patterns of PAHs, PCBs, and Selected Elements in Snow on Glaciers - Covering a Latitudinal Gradient from Southern Norway (60.54°N) to Svalbard (78.87°N).
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Husebø, Hege Bergesen.
Comparison of Long-Range Atmospheric Transported Pollutants in Snow and Moss Samples from Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Vylegzhanina, Natalia.
Studies of long-range transported pollutants in proglacial lakes/ponds in Ny-Ålesund area.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nilsen, Jostein Zakariassen.
Evaluation of chloride and sodium ion selective electrodes (ISEs) for use in biological regenerative life support systems.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Zherebker, Alexander;
Rubekina, Anna;
Shirshin, Evgeny;
Simonsen, Mads;
Kolarevic, Jelena.
Impact of ozone treatment on dissolved organic matter in land-based recirculating aquaculture systems studied by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Deciphering the Composition of Fulvic Acids from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems by Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Walmsley, Thomas.
Studies of environmental footprint in Brøggerdalen after rocket launching in Ny-Ålesund.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Aas, Wenche;
Gallet, Jean-Charles;
Halse, Anne Karine;
Hermansen, Ove;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Pedersen, Christina Alsvik.
Effects of rocket launches in Ny-Ålesund, 2018 - 2019. Observations of snow and air samples.
NILU rapport (7/2021)
Vike-Jonas, Kristine;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Kallenborn, Roland.
Investigation of the occurrence and fate of naturally found organic chemicals and organic micropollutants in wildlife and the marine environment.
NTNU Grafisk Senter
Doctoral dissertation
Zhang, Xiaoxue;
Årstøl, Erland;
Nymark, Marianne;
Fages-Lartaud, Maxime René;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
The Development of Polydimethysiloxane/ZnO–GO Antifouling Coatings.
Journal of cluster science
Academic article
Zhang, Xiaoxue;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanocomposites as Antifouling Coating on Sensor Housing Materials.
Journal of cluster science
Academic article
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig;
Davey, Nicholas G.;
Bell, Ryan J.;
Krogh, Erik T.;
Gill, Chris G.;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A field portable membrane introduction mass spectrometer with in-line standard infusion and sample heat exchanger for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds in aqueous samples.
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Academic article
Navada, Sharada ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Gaumet, Frederic;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Spanu, Claudia;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Biofilms remember: Osmotic stress priming as a microbial management strategy for improving salinity acclimation in nitrifying biofilms.
Water Research
Academic article
Navada, Sharada ;
Sebastianpillai, Marianna;
Kolarevic, Jelena;
Fossmark, Ragnhild Olsen;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Gaumet, Frederic.
A salty start: Brackish water start-up as a microbial management strategy for nitrifying bioreactors with variable salinity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Venzi, Marco Skibnes;
Venkatraman, Vishwesh;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Chemical assessment of marine sediments in vicinity of Norwegian fish farms – A pilot study.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Ingierd, Helene;
Aarli, Ragna;
Staksrud, Elisabeth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Dyb, Grete;
Anfinset, Nils.
Hvor ble det av forskningsetikken?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Issa, Semona;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Einum, Sigurd;
Jaspers, Veerle.
Biofilms grown in aquatic microcosms affect mercury and selenium accumulation in Daphnia.
Academic article
Jakobsen, Øyvind Mejdell;
Schiefloe, Mona;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Paille, Christel;
Kittang, Ann-Iren.
Real-time monitoring of chemical water quality in closed-loop hydroponics.
Acta Horticulturae
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Simonsen, Mads;
Borrero Santiago, Ana Rocío;
Sanchís, Josep;
Meriac, Andre.
Characterizing changes of dissolved organic matter composition with the use of distinct feeds in recirculating aquaculture systems via high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis;
Ingierd, Helene;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Føre var-prinsippet og naturkatastrofer.
Reader opinion piece
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Navada, Sharada;
Bye, Gisle Roel;
Mota, Vasco C.;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Effect of CO2 on elemental concentrations in recirculating aquaculture system tanks.
Academic article
Eelavendan, Gayathiri;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Validering av luftspredningsberegninger NO2- gass fra spredningsmodellen CadnaA Option APL.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Solheim, Synne Standal;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Arp, Hans Peter.
Characterisation and Studies of Microplastics in Marine Environments.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hansen, Caroline Berge;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
In Situ Assessment of a Novel Underwater pCO2 Sensor Based on
NDIR Spectrometry Enclosed in a Semipermeable Membrane for Use in Aquaculture
Evaluation of Four Biofouling Protection
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Kleber, Gabrielle Emma;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Gallet, Jean-Charles.
Spatial Variability of Black Carbon Deposited on Snow in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: Impact of Anthropogenic Activities.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Huber, Carolin Elisabeth;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Steinnes, Eiliv;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace elements and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in terrestrial compartments of Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Bye, Torstein;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Reinardy, Helena.
Capture Mechanisms of Mercury in Arctic Snow.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wu, Shuang;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat.
Soil-water influences on trace elements and organic matter in Arctic.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Navada, Sharada;
Vadstein, Olav;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Verstege, Gerhardus C.;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Mota, Vasco C..
Influence of rate of salinity increase on nitrifying biofilms.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Moe, Borghild;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace elements in Arctic river water during seasonal transitions.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hassel, Marte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Assesment of sediment pollution in the harbour of Nausthylla cottage area, Haldorhamn in Bjugn.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Grindedal, Kamilla Janson;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat.
Water quality in closed-containment aquaculture systems (CCS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolt - Non-target screening of organic substances using UPLC-MS/MS.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Søiland, Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Analysis of Ammonium and Nitrate with Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and a Test of Ag - TiO2 Nanotube Composite Material as Antifouling Sensor Protection.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Fossøy, Aurora;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Evaluation of Røynevannet as a possible source of drinking water for Grimstad municipality.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Venzi, Marco Skibnes;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Schmid, Rudolf.
Preliminary Non-Targeted Screening of Organic Compounds linked with Elemental Analysis of Marine Sediments near Salmon Farms.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Skuggevik, Ole;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Moseid, Mari.
Development of a sampler system for pollutants in contaminated marine sediments
Design of a sampler component and development of sampling routine in the marine sediments of Trondheim harbour
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Farnes, Ingeborg;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Meland, Sondre;
Kronvall, Kjersti Wike.
Series of studies to investigate different methods for rinsing runoff water from roads
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Karlsen, Thor André;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nøst, Terje;
Meyn, Thomas.
Tungmetaller i bekken Søra i Trondheim kommune.
Masters thesis
Bye, Gisle Roel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Mota, Vasco C..
Physio-chemical effects of different CO2 level in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolt. - With focus on heavy metals.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hansen, Sondre Kværne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Leaching of surfactants as a function of oil droplet size and surfactant properties. An approach using mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Sundal, Emil Solheim;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Coelho, Liz Helena Froes.
Study of sensor technology and water quality in greenhouse production using nutrient recycling.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Huber, Carolin Elisabeth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Study of Long Range Transported Pollutants in Arctic Soil.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Østerholt, Agnes Klodvik;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Undersøkelse av grunnstoffinnholdet i husstøv samlet i støvsugerposer fra husholdning.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Nesvik Tøndel, Marte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Flaten, Trond Peder.
Determination of PCBs in sedimented house dust by accelerated liquid extraction (ASE) and GC/MS.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Chen, Zhiru;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Study of bottom sediments in the Kobberdammen Trondheim
Impact of climate on organic matter and metals.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Halbach, Katharina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Berg, Torunn;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
The presence of mercury and other trace metals in surface soils in the Norwegian Arctic.
Academic article
Johanssen, Tony Helmersen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Mapping and Study of Possible Chemical Contamination from Military Material Found in Dumping Site in the Trondheimsfjord.
Masters thesis
Kvalsvik, Iver Lande;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Meland, Sondre.
Utvikling av prosedyre for bruk av passive prøvetakere i regnbed.
Masters thesis
Hammer, Hilde Alida;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Salomonsen, Silje Naper.
Mapping and study of contamination in sediment and water column in the area used for snow dumping in the Trondheimsfjord.
Masters thesis
Haugen, Ingrid Naterstad;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Langtidsmålinger av fysisk-kjemiske parametre i Orkla og tilstøtende elver
Masters thesis
Halbach, Katharina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Study of mercury and selected trace elements in soil in the Norwegian Arctic, Svalbard.
Masters thesis
Superville, Pierre-Jean;
Prygiel, Emilie Prygiel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, Gabriel.
Dynamic behaviour of trace metals in the Deûle River impacted by recurrent polluted sediment resuspensions: From diel to seasonal evolutions.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Iftekhar, Shafia;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace Elements And Their Interactions With Natural Organic Matter In Water.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (43)
Doctoral dissertation
Fauskanger, Tine Olsen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Uttesting av metodikk og optimering av ny type sensor for dårlig ånde basert på sulfidfelling.
Masters thesis
Dunnebier, Dorien Anna Engelbertha;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Experimental and modeling study of subsea releases of oil and gas.
