Lars Struen Imsland
Lars Imsland has been a professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics since 2009. He has a PhD and an MSc in Engineering Cybernetics from NTNU. He belongs to the research group Control Systems.
Work experience
- 2009–present: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor at Department of Engineering Cybernetics.
- 2008–2009: Cybernetica AS, Trondheim, Specialist. Nonlinear model predictive control, automatic control in offshore drilling.
- 2004–2008: SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Research Scientist. Estimation in automotive applications, power processes with CO2 capture.
- 2002–2004: Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Post.Doc. Control of power processes with CO2 capture.
- 1998–2002: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Doctoral Student. Nonlinear control, control and optimization.
- 2000–2000: University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Visiting scholar.
Professional committees and memberships
- Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022-
- Co-chair of National Organizing Committee for 11th International IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process and Bioprocess Systems (DYCOPS-CAB 2016), Trondheim, June 2016.
- Chair of National Organizing Committee for 1st IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production, Trondheim May 2012.
- Board member, Norwegian Society of Automatic Control, 2013–2018.
- Reviewer for numerous journals and conferences, member of international program committee for conferences such as American Control Conference, IFAC Adchem, IFAC NMPC, IEEE CCTA, Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, IFAC ACOOG.
- Member of 10+ PhD adjudication committees in Norway and abroad.
- Board member, Board of Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, 1999–2001.
- 2008: Arch T. Colwell Merit Award, from the Society of Automotive Engineers.
- 2004: Automatica Outstanding Reviewer.
- 1998: PhD Scolarship from the Research Council of Norway.
- 1997: “Elf Studiepris”. Grant from Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S for “outstanding examination results”.
See my CV for more detailed information.
Pedersen, Aurora Åsgård;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos.
Towards Uncertainty-Aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Avoidance in Wind Turbines.
Masters thesis
Yu, Xingji;
Ren, Zhengru;
Liu, Peng;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain.
Comparison of time-invariant and adaptive linear grey-box models for model predictive control of residential buildings.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Nazari, Luis Fernando;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Seman, Laio Oriel.
Neural networks informed by physics for modeling mass flow rate in a production wellbore.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Kittelsen, Jonas Ekeland;
Antonelo, Eric Aislan;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks with skip connections for modeling and control of gas-lifted oil wells.
Applied Soft Computing
Academic article
Zagorowska, Marta Anna;
Ortmann, Lukas;
Rupenyan, Alisa;
Mercangöz, Mehmet;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Tuning of Online Feedback Optimization for setpoint tracking in centrifugal compressors.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Molaei, Amirmasoud;
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Sedigh, Ali Khaki;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Parameter and State Estimation of Managed Pressure Drilling System Using the Optimization-Based Supervisory Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Boersma, Sjoerd;
Mesbah, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Data-driven derivative-free trust-region model-based method for resource allocation problems.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Martins Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Holck, Haakon Eng;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A regularized Moving Horizon Estimator for combined state and parameter estimation in a bioprocess experimental application.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gabrielsen, Trym Arve Lund;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Progressor Transformation of Dynamical Systems and Application to Dynamic Optimization.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tuveri, Andrea;
Eng Holck, Haakon;
Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Matias, José O.A.;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bioprocess Monitoring: A Moving Horizon Estimation Experimental Application.
Short communication
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Passive learning to address nonstationarity in virtual flow metering applications.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Ng, Cuthbert Shang Wui;
Nait Amar, Menad;
Jahanbani Ghahfarokhi, Ashkan;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A Survey on the Application of Machine Learning and Metaheuristic Algorithms for Intelligent Proxy Modeling in Reservoir Simulation.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive Linear Grey-Box Models for Model Predictive Controller of Residential Buildings.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bilevel programming as a means of infinite weighting in regression problems.
Academic article
Fonseca Ivo, Otavio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic and environmental impact of fouling in produced water re-injection.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne André;
Ljungquist, Dag;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
When is gray-box modeling advantageous for virtual flow metering?.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On a hybrid approach to model learning applied to virtual flow metering.
Doctoral dissertation
Fonseca Ivo, Otávio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Framework for produced water discharge management with flow-weighted mean concentration based economic model predictive control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Skeie, Kristian;
Knudsen, Michael Dahl;
Ren, Zhengru;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georges, Laurent.
Influence of data pre-processing and sensor dynamics on grey-box models for space-heating: Analysis using field measurements.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Jordanou, Jean P.;
Osnes, Iver;
Hernes, Sondre Bø;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Antonelo, Eric Aislan;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Electrical Submersible Pumps based on Echo State Networks.
Advanced Engineering Informatics
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Data pre-processing and optimization techniques for stochastic and deterministic low-order grey-box models of residential buildings.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle Ave, Giancarlo;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A rolling horizon approach for scheduling of multiproduct batch production and maintenance using generalized disjunctive programming models.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic literature review
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Sandnes, Anders Thoresen;
Kolbjørnsen, Odd;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bayesian neural networks for virtual flow metering: An empirical study.
Applied Soft Computing
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Ljungquist, Dag;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On gray-box modeling for virtual flow metering.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Identifiability and physical interpretability of hybrid, gray-box models - a case study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Merz, Karl Otto;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Wind farm control - Part I: A review on control system concepts and structures.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Ave, Giancarlo Dalle;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Integration of maintenance scheduling and planning for large-scale asset fleets.
Optimization and Engineering
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Application of Data-Driven Economic NMPC on a Gas Lifted Well Network.
Academic article
Fonseca Ivo, Otávio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Analysis of Optimal Control Strategies for Efficient Operation of a Produced Water Reinjection Facility for Mature Fields.
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Pérez-García, Fernando;
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Imsland, Lars;
Bar, Nadav.
Sensor fusion based on Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter for bioprocess monitoring.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Haugen, Joakim;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Molaei, Amir Masoud;
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Khaki-Sedigh, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Managed Pressure Drilling System State Estimation Using The Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Approach.
2020 European Control Conference (ECC)
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Zhang, Dongda;
Chanona del Rio, Ehecatl Antonio.
Stochastic data-driven model predictive control using gaussian processes.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Urdal, Jørgen;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model Predictive Control of multi-rotor wind turbine.
Masters thesis
Rønnestad, Erik Ramsland;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State Estimation of a Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine.
Masters thesis
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle, Ave;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Schneider, Stefan;
Roth, Matthias.
Optimal production and maintenance scheduling for a multiproduct batch plant considering degradation.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Optimal Maintenance for Degrading Assets in the Context of Asset Fleets-A Case Study.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Real time optimization of systems with fast and slow dynamics using a lookahead strategy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Developing a Hybrid Data-Driven, Mechanistic Virtual Flow Meter - a Case Study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Real-time optimization of wind farms using modifier adaptation and machine learning.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Doekemeijer, Bart;
van der Hoek, Daan;
van Wingerden, W.;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptation of Engineering Wake Models using
Gaussian Process Regression and High-Fidelity
Simulation Data.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Distributed learning for wind farm optimization with Gaussian processes.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Zagorowska, Marta;
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Ditlefsen, Arne-Marius;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Lunde, Erling;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Adaptive detection and prediction of performance degradation in off-shore turbomachinery.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Improved predictions from measured disturbances in linear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Output feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for batch processes.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
del Rio Chanona, Ehecatl Antonio.
