Lisbeth Kvam
Reaearch interests:
- Work inclusion for people with disabilities
- Welfare technology
- Occupational rehabilitation
- Participation and inclusion
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Flatholm, May-Liz.
Disability and the transition from higher education to employment: Exploring attitudes among Norwegian frontline workers towards work inclusion
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Academic article
Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Østvik, Jørn.
Studying Disability: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on Requesting Accommodation in Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Nolan, Clodagh;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén.
Processes Empowering Disabled Students in the Co-Production of Inclusive Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
“Breaking a vicious cycle”: the reproduction of ableism in higher education and its impact on students with disabilities.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Frogner, Jenny;
Hanisch, Halvor Melbye;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A Glass House of Care: Sheltered Employment for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Academic article
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Attitudes towards students with disabilities achieving their educational and work-related goals: a factorial survey experiment among higher education institution employees in Norway.
Higher Education
Academic article
Indrøy, Tonje Cecilie;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Ambiguous Facilitation: An Ethnographic Study of the Contextual Aspects of Participation in Group Activities in a Norwegian Healthy Life Centre.
Academic article
Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo;
Østvik, Jørn;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A multi-stakeholder perspective on inclusion in higher education: Ruling on fragile ground.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Aiming for inclusion: processes taking place in co-creation involving students with disabilities in higher education.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Dyb, Kari;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Beyond the Point of No Return: A Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Digitally Supported Person-Centred, Integrated, and Proactive Care.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Rasouli, Omid;
Husby, Vigdis Kvitland Schnell;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Røstad, Monica;
Aasan, Synnøve;
Slettahjell, Lisbet.
Using welfare technology for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Expectations, experiences, and challenges of intellectual disability nursing students during clinical placement.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Jahren, Lisbeth;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Identifying Key Concepts in Ambassador Interventions for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: A Scoping Review.
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
Academic literature review
Goodall, Gemma;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Barriers and Facilitators in the Transition From Higher Education to Employment for Students With Disabilities: A Rapid Systematic Review.
Frontiers in Education
Academic literature review
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Berre, Stine;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Arbeidsgiveres holdninger til ansettelse av utviklingshemmede.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rasouli, Omid;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Røstad, Monica;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Understanding the possibilities and limitations of assistive technology in health and welfare services for people with intellectual disabilities, staff perspectives.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Academic article
Dyb, Kari;
Berntsen, Gro;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Jakobsen, Klara Johanne.
Gråsonegruppa - Arbeidsinkludering av unge med kognitive utfordringer.
Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet
Liaset, Ingeborg;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Experiences of returning to work after brain tumor treatment.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Gjeitnes, Kirsti;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Samhandlingskompetanse - NAV Lerkendal.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Participation at the interface with health and welfare services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Lenes, Anne-Lise;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Kan Marte Meo-veiledning fremme refleksiv praksis blant helse- og sosialfagstudenter?.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Magnus, Eva.
Jeg følte at jeg kom videre i livet - viktige elementer i gruppebaserte tiltak for eldre med synsvansker.
Ergoterapeuten #1-2015/58
Popular scientific article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Vik, Kjersti.
Discourses of Participation in Work among Men and Women in Vocational Rehabilitation.
Journal of Occupational Science (JOS)
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Gender differences in the importance of participation associated with injured workers/persons perceived barriers to returning to work in the context of vocational rehabilitation.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Vik, Kjersti;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Importance of Participation in Major Life Areas Matters for Return to Work.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne;
Vik, Kjersti.
Understanding experiences of participation among men and women with chronic musculoskeletal pain in vocational rehabilitation.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Journal publications
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Flatholm, May-Liz.
Disability and the transition from higher education to employment: Exploring attitudes among Norwegian frontline workers towards work inclusion
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Academic article
Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Østvik, Jørn.
Studying Disability: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on Requesting Accommodation in Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Nolan, Clodagh;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén.