Masters thesis
Kveli, Sigrid Myhr;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Berg, Torunn.
Studie av totalt organisk materiale, kvikksølv og andre sporelementer i sedimenter/elveavsetninger i Bayelva og andre elver i Ny Ålesund (Svalbard).
Masters thesis
Slenes, Mari Moen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Flaten, Trond Peder.
Kjemisk kartlegging av utvalgte vannforekomster på Hitra, Sør-Trøndelag.
Masters thesis
Kvitrud, Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Undersøkelse av utfordringer knyttet til bruk av flomsedimenter som prøvemedium i geokjemisk kartlegging.
Masters thesis
Walleraunet, Trude;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Studier av prøvetakingsmetodikk og analyser ved miljøkarakterisering av forurensede masser.
Masters thesis
Kirkemo, Solvor Motland;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging og studie av forurensing fra avrenningsvann fra snødeponier i Trondheim til lokale bekker.
Masters thesis
Holden, Mia Cathrine Hellandsjø;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Development of a Voltammetric Procedure for Monitoring of Nickel and Cobalt in Waste Water From Metallurgical Industry.
Masters thesis
Hosking, Tone;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Utvikling av passiv prøvetakingsteknologi for miljøovervåkning av metaller i det urbane vannsystemet.
Masters thesis
Vike, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Oil spill forensics.
Masters thesis
Leal, Liliana Candian Schindler;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Environmental Studies of Marine Sediments and Seawater in the Trondheim Fjord, Norway.
Institutt for Kjemi, NTNU
Roset, Marianne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Mapping of environmental conditions in the area Tiller landfill in Trondheim with respect to heavy metals, and assessment of water quality in streams draining to river Nidelva .
Institutt for Kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Gjendemsjø, Eirin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Environmental Survey of sand for icy roads from different geographical locations in Trondheim, and leaching studies of heavy metals associated with reuse.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Jenssen, Ida Helena;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studies of river mouths and estuaries areas in larger rivers in the Trondheim Fjord, Orkla, Gaula and Nidelva .
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ekeland, Mari Helen P..
Studies of river mouths and estuaries areas in larger rivers in the Trondheim Fjord, Steinkjerelva, Verdalselva and Stjørdalselva.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Tveit Vestbøstad, Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Investigation of contamination in soil in areas used for Midsummer bonfire.
Masters thesis
Børset, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Uttesting av stabiliteten til DGT-prøvetakere for metallbestemmelse.
Masters thesis
Grøndal, Stine Skimmeland;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging av metallforurensing i sedimenter utenfor Ilsvika/Fagervika. Laboratorieforsøk for utlekking av metaller gjennom tildekkingsmaterialer.
Masters thesis
Gjesteland, Ingrid;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Study of Water Quality of Recirculated Water in Aquaponic Systems. Study of speciation of selected metals and characterization of the properties of natural organic matter.
Masters thesis
Karlsen, Silje Sæther;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Effekter av metaller i laksesmolt. Hovedsakelig jern og kobber.
Masters thesis
Næss, Isabel Stubberud;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Anleggsvirksomhet og påvirkning på bekkesystemer. En undersøkelse av metallavrenning og speciering i områder rundt nye E6 Oslo-Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Ophaug, Camilla;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studies of speciation and short-time variations for iron, copper and zinc in river Raubekken .
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Masters thesis
Klungvik, Elina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Survey and study of metals and natural dissolved organic matter in the river Moelva, Birkenes/Lillesand and Stordalsbekken, Lillesand
Influences from local sources of pyrite containing mineral sources and deposits.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Isaksen, Marte Eik.
Monitoring and evaluation of the environmental status of water bodies in oil sand areas in Leismer (Alberta, Canada). Development and testing of a new type of passive sampler for metals in natural waters.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Børset, Beate.
Studie av metaller i sedimentprofiler i området indre Trondheimsfjord.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Andersen, Marthe Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av naturlig organisk materiale (NOM) og utvalgte metaller i naturlig vann - Case-studie av bekker i nedslagsfeltene til Jonsvatnet, Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Bechmann, Pernille;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging og overvåking av tungmetaller i oljesandområder.
Masters thesis
Borkenhagen, Marius;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Metallfordelingen i elveossedimenter fra elver med utløp i Trondheimsfjorden.
Masters thesis
Nauste, Kristian Bunkholt;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Arktiske elver på Svalbard: Konsentrasjon og korrelasjon av metaller.
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Lars Størseth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av korrelasjoner og sesongvariasjoner av metaller og oppløst organisk karbon i vassdrag.
Masters thesis
Eskeland, Maren;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A study of elements and their possible mobilization in Athabasca SAGD crude oil and sediments from an aquifer used as drinking water supply in northeastern Alberta, Canada.
Masters thesis
Haakseth, Anne-Britt;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A baseline study of vegetation as absorbents for heavy metals near an oil sand extraction facility.
Masters thesis
Sundeng, Katrine Helen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
"Bottom up Ocean Acidification". The impact of CO2 Seepage from Sub-Seabed Storage Sites on the Mobility and Transformation of Cerium, Lanthanum, Lead, Aluminium, Chromium, Arsenic and Uranium in Water and the Water-Sediment Interphase.
Masters thesis
Slinde, Gøril Aasen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
"Bottom up Ocean Acidification". The impact of CO2 Seepage from Sub-Seabed Storage Sites on the Mobility and Transformation of Iron, Manganese and Cobalt in Water and the Water-Sediment Interphase.
Masters thesis
Lourino-Cabana, Beatriz;
Billon, Gabriel;
Magnier, A;
Prygiel, E;
Baeyens, W;
Prygiel, J.
Evidence of highly dynamic geochemical behaviour of zinc in the Deule river (northern France).
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Academic article
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz;
Iftekhar, Shafia;
Billon, Gabriel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad.
Automatic trace metal monitoring station use for early warning and short term events in polluted rivers: application to streams loaded by mining tailing.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schmid, Rudolf;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Biomonitorering av benzen.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunske, Kristina.
Automatic monitoring systems for trace metals in natural and waste water - Nafion coated solid metal electrodes for sensitivity enhancement and stability improvement.
Doctoral dissertation
Ludovic, Lesven;
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz;
Billon, Gabriel;
Recourt, Philippe;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
On metal diagenesis in contaminated sediments of the Deûle river (northern France).
Applied Geochemistry
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Billon, Gabriel;
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz.
Trace metal behaviour in aquatic systems contaminated by mining and metallurgical industries.
USTL UFR de Chimie / NTNU Institutt for kjemi
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Superville, Pierre-Jean.
Study of the diel and seasonal variations of the metal pollution in the Leirelva River, Norway.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Haug, Siri.
Bruk av DGT og voltammetri for varsling av forhøyede konsentrasjoner av sulfid som indikator på korrosjonsfremmende miljø.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Egede-Nissen, Cecilie.
Utvikling av en ny type elektrokjemisk DGT-enhet for overvåkning av spormetaller i kystvann ved bruk av, og kvalitetssikring med, komplementerende målinger.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Belsaas, Kristin.
Bruk av DGT og HR-ICP-MS for studier av metallers døgn- og sesongvariasjoner i vassdrag.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Hovde, Gunnhild.
Studie av fysikalsk-kjemiske parametre i elvevann. Kvalitetssikring av miljødata.
Masters thesis
Sveinhaug, Krister;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av voltammetrisk respons for analyse av spormetaller under påvirkning av mekanisk fremdrevet vibrasjon.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Strasunske, Kristina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, Gabriel.
Nafion Coated Silver Amalgam Electrode for Determination of Trace Metals by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry.
Academic article
Cabana, Beatriz Louriño;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Billon, Gabriel.
Trace metal behaviour in aquatic systems contaminated by minig and metallurgical industries´.
L'Université Lille 1 Science et Technologies Ecole Docorale Sciences de la Matière, du Rayonnement et de l'Environment UFR de Chimie
Doctoral dissertation
Lesven, L;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, G.
Determination of Manganese in Natural Media by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Using a Rotating Solid Silver Amalgam Electrode.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Development and properties of nontoxic solid electrodes for environmental surveillance. Application in automatic on site determination of metals in natural water and industrial solutions.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (11)
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Jean-Nicolas, Paul.
Use of Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry to detect toxic metals in liquid samples.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Solveigson Sæth, Erlend.
Bruk av ICP-MS på filtrerte og ufiltrerte prøver og test av DGT for studier av metallers mobilitet i myr og våtmark med avrenning til vassdrag.
Institutt for kijemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Siegesmund, Øyvind Torbjørnsen.
Development and electrochemical characterization of ultra-micro sensors using nanotechnology.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Solid alloy electrodes in stripping voltammetry.
Current Analytical Chemistry
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Electrochemical properties and range of application of mixed gold bismuth electrodes.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ausin Reguera, Maider.
Impact of NOM on trace metal speciation. Studies of copper levels and complexing capacity in river water using combination of different analytical techniques.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Corcóstegui Ruiz-Carrillo, Cecilia.