Nonlinear model predictive control with explicit back-offs for Gaussian process state space models.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric;
Reble, Marcus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Output feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a polymerization batch process.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skibelid, Adrian Bogen;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kölle, Konstanze.
Model predictive control of offshore wind turbine.
Masters thesis
Bradford, Eric;
Reble, Marcus;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a semi-batch polymerization reaction
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Schneider, Stefan;
Roth, Matthias;
Moreno Leira, Fernando.
Campaign-based modeling for degradation evolution in batch processes using a multiway partial least squares approach.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Gjertsen, Fredrik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Dynamic Real-Time Optimisation of a CO2 Capture Facility .
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Scibilia, Francesco.
On Kalman filtering with linear state equality constraints.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
An iceberg forecast approach based on a statistical ocean current model.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a batch fermentation process.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Schneider, Stefan M;
Bouaswaig, Ala EF;
Roth, Matthias.
Robust state estimation for fouling evolution in batch processes using the EM algorithm.
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Performance-based maintenance planning for asset fleets.
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle Ave, Giancarlo;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Schneider, Stefan M;
Bouaswaig, Ala EF.
Short-term Scheduling of a Multipurpose Batch Plant Considering Degradation Effects.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Schulze, Frederik Spuentrup;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Optimal Maintenance Scheduling for Washing of Compressors to Increase Operational Efficiency.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Knudsen, Michael;
Sartori, Igor;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Investigation of the Model Structure for Low-Order
Grey-Box Modelling of Residential Buildings.
International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model.
IFAC Papers Online
IFAC-PapersOnLine (18)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Londono, Juan G.;
Skourup, Charlotte;
Thornhill, Nina F.;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reliability improvement of compressors based on asset fleet reliability data.
IFAC Papers Online
IFAC Papers Online
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimization-based motion planning for trawling.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Gaussian
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic Stochastic Model Predictive Control Using the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Combined Optimal Control and Combinatorial Optimization for Searching and Tracking Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model.
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Survey: Mobile sensor networks for target searching and tracking.
Cyber-Physical Systems
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic NMPC of Batch Processes Using Parameterized Control Policies.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Copland, Luke;
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Analysis of Iceberg Drift Trajectories Using the Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition .
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Copland, Luke;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Comparison of statistical iceberg forecast models.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Schneider, Stefan;
Leira, Fernando;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Roth, Matthias.
Data-driven degradation model for batch processes: a case study on heat exchanger fouling.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model predictive load-frequency control.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (48)
Doctoral dissertation
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Frison, Gianluca;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jørgensen, JB.
Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
UAV path planning using MILP with experiments.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
The Moving Horizon Estimator Used in Iceberg Drift Estimation and Forecast.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ivanov, Ivan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bogdanova, Boryana.
Iterative algorithms for computing the feedback Nash equilibrium point for positive systems.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Scenario-based approaches for handling uncertainty in MPC for power system frequency control.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Richter, Stefan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauge, Espen.
Design and Experimental Validation of Nonlinear Infinite-Dimensional Adaptive Observer in Automated Managed Pressure Drilling.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Forecasting using multivariate empirical mode decomposition — Applied to iceberg drift forecast.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Performance Bounds for Tracking Multiple Objects
using a Single UAV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Partially distributed optimization for mobile sensor path-planning.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric Christopher;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Expectation constrained stochastic nonlinear model
predictive control of a batch bioreactor.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Scibilia, Francesco.
Constrained Posterior Cramér-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Systems.
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with State Estimation by Incorporation of the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A study on an iceberg drift trajectory.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Haugen, Joakim.
Numerical Optimal Control Mixing Collocation with Single Shooting: A Case Study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
An estimation-forecast set-up for iceberg drift prediction.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ivanov, Ivan;
Kostova, Snezhana;
Bogdanova, Boryana.
Optimal boundary control of 2 × 2 linear hyperbolic PDEs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of systems with oscillating inputs - applied to iceberg drift forecast.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Scibilia, Francesco.
An Iceberg Drift Prediction Study Offshore Newfoundland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response models for embedded Model Predictive Control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jouffroy, Jerome.
On convergence of the unscented Kalman-Bucy filter using contraction theory.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Model Predictive Load-Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Combined economic and regulatory predictive control.
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model predictive load–frequency control taking into account imbalance uncertainty.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Monitoring Moving Objects Using Aerial Mobile Sensors.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Kostova, Snezhana;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ivanov, Ivan Ganchev.
LQR problem of linear discrete time systems with nonnegative state constraints.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Aaker, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Automatically generated embedded model predictive control: Moving an industrial PC-based MPC to an embedded platform.
Optimal control applications & methods
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Blanke, Mogens.
Early pack-off diagnosis in drilling using an adaptive observer and statistical change detection.
Academic article
Billington, Thor Helge;
Skjetne, Roger;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Norgren, Petter.
Online Shape Estimation of Icebergs at Sea.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey K..
Drillstring Washout Diagnosis using Friction Estimation and Statistical Change Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Fault diagnosis of downhole drilling incidents using adaptive observers and statistical change detection.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Monitoring an Advection-Diffusion Process Using Aerial Mobile Sensors.
Unmanned Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response prediction models for embedded model predictive control.
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Incident detection and isolation in drilling using analytical redundancy relations.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model-Based Diagnosis of Drilling Incidents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (147)
Doctoral dissertation
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Ferreau, Hans Joachim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Diehl, M.
Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Moving Horizon Estimation in Managed Pressure Drilling using Distributed Models.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimal Control Strategies for Oil Production Under Gas Coning Conditions.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Frison, Gianluca;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jørgensen, John Bagterp.
Efficient Implementation of Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control on Embedded Devices.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Autonomous Aerial Ice Observation for Ice Defense.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Skjetne, Roger;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Løset, Sveinung.
The Arctic DP research project: Effective stationkeeping in ice.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Richter, S;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Morari, Manfred;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Performance and Stability for Combined Economic and Regulatory Control in MPC.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model Predictive Control for Power System Frequency Control Taking Into Account Imbalance Uncertainty.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode;
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Govatsmark, Marius Støre.
Optimal and Robust Production of High Pressure Steam.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hannemann-Tamas, Ralf;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Full Algorithmic Differentiation of a Rosenbrock-Type Method for Direct Single Shooting.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Autonomous Aerial Ice Observation.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (291)
Doctoral dissertation
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic and Multi-objective Model Predictive Control.
Doctoral dissertation
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On multi-objective economic predictive control for cyclic process operation.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Kittilsen, Pål.
Short-term production optimization of offshore oil and gas production using nonlinear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jouffroy, Jerome.
A convergence result for the unscented kalman-bucy filter using contraction theory.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Using Nonlinear Adaptive Observers.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Multi-objective predictive control for non steady-state operation.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On asymptotic closed-loop performance for linear mpc with terminal constraints.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
UAV Path Planning for Multitarget Tracking with Experiments.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Cecílio, Inês M.;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Applying Model Predictive Control to Power System Frequency Control.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kostova, Snezhana;
Ivanov, Ivan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georgieva, Nonka.
Infinite horizon LQR problem of linear discrete time positive systems.
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences
Academic article
Møgster, Johannes;
Godhavn, John-Morten;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Using MPC for Managed Pressure Drilling.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
A Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Applied to Flow-Loop Data.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimization-Based Autonomous Remote Sensing of Surface Objects Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Stamnes, Øyvind Nistad;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Aamo, Ole Morten.
