Marianne Hedlund
In 2004, I received my Doctorate in Philosophy from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University in Sweden. Prior to that, I was a research fellow at the Center for Disability Research, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University from 1992-1998. I moved back to Norway in 2000 and worked for several years as an applied researcher at the research institution Nord Trøndelagsforskning (now TFU/SINTEF).
For many years, I was associated with the health education programs at the former Nord-Trøndelag University College (now Nord University). I have been the editor-in-chief of the international open-access journal via Taylor & Francis (Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion). I am currently one of the section editors for medical sociology at Frontiers. I have an extensive international research network and utilise an interdisciplinary approach to research in the fields of disability, health, and particularly global health. I have researched various issues related to health and welfare and marginalized groups. I participate in different national and international commission evaluations and have been an external board member at Mid Sweden University, as well as leading external evaluations of study programs at foreign universities.
Svartaas, Elvira;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Betydningen av samspill mellom barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelse i barnehagen.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Zhao, Yan;
Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug.
Empowering Agency: Enhancing Health Literacy Among Migrant Women Through Health Parties: A Case Study.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Tjulin, Åsa;
Nordenmark, Mikael;
Vinberg, Stig.
Making things work-In spite of a pandemic small scale enterprise managers' approach to business changes and health issues.
Academic article
Brenne, Bodil Aarmo;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari.
Nurses' professional discretion in the purchaser-provider split in home care in Norway.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Bye, Lisa;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A case study on students with disabilities.
Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research
Academic article
Brenne, Bodil Aarmo;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari.
Exploring home-based care nurses’ mindset for nursing practices: a phenomenological study.
BMC Nursing
Academic article
Tjulin, Åsa;
Vinberg, Stig;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Nordenmark, Mikael.
The disappointment of financial support measures during the COVID-19 pandemic among small business managers’ in Sweden.
SN Business & Economics
Academic article
Hansson, Josefine;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Vinberg, Stig;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Tjulin, Åsa.
Small business managers and Covid-19--The role of a sense of coherence and general resistance resources in coping with stressors.
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari;
Moe, Aud.
God helse : kunnskap for framtidens kommunehelsetjeneste.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari;
Moe, Aud.
God helse – Kunnskap for
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moe, Aud;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Brataas, Hildfrid V..
Søkelys på
En tenkning og praksis av betydning
for medvirkende eldre?.
Hedlund, Marianne.
The fight to be steadfast: Bolivian disability activists .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordenmark, Mikael;
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne.
The role of self-help groups in promoting self-confidence and hope for the future among people on sick leave in Norway: The importance of educational level.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Kendall, Elizabeth.
Practicing in a person-centred environment – self-help groups in psycho-social rehabilitation.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Zhao, Yan;
Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Exploring participation and interaction in a bottom-up health promotion program for migrant women in Norway .
Qualitative Health Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Tritter, Jonathan.
The disciplining of self-help: Doing self-help the Norwegian way.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Haugan, Paula Sofie;
Berge, Maria Charlotte;
Breiseth, Vegard;
Sund, Erik;
Hedlund, Marianne.
“Does training in Motivational Interviewing affect the ability to build working
alliance? – an intervention study”.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Academic literature review
Gudkova, Tatiana;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Midjo, Turid.
Supporting children of parents with intellectual disability: A scoping review.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Academic literature review
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil.
The disciplining of Self-Help: Doing self-help the Norwegian way.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Moe, Anne;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Rethinking research in South Sámi communities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Davidson, Larry;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
“I now have a life!” Lived experiences of participation in music and theater in a mental health hospital.
Academic article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Stickley, Theodore;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Transforming identity through participation in music and theatre: exploring narratives of people with mental health problems.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Vinberg, Stig.
How managers of small-scale enterprises can create a health promoting corporate culture.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J;
Vinberg, Stig.
Tightrope walking: external impact factors on workplace health management in small-scale enterprises.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Academic article
Ingstad, Kari;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Part-time or Full-time Employment: Choices and Constraints.
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Academic article
Vinberg, Stig;
Hansen, Elisabeth;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil.
Ambiguity among managers in small-scale enterprises: How to handle business and workplace health management.
Academic article
Teige, Anne-May;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Utfordringer ved helsesøsterrollen i tverrfaglig samarbeid.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Scambler, Graham;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Bjerkan, Jorunn;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Hellesø, Ragnhild.
Patients' contribution to the development of a web-based plan for integrated care-A participatory design study.