Processes Empowering Disabled Students in the Co-Production of Inclusive Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
“Breaking a vicious cycle”: the reproduction of ableism in higher education and its impact on students with disabilities.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Frogner, Jenny;
Hanisch, Halvor Melbye;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A Glass House of Care: Sheltered Employment for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Academic article
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Attitudes towards students with disabilities achieving their educational and work-related goals: a factorial survey experiment among higher education institution employees in Norway.
Higher Education
Academic article
Indrøy, Tonje Cecilie;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Ambiguous Facilitation: An Ethnographic Study of the Contextual Aspects of Participation in Group Activities in a Norwegian Healthy Life Centre.
Academic article
Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo;
Østvik, Jørn;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
A multi-stakeholder perspective on inclusion in higher education: Ruling on fragile ground.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Aiming for inclusion: processes taking place in co-creation involving students with disabilities in higher education.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Dyb, Kari;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Beyond the Point of No Return: A Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Digitally Supported Person-Centred, Integrated, and Proactive Care.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Rasouli, Omid;
Husby, Vigdis Kvitland Schnell;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Røstad, Monica;
Aasan, Synnøve;
Slettahjell, Lisbet.
Using welfare technology for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Expectations, experiences, and challenges of intellectual disability nursing students during clinical placement.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Jahren, Lisbeth;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Identifying Key Concepts in Ambassador Interventions for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: A Scoping Review.
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
Academic literature review
Goodall, Gemma;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Barriers and Facilitators in the Transition From Higher Education to Employment for Students With Disabilities: A Rapid Systematic Review.
Frontiers in Education
Academic literature review
Rasouli, Omid;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Røstad, Monica;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Understanding the possibilities and limitations of assistive technology in health and welfare services for people with intellectual disabilities, staff perspectives.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Academic article
Dyb, Kari;
Berntsen, Gro;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Experiences of returning to work after brain tumor treatment.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Lenes, Anne-Lise;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Kan Marte Meo-veiledning fremme refleksiv praksis blant helse- og sosialfagstudenter?.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Magnus, Eva.
Jeg følte at jeg kom videre i livet - viktige elementer i gruppebaserte tiltak for eldre med synsvansker.
Ergoterapeuten #1-2015/58
Popular scientific article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Vik, Kjersti.
Discourses of Participation in Work among Men and Women in Vocational Rehabilitation.
Journal of Occupational Science (JOS)
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Gender differences in the importance of participation associated with injured workers/persons perceived barriers to returning to work in the context of vocational rehabilitation.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Vik, Kjersti;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Importance of Participation in Major Life Areas Matters for Return to Work.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Eide, Arne;
Vik, Kjersti.
Understanding experiences of participation among men and women with chronic musculoskeletal pain in vocational rehabilitation.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Part of book/report
Berre, Stine;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Arbeidsgiveres holdninger til ansettelse av utviklingshemmede.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjeitnes, Kirsti;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Samhandlingskompetanse - NAV Lerkendal.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Participation at the interface with health and welfare services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Jakobsen, Klara Johanne.
Gråsonegruppa - Arbeidsinkludering av unge med kognitive utfordringer.
Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet
PosterBjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Myhr, Daniel; Horghagen, Sissel; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Leithaug, Ann-Elén. (2024) Sosial innovasjon styrker inkludering i høyere utdanning. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
PosterRistad, Tone Mari Teigmo; Østvik, Jørn; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth. (2024) Tar avgjørelser om tilrettelegging på svakt grunnlag. NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2024 , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
PosterRistad, Tone Mari Teigmo; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth; Østvik, Jørn. (2024) Bruker studietiden på funksjonsnedsettelsen. Norsk nettverk for forskning om funksjonshemming, Statped og Bufdir Norsk nettverk for forskning om funksjonshemming 10. forskningskonferanse , Bodø 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-04
Academic lectureWitsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Horghagen, Sissel; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli. (2023) Students with disabilities on the path to the world of work - parallel session. NNDR NNDR 2023 , Reykjavik 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-11
LectureHorghagen, Sissel; Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) Oj, der kunne jeg ha vært bedre! årvkenhet om diskriminering av mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Institutt for design, Fakultet for arkitektur og design Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Academic lectureBjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Myhr, Daniel; Langørgen, Eli; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild. (2023) Student ambassadors with disabilities strengthen participation and inclusion in higher education . Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureKvam, Lisbeth; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kermit, Patrick Stefan. (2023) Employer's understandings of workers with intellectual disabilities. Nordic network of disability research NNDR conference 2023 , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) "Den ideelle studenten": Bruk av vignetter for å utforske ableisme i høyere utdanning. Institutt for design, Fakultet for arkitektur og design, NTNU Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Academic lectureGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) Perceptions concerning students with disabilities among employees from Norwegian Higher Education institutions and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Iceland 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureRistad, Tone; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Østvik, Jørn; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth; Mjøen, Odd Morten. (2021) Inkludering av studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser i tverrprofesjonelt samlæringsprosjekt. Institutt for design, NTNU, Forskningsrådet, Universell Tjenester for alle , Scandic Lerkendal 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-16
LectureBjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Leithaug, Ann-Elén; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Langørgen, Eli; Horghagen, Sissel. (2021) Samskapelsen av et Ambassadørprogram . Institutt for design, NTNU Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-16
Academic lectureIndrøy, Tonje Cecilie; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2021) Health Promotion and salutogenesis in Norwegian Healthy Life Centers (HLCs). The International Union of Health Promotion and Education 6th International Conference on Salutogenesis- Advancing salutogenesis towards thriving societies , Girona 2021-06-17 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureDyb, Kari; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2020) Teknologistøttet personsentrert behandling er kommet for å bli. Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning Sluttkonferanse 3P , Digital 2020-12-02 - 2020-12-02
LectureKvam, Lisbeth; Jakobsen, Klara Johanne. (2019) Unge i gråsonegruppa. NAV Lerkendal fagsamling NAV Lerkendal , NAV Lerkendal 2019-03-14 - 2019-03-14
LectureDyb, Kari; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2018) "Ett skritt frem og to tilbake; helsepersonells erfaringer med personsentrert behandling". 3P, Læringsnettverksmøte , Kristiansand 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-01
Academic lectureGjertsen, Hege; Brun, Frank; Hauge, Hans A.; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2018) Nye måter å tenke arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemning. NNFF NNFF 8. forskningskonferanse , Værnes 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05
Academic lectureJakobsen, Klara; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2018) Gråsonegruppa og tiltakskarusellen. Norsk Nettverk for Forskning om Funksjonshemming (NNFF) 8. Forskningskonferanse om funksjonshemming 2018-05-04 - 2018-05-05
Academic lectureJakobsen, Klara; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2018) Gråsonegruppa og arbeidsdeltakelse. NAV Rådgivingstjeneste Trøndelag Fagdag, NAV-rådgivere; Leger, neuropsykologer og rådgivere i Trøndelag , Øynaparken, Innerøy 2018-07-12 - 2018-07-12
Academic lectureKvam, Lisbeth; Jakobsen, Klara. (2017) People with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF). Who are they, and how are they safeguarded and supported in society? . Nordic Network of Disability Research (NNDR) 14th Research conference , Ørebro 2017-05-03 - 2017-05-05
LectureDyb, Kari; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2017) Implementering (og utbredelse) av visjonen om personsentrert behandling; Foreløpig analyse basert på Normalization Process Theory. 3P 3P, Læringsnettverksmøte , Stavanger 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-08
LectureWitsø, Aud Elisabeth; Lenes, Anne Lise; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2016) Kan Marte Meo bidra til refleksiv praksis blant helse og sosialfagstudenter?. Fusjonsseminar for medisin og helse fakultetet 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-10
PosterKvam, Lisbeth. (2015) Discourses of participation in work among men and women in vocational rehabilitation. European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation , Helsinki 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-09
Academic lectureKvam, Lisbeth. (2015) Importance of participation in major life areas matters for Return to work. European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation , Helsinki 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-09
Academic lectureKvam, Lisbeth. (2015) Ulike diskurser på deltakelse i arbeid blant menn og kvinner i arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. Satsningsområdet Aktivitet og deltakelse, HIST Aktivitet og deltakelse , Trondheim 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-18