Simplified Hydraulics Model Used for Intelligent Estimation of Downhole Pressure for a Managed-Pressure-Drilling Control System.
SPE Drilling & Completion
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen.
2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series (?)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Control of Multiple HVDC links using backstepping.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State estimation of ice thickness distribution using mobile sensors.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Adaptive approximation-based estimation of downhole pressure in managed pressure drilling.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Kittilsen, Pål.
Short-term production optimization of offshore oil and gas production using nonlinear model predictive control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On combining economical performance with control performance in nmpc.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Løset, Sveinung;
Skjetne, Roger.
Ice Observer System for Ice Management Operations.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Horalek, Radek;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Nonlinear model predictive control of a benchmark nonlinear boiler.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Stamnes, Øyvind Nistad;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Aamo, Ole Morten.
Intelligent estimation of downhole pressure using simplified hydraulic model.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Paasche, Marcel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Ringset, Ruben Køste;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
On Gradient Computation in Single-shooting Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pavlov, A;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Experimental disturbance rejection on a full-scale drilling rig.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kittilsen, Pål;
Schei, Tor S..
Model-based optimizing control and estimation using Modelica models.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Parameter estimation and compensation in systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Colombo, Konrad Werner Eichhorn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bolland, Olav;
Hovland, Svein.
Dynamic modelling of an oxygen mixed conducting membrane and model reduction for control.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, A.
Vehicle Sideslip Estimation: Design, implementation, and experimental validation.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kittilsen, Pål;
Schei, Tor S..
Using Modelica models in real-time dynamic optimization -- gradient computations.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Active control of oxy-fuel combustion using preflame CO2-injection.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Active control of oxy-fuel combustion using preflame CO2-injection.
The European Union Control Association (EUCA)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, L.
Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, L;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Constrained State Estimation Using the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, L.
Applying the unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear state estimation.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Velocity with Friction and Road Bank Angle Adaptation - Validation and Comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear vehicle side-slip estimation with friction adaptation.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Rossiter, J.A.;
Pluymers, B.;
Suykens, J..
Robust triple mode MPC.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
AMNYTT Magazine
Popular scientific article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
Automatisering & Industridata
Popular scientific article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Stiller, Christoph;
Thorud, Bjørn;
Bolland, Olav.
Modeling and control of a SOFC-GT-based autonomous power system.
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Huang, Biao;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State Estimation of SOFC/GT Hybrid System using UKF.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
On nonlinear unknown input observers - applied to lateral vehicle velocity estimation on banked roads.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Control-relevant Modelling and Linear Analysis of Instabilities in Oxy-fuel Combustion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Huang, Biao;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Comparative Study of State Estimation of Fuel Cell Hybrid System using UKF and EKF.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stiller, Christoph;
Thorud, Bjørn;
Bolland, Olav;
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine hybrid system.
Journal of Power Sources
Academic article
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav.
Control design for a gas turbine cycle with CO2 capture capabilities.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Integrated modeling and control of a load-connected SOFC-GT autonomous power system.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers.
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Stiller, Christoph;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Kariwala, Vinay Kumar.
Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars;
Johansen, Tor A.;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Jordal, Kristin;
Kvamsdal, Hanne;
Wahl, Per Eilif;
Røkke, Petter Egil;
Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova;
Maurstad, Ola.
SIP Power Generation with CO2 capture - report 4/BIGCO2 report 1. Task D: Power cycles with carbon capture, 2005.
Sintef Energiforskning
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Control design for a gas turbine cycle with CO2 capture capabilities.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav.
Control issues in a design of a gas turbine with CO2 capture.
International Journal of Green Energy
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bar, Nadav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
More Efficient Predictive Control.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Rossiter, J. Anthony.
Time varying terminal control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Kalkkuhl, J.C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Findeisen, R;
Allgower, F;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Output feedback stabilization with nonlinear predictive control: Asymptotic properties.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Output feedback stabilization of constrained systems with nonlinear predictive control.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
State and Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: An Overview.
European Journal of Control
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Findeisen, Rolf;
Bullinger, E;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
A note on Stability, Robustness and Performance of Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Towards a sampled-data theory for nonlinear model predictive control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Topics in Nonlinear Control: output feedback stabilization and control of positive systems.
Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Slupphaug, Geir;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Uncertainty modelling and robust output feedback control of nonlinear discrete systems: a mathematical programming approach.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen.
OPCSIM - Et OPC-grensesnitt til en simulator.
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Robust output feedback control for constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems using observer-based controllers.
Journal publications
Yu, Xingji;
Ren, Zhengru;
Liu, Peng;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain.
Comparison of time-invariant and adaptive linear grey-box models for model predictive control of residential buildings.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Nazari, Luis Fernando;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Seman, Laio Oriel.
Neural networks informed by physics for modeling mass flow rate in a production wellbore.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Kittelsen, Jonas Ekeland;
Antonelo, Eric Aislan;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks with skip connections for modeling and control of gas-lifted oil wells.
Applied Soft Computing
Academic article
Zagorowska, Marta Anna;
Ortmann, Lukas;
Rupenyan, Alisa;
Mercangöz, Mehmet;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Tuning of Online Feedback Optimization for setpoint tracking in centrifugal compressors.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Molaei, Amirmasoud;
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Sedigh, Ali Khaki;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Parameter and State Estimation of Managed Pressure Drilling System Using the Optimization-Based Supervisory Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Data-driven derivative-free trust-region model-based method for resource allocation problems.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Martins Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Holck, Haakon Eng;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A regularized Moving Horizon Estimator for combined state and parameter estimation in a bioprocess experimental application.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Eng Holck, Haakon;
Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Matias, José O.A.;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bioprocess Monitoring: A Moving Horizon Estimation Experimental Application.
Short communication
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Passive learning to address nonstationarity in virtual flow metering applications.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Ng, Cuthbert Shang Wui;
Nait Amar, Menad;
Jahanbani Ghahfarokhi, Ashkan;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A Survey on the Application of Machine Learning and Metaheuristic Algorithms for Intelligent Proxy Modeling in Reservoir Simulation.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive Linear Grey-Box Models for Model Predictive Controller of Residential Buildings.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bilevel programming as a means of infinite weighting in regression problems.
Academic article
Fonseca Ivo, Otavio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic and environmental impact of fouling in produced water re-injection.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne André;
Ljungquist, Dag;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
When is gray-box modeling advantageous for virtual flow metering?.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Fonseca Ivo, Otávio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Framework for produced water discharge management with flow-weighted mean concentration based economic model predictive control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Skeie, Kristian;
Knudsen, Michael Dahl;
Ren, Zhengru;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georges, Laurent.
Influence of data pre-processing and sensor dynamics on grey-box models for space-heating: Analysis using field measurements.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Jordanou, Jean P.;
Osnes, Iver;
Hernes, Sondre Bø;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Antonelo, Eric Aislan;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Electrical Submersible Pumps based on Echo State Networks.
Advanced Engineering Informatics
Academic article
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Data pre-processing and optimization techniques for stochastic and deterministic low-order grey-box models of residential buildings.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle Ave, Giancarlo;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A rolling horizon approach for scheduling of multiproduct batch production and maintenance using generalized disjunctive programming models.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic literature review
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Sandnes, Anders Thoresen;
Kolbjørnsen, Odd;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bayesian neural networks for virtual flow metering: An empirical study.