Informatics for Health and Social Care
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
The construction of self-help in Norwegian health policy.
International journal of self help & self care
Academic article
Haugen, Gry Mette D.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian.
"Det går ikke an å bruke seg sjøl både på retta og vranga". Om helsebelastning, sårbarhet og forebygging i familier med barn med funksjonsnedsettelse.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Forskning på selvhjelp og selvhjelpsgrupper : helsepolitikk, empowerment og positiv helse.
Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag
Forskningsrapport (239)
Aglen, Bjørg Synøve;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Self-help and self-help groups for people with long-lasting health problems or mental health difficulties in a Nordic context: A review.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Redefining relations among minority users and social workers Redefinisjon av relasjoner mellom brukere med minoritetsbakgrunn og sosialarbeidere.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Redefining relations among minority users and social workers.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Pushing forward the research agenda through shifting our scientific gaze. Inaugural editorial.
Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion
Hedlund, Marianne.
Understanding the Disability concept: A complex and Diverse Concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo.
Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Svensson, Åsa.
Equal Treatment in Working life for People with disabilities: A Sweden and Norway Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Factors explaining return to work for long- term sick workers in Norway.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne.
Meningsbrytninger i begrepet "funksjonshemming".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo.
Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Factors explaining return to work for long-term sick workers in Norway.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Svensson, Åsa.
Equal Treatment in Working Life for people with disabilities: Sweden and Norway Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Understandings of the Disability Concept: A Complex and Diverse Concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsvik, Malvin;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Cultural encounters in reflective dialogue about nursing care: a qualitative study.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne.
Den selvforvaltende pasienten.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Challenges in Disability Management of Long-Term Sick Workers.
International Journal of Disability Mangement Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Challenges in Disability Management of Long-Term Sick Workers.
International Journal of Disability Mangement Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne.
Den selvforvaltende pasienten.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grinde, Jørgen;
Ekker, Knut;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Hjelseth, Arve.
Programevaluering av sosiologi ved Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag : årsenhet og bachelorgradsstudium i sosiologi.
Forskningsrapport (220)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo;
Landstad, Bodil.
Gått ut på dato? Årsaker til at få mottakere av rehabiliteringspenger kommer tilbake til arbeidslivet.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (2005:03:00)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Gått ut på dato- årsaker til at få rehabiliteringspengemottakere vender tilbake til arbeidslivet.
Nord-Trøndelagsforsknings rapportserie
Hedlund, Marianne.
Shaping justice : defining the disability benefit category in Swedish social policy.
Lund university, Dept. of sociology (58)
Doctoral dissertation
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Blikk for kulturforskjeller II : søkelys på kommunal helse- og sosialtjenester og sørsamiske brukere.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (nr 2002:4)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Blikk for kulturforskjeller : et utviklingsprosjekt om helsetjenester for sørsamer, del 2.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (nr 2001:3)
Berglund, Anna-Karin;
Wollan, Gjermund;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Nilssen, Inge Berg;
Johansen, Mayvi B.;
Holst, Bernt.
Stedets betydning : kvinnelige og mannlige bedriftsledere i distriktene.
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
"De forstår ikke hva som er viktig for oss" : helsetjenester og sørsamer.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (2000:02:00)
Journal publications
Svartaas, Elvira;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Betydningen av samspill mellom barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelse i barnehagen.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Tjulin, Åsa;
Nordenmark, Mikael;
Vinberg, Stig.
Making things work-In spite of a pandemic small scale enterprise managers' approach to business changes and health issues.
Academic article
Brenne, Bodil Aarmo;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari.
Nurses' professional discretion in the purchaser-provider split in home care in Norway.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Bye, Lisa;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A case study on students with disabilities.
Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research
Academic article
Brenne, Bodil Aarmo;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari.
Exploring home-based care nurses’ mindset for nursing practices: a phenomenological study.
BMC Nursing
Academic article
Tjulin, Åsa;
Vinberg, Stig;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Nordenmark, Mikael.
The disappointment of financial support measures during the COVID-19 pandemic among small business managers’ in Sweden.
SN Business & Economics
Academic article
Hansson, Josefine;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Vinberg, Stig;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Tjulin, Åsa.
Small business managers and Covid-19--The role of a sense of coherence and general resistance resources in coping with stressors.
Academic article
Nordenmark, Mikael;
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne.