Impact of NOM on trace metal speciation. Quantification of trace metals including mercury in rivers in catchment areas correlated against quantity of NOM and type of vegetation.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Neerland, Elisabeth.
Utvikling av analytisk metode for automatiske målinger av viktige spormetaller i kystvann.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Hermann, Solveig.
Utvikling av automatisk målesystem for sink, kadmium og kvikksølv i avløpsvann fra forbrenningsanlegg.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Kjøglum, Kristin Tyldum.
Sensor development for environmental and industrial process monitoring. Development of solid state electrodes for surveillance of scale components in produced water from oil production.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Åkre, Torjus;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Utvikling og uttesting av automatisert målesystem for Beinlim i kobberelektrolytt.
Masters thesis
Tronstad, Ingvild;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Bestemmelse av tungmetaller i elvevann ved bruk av ICP-MS og DGT analyser. Sammenligning mot nyutviklet metode for automatisert tungmetall analyse for bruk i felt.
Masters thesis
Drange, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Specieringstudier av aktuelle spormetaller, i vann og sedimenter i brakkvannsone - utvikling av analysemetodikk.
Masters thesis
Østebrød, Tonje Birgitte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Utvikling av metode for forutsigelse av jordskjelvaktivitet ved hjelp av automatisk overvåking av tungmetallkonsentrasjon i grunnvann.
Masters thesis
Hannisdal, Atle;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Analysis of nicotine in antismoking pharmaceutical products by differential pulse polarography and voltammetry.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Østebrød, Tonje Birgitte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Strasunskiene, Kristina.
Kontinuerlig overvåking av tungmetaller i grunnvann: Kan varsle jordskjelvaktivitet.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Johnsen, Camilla Constance;
Rydningen, Marion.
Automatic Voltammetric System for Continuous Trace Metal Monitoring in Various Environmental Samples.
Academic article
Hannisdal, Atle;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Analysis of nicotine in antismoking pharmaceutical products by differential pulse polarography and voltammetry.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Johnsen, Camilla Constance.
Utvikling av automatisk målesystem for tungmetall- og spormetallanalyser i forurenset elvevann. Uttesting i Leirelva, Trondheim.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Rydningen, Marion.
Kontinuerlig overvåkning av tungmetaller i avløpsvann.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Rydningen, Marion.
Continuous monitoring of trace metals in wastewater effluents using voltammetric system.
IWA Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Garnier, C;
Lesven, L;
Billon, G;
Magnier, A;
Pižeta, I.
Voltammetric procedure for trace metal analysis in polluted natural waters using homemade bare gold-disk microelectrodes.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, G;
Garnier, C;
Lesven, L;
Barthe, JF.
Electrochemical properties of silver-copper alloy microelectrodes for use in voltammetric field apparatus.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Van den Berg, Constant M. G..
Determination of labile iron at low nmol L-1 levels in estuarine and coastal waters by anodic stripping voltammetry.
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Electrochemical Properties and Application of Mixed Silver-Bismuth Electrodes.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Continouos heavy metal monitoring system for application in river and seawater.
Academic article
Ramstad, Astrid Lund;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Structural characterisation of copper-containing manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (Cu-OMS-2) materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Voltammetric Monitoring of Bivalent Iron in Waters and Effluents, using a Dental Amalgam Sensor Electrode. Some Preliminary Results.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Kontinuerlig tungmetallovervåking i Raubekken, Løkken Verk.
Academic article
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Hormonal control of the yolk precursor vitellogenin regulates immune function and longevity in honeybees.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nordhei, Camilla;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Detection of Zinc and Lead in Wine by Potentiometric Stripping on Novel Dental Amalgam Electrodes.
Analytical Letters
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
SPECIERING - et viktig, men oversett begrep i regelverket om forurensninger.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Findalen, Lillian Terese;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Utvikling av ikke-toksiske voltammetriske sensorer for sporbestemmelse av tungmetaller til bruk i prosess- og miljøovervåking. Studier av faststoff amalgamsensorer med høyt overpotensial for hydrogen.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Botten, Gaute;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Determination of photoreductive iron (II) in seawater by voltammetry and ferrozine techniques with the presence of various marine organic matter. An evaluation of a new method.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Amdam, Gro Vang;
Simoes, Zila L.P;
Hagen, Arne;
Norberg, Kari;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Hormonal control of the yolk precursor vitellogenin regulates immune function and longevity in honeybees.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Gjerde, Magne Ivar;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Aarhaug, Thor Anders.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Amalgam Electrodes for Electroanalysis.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Utvikling av ikke-toksiske voltammetriske sensorer for sporbestemmelser av tungmetaller til bruk i prosess- og miljøovervåkning. Studier av sølv/vismut-sensorer med høyt overpotensial for hydrogen.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
New Directions in Chemical Trace Analysis for Online and Automatic Monitoring. Voltammetry Using Novel Non-toxic Solid Electrodes, with Sensitivity Enhancement Using Low Frequency Sound.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Doctoral dissertation
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
VOLTAMMETRI Nye muligheter for miljøovervåking og utslippskontroll.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Voltammetry using a Dental Amalgam Electrode for Heavy Metal Monitoring of Wines and Spirits.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nordhei, Camilla.
Økning av følsomhet i voltammetri. Innvirkning av roterende elektroders geometri på bestemmelsen av tungmetaller på spornivå.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
An Oscillating and Renewing Silver Electrode for Cadmium and Lead Detection in Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Aarhaug, Thor Anders.
Dental Amalgam, an Alternative Electrode Material for Voltammetric Analyses of Pollutants.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
VOLTAMMETRI - fra nær utfasing til et nytt satsingsområde.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Eftedal Høgstedt, Trude.
Utprøving av voltammetriske sølvelektroder til bruk i online målinger av tungmetaller.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Sensitivity Enhancements in Stripping Voltammetry from Exposure to Low Frequency Sound.
Academic article
Amey, Joséphine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Fate of trace elements and emerging environmental pollutants (benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles) from a glacier-fed river in the mixing zone of an Arctic fjord system.
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Academic article
Andersson Stavridis, Malin Maria Zoi;
Pollestad, Bjørg Marie;
Veiberg, Vebjørn;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
Toxic metals and other elements in Svalbard reindeer: Establishing baselines and assessing non-invasive sampling for biomonitoring.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros.
Molecular formula assignment of dissolved organic matter by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry using two non-targeted data processing approaches: A case study from recirculating aquaculture systems.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Andersson Stavridis, Malin Maria Zoi;
Røed, Susanne Brix;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
Tracing the footprints of Arctic pollution: Spatial variations in toxic and essential elements in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) faeces.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Zherebker, Alexander;
Rubekina, Anna;
Shirshin, Evgeny;
Simonsen, Mads;
Kolarevic, Jelena.
Impact of ozone treatment on dissolved organic matter in land-based recirculating aquaculture systems studied by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Deciphering the Composition of Fulvic Acids from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems by Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.
Academic article
Zhang, Xiaoxue;
Årstøl, Erland;
Nymark, Marianne;
Fages-Lartaud, Maxime René;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
The Development of Polydimethysiloxane/ZnO–GO Antifouling Coatings.
Journal of cluster science
Academic article
Zhang, Xiaoxue;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanocomposites as Antifouling Coating on Sensor Housing Materials.
Journal of cluster science
Academic article
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig;
Davey, Nicholas G.;
Bell, Ryan J.;
Krogh, Erik T.;
Gill, Chris G.;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A field portable membrane introduction mass spectrometer with in-line standard infusion and sample heat exchanger for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds in aqueous samples.
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Academic article
Navada, Sharada ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Gaumet, Frederic;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Spanu, Claudia;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Biofilms remember: Osmotic stress priming as a microbial management strategy for improving salinity acclimation in nitrifying biofilms.
Water Research
Academic article
Navada, Sharada ;
Sebastianpillai, Marianna;
Kolarevic, Jelena;
Fossmark, Ragnhild Olsen;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Gaumet, Frederic.
A salty start: Brackish water start-up as a microbial management strategy for nitrifying bioreactors with variable salinity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Venzi, Marco Skibnes;
Venkatraman, Vishwesh;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Chemical assessment of marine sediments in vicinity of Norwegian fish farms – A pilot study.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Ingierd, Helene;
Aarli, Ragna;
Staksrud, Elisabeth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Dyb, Grete;
Anfinset, Nils.
Hvor ble det av forskningsetikken?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Issa, Semona;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Einum, Sigurd;
Jaspers, Veerle.
Biofilms grown in aquatic microcosms affect mercury and selenium accumulation in Daphnia.
Academic article
Jakobsen, Øyvind Mejdell;
Schiefloe, Mona;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Paille, Christel;
Kittang, Ann-Iren.
Real-time monitoring of chemical water quality in closed-loop hydroponics.
Acta Horticulturae
Academic article
Aguilar Alarcon, Patricia Amparo;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Simonsen, Mads;
Borrero Santiago, Ana Rocío;
Sanchís, Josep;
Meriac, Andre.