Applied Soft Computing
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Ljungquist, Dag;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On gray-box modeling for virtual flow metering.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Identifiability and physical interpretability of hybrid, gray-box models - a case study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Merz, Karl Otto;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Wind farm control - Part I: A review on control system concepts and structures.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Ave, Giancarlo Dalle;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Integration of maintenance scheduling and planning for large-scale asset fleets.
Optimization and Engineering
Academic article
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Application of Data-Driven Economic NMPC on a Gas Lifted Well Network.
Academic article
Fonseca Ivo, Otávio;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Analysis of Optimal Control Strategies for Efficient Operation of a Produced Water Reinjection Facility for Mature Fields.
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Pérez-García, Fernando;
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Imsland, Lars;
Bar, Nadav.
Sensor fusion based on Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter for bioprocess monitoring.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Haugen, Joakim;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Molaei, Amir Masoud;
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Khaki-Sedigh, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Managed Pressure Drilling System State Estimation Using The Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Approach.
2020 European Control Conference (ECC)
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Zhang, Dongda;
Chanona del Rio, Ehecatl Antonio.
Stochastic data-driven model predictive control using gaussian processes.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle, Ave;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Schneider, Stefan;
Roth, Matthias.
Optimal production and maintenance scheduling for a multiproduct batch plant considering degradation.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Optimal Maintenance for Degrading Assets in the Context of Asset Fleets-A Case Study.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Grimstad, Bjarne Andre;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Developing a Hybrid Data-Driven, Mechanistic Virtual Flow Meter - a Case Study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Real-time optimization of wind farms using modifier adaptation and machine learning.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Doekemeijer, Bart;
van der Hoek, Daan;
van Wingerden, W.;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptation of Engineering Wake Models using
Gaussian Process Regression and High-Fidelity
Simulation Data.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Distributed learning for wind farm optimization with Gaussian processes.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Zagorowska, Marta;
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Ditlefsen, Arne-Marius;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Lunde, Erling;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Adaptive detection and prediction of performance degradation in off-shore turbomachinery.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Improved predictions from measured disturbances in linear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Output feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for batch processes.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Reble, Marcus;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a semi-batch polymerization reaction
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Schneider, Stefan;
Roth, Matthias;
Moreno Leira, Fernando.
Campaign-based modeling for degradation evolution in batch processes using a multiway partial least squares approach.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Gjertsen, Fredrik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Dynamic Real-Time Optimisation of a CO2 Capture Facility .
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Scibilia, Francesco.
On Kalman filtering with linear state equality constraints.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
An iceberg forecast approach based on a statistical ocean current model.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a batch fermentation process.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Schneider, Stefan M;
Bouaswaig, Ala EF;
Roth, Matthias.
Robust state estimation for fouling evolution in batch processes using the EM algorithm.
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Performance-based maintenance planning for asset fleets.
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Dalle Ave, Giancarlo;
Harjunkoski, Iiro;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Schneider, Stefan M;
Bouaswaig, Ala EF.
Short-term Scheduling of a Multipurpose Batch Plant Considering Degradation Effects.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Schulze, Frederik Spuentrup;
Dalle Ave, G;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Harjunkoski, Iiro.
Optimal Maintenance Scheduling for Washing of Compressors to Increase Operational Efficiency.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimization-based motion planning for trawling.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic Stochastic Model Predictive Control Using the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Combined Optimal Control and Combinatorial Optimization for Searching and Tracking Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model.
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Survey: Mobile sensor networks for target searching and tracking.
Cyber-Physical Systems
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic NMPC of Batch Processes Using Parameterized Control Policies.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Copland, Luke;
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Analysis of Iceberg Drift Trajectories Using the Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition .
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Copland, Luke;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Comparison of statistical iceberg forecast models.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Wu, Ouyang;
Bouaswaig, Ala;
Schneider, Stefan;
Leira, Fernando;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Roth, Matthias.
Data-driven degradation model for batch processes: a case study on heat exchanger fouling.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Frison, Gianluca;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jørgensen, JB.
Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
UAV path planning using MILP with experiments.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Ivanov, Ivan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bogdanova, Boryana.
Iterative algorithms for computing the feedback Nash equilibrium point for positive systems.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Scenario-based approaches for handling uncertainty in MPC for power system frequency control.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Richter, Stefan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauge, Espen.
Design and Experimental Validation of Nonlinear Infinite-Dimensional Adaptive Observer in Automated Managed Pressure Drilling.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Scibilia, Francesco.
Constrained Posterior Cramér-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Systems.
Academic article
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with State Estimation by Incorporation of the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Academic article
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Haugen, Joakim.
Numerical Optimal Control Mixing Collocation with Single Shooting: A Case Study.
Academic article
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
An estimation-forecast set-up for iceberg drift prediction.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response models for embedded Model Predictive Control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jouffroy, Jerome.
On convergence of the unscented Kalman-Bucy filter using contraction theory.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Model Predictive Load-Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Combined economic and regulatory predictive control.
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model predictive load–frequency control taking into account imbalance uncertainty.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Monitoring Moving Objects Using Aerial Mobile Sensors.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Kostova, Snezhana;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ivanov, Ivan Ganchev.
LQR problem of linear discrete time systems with nonnegative state constraints.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Aaker, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Automatically generated embedded model predictive control: Moving an industrial PC-based MPC to an embedded platform.
Optimal control applications & methods
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Blanke, Mogens.
Early pack-off diagnosis in drilling using an adaptive observer and statistical change detection.
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey K..
Drillstring Washout Diagnosis using Friction Estimation and Statistical Change Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Fault diagnosis of downhole drilling incidents using adaptive observers and statistical change detection.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Monitoring an Advection-Diffusion Process Using Aerial Mobile Sensors.
Unmanned Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response prediction models for embedded model predictive control.
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Blanke, Mogens;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Incident detection and isolation in drilling using analytical redundancy relations.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Moving Horizon Estimation in Managed Pressure Drilling using Distributed Models.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimal Control Strategies for Oil Production Under Gas Coning Conditions.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Frison, Gianluca;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jørgensen, John Bagterp.
Efficient Implementation of Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control on Embedded Devices.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Autonomous Aerial Ice Observation for Ice Defense.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Skjetne, Roger;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Løset, Sveinung.
The Arctic DP research project: Effective stationkeeping in ice.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Richter, S;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Morari, Manfred;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On multi-objective economic predictive control for cyclic process operation.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Kittilsen, Pål.
Short-term production optimization of offshore oil and gas production using nonlinear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Kostova, Snezhana;
Ivanov, Ivan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Georgieva, Nonka.
Infinite horizon LQR problem of linear discrete time positive systems.
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences
Academic article
Møgster, Johannes;
Godhavn, John-Morten;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Using MPC for Managed Pressure Drilling.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
A Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Applied to Flow-Loop Data.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Stamnes, Øyvind Nistad;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Aamo, Ole Morten.
Simplified Hydraulics Model Used for Intelligent Estimation of Downhole Pressure for a Managed-Pressure-Drilling Control System.
SPE Drilling & Completion
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Control of Multiple HVDC links using backstepping.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State estimation of ice thickness distribution using mobile sensors.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Adaptive approximation-based estimation of downhole pressure in managed pressure drilling.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hauger, Svein Olav;
Kittilsen, Pål.