The role of self-help groups in promoting self-confidence and hope for the future among people on sick leave in Norway: The importance of educational level.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Kendall, Elizabeth.
Practicing in a person-centred environment – self-help groups in psycho-social rehabilitation.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Zhao, Yan;
Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Exploring participation and interaction in a bottom-up health promotion program for migrant women in Norway .
Qualitative Health Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Tritter, Jonathan.
The disciplining of self-help: Doing self-help the Norwegian way.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Haugan, Paula Sofie;
Berge, Maria Charlotte;
Breiseth, Vegard;
Sund, Erik;
Hedlund, Marianne.
“Does training in Motivational Interviewing affect the ability to build working
alliance? – an intervention study”.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Academic literature review
Gudkova, Tatiana;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Midjo, Turid.
Supporting children of parents with intellectual disability: A scoping review.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Academic literature review
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil.
The disciplining of Self-Help: Doing self-help the Norwegian way.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Davidson, Larry;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
“I now have a life!” Lived experiences of participation in music and theater in a mental health hospital.
Academic article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Stickley, Theodore;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Transforming identity through participation in music and theatre: exploring narratives of people with mental health problems.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Vinberg, Stig.
How managers of small-scale enterprises can create a health promoting corporate culture.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J;
Vinberg, Stig.
Tightrope walking: external impact factors on workplace health management in small-scale enterprises.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Academic article
Ingstad, Kari;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Part-time or Full-time Employment: Choices and Constraints.
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Academic article
Vinberg, Stig;
Hansen, Elisabeth;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil.
Ambiguity among managers in small-scale enterprises: How to handle business and workplace health management.
Academic article
Teige, Anne-May;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Utfordringer ved helsesøsterrollen i tverrfaglig samarbeid.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Scambler, Graham;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Society, Health & Vulnerability
Bjerkan, Jorunn;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Hellesø, Ragnhild.
Patients' contribution to the development of a web-based plan for integrated care-A participatory design study.
Informatics for Health and Social Care
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
The construction of self-help in Norwegian health policy.
International journal of self help & self care
Academic article
Aglen, Bjørg Synøve;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Self-help and self-help groups for people with long-lasting health problems or mental health difficulties in a Nordic context: A review.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Redefining relations among minority users and social workers Redefinisjon av relasjoner mellom brukere med minoritetsbakgrunn og sosialarbeidere.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Redefining relations among minority users and social workers.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Pushing forward the research agenda through shifting our scientific gaze. Inaugural editorial.
Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo.
Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Factors explaining return to work for long- term sick workers in Norway.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo.
Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Factors explaining return to work for long-term sick workers in Norway.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Torsvik, Malvin;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Cultural encounters in reflective dialogue about nursing care: a qualitative study.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Challenges in Disability Management of Long-Term Sick Workers.
International Journal of Disability Mangement Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Challenges in Disability Management of Long-Term Sick Workers.
International Journal of Disability Mangement Research
Academic article
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari;
Moe, Aud.
God helse : kunnskap for framtidens kommunehelsetjeneste.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Hedlund, Marianne;
Zhao, Yan;
Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug.
Empowering Agency: Enhancing Health Literacy Among Migrant Women Through Health Parties: A Case Study.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ingstad, Kari;
Moe, Aud.
God helse – Kunnskap for
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moe, Aud;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Brataas, Hildfrid V..
Søkelys på
En tenkning og praksis av betydning
for medvirkende eldre?.
Hedlund, Marianne.
The fight to be steadfast: Bolivian disability activists .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moe, Anne;
Hedlund, Marianne.
Rethinking research in South Sámi communities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Understanding the Disability concept: A complex and Diverse Concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil;
Svensson, Åsa.
Equal Treatment in Working life for People with disabilities: A Sweden and Norway Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Meningsbrytninger i begrepet "funksjonshemming".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil J.;
Svensson, Åsa.
Equal Treatment in Working Life for people with disabilities: Sweden and Norway Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Understandings of the Disability Concept: A Complex and Diverse Concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Den selvforvaltende pasienten.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hedlund, Marianne.
Den selvforvaltende pasienten.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Gry Mette D.;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian.
"Det går ikke an å bruke seg sjøl både på retta og vranga". Om helsebelastning, sårbarhet og forebygging i familier med barn med funksjonsnedsettelse.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Hedlund, Marianne;
Landstad, Bodil Johanne.
Forskning på selvhjelp og selvhjelpsgrupper : helsepolitikk, empowerment og positiv helse.
Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag
Forskningsrapport (239)
Grinde, Jørgen;
Ekker, Knut;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Hjelseth, Arve.
Programevaluering av sosiologi ved Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag : årsenhet og bachelorgradsstudium i sosiologi.
Forskningsrapport (220)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Brataas, Hildfrid Vikkelsmo;
Landstad, Bodil.
Gått ut på dato? Årsaker til at få mottakere av rehabiliteringspenger kommer tilbake til arbeidslivet.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (2005:03:00)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Wendelborg, Christian.
Gått ut på dato- årsaker til at få rehabiliteringspengemottakere vender tilbake til arbeidslivet.
Nord-Trøndelagsforsknings rapportserie
Hedlund, Marianne.
Shaping justice : defining the disability benefit category in Swedish social policy.
Lund university, Dept. of sociology (58)
Doctoral dissertation
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Blikk for kulturforskjeller II : søkelys på kommunal helse- og sosialtjenester og sørsamiske brukere.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (nr 2002:4)
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
Blikk for kulturforskjeller : et utviklingsprosjekt om helsetjenester for sørsamer, del 2.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (nr 2001:3)
Berglund, Anna-Karin;
Wollan, Gjermund;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Nilssen, Inge Berg;
Johansen, Mayvi B.;
Holst, Bernt.
Stedets betydning : kvinnelige og mannlige bedriftsledere i distriktene.
Hedlund, Marianne;
Moe, Anne.
"De forstår ikke hva som er viktig for oss" : helsetjenester og sørsamer.
Nord-Trøndelagsforskning (2000:02:00)
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2024) de Personas con Discapacidad y Participación: una Perspectiva Global. UMSA - Instituto Trabajo Social workshop , La Paz 2024-05-22 - 2024-05-22
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2024) Disability and Global Health . Bharati Vidyapith Nursing College Conference/Seminar at Bharati Vidyapith Nursing College, Pune , Pune 2024-01-12 - 2024-01-12
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Kar, Anita. (2024) Birth defect and childhood disability - a policy and systems perspective . Bharati Vidyapith Nursing College workshop , Dep of Medicine 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-05
LectureHedlund, Marianne. (2024) Behind the desk... editorial work in international scientific journals. Savitribai Phule Pune University Editors training workshop , Pune 2024-02-23 - 2024-02-24
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2024) GLOBAL LOCAL NEXUS AND COMMUNITY-BASED WELL BEING . Savitribai Phule Pune University workshop , Dep Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciece 2024-03-07 - 2024-03-07
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Kar, Anita. (2022) Fractured systems: Global disability agendas and evolution of health and social welfare policies for disabled people in India . ESHMS 19th BIENNIAL EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR HEALTH AND MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY CONFERENCE , Bologna University, campus Froli 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-27
Academic lectureBrenne, Bodil Aarmo; Hedlund, Marianne; Ingstad, Kari. (2022) “When profession meets system: ideals and realities in home-based care. A qualitative study”. European Forum for Primary Care EFPC (European Forum Primary Care) 2022 Conference , Ghent 2022-09-25 - 2022-09-27
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Hedlund, Marianne. (2019) Global Health and Disability – capacity building for inclusion and participation. Global Challenges / Centre for International Health UiB Global Health Conference 2019: Competence building for impact – time for revolution , Bergen 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-03
Popular scientific lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2019) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. Nord universitet Forskningsdagene , Levanger 2019-09-26 - 2019-09-26
Academic lectureZhao, Yan; Gjernes, Trude Karine Olaug; Hedlund, Marianne. (2018) Becoming a Norwegian Patient: “Health Parties” for migrant and ethnic minority women. European Society for Health and Medical Sociology The 17th biennial conference of European Society for Health and Medical Sociology: Old Tensions, Emerging Paradoxes in Health: rights, knowledge, and trust. , Lisboa 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08
Academic lectureMoe, Anne; Hedlund, Marianne. (2017) Methodology in research for better social services for Sàmi people. UIT - The Arctic University of Norway 4th International Indigenous social work conference 11-14th of June , Alta 2017-06-11 - 2017-06-14
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil J.; Tritter, Jonathan. (2016) The disciplining of Self-Help: Doing self-help the Norwegian way. NTNU Health Sociology Norway , Trondheim 2016-04-27 - 2016-04-28
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2016) Funksjonshemming som globalt fenomen- et norsk–indisk komparativt studie. NNFF Norsk Nettverk for funksjonshemmingsforskning konferanse , Trondheim 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-10