Characterizing changes of dissolved organic matter composition with the use of distinct feeds in recirculating aquaculture systems via high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis;
Ingierd, Helene;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Føre var-prinsippet og naturkatastrofer.
Reader opinion piece
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Navada, Sharada;
Bye, Gisle Roel;
Mota, Vasco C.;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Effect of CO2 on elemental concentrations in recirculating aquaculture system tanks.
Academic article
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Huber, Carolin Elisabeth;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Steinnes, Eiliv;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace elements and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in terrestrial compartments of Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Navada, Sharada;
Vadstein, Olav;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Verstege, Gerhardus C.;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Mota, Vasco C..
Influence of rate of salinity increase on nitrifying biofilms.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Halbach, Katharina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Berg, Torunn;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
The presence of mercury and other trace metals in surface soils in the Norwegian Arctic.
Academic article
Superville, Pierre-Jean;
Prygiel, Emilie Prygiel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, Gabriel.
Dynamic behaviour of trace metals in the Deûle River impacted by recurrent polluted sediment resuspensions: From diel to seasonal evolutions.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Lourino-Cabana, Beatriz;
Billon, Gabriel;
Magnier, A;
Prygiel, E;
Baeyens, W;
Prygiel, J.
Evidence of highly dynamic geochemical behaviour of zinc in the Deule river (northern France).
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Academic article
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz;
Iftekhar, Shafia;
Billon, Gabriel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad.
Automatic trace metal monitoring station use for early warning and short term events in polluted rivers: application to streams loaded by mining tailing.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Academic article
Ludovic, Lesven;
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz;
Billon, Gabriel;
Recourt, Philippe;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
On metal diagenesis in contaminated sediments of the Deûle river (northern France).
Applied Geochemistry
Academic article
Strasunske, Kristina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, Gabriel.
Nafion Coated Silver Amalgam Electrode for Determination of Trace Metals by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry.
Academic article
Lesven, L;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, G.
Determination of Manganese in Natural Media by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Using a Rotating Solid Silver Amalgam Electrode.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Solid alloy electrodes in stripping voltammetry.
Current Analytical Chemistry
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Electrochemical properties and range of application of mixed gold bismuth electrodes.
Academic article
Hannisdal, Atle;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Analysis of nicotine in antismoking pharmaceutical products by differential pulse polarography and voltammetry.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Østebrød, Tonje Birgitte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Strasunskiene, Kristina.
Kontinuerlig overvåking av tungmetaller i grunnvann: Kan varsle jordskjelvaktivitet.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Johnsen, Camilla Constance;
Rydningen, Marion.
Automatic Voltammetric System for Continuous Trace Metal Monitoring in Various Environmental Samples.
Academic article
Hannisdal, Atle;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Analysis of nicotine in antismoking pharmaceutical products by differential pulse polarography and voltammetry.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Garnier, C;
Lesven, L;
Billon, G;
Magnier, A;
Pižeta, I.
Voltammetric procedure for trace metal analysis in polluted natural waters using homemade bare gold-disk microelectrodes.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Billon, G;
Garnier, C;
Lesven, L;
Barthe, JF.
Electrochemical properties of silver-copper alloy microelectrodes for use in voltammetric field apparatus.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Van den Berg, Constant M. G..
Determination of labile iron at low nmol L-1 levels in estuarine and coastal waters by anodic stripping voltammetry.
Academic article
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Electrochemical Properties and Application of Mixed Silver-Bismuth Electrodes.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Continouos heavy metal monitoring system for application in river and seawater.
Academic article
Ramstad, Astrid Lund;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Structural characterisation of copper-containing manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (Cu-OMS-2) materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Voltammetric Monitoring of Bivalent Iron in Waters and Effluents, using a Dental Amalgam Sensor Electrode. Some Preliminary Results.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Kontinuerlig tungmetallovervåking i Raubekken, Løkken Verk.
Academic article
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Hormonal control of the yolk precursor vitellogenin regulates immune function and longevity in honeybees.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nordhei, Camilla;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Detection of Zinc and Lead in Wine by Potentiometric Stripping on Novel Dental Amalgam Electrodes.
Analytical Letters
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
SPECIERING - et viktig, men oversett begrep i regelverket om forurensninger.
Academic article
Amdam, Gro Vang;
Simoes, Zila L.P;
Hagen, Arne;
Norberg, Kari;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Hormonal control of the yolk precursor vitellogenin regulates immune function and longevity in honeybees.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Gjerde, Magne Ivar;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Aarhaug, Thor Anders.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Amalgam Electrodes for Electroanalysis.
Academic article
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
VOLTAMMETRI Nye muligheter for miljøovervåking og utslippskontroll.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Voltammetry using a Dental Amalgam Electrode for Heavy Metal Monitoring of Wines and Spirits.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
An Oscillating and Renewing Silver Electrode for Cadmium and Lead Detection in Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry.
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Aarhaug, Thor Anders.
Dental Amalgam, an Alternative Electrode Material for Voltammetric Analyses of Pollutants.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
VOLTAMMETRI - fra nær utfasing til et nytt satsingsområde.
Academic article
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Sensitivity Enhancements in Stripping Voltammetry from Exposure to Low Frequency Sound.
Academic article
Del av bok/rapport
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Amey, Josèphine Nathalie;
Asimakopoulus, Alexandros;
Breedveld, Gijs D..
The Fate of Trace Elements and Emerging Environmental Pollutants (Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles)
from Glacier-fed Rivers in Mixing Zone of Arctic Fjord System.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Magister thesis
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Rydningen, Marion.
Continuous monitoring of trace metals in wastewater effluents using voltammetric system.
IWA Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Sofie Olsen, Hauge.
Study of organic and inorganic pollutants in former industry areas in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, and potential effects on drinking water reservoir Tvillingvatnet.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Syvertsen, Mathilde Katrin.
Long-range transport of pollutants to arctic areas by seabirds.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Andersen, Tyra.
Undersøkelse av utvalgte tungmetaller, metalloider og organiske miljøgifter i arktisk snø.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Terjesen, Robin Nikolai.
Kartlegging og studie av metallavrenning til Gaula, Holtålen kommune. Påvirkning fra Killingdal gruve med sulfidholdig bergmateriale.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Sigurdsen, Pål Ivar.
Studie av vannkjemi i akvakultur som basis for studier om skinnhelse hos laks.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Araya, Piquè Valentina;
Stavridis, Malin Andersson.
Sources and Levels of Mercury in Terrestrial and Fresh Water
Resources Related to Feeding Areas for Reindeer at Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Johnson, Sara Elizabeth.
Cryoconite Holes as Potential Tools for Environmental Monitoring in the Arctic. A Study of the Accumulation
of Atmospherically Deposited Inorganic and Organic Pollutants in Cryoconite Holes from Three Glaciers in Ny-Ålesund.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Horn, Cornelia.
Hvilken effekt har gruveavrenningen fra Nordgruvefeltet på vannkvaliteten i Glomma?.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Perander, Margrethe Follesø.
Local pollution sources in Ny-Ålesund. Follow-up study of booster impact area in Brøggerdalen, and new study of leaching pollutants from Kolhaugen.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Kvamme, Sunniva.
Levels of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), trace elements, and steroid hormones in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from Lake Diesetvatnet, Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Braaten, Pauline Verula.
Study of snow, supraglacial debris and particulate matter released from the glacier systems of Austre Brøggerbreen and Vestre Brøggerbreen at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Zhang, Xiaoxue.
The development of antifouling materials with potential application on sensors.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Granerud, Selma Tofte;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyse glycol ether and pesticide metabolites in Norwegian children and their potential determinants.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Messinger, Anna Nicola;
Breedvald, Gijsbert.
Deposition Patterns of PAHs, PCBs, and Selected Elements in Snow on Glaciers - Covering a Latitudinal Gradient from Southern Norway (60.54°N) to Svalbard (78.87°N).
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Husebø, Hege Bergesen.
Comparison of Long-Range Atmospheric Transported Pollutants in Snow and Moss Samples from Svalbard.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Vylegzhanina, Natalia.
Studies of long-range transported pollutants in proglacial lakes/ponds in Ny-Ålesund area.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nilsen, Jostein Zakariassen.
Evaluation of chloride and sodium ion selective electrodes (ISEs) for use in biological regenerative life support systems.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Walmsley, Thomas.
Studies of environmental footprint in Brøggerdalen after rocket launching in Ny-Ålesund.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Aas, Wenche;
Gallet, Jean-Charles;
Halse, Anne Karine;
Hermansen, Ove;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Pedersen, Christina Alsvik.
Effects of rocket launches in Ny-Ålesund, 2018 - 2019. Observations of snow and air samples.
NILU rapport (7/2021)
Vike-Jonas, Kristine;
Asimakopoulos, Alexandros;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Kallenborn, Roland.
Investigation of the occurrence and fate of naturally found organic chemicals and organic micropollutants in wildlife and the marine environment.