Short-term production optimization of offshore oil and gas production using nonlinear model predictive control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On combining economical performance with control performance in nmpc.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Paasche, Marcel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Ringset, Ruben Køste;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
On Gradient Computation in Single-shooting Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pavlov, A;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Experimental disturbance rejection on a full-scale drilling rig.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kittilsen, Pål;
Schei, Tor S..
Model-based optimizing control and estimation using Modelica models.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Parameter estimation and compensation in systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Colombo, Konrad Werner Eichhorn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bolland, Olav;
Hovland, Svein.
Dynamic modelling of an oxygen mixed conducting membrane and model reduction for control.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, A.
Vehicle Sideslip Estimation: Design, implementation, and experimental validation.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kittilsen, Pål;
Schei, Tor S..
Using Modelica models in real-time dynamic optimization -- gradient computations.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, L.
Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, L;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Constrained State Estimation Using the Unscented Kalman Filter.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, L.
Applying the unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear state estimation.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear vehicle side-slip estimation with friction adaptation.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Rossiter, J.A.;
Pluymers, B.;
Suykens, J..
Robust triple mode MPC.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
AMNYTT Magazine
Popular scientific article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
Automatisering & Industridata
Popular scientific article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Stiller, Christoph;
Thorud, Bjørn;
Bolland, Olav.
Modeling and control of a SOFC-GT-based autonomous power system.
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Huang, Biao;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State Estimation of SOFC/GT Hybrid System using UKF.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
On nonlinear unknown input observers - applied to lateral vehicle velocity estimation on banked roads.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Stiller, Christoph;
Thorud, Bjørn;
Bolland, Olav;
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine hybrid system.
Journal of Power Sources
Academic article
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav.
Control design for a gas turbine cycle with CO2 capture capabilities.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Integrated modeling and control of a load-connected SOFC-GT autonomous power system.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers.
Academic article
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Stiller, Christoph;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Kariwala, Vinay Kumar.
Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars;
Johansen, Tor A.;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Control design for a gas turbine cycle with CO2 capture capabilities.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet;
Bolland, Olav.
Control issues in a design of a gas turbine with CO2 capture.
International Journal of Green Energy
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bar, Nadav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
More Efficient Predictive Control.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Rossiter, J. Anthony.
Time varying terminal control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Kalkkuhl, J.C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Findeisen, R;
Allgower, F;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Output feedback stabilization with nonlinear predictive control: Asymptotic properties.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Output feedback stabilization of constrained systems with nonlinear predictive control.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
State and Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: An Overview.
European Journal of Control
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Findeisen, Rolf;
Bullinger, E;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
A note on Stability, Robustness and Performance of Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Uncertainty modelling and robust output feedback control of nonlinear discrete systems: a mathematical programming approach.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model.
IFAC Papers Online
IFAC-PapersOnLine (18)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik;
Londono, Juan G.;
Skourup, Charlotte;
Thornhill, Nina F.;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reliability improvement of compressors based on asset fleet reliability data.
IFAC Papers Online
IFAC Papers Online
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Imsland, Lars Struen.
2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series (?)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Active control of oxy-fuel combustion using preflame CO2-injection.
The European Union Control Association (EUCA)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Boersma, Sjoerd;
Mesbah, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gabrielsen, Trym Arve Lund;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Progressor Transformation of Dynamical Systems and Application to Dynamic Optimization.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Joakim Rostrup;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Real time optimization of systems with fast and slow dynamics using a lookahead strategy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
del Rio Chanona, Ehecatl Antonio.
Nonlinear model predictive control with explicit back-offs for Gaussian process state space models.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric;
Reble, Marcus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Output feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control of a polymerization batch process.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Xingji;
Georges, Laurent;
Knudsen, Michael;
Sartori, Igor;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Investigation of the Model Structure for Low-Order
Grey-Box Modelling of Residential Buildings.
International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Gaussian
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
The Moving Horizon Estimator Used in Iceberg Drift Estimation and Forecast.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Forecasting using multivariate empirical mode decomposition — Applied to iceberg drift forecast.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albert, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Performance Bounds for Tracking Multiple Objects
using a Single UAV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Partially distributed optimization for mobile sensor path-planning.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bradford, Eric Christopher;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Expectation constrained stochastic nonlinear model
predictive control of a batch bioreactor.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A study on an iceberg drift trajectory.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Ivanov, Ivan;
Kostova, Snezhana;
Bogdanova, Boryana.
Optimal boundary control of 2 × 2 linear hyperbolic PDEs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Scibilia, Francesco;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of systems with oscillating inputs - applied to iceberg drift forecast.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Scibilia, Francesco.
An Iceberg Drift Prediction Study Offshore Newfoundland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Ferreau, Hans Joachim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Diehl, M.
Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Performance and Stability for Combined Economic and Regulatory Control in MPC.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model Predictive Control for Power System Frequency Control Taking Into Account Imbalance Uncertainty.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode;
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Govatsmark, Marius Støre.
Optimal and Robust Production of High Pressure Steam.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hannemann-Tamas, Ralf;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Full Algorithmic Differentiation of a Rosenbrock-Type Method for Direct Single Shooting.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Jouffroy, Jerome.
A convergence result for the unscented kalman-bucy filter using contraction theory.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Using Nonlinear Adaptive Observers.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Multi-objective predictive control for non steady-state operation.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On asymptotic closed-loop performance for linear mpc with terminal constraints.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
UAV Path Planning for Multitarget Tracking with Experiments.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Cecílio, Inês M.;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Applying Model Predictive Control to Power System Frequency Control.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Optimization-Based Autonomous Remote Sensing of Surface Objects Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Løset, Sveinung;
Skjetne, Roger.
Ice Observer System for Ice Management Operations.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Horalek, Radek;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Nonlinear model predictive control of a benchmark nonlinear boiler.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Stamnes, Øyvind Nistad;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Aamo, Ole Morten.
Intelligent estimation of downhole pressure using simplified hydraulic model.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Active control of oxy-fuel combustion using preflame CO2-injection.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Velocity with Friction and Road Bank Angle Adaptation - Validation and Comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Snarheim, Dagfinn;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Control-relevant Modelling and Linear Analysis of Instabilities in Oxy-fuel Combustion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kandepu, Rambabu;
Huang, Biao;
Foss, Bjarne Anton;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Comparative Study of State Estimation of Fuel Cell Hybrid System using UKF and EKF.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Findeisen, Rolf;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Allgøwer, Frank;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Towards a sampled-data theory for nonlinear model predictive control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Aurora Åsgård;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos.
Towards Uncertainty-Aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Avoidance in Wind Turbines.
Masters thesis
Hotvedt, Mathilde;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
On a hybrid approach to model learning applied to virtual flow metering.
Doctoral dissertation
Urdal, Jørgen;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model Predictive Control of multi-rotor wind turbine.
Masters thesis
Rønnestad, Erik Ramsland;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
State Estimation of a Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine.
Masters thesis
Skibelid, Adrian Bogen;
Andersson, Leif Erik;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kölle, Konstanze.
Model predictive control of offshore wind turbine.
Masters thesis
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model predictive load-frequency control.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (48)
Doctoral dissertation
Billington, Thor Helge;
Skjetne, Roger;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Norgren, Petter.