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2016) What can be learned from the Norwegian experience? Birth defect and families with disability. SP Pune University An international consultation on Birth Defects in India: Indentifying research agenda to support the development of Birth defect Programme , Pune 2016-03-17 - 2016-03-19
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2015) Norwegian normalization policy to people with disability in public health. SP Pune university Indio-Norwegian international workshop , Pune 2015-08-17 - 2015-08-19
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2015) The context of Gender and Circumpolarity - health and disability among South Samis . Mittuniversitet Circumpolar workshop - health and gender , Sundsvall 2015-10-05 - 2015-10-06
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2015) Using Purl Sides (Wrong) and Right Sides: Health Situation in Families with Disabled Children. BSA The British Sociological Association Annual Conference (MEDSOC) 2015 , York 2015-09-09 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureLandstad, Bodil Johanne; Hedlund, Marianne; Aglen, Bjørg Synøve. (2010) The construction of self-help as a health promoting strategy in Norway. 6th Annual Workshop in Health Sociology , NTNU, Trondheim 2010-04-26 - 2010-04-28
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil. (2010) The social impact of disability upon indigenous women. McClelland Institute Speaker Series , University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA 2010-01-29 - 2010-01-29
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil. (2010) The construction of self-help as a health promoting strategy. BSA Medical Sociology Group - 2010 Annual Conference , Durham university, England 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil Johanne; Aglen, Bjørg Synøve. (2010) The construction of self-help as a health promoting strategy. BSA Medical Sociology Group - 2010 Annual Conference , Durham university, England 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureLandstad, Bodil Johanne; Hedlund, Marianne; Aglen, Bjørg Synøve. (2010) Self-help groups, health and empowerment in a voluntary context. Nordic self-help researchers network - publication work-shop , Levanger 2010-09-16 - 2010-09-17
Academic lectureLandstad, Bodil Johanne; Hedlund, Marianne; Aglen, Bjørg Synøve. (2010) Self-help groups, health and empowerment in a voluntary context. BSA Medical Sociology Group 42nd Annual Conference 2010 , Durham, UK 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil. (2010) The construction of self-help management in Norwegian health policy. Nordic self-help researchers network - publication work-shop , Levanger 2010-09-16 - 2010-09-17
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2008) Social barriers for employment of people with disabilities in Norway - new perspectives and regulation policy. 4th International forum on Disability Management , Berlin 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-24
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2008) Funksjonshemming et begrep i endring som forvaltningsmessige konstruksjoner eller ikke?. Norsk nettverk forskning om funksjonshemming (NNFF) Konferanse om normalitetstyranniet , Bergen 2008-10-06 - 2008-10-07
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2008) Social barriers for employment of people with disabilities in Norway – new perspectives and regulation policy. International Forum of Disability Mangement (IFDM) International conference , Berlin 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-24
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne; Landstad, Bodil. (2006) "Expiration date overdue" - challenges in providing ervices to reintegrate clainmants to rehabilitation allowance back to work in Norway. 3rd International Forum on Disability Management , Brisbane, Queensland 2006-10-08 - 2006-10-11
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2006) Alternative måter å definere funksjonshemming på i Norge. Norsk nettverk om forskning for funksjonshemming NFF 2. nasjonale forskningskonferanse , Trondheim 2006-10-30 - 2006-10-31
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2006) Expire date overdue? Challenges in Norwegian welfare system of the reintegration of long-term sick workers. Internasjonal forum of disability mangement IFDM 3 , Brisbane 2006-10-08 - 2006-10-11
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2006) Alternative assessment to disability- the Norwegian case. BSA BSA: British Sociology Association - Medical Sociology congress , Heriot Watt University; Edinburgh 2006-09-14 - 2006-09-16
PosterHedlund, Marianne. (2006) The modern patient: people with chronical nevro-muscular diseases dillemmmas in self-assessment of health resources. senter for elektronisk pasientjournal St.Olavs/ ISS- NTNU Norwegian work shop in Health Sociology , Trondheim 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-25
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2005) Work disabled employees- economic compensation for not working or getting accessibility to work?. NNDR konferanse , Oslo 2005-04-14 - 2005-04-16
Academic lectureHedlund, Marianne. (2005) funksjonshemmingsbegrepet. Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, etterutdanning helseutdannelsene Forelesning , Levanger 2005-09-15 - 2005-09-15