NTNU Grafisk Senter
Doctoral dissertation
Eelavendan, Gayathiri;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Validering av luftspredningsberegninger NO2- gass fra spredningsmodellen CadnaA Option APL.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Solheim, Synne Standal;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Arp, Hans Peter.
Characterisation and Studies of Microplastics in Marine Environments.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hansen, Caroline Berge;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
In Situ Assessment of a Novel Underwater pCO2 Sensor Based on
NDIR Spectrometry Enclosed in a Semipermeable Membrane for Use in Aquaculture
Evaluation of Four Biofouling Protection
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Kleber, Gabrielle Emma;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Gallet, Jean-Charles.
Spatial Variability of Black Carbon Deposited on Snow in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: Impact of Anthropogenic Activities.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Bye, Torstein;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Reinardy, Helena.
Capture Mechanisms of Mercury in Arctic Snow.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wu, Shuang;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat.
Soil-water influences on trace elements and organic matter in Arctic.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Moe, Borghild;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace elements in Arctic river water during seasonal transitions.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hassel, Marte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Assesment of sediment pollution in the harbour of Nausthylla cottage area, Haldorhamn in Bjugn.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Grindedal, Kamilla Janson;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat.
Water quality in closed-containment aquaculture systems (CCS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolt - Non-target screening of organic substances using UPLC-MS/MS.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Søiland, Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Analysis of Ammonium and Nitrate with Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and a Test of Ag - TiO2 Nanotube Composite Material as Antifouling Sensor Protection.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Fossøy, Aurora;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Evaluation of Røynevannet as a possible source of drinking water for Grimstad municipality.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Venzi, Marco Skibnes;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Aslam, Shazia Nusrat;
Schmid, Rudolf.
Preliminary Non-Targeted Screening of Organic Compounds linked with Elemental Analysis of Marine Sediments near Salmon Farms.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Skuggevik, Ole;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Moseid, Mari.
Development of a sampler system for pollutants in contaminated marine sediments
Design of a sampler component and development of sampling routine in the marine sediments of Trondheim harbour
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Farnes, Ingeborg;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Meland, Sondre;
Kronvall, Kjersti Wike.
Series of studies to investigate different methods for rinsing runoff water from roads
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Karlsen, Thor André;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nøst, Terje;
Meyn, Thomas.
Tungmetaller i bekken Søra i Trondheim kommune.
Masters thesis
Bye, Gisle Roel;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Mota, Vasco C..
Physio-chemical effects of different CO2 level in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolt. - With focus on heavy metals.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Hansen, Sondre Kværne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Leaching of surfactants as a function of oil droplet size and surfactant properties. An approach using mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Sundal, Emil Solheim;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Coelho, Liz Helena Froes.
Study of sensor technology and water quality in greenhouse production using nutrient recycling.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Huber, Carolin Elisabeth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Study of Long Range Transported Pollutants in Arctic Soil.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Østerholt, Agnes Klodvik;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Undersøkelse av grunnstoffinnholdet i husstøv samlet i støvsugerposer fra husholdning.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Nesvik Tøndel, Marte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Flaten, Trond Peder.
Determination of PCBs in sedimented house dust by accelerated liquid extraction (ASE) and GC/MS.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Chen, Zhiru;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Study of bottom sediments in the Kobberdammen Trondheim
Impact of climate on organic matter and metals.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Johanssen, Tony Helmersen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Mapping and Study of Possible Chemical Contamination from Military Material Found in Dumping Site in the Trondheimsfjord.
Masters thesis
Kvalsvik, Iver Lande;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Meland, Sondre.
Utvikling av prosedyre for bruk av passive prøvetakere i regnbed.
Masters thesis
Hammer, Hilde Alida;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Salomonsen, Silje Naper.
Mapping and study of contamination in sediment and water column in the area used for snow dumping in the Trondheimsfjord.
Masters thesis
Haugen, Ingrid Naterstad;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Langtidsmålinger av fysisk-kjemiske parametre i Orkla og tilstøtende elver
Masters thesis
Halbach, Katharina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Study of mercury and selected trace elements in soil in the Norwegian Arctic, Svalbard.
Masters thesis
Iftekhar, Shafia;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Flaten, Trond Peder;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Trace Elements And Their Interactions With Natural Organic Matter In Water.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (43)
Doctoral dissertation
Fauskanger, Tine Olsen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Uttesting av metodikk og optimering av ny type sensor for dårlig ånde basert på sulfidfelling.
Masters thesis
Dunnebier, Dorien Anna Engelbertha;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Experimental and modeling study of subsea releases of oil and gas.
Masters thesis
Kveli, Sigrid Myhr;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Berg, Torunn.
Studie av totalt organisk materiale, kvikksølv og andre sporelementer i sedimenter/elveavsetninger i Bayelva og andre elver i Ny Ålesund (Svalbard).
Masters thesis
Slenes, Mari Moen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Flaten, Trond Peder.
Kjemisk kartlegging av utvalgte vannforekomster på Hitra, Sør-Trøndelag.
Masters thesis
Kvitrud, Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Undersøkelse av utfordringer knyttet til bruk av flomsedimenter som prøvemedium i geokjemisk kartlegging.
Masters thesis
Walleraunet, Trude;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Studier av prøvetakingsmetodikk og analyser ved miljøkarakterisering av forurensede masser.
Masters thesis
Kirkemo, Solvor Motland;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging og studie av forurensing fra avrenningsvann fra snødeponier i Trondheim til lokale bekker.
Masters thesis
Holden, Mia Cathrine Hellandsjø;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Development of a Voltammetric Procedure for Monitoring of Nickel and Cobalt in Waste Water From Metallurgical Industry.
Masters thesis
Hosking, Tone;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Utvikling av passiv prøvetakingsteknologi for miljøovervåkning av metaller i det urbane vannsystemet.
Masters thesis
Vike, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Oil spill forensics.
Masters thesis
Leal, Liliana Candian Schindler;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Environmental Studies of Marine Sediments and Seawater in the Trondheim Fjord, Norway.
Institutt for Kjemi, NTNU
Roset, Marianne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Mapping of environmental conditions in the area Tiller landfill in Trondheim with respect to heavy metals, and assessment of water quality in streams draining to river Nidelva .
Institutt for Kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Gjendemsjø, Eirin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Environmental Survey of sand for icy roads from different geographical locations in Trondheim, and leaching studies of heavy metals associated with reuse.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Jenssen, Ida Helena;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studies of river mouths and estuaries areas in larger rivers in the Trondheim Fjord, Orkla, Gaula and Nidelva .
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ekeland, Mari Helen P..
Studies of river mouths and estuaries areas in larger rivers in the Trondheim Fjord, Steinkjerelva, Verdalselva and Stjørdalselva.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Tveit Vestbøstad, Marie;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Investigation of contamination in soil in areas used for Midsummer bonfire.
Masters thesis
Børset, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Uttesting av stabiliteten til DGT-prøvetakere for metallbestemmelse.
Masters thesis
Grøndal, Stine Skimmeland;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging av metallforurensing i sedimenter utenfor Ilsvika/Fagervika. Laboratorieforsøk for utlekking av metaller gjennom tildekkingsmaterialer.
Masters thesis
Gjesteland, Ingrid;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Study of Water Quality of Recirculated Water in Aquaponic Systems. Study of speciation of selected metals and characterization of the properties of natural organic matter.
Masters thesis
Karlsen, Silje Sæther;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Effekter av metaller i laksesmolt. Hovedsakelig jern og kobber.
Masters thesis
Næss, Isabel Stubberud;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Anleggsvirksomhet og påvirkning på bekkesystemer. En undersøkelse av metallavrenning og speciering i områder rundt nye E6 Oslo-Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Ophaug, Camilla;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studies of speciation and short-time variations for iron, copper and zinc in river Raubekken .
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Masters thesis
Klungvik, Elina;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Survey and study of metals and natural dissolved organic matter in the river Moelva, Birkenes/Lillesand and Stordalsbekken, Lillesand
Influences from local sources of pyrite containing mineral sources and deposits.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Isaksen, Marte Eik.
Monitoring and evaluation of the environmental status of water bodies in oil sand areas in Leismer (Alberta, Canada). Development and testing of a new type of passive sampler for metals in natural waters.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Børset, Beate.
Studie av metaller i sedimentprofiler i området indre Trondheimsfjord.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Andersen, Marthe Kristin;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av naturlig organisk materiale (NOM) og utvalgte metaller i naturlig vann - Case-studie av bekker i nedslagsfeltene til Jonsvatnet, Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Bechmann, Pernille;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Kartlegging og overvåking av tungmetaller i oljesandområder.
Masters thesis
Borkenhagen, Marius;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Metallfordelingen i elveossedimenter fra elver med utløp i Trondheimsfjorden.
Masters thesis
Nauste, Kristian Bunkholt;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Arktiske elver på Svalbard: Konsentrasjon og korrelasjon av metaller.
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Lars Størseth;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av korrelasjoner og sesongvariasjoner av metaller og oppløst organisk karbon i vassdrag.