Online Shape Estimation of Icebergs at Sea.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Willersrud, Anders;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Model-Based Diagnosis of Drilling Incidents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (147)
Doctoral dissertation
Haugen, Joakim;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Autonomous Aerial Ice Observation.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (291)
Doctoral dissertation
Maree, Johannes Philippus;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Economic and Multi-objective Model Predictive Control.
Doctoral dissertation
Jordal, Kristin;
Kvamsdal, Hanne;
Wahl, Per Eilif;
Røkke, Petter Egil;
Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova;
Maurstad, Ola.
SIP Power Generation with CO2 capture - report 4/BIGCO2 report 1. Task D: Power cycles with carbon capture, 2005.
Sintef Energiforskning
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Topics in Nonlinear Control: output feedback stabilization and control of positive systems.
Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Imsland, Lars Struen.
OPCSIM - Et OPC-grensesnitt til en simulator.
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Robust output feedback control for constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems using observer-based controllers.
PosterHoang, Kiet Tuan; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Data-efficient optimisation of wind farms providing secondary frequency regulation with Bayesian optimisation. SINTEF, NTNU, and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind conference , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim, Norway 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
PosterPedersen, Aurora Åsgård; Hoang, Kiet Tuan; Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Prevention in Wind Turbines. SINTEF, NTNU, and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind conference , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim, Norway 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
LectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems. IFAC 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) , Toronto, Canada 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-17
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control. AACC 2023 American Control Conference , San Diego, the USA 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-02
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms. IFAC The 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (WC) , Yokohama, Japan 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
PosterHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Forecasting and control in presence of uncertain intermittent renewables. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Day , Quality Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim, Norway 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Integrating wind in offshore power systems - control, forecasting, and learning. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Day , Quality Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim, Norway 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Stochastic predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables - A data-driven stochastic differential equations approach. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Webinars , SINTEF 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-07
Academic lectureAndersen, Joakim Rostrup; Lima Silva, Thiago; Imsland, Lars Struen; Pavlov, Alexey. (2023) Real-time optimization of fast and slow dynamics with a look-ahead strategy. INTPART - Brazil-Norway Production Optimization IX Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop: The Digital Transformation for Sustainable Production , Petrobras Research Center – CENPES, Rio de Janeiro 2023-03-02 - 2023-03-03
Academic lectureGabrielsen, Trym Arve Lund; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Progressor Transformation of Dynamical Systems and Application to Dynamic Optimization. IEEE CCTA 2023 , Hilton Hotel 2023-08-16 - 2023-08-18
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2022) Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems. IFAC 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS) , Busan, South Korea 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2022) Optimal operation of offshore hybrid power systems - gas turbines, offshore wind, and batteries. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Webinars , SINTEF 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-16
Academic lectureAndersen, Joakim Rostrup; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2022) Bilevel programming as a means of infinite weighting in regression problems. IFAC The 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS) , Busan, Sør-Korea 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureGrøtli, Esten Ingar; Haugen, Joakim; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2021) Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management. American Automatic Control Council American Control Conference 2021 , New Orleans 2021-05-25 - 2021-05-28
Academic lectureAndersen, Joakim Rostrup; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2021) Application of Data-Driven Economic NMPC on a Gas Lifted Well Network. IFAC 16th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes ADCHEM 2021 , Italia 2021-06-13 - 2021-06-16
PosterHotvedt, Mathilde; Grimstad, Bjarne Andre; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2021) Hybrid, gray-box modeling of a virtual flow meter. SINTEF Geilo Winter School , Virtual 2021-01-25 - 2021-01-29
Academic lectureWu, Ouyang; Dalle Ave, G; Harjunkoski, Iiro; Bouaswaig, Ala EF; Schneider, Stefan M; Roth, Matthias. (2021) Short-Term Multiproduct Batch Scheduling Considering Storage Features . IFAC IFAC World Congress , Berlin 2021-07-11 - 2021-07-17
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Nguyen, Thuc Anh; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Towards a Degradation-Conscious Control Strategy for PEM Fuel Cells in Automotive Applications. Institute of Automatic Control (IRT), RWTH Aachen University Master thesis defence , RWTH Aachen University 2020-11-01 - 2020-11-01
PosterUrdal, Jørgen; Andersson, Leif Erik; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Model predictive control of multi-rotor wind turbine . EERA Deepwind'2020 2020-01-15 - 2020-01-17
Academic lectureSkibelid, Adrian Bogen; Andersson, Leif Erik; Kölle, Konstanze; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Model predictive control on a wind turbine using a reduced order model based on STAS. EERA Deepwind'2020 2020-01-15 - 2020-01-17
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Doekemeijer, Bart; van der Hoek, Daan; van Wingerden, Jan Willem; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Real-time optimization of wind farms using modifier adaptation and machine learning. EAWE TORQUE 2020 , Delft 2020-09-28 - 2020-10-02
Academic lectureAndersen, Joakim Rostrup; Silva, Thiago Lima; Imsland, Lars Struen; Pavlov, Alexey. (2020) Real time optimization of systems with fast and slow dynamics using a lookahead strategy. IEEE CSS 59th Conference on Decision and Control 2020-12-15 -
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Bradford, Eric; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Gaussian processes modifier adaptation with uncertain inputs using distributed learning and optimization on a wind farm. IFAC IFACWorld congress 2020 , Berlin 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Bradford, Eric; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Distributed learning for wind farm optimization with Gaussian processes. IEEE 2020 American Control Conference (ACC) , Denver, CO, USA, USA 2020-07-01 - 2020-07-03
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Merz, Karl Otto; Kölle, Konstanze; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2019) Real-time optimization of wind farms using modifier adaptation and machine learning . Wind Energy Science conference 2019 , Cork 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
Academic lectureSchulze Spüntrup, Frederik; Imsland, Lars Struen; Londono, Juan G.; Skourup, Charlotte; Thornhill, Nina F.. (2018) Reliability improvement of compressors based on asset fleet reliability data. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production , Esbjerg 2018-05-30 - 2018-06-01
PosterSchulze Spüntrup, Frederik; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2018) Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model. 10th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes , Shenyang 2018-07-25 - 2018-07-27
Academic lectureWu, Ouyang; Bouaswaig, Ala; Schneider, Stefan; Leira, Fernando; Imsland, Lars Struen; Roth, Matthias. (2018) Data-driven degradation model for batch processes: a case study on heat exchanger fouling. 28th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE28) , Graz 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Copland, Luke; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2018) Analysis of Iceberg Drift Trajectories Using the Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition - presentation . ISOPE ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , Sapporo 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureÅsnes, A.; Willersrud, Anders; Kretz, F; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2018) Predictive maintenance and life cycle estimation for hydro power plants with real-time analytics. HYDRO 2018 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-17
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Richter, Stefan; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods. CSS IEEE 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2017) , Melbourne 2017-12-12 - 2017-12-15
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Scibilia, Francesco; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2017) Forecasting using multivariate empirical mode decomposition — Applied to iceberg drift forecast - presentation. IEEE Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) , Mauna Lani 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-30