Masters thesis
Eskeland, Maren;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A study of elements and their possible mobilization in Athabasca SAGD crude oil and sediments from an aquifer used as drinking water supply in northeastern Alberta, Canada.
Masters thesis
Haakseth, Anne-Britt;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
A baseline study of vegetation as absorbents for heavy metals near an oil sand extraction facility.
Masters thesis
Sundeng, Katrine Helen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
"Bottom up Ocean Acidification". The impact of CO2 Seepage from Sub-Seabed Storage Sites on the Mobility and Transformation of Cerium, Lanthanum, Lead, Aluminium, Chromium, Arsenic and Uranium in Water and the Water-Sediment Interphase.
Masters thesis
Slinde, Gøril Aasen;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
"Bottom up Ocean Acidification". The impact of CO2 Seepage from Sub-Seabed Storage Sites on the Mobility and Transformation of Iron, Manganese and Cobalt in Water and the Water-Sediment Interphase.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schmid, Rudolf;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Biomonitorering av benzen.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunske, Kristina.
Automatic monitoring systems for trace metals in natural and waste water - Nafion coated solid metal electrodes for sensitivity enhancement and stability improvement.
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Billon, Gabriel;
Louriño Cabana, Beatriz.
Trace metal behaviour in aquatic systems contaminated by mining and metallurgical industries.
USTL UFR de Chimie / NTNU Institutt for kjemi
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Superville, Pierre-Jean.
Study of the diel and seasonal variations of the metal pollution in the Leirelva River, Norway.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Haug, Siri.
Bruk av DGT og voltammetri for varsling av forhøyede konsentrasjoner av sulfid som indikator på korrosjonsfremmende miljø.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Egede-Nissen, Cecilie.
Utvikling av en ny type elektrokjemisk DGT-enhet for overvåkning av spormetaller i kystvann ved bruk av, og kvalitetssikring med, komplementerende målinger.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Belsaas, Kristin.
Bruk av DGT og HR-ICP-MS for studier av metallers døgn- og sesongvariasjoner i vassdrag.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Hovde, Gunnhild.
Studie av fysikalsk-kjemiske parametre i elvevann. Kvalitetssikring av miljødata.
Masters thesis
Sveinhaug, Krister;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
Studie av voltammetrisk respons for analyse av spormetaller under påvirkning av mekanisk fremdrevet vibrasjon.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Cabana, Beatriz Louriño;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ouddane, Baghdad;
Billon, Gabriel.
Trace metal behaviour in aquatic systems contaminated by minig and metallurgical industries´.
L'Université Lille 1 Science et Technologies Ecole Docorale Sciences de la Matière, du Rayonnement et de l'Environment UFR de Chimie
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Development and properties of nontoxic solid electrodes for environmental surveillance. Application in automatic on site determination of metals in natural water and industrial solutions.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (11)
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Jean-Nicolas, Paul.
Use of Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry to detect toxic metals in liquid samples.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Solveigson Sæth, Erlend.
Bruk av ICP-MS på filtrerte og ufiltrerte prøver og test av DGT for studier av metallers mobilitet i myr og våtmark med avrenning til vassdrag.
Institutt for kijemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Siegesmund, Øyvind Torbjørnsen.
Development and electrochemical characterization of ultra-micro sensors using nanotechnology.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Ausin Reguera, Maider.
Impact of NOM on trace metal speciation. Studies of copper levels and complexing capacity in river water using combination of different analytical techniques.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Corcóstegui Ruiz-Carrillo, Cecilia.
Impact of NOM on trace metal speciation. Quantification of trace metals including mercury in rivers in catchment areas correlated against quantity of NOM and type of vegetation.
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Neerland, Elisabeth.
Utvikling av analytisk metode for automatiske målinger av viktige spormetaller i kystvann.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie;
Hermann, Solveig.
Utvikling av automatisk målesystem for sink, kadmium og kvikksølv i avløpsvann fra forbrenningsanlegg.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Strasunskiene, Kristina;
Kjøglum, Kristin Tyldum.
Sensor development for environmental and industrial process monitoring. Development of solid state electrodes for surveillance of scale components in produced water from oil production.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Åkre, Torjus;
Martinsen, Morten Rønnevig.
Utvikling og uttesting av automatisert målesystem for Beinlim i kobberelektrolytt.
Masters thesis
Tronstad, Ingvild;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Bestemmelse av tungmetaller i elvevann ved bruk av ICP-MS og DGT analyser. Sammenligning mot nyutviklet metode for automatisert tungmetall analyse for bruk i felt.
Masters thesis
Drange, Kristine;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Specieringstudier av aktuelle spormetaller, i vann og sedimenter i brakkvannsone - utvikling av analysemetodikk.
Masters thesis
Østebrød, Tonje Birgitte;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Utvikling av metode for forutsigelse av jordskjelvaktivitet ved hjelp av automatisk overvåking av tungmetallkonsentrasjon i grunnvann.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Johnsen, Camilla Constance.
Utvikling av automatisk målesystem for tungmetall- og spormetallanalyser i forurenset elvevann. Uttesting i Leirelva, Trondheim.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Rydningen, Marion.
Kontinuerlig overvåkning av tungmetaller i avløpsvann.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Findalen, Lillian Terese;
Schrøder, Knut Henning.
Utvikling av ikke-toksiske voltammetriske sensorer for sporbestemmelse av tungmetaller til bruk i prosess- og miljøovervåking. Studier av faststoff amalgamsensorer med høyt overpotensial for hydrogen.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Schrøder, Knut Henning;
Botten, Gaute;
Steinnes, Eiliv.
Determination of photoreductive iron (II) in seawater by voltammetry and ferrozine techniques with the presence of various marine organic matter. An evaluation of a new method.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Skogvold, Silje Marie.
Utvikling av ikke-toksiske voltammetriske sensorer for sporbestemmelser av tungmetaller til bruk i prosess- og miljøovervåkning. Studier av sølv/vismut-sensorer med høyt overpotensial for hydrogen.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind.
New Directions in Chemical Trace Analysis for Online and Automatic Monitoring. Voltammetry Using Novel Non-toxic Solid Electrodes, with Sensitivity Enhancement Using Low Frequency Sound.
NTNU, Institutt for kjemi
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Nordhei, Camilla.
Økning av følsomhet i voltammetri. Innvirkning av roterende elektroders geometri på bestemmelsen av tungmetaller på spornivå.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Eftedal Høgstedt, Trude.
Utprøving av voltammetriske sølvelektroder til bruk i online målinger av tungmetaller.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
- KJ3050 - Marine Organic Environmental Chemistry
- KJ3910 - Master Thesis in Environmental Chemistry
- TKJ4540 - Analytical Chemistry, Specialization Project
- KJ2900 - Bachelor project in Chemistry
- KJ3920 - Master Thesis in Marine Coastal Development
- RFEL3070 - Scientific Seminars in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- BIENV3900 - Master Thesis in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- KJ2072 - Environmental Chemistry
- KJ2050 - Analytical Chemistry, Basic Course
- KJ3073 - Analytical Environmental Chemistry
PosterIlinskaya, Alisa; Bakke, Snorre; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2022) Effekt av antibegroingsmiddel på nivåer av kobber i vann og begroingsorganismer . Norges forskningsråd og FHF Havbruk 2022 , Bergen 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21
Academic lectureNavada, Sharada ; Vadstein, Olav; Tveten, Ann-Kristin; Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn; Mota, Vasco C.; Gaumet, Frederic. (2019) Influence of rate of salinity increase on nitrifying biofilms . 8th IWA Microbial Ecology & Water Engineering Specialist Conference (MEWE) , Hiroshima 2019-11-17 - 2019-11-20
PosterNavada, Sharada ; Vadstein, Olav; Gaumet, Frederic; Tveten, Ann-Kristin; Spanu, Claudia; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2019) Improving salinity adaptation of nitrifying biofilms with seawater priming . 8th IWA Microbial Ecology & Water Engineering Specialist Conference (MEWE) , Hiroshima 2019-11-17 - 2019-11-20
Academic lectureNavada, Sharada ; Gaumet, Frederic; Vadstein, Olav; Spanu, Claudia; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Kolarevic, Jelena. (2019) Improving salinity adaptation in nitrifying bioreactors by seawater priming. European Aquaculture Society AE2019 , Berlin 2019-10-08 - 2019-10-10
Academic lectureNavada, Sharada ; Sebastianpillai, Marianna; Gaumet, Frederic; Vadstein, Olav; Fossmark, Ragnhild Olsen; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2019) Salinity change strategies for biofilters in RAS for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). NordicRAS , Berlin 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-08
Academic lectureJakobsen, Øyvind Mejdell; Schiefloe, Mona; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Paille, Christel; Kittang, Ann-Iren. (2019) Real-time monitoring of chemical water quality in closed-loop hydroponics. International Society for Horticultural Science Greensys 2019 , Angers 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-20
DocumentaryIngjerd, Helene; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Tørresen, Jim. (2019) Hva vil vi bruke kunstig intelligens til?. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2019-12-21
Academic lectureNavada, Sharada; Verstege, Gerhardus C.; Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Gaumet, Frederic; Mota, Vasco C.. (2018) Biofilter salinity change strategies for Atlantic salmon post-smolt production in RAS. World Aquaculture Society, European Aquaculture Society AQUA 2018 , Montpellier 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29
LectureBerg, Torunn; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Hald, Sara; Damhaug, Marit; Steinnes, Eiliv. (2015) Hg and dissolved organic material in rivers at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) , Jeju, Republic of Korea 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Hald, Sara; Damhaug, Marit; Halbach, Katharina; Berg, Torunn; Steinnes, Eiliv. (2015) Study and baseline mapping of mercury and natural organic matter in soil and riverwater in Ny-Ålesund. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) , Jeju, Republic of Korea 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19
LectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) NENT’s vurdering og konklusjoner om petroleumsforskning ved Norske universiteter. Horisontkomiteen ved Universitetet i Bergen Horisontdebatten 2014 - Er petroleumsforskning uetisk? , Bergen 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-08
Programme participationMikkelsen, Øyvind; Ingierd, Helene. (2014) Universiteter må ta ansvar. Dagens Nærinvgsliv Dagens Nærinvgsliv [Newspaper] 2014-06-19
Programme participationMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) Petroleumsforskning og etikk: Hvor går universitetene nå?. Litteraturhuset Litteraturhuset [Internet] 2014-10-23
Programme participationMikkelsen, Øyvind; Nydal, Rune; Ingierd, Helene. (2014) Hvem tar ansvar?. Dagens Nærlingsliv Dagens Nærlingsliv [Newspaper] 2014-06-27
Academic lectureBillon, Gabriel; Superville, Pierre-Jean; Prygiel, Jean; Pižeta, Ivanka; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) What can bring high frequency monitoring for the understanding of trace metals behaviour in aquatic systems?. RCA og IAEAC TraceSpec , Aberdeen, U.K. 2014-08-31 - 2014-09-04
InterviewMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) AKADEMIA-AVTALEN Skal vurdere om oljesponsing av forskning er etisk forsvarlig. http://www.tu.no/karriere/2014/02/12/skal-vurdere-om-oljespo http://www.tu.no/karriere/2014/02/12/skal-vurdere-om-oljespo [Journal] 2014-02-12
InterviewMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) Må legge oljeforskning på vekta. http://www.forskerforum.no/wip4/maa-legge-oljeforskning-paa- http://www.forskerforum.no/wip4/maa-legge-oljeforskning-paa- [Internet] 2014-06-18
InterviewMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2014) Oljeforskning: - Omstilling kreves. http://www.universitetsavisa.no/politikk/article40425.ece http://www.universitetsavisa.no/politikk/article40425.ece [Newspaper] 2014-06-18
Academic lectureBillon, Gabriel; Superville, Pierre-Jean; Ivanovsky, A; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Pižeta, Ivanka; Prygiel, Jean. (2014) High frequency measurements for understanding the dynamic behaviour of trace metal concentrations in aquatic systems. Rovaltain Scientific Foundation 1st scientific meeting of the ROVALTAIN Foundation , Alixan 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-09
Academic lectureWolff , Silje Aase; Kittang, Ann-Iren; Mehli, Lisbeth; Karoliussen, Irene; Hess-Erga, Ole-Kristian; Schiefloe, Mona. (2013) New knowledge and Technologies for Closed Cycle Hydroponics. ISHS GroSci 2013 , Leiden 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-21
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2013) Foredrag om naturmiljøkjemis forskning ved IKJ/NTNU. NTNU / prorektor for nyskaping Politikerbesøk ved NTNU , NTNU 2013-05-31 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureBell, Ryan J.; Davey, Nicholas G.; Martinsen, Morten; Short, Timothy; Collin-Hansen, Christian; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2012) Real time visualization of spatially and temporally resolved data from an in-field, mobile membrane introduction mass spectrometer. American Society for Mass Spectrometry 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics , Vancouver 2012-05-20 - 2012-05-24
PosterMartinsen, Morten; Davey, Nicholas G.; Collin-Hansen, Christian; Melby, Alf G.; Krogh, Erik T.; Gill, Christopher G.. (2012) The Use of Multivariate Analysis as a Fingerprinting Tool for Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (MIMS) Data from Crude Hydrocarbon Samples. American Society for Mass Spectrometry 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics , Vancouver 2012-05-20 - 2012-05-24
Academic lectureSæther, Ola Magne; Macalady, Donald; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Killingtveit, Ånund; Iftekhar, Shafia. (2011) Implications of climate-induced increases in NOM in sub-Alpine regions. Norwegian Geological Survey Vinterkonferansen 2011 , Stavanger 2011-01-11 - 2011-01-13
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2011) Banana Rules! Stands på Researchers' Night. NTNU Researchers' Night 2011 , Realfagbygget, Trondheim 2011-09-23 - 2011-09-23
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2011) "Kjemi i godteposen" Barneuniversitetet. Trondheim Folkebibliotek og NTNU Forskningsdagene , Trondheim 2011-09-24 - 2011-09-24
PosterDavey, Nicholas G.; Martinsen, Morten; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schmid, Rudolf; Collin-Hansen, Christian; Krogh, Erik T.. (2011) A Rugged, Portable Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometer (MIMS-MS/MS) for In-Field, On-Line Contaminant Monitoring in the Alberta Oil Sands. American Society for Mass Spectrometry 59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics , Denver, CO 2011-06-05 - 2011-06-09
PosterMartinsen, Morten; Trefjord, Terese; Davey, Nicholas G.; Collin-Hansen, Christian; Krogh, Erik T.; Gill, Cristopher G.. (2011) Investigations of the Application of Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (MIMS-MS) for the Environmental Analysis of Crude Oil Contamination in Water. American Society for Mass Spectrometry 59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics , Denver, CO 2011-06-05 - 2011-06-09
PosterMartinsen, Morten; Trefjord, Terese; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schmid, Rudolf; Davey, Nicholas; Krogh, Erik T.. (2011) Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry, MIMS, a method for monitoring VOCs in the environment 'in the environment'. Norsk Selskap for Massespektrometri 14th Norwegian Winter Meeting in Mass Spectrometry , Hafjell/Øyer 2011-01-23 - 2011-01-26
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2010) ”Deo-sjokk” Stands på Researchers' Night. NTNU Researchers' Night , Gløshaugen, Realfagbygget 2010-09-24 -
Academic lectureIftekhar, Shafia; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Berg, Torunn; Flaten, Trond Peder; Sæther, Ola M.; Macalady, D.L.. (2010) NOM foams as indicators of trace metal transport in NOM rich streams. ACS 239th conference of ACS, , San Francisco 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-26
Academic lectureDavey, Nicholas G.; Martinsen, Morten; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schmid, Rudolf; Collin-Hansen, Christian; Krogh, Erik T.. (2010) The development of a rugged, field-portable membrane introduction tandem mass spectrometer (MIMS-MS/MS) and its use as an on-line monitor for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in the Alberta oil sands. Canadian Society for Chemistry Pacifichem 2010 , Honolulu 2010-12-15 - 2010-12-20
PosterMagnier, A; Lourino-Cabana, Beatriz; Prygiel, E; Arold, M; Artigas, L F; Baeyens, W. (2010) High biogeochemical and biological monitoring in a polluted water system, the Deûle canal (Northern France). University of Science and Technology, Lille1 Watmed , Lille 2010-05-26 - 2010-05-28
Academic lectureLouriño Cabana, Beatriz; Gabriel, Billon; Fischer, Jean Claude; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2009) ATMS (Automatic Trace Metal System) for early warning and short term event in polluted rivers. European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences 12th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment ICCE 2009 , Stockholm 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-17
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2009) Miljøovervåkning. NTNU Researchers' Night , Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2009-09-25 - 2009-09-25
Popular scientific lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind. (2009) Miljøkjemikeren. UKA UKA-09 , Gløshuagen, Trondheim 2009-10-11 - 2009-10-11
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2008) Remote and Unattended Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Waters. Requirements for such Monitoring and how this can be done automatically. Conference, Exhibition and Workshops on Water, Wastewater & Conference, Exhibition and Workshops on Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring (WWEM) 5-6 November 2008, Telford, UK. , Telford 2008-11-06 -
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2008) Unattended Monitoring of Heavy Metals. New Methods making this Possible with the SensAqua ATMS500 Equipment. University of Seoul, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Seoul, South-Korea. , Seoul 2008-10-07 -