Academic lectureAlbert, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2017) Performance Bounds for Tracking Multiple Objects using a Single UAV. ICUAS Association 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) , Miami, FL 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen. (2017) Partially distributed optimization for mobile sensor path-planning. IEEE 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2017) , Melbourne 2017-12-12 - 2017-12-15
Academic lectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Imsland, Lars Struen; Scibilia, Francesco. (2017) Constrained Posterior Cram{\'e}r-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Systems - presentation. IFAC 20th IFAC World Congress , Toulouse 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14
LectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2017) A study on an iceberg drift trajectory - presentation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
LectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Efficient Quadratic Programming Frameworks for Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control. European Control Conference, ECC 2016 , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
LectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Imsland, Lars Struen; Scibilia, Francesco. (2016) The Moving Horizon Estimator Used in Iceberg Drift Estimation and Forecast - Presentation. European Control Association (EUCA) European Control Conference , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
LectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Imsland, Lars Struen; Scibilia, Francesco. (2016) Estimation of systems with oscillating inputs - applied to iceberg drift forecast - presentation. IEEE IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2016 , Buenos Aires 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-22
LectureAndersson, Leif Erik; Imsland, Lars Struen; Scibilia, Francesco. (2016) An Iceberg Drift Prediction Study Offshore Newfoundland - Presentation. Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) The Arctic Technology Conference (ATC) , St. John's 2016-10-24 - 2016-10-26
PosterAlbert, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Haugen, Joakim. (2016) Numerical Optimal Control Mixing Collocation with Single Shooting: A Case Study . Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems, DYCOPS-CAB 2016 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08
Academic lectureWillersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Blanke, Mogens. (2015) Early pack-off diagnosis in drilling using an adaptive observer and statistical change detection. IFAC 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offhore Oil and Gas Production , Florianopolis, Brazil 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-29
PosterKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Eikrem, Gisle Otto; Pavlov, Alexey. (2015) Enabling High-performance Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control using Code Generation and High-speed solvers. Nordic Process Control Workshop , Trondheim - Bodø 2015-01-15 - 2015-01-16
Academic lectureAlbert, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2015) Mobile Sensor Path Planning for Iceberg Monitoring using a MILP Framework. ICINCO 2015 -- 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics , Colmar, Alsace 2015-07-21 - 2015-07-23
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Efficient Implementation of Step Response Prediction Models for Embedded Model Predictive Control. IFAC Conference on Nonlinaer Model Predictive Control 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-20
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models. IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-09
Academic lectureWillersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Blanke, Mogens; Pavlov, Alexey. (2015) Early detection and localization of downhole incidents in managed pressure drilling. SPE/IADC SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling and Underbalanced Operations , Dubai, UAE 2015-04-13 - 2015-04-14
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Ferreau, Hans Joachim; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Diehl, Moritz. (2015) Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES. European Control Association European Control Conference 2015 , Linz 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureKristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Snarheim, Dagfinn; Imsland, Lars Struen; Govatsmark, Marius Støre. (2014) Optimal and Robust Production of High Pressure Steam. European Control Conference 2014 , Strasbourg 2014-06-24 - 2014-06-27
Academic lectureHasan, Agus Ismail; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2014) Moving Horizon Estimation in Managed Pressure Drilling using Distributed Models. IEEE IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC) 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureKufoalor, Kwame Minde; Richter, Stefan; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Morari, Manfred; Eikrem, Gisle Otto. (2014) Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process. Mediterranean Control Association 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation MED'14 , Palermo 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-19
Academic lectureKristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Snarheim, Dagfinn; Imsland, Lars Struen; Govatsmark, Marius Støre. (2014) Optimal and Robust Production of High Pressure Steam. European Control Association European Control Conference 2014 , Strassbourg 2014-06-24 - 2014-06-27
Academic lectureFrison, Gianluca; Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Jørgensen, John Bagterp. (2014) Efficient Implementation of Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control on Embedded Devices. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA): Part of 2014 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control. 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2014) Performance and Stability for Combined Economic and Regulatory Control in MPC. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Cape Town 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2014) Optimal Control Strategies for Oil Production Under Gas Coning Conditions. IEEE IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control , Nice 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Imsland, Lars Struen; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2014) Model Predictive Control for Frequency Control of the Nordic Power System. Statnett Research Presentation at Statnett , Oslo 2014-10-14 -
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Fabozzi, Davide; Imsland, Lars Struen; Thornhill, Nina F.. (2014) MPC for Power System Frequency Control Taking Into Account Imbalance Uncertainty. IFAC IFAC 19th World Congress , Cape Town 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29
Academic lectureHannemann-Tamas, Ralf; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2014) Full Algorithmic Differentiation of a Rosenbrock-Type Method for Direct Single Shooting. European Control Association (EUCA) 13th European Control Conference (ECC14) , Strasbourg 2014-06-24 - 2014-06-27
Academic lectureKufoalor, Kwame Minde; Aaker, Vegard; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen; Eikrem, Gisle Otto. (2013) Embedded Model Predictive Control: Moving an Industrial PC‐based MPC to an Embedded Platform. Nordic Process Control Workshop 2013-08-20 - 2013-08-21
Academic lectureMøgster, Johannes; Godhavn, John-Morten; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) Using MPC for Managed Pressure Drilling. Norsk Forening for Automatisering Servomøtet , Trondheim 2013-10-23 - 2013-10-24
Academic lecturePavlov, Alexey; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole; Willersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) iMPD (intgrated/intelligent) Managed Pressure Drilling. Norsk Petroleumsforening Den 26. Kristiansandkonferansen innen bore- og brønnteknologi , Kristiansand 2013-09-16 - 2013-09-18
Academic lectureWillersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Using Nonlinear Adaptive Observers. European Control Association (EUCA) European Control Conference , Zurich 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen; Jouffroy, Jerome. (2013) A convergence result for the unscented kalman-bucy filter using contraction theory. EUCA European Control Conference , Zurich 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) Multi-objective predictive control for non steady-state operation. EUCA European Control Conference , Zurich 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) On asymptotic closed-loop performance for linear mpc with terminal constraints. Northeastern University of China 25th Chinese Control and Decison Conference , Guigang 2013-05-25 - 2013-05-27
Academic lectureWillersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Pavlov, Alexey; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole. (2013) A Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Applied to Flow-Loop Data. IFAC Dycops 2013 , Mumbai 2013-12-18 - 2013-12-20
Academic lectureHaugen, Joakim; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) Optimization-Based Autonomous Remote Sensing of Surface Objects Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. European Control Association (EUCA) European Control Conference , Zurich 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-17
Academic lectureHaugen, Joakim; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2013) UAV Path Planning for Multitarget Tracking with Experiments. IFAC 2nd IFAC Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems , Compiegne 2013-11-20 - 2013-11-22
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Cecílio, Inês M.; Fabozzi, Davide; Imsland, Lars Struen; Thornhill, Nina F.. (2013) Applying Model Predictive Control to Power System Frequency Control. IEEE IEEE ISGT Europe 2013 , København 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
Academic lectureHaugen, Joakim; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2012) State estimation of ice thickness distribution using mobile sensors. IEEE 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012) , Dubrovnik 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Imsland, Lars Struen; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2012) Coordinated control of multiple hvdc links using backstepping. IEEE 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012) , Dubrovnik 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole. (2012) Adaptive approximation-based estimation of downhole pressure in managed pressure drilling. IEEE 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012) , Dubrovnik 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen. (2012) UAS as a mobile sensor network in Arctic. UAS Norway UAS Nordic Conference 2012 , Oslo 2012-11-13 - 2012-11-13