Academic lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Østebrød, Tonje Birgitte; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Strasunskiene, Kristina; Claesson, Lillemor. (2008) CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF HEAVY METALS IN GROUNDWATER AS A TOOL FOR THE DETECTION AND VERIFICATION OF EARTHQUAKES. ESEAC 2008 , Praha 2008-06-15 - 2008-06-19
Academic lectureLudovic, Lesven; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Billon, Gabriel; Ficher, Jean-Claude. (2008) MANGANESE DETECTION IN RIVER WATER BY ANODIC STRIPPING VOLTAMETRY USING ROTATING HG-AG AMALGAM ELECTRODE. ESEAC 2008 , Praha 2008-06-15 - 2008-06-19
Academic lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Ramstad, Astrid Lund. (2008) A PRELIMINARY STRUCTURAL STUDY OF SURFACE SEGREGATION ON AgBi MIXED ELECTRODES. ESEAC 2008 , Praha 2008-06-15 - 2008-06-19
PosterLouriño Cabana, Beatriz; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Billon, G. (2008) Continuous monitoring of zinc, iron and copper in polluted river water, speciation analyses. 12 th International Conference on Electroanalysis , Prague 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19
PosterStrasunskiene, Kristina; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Billon, G. (2008) Nafion film coated silver amalgam electrode for determination of trace metals in presence of surface active compounds. 12 th International Conference on Electroanalysis , Prague 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19
Popular scientific lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2008) Unattended Monitoring of Heavy Metals. New Equipment with Methods making this Possible. Conference about Business Opportunities for the Water Sector Conference about Business Opportunities for the Water Sector for Northern England, Harrogate, UK. , Harrogate 2008-01-17 -
Popular scientific lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Lykknes, Annette; Kvittingen, Lise. (2008) e-. NTNU Researcher's night , Gløshaugen, NTNU 2008-09-26 - 2008-09-26
PosterStrasunskiene, Kristina; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2008) Long time monitoring of zinc and iron in waste water by use of an automatic trace metal system. 12 th International Conference on Electroanalysis , Prague 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2007) New Methods for Automatic and Unattended Monitoring of Heavy Metals. Chemical Society of Japan Meeting Chemical Society of Japan , Osaka 2007-03-23 -
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2007) Zdalny monitoring jakości wody – systemy wczesnego ostrzegania REMOTE MONITORING OF WATER QUALITY, - EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS - Analyzer for automatic measurement of heavy metals. POLEKO 2007 International Ecological Fair POLEKO 2007 , Poznan 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-23
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2007) Automatic and Unattended Monitoring of Pollutants in Aquatic Systems. This focused on Heavy Metals in Lakes and Rivers. Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute Meeting at Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute, Japan , Lake Biwa 2007-03-15 -
PosterLouriño Cabana, Beatriz; Lesven, Ludovic; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Strasunskiene, Kristina; Billon, Gabriel; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2007) Continuous monitoring of zinc, iron and copper in Raubekken Løkken Verk. Meldal kommune Gruveforurensning , Løkken 2007-06-19 - 2007-06-19
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) Remote and unattended monitoring of heavy metals in water and effluents. A new method with new possibilities. University of Graz, Department of Chemistry Gjesteforelesning , Graz 2006-10-23 - 2006-10-23
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) Automatic and Remotely Controlled Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Waters. New methods and new equipment are now available. Norwegian Energy & Environment Consortium NEEC meeting, Beijing, China June 6-7, 2006 , Beijing 2006-06-06 - 2006-06-07
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) The challenge of controlling heavy metal concentrations in natural waters by remote controlled systems. Pennsylvania State University, USA Gjesteforelesning , State College, Pa 2006-04-21 - 2006-04-21
Academic lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind; Lesven, L; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Billon, G; Garnier, C; Johnsen, Camilla Constance. (2006) Speciation studies of iron in a river water system entering brackish and estuarine water zone. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) REMOTE AND AUTOMATIC MONITORING OF HEAVY METALS IN NATURAL WATER AND EFFLUENTS. Kasetsart University, College of Environment Gjesteforelesning , Bangkok 2006-02-23 - 2006-02-23
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) Surveillance of the level of heavy metal pollution in the Bangkok river system. Present status and the future plans. Department of Drainage and Sewerage Gjesteforelesning , Bangkok Metropolitan Administration 2006-02-24 - 2006-02-24
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) Remote Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Water and Effluents. A challenge when involving long term stability and the exclusive use of non-toxic reagents. WWEB WWEM 2006 (Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring) , Telford 2006-11-01 - 2006-11-02
PosterSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Billon, G; Garnier, C; Lesven, L; Barthe, JF. (2006) Electrochemical properties of silver-copper alloy microelectrodes for use in voltammetric field apparatus. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
PosterLesven, L; Garnier, C; Billon, G; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Pižeta, I. (2006) Development of gold-disk microelectrodes for trace metals voltammetric analysis in natural waters. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Schrøder, Knut Henning; van den Berg, Constant M.G. (2006) Determination of Zinc in Seawater by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
PosterRydningen, Marion; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Strasunskiene, Kristina; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2006) Continuous Heavy Metal Monitoring in Wastewater. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
PosterJohnsen, Camilla Constance; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2006) Zinc and iron speciation in polluted river courses. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
PosterSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Søndergaard, Jens; Lesven, L; Billon, G. (2006) Study of electrochemical properties of gold-bismuth electrodes. Applications in voltammetric detection of sub nM copper, lead and mercury in natural waters. European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry ESEAC 2006, 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis , University Bordeaux 1 2006-06-11 - 2006-06-15
Academic lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2004) Electrochemical Characterization of Dental Amalgam Electrodes in Voltammetry. ESEAC 2004 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis. , Galway 2004-06-06 - 2004-06-10
Academic lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2004) Electrochemical Characterization of Au-Bi and Ag-Bi Electrodes in Voltammetry. ESEAC 2004 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis. , Galway 2004-06-06 - 2004-06-10
Academic lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2004) Determination of Reactive Iron at Sub-nM Levels in Seawater by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. ESEAC 2004 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis. , Galway 2004-06-06 - 2004-06-10
Academic lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2004) Continuous and On-line Remote Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Ocean and River Waters. ESEAC 2004 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis. , Galway 2004-06-06 - 2004-06-10
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Skogvold, Silje Marie. (2003) On-line and Remote Monitoring of Heavy Metal Pollutants. VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field.VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field. , Coruña, Spain. 2003-10-24 -
Academic lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2003) Electrochemical Properties and Range of Application of Silver-bismuth Alloy Electrodes. Detection of Zinc, Cadmium and. Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS) International Workshop. , Bialowieza, Poland. 2003-11-16 -
Academic lectureMikkelsen, Øyvind; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2003) Determination of Silver and Copper at Low ppb and sub-ppb Concentration Ranges in Mixture in Natural Water by Using Ano. Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS) International Workshop. , Bialowieza, Poland. 2003-11-16 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Skogvold, Silje Marie. (2003) Solid Amalgam Electrodes and Alloy Electrodes for Electroanalysis. Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS) International Workshop. , Bialowieza, Poland. 2003-11-16 -
Academic lectureSkogvold, Silje Marie; Gjerde, Magne Ivar; Schrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind; Aarhaug, Thor Anders. (2002) Online Monitoring of Heavy Metals Impurities in Process Water and Wastewater in Metallurgical Nickel Industry by use of Voltammetry. 12th Euroanalysis, September 2002, Dortmund, Germany , Dortmund, Germany 2002-09-13 -
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (2002) Voltammetric Monitoring of the Content of Iron in Waters and Effluents, Using a Dental Amalgam Sensor Electrode. 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis European Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry, Kraków, Poland, June 2002 , Kraków, Poland 2002-06-13 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Nordhei, Camilla; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2002) SENSITIVITY IMPROVEMENTS IN ANALYTICAL VOLTAMMETRY. INFLUENCE OF THE GEOMETRY OF THE ELECTRODE AT FORCED CONVECTION, IN THE DETERMINATION OF METALS AT TRACE LEVELS. 9th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors. Boston USA, July 2002. , Boston USA 2002-07-10 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Skogvold, Silje Marie; Findalen, Lillian T.; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2002) Solid alloy electrodes in voltammetric analysis. A study of the hydrogen overvoltage with different composition of the alloy. 9th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors. Boston USA, July 2002. , Boston USA 2002-07-10 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2001) Dental Amalgam as a "Green" Voltammetric Sensor for On-Line Pollution Monitoring. Sensitivity Enhancement using Audible Sound. Electrochemistry and Interfacial Chemistry in Environmental Clean-Up and Green Chemical Processes. , Coimbra, Portugal 2001-04-08 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2001) Voltammetric Online and in situ Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Metallurgical and Mining Industry, using Dental Amalgam and other Environmentally Friendly Materials as Electrodes. Environmental and Health Aspects of Mining, Refining and Related Industries. , Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa. 2001-07-18 -
PosterMikkelsen, Øyvind; Schrøder, Knut Henning. (2001) Voltammetry, using a Dental Amalgam Sensor Electrode, with and without Medium Exchange, for Heavy Metal Monitoring of Wines and Spirits. In Vino Analytica Scientia 2001. , Bordeaux, France. 2001-06-16 -
Academic lectureSchrøder, Knut Henning; Mikkelsen, Øyvind. (1999) Modulation in Voltammetry with Audible Sound - Not only an Effective way to Increase the Sensitivity, but also a way to skip the Stirring during Deposition. , University of Newcastle, Australia, 2. August 1999.