Academic lectureMaree, Johannes Philippus; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2011) On combining economical performance with control performance in nmpc. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureHaugen, Joakim; Imsland, Lars Struen; Løset, Sveinung; Skjetne, Roger. (2011) Ice Observer System for Ice Management Operations. International Society Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) 21st International Offshore (Ocean) & Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2011) , Maui, Hawaii 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-24
Academic lectureWillersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Hauger, Svein Olav; Kittilsen, Pål. (2011) Short-term production optimization of offshore oil and gas production using nonlinear model predictive control. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureHolarek, Radek; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2011) Nonlinear model predictive control of a benchmark nonlinear boiler. IEEE XXIII International Symposium on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies , Sarajevo 2011-10-27 - 2011-10-29
Academic lectureKaasa, Glenn-Ole; Stamnes, Øyvind Nistad; Imsland, Lars Struen; Aamo, Ole Morten. (2011) Intelligent estimation of downhole pressure using simplified hydraulic model. IADC/SPE IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference & Exhibition , Denver, Colorado 2011-04-05 - 2011-04-06
Academic lecturePaasche, Marcel; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2011) Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lecturePavlov, A; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2010) Experimental disturbance rejection on a full-scale drilling rig. NOLCOS 2010 2010-09-01 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen. (2010) Economic MPC -- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control in Production Optimization. Norsk Forening for Automatisering Servomøtet 2010 , Ålesund 2010-10-20 - 2010-10-21
Academic lectureRingset, Ruben Køste; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2010) On Gradient Computation in Single-shooting Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. IFAC DYCOPS 2010 , Leuven 2010-07-05 -
Academic lectureSnarheim, Dagfinn; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2009) Active control of oxy-fuel combustion using preflame CO2-injection. European Control Conference 2009 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2009) Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles. American Control Conference , St. Louis, MO 2009-06-10 - 2009-06-12
PosterImsland, Lars Struen; Kittilsen, Pål; Schei, Tor S.. (2009) Using Modelica models in real time dynamic optimization –- gradient computation. Modelica Modelica'09 , Como 2009-09-20 - 2009-09-22
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2008) Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations. International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC World Congress , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Academic lectureImsland, L; Grip, Håvard Fjær; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2007) Nonlinear observer for lateral velocity with friction and road bank adaptation. SAE World Congress , Detroit 2007-04-16 -
Academic lectureSnarheim, Dagfinn; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2007) Control-relevant Modelling and Linear Analysis of Instabilities in Oxy-fuel Combustion. European Control Conference 2007 2007-07-02 - 2007-07-05
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Huang, Biao; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2007) State Estimation of SOFC/GT Hybrid System using UKF. IFAC DYCOPS 2007 , Cancun 2007-06-06 - 2007-06-08
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Huang, Biao; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2007) Comparative Study of State Estimation of Fuel Cell Hybrid System using UKF and EKF. IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2007. ICCA 2007 2007-05-30 - 2007-06-01
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2006) Integrated modeling and control of a load-connected SOFC-GT autonomous power system. American Control Conference 2006-06-14 - 2006-06-16
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Imsland, Lars; Johansen, Tor A.; Fossen, Thor I.; Kalkkuhl, Jens C.; Suissa, Avshalom. (2006) Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation. IEEE 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , San Diego, California 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2006) Modeling and control of a SOFC-GT hybrid system with single shaft configuration. International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation - ICEPAG 2006 , Newport Beach, California 2006-09-05 - 2006-09-08
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2006) Nonlinear observer for vehicle velocity estimation. SAE International 2006 SAE World Congress , Detroit, Michigan 2006-04-03 - 2006-04-06
Academic lectureImsland, Lars; Grip, Håvard Fjær; Böhm, Christoph; Johansen, Tor A.; Fossen, Thor I.; Kalkkuhl, Jens C.. (2006) Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Lateral Velocity. HYCON & CEmACS Workshop on Automotive Systems and Control 2006-06-01 - 2006-06-02
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, J.C.; Suissa, Avshalom. (2005) Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers. IEEE CDC-ECC-2005 , Seville 2005-12-12 - 2005-12-15
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Stiller, Christoph; Thorud, Bjørn; Bolland, Olav. (2005) Control-relevant SOFC modeling and model evaluation. NTNU ECOS 2005 , Trondheim 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-22
Academic lectureKandepu, Rambabu; Imsland, Lars Struen; Stiller, Christoph; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Kariwala, Vinay Kumar. (2005) Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system. SIMS-2005 2005-10-13 - 2005-10-14
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen. (2005) On the dynamics and control of some oxyfuel power cycles for CO2 capture. The third conference on CO2 capture, transport and storage 2005-10-10 - 2005-10-11
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2004) Set stabilization of a class of positive systems. ADCHEM 2003 2004-01-11 - 2004-01-14
Academic lectureEikrem, Gisle Otto; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2004) Stabilization of gas-lifted wells based on state estimation. ADCHEM 2003 2004-01-11 - 2004-01-14
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Bar, Nadav; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2004) A new algorithm for efficient MPC and a comparison with other schemes. ACC 2004 , Boston 2004-06-30 - 2004-07-02
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Snarheim, Dagfinn; Ulfsnes, Ragnhild Elisabet; Bolland, Olav; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2004) Modelling and control of a O2/CO2 gas turbine cycle for CO2 capture. Dycops-7 , Boston 2004-07-05 - 2004-07-07
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2003) State feedback set stabilization for a class of positive systems. IFAC POSTA , Rome, Italy 2003-08-29 -
Academic lectureFindeisen, Rolf; Imsland, Lars Struen; Allgøwer, Frank; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2003) Stability Conditions for Observer Based Output Feedback Stabilization with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Conference on Decision and Control , Hawaii, USA 2003-12-10 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Findeisen, Rolf; Allgøwer, Frank; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2003) Output feedback stabilization with nonlinear predictive control: Asymptotic properties. American Conrol Conference , Denver, USA 2003-06-27 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Eikrem, Gisle Otto. (2003) State feedback control of a class of positive systems � Application to gaslift stabilization. European Control Conference, ECC'03 , Cambridge, UK 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureDrageset, Stian; Imsland, Lars Struen; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2003) Efficient model predictive control with prediction dynamics. European Control Conference - ECC'03 , Cambridge, UK 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureFindeisen, Rolf; Imsland, Lars Struen; Allgøwer, Frank; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2003) Output-feedback nonlinear model predictive control using high-gain observers in original coordinates. European Control Conference, ECC'03 , Cambridge, UK 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureEikrem, Gisle Otto; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Imsland, Lars Struen; Bin, Hu; Golan, Michael. (2002) Stabilization of gas lifted wells. IFAC World Congress , Barcelona, Spain 2002-07-26 -
Academic lectureFindeisen, Rolf; Imsland, Lars Struen; Allgøwer, Frank; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2002) Output feedback nonlinear predictive control - a separation principle approach. IFAC World Congress , Barcelona, Spain 2002-07-26 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Slupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2001) Robust observer-based output feedback for nonlinear discrete-time systems with constraints. NOLCOS 2001 , St. Petersburg, Russia 2001-07-05 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Slupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2001) Piecewise affine observer-based robust controllers for constrained nonlinear systems. European Control Conference 2001 , Porto, Portugal 2001-09-04 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Findeisen, Rolf; Bullinger, F.; Allgøwer, Frank; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2001) On output feedback nonlinear model predictive control using high gain observers for a class of systems. DYCOPS-6 2001 , Cheju Island, Korea 2001-06-05 -