Monica Lillefjell
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Verdens beste skolegård
- Evaluering av skolegårdsprosjekt i Heim kommune.
Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Attraktivt uteområde som helsefremmende tiltak
-Evaluering av skolegårdsprosjekt i Røros kommune
Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Correction to: The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway (Societies, (2023), 13, 4, (93), 10.3390/soc13040093).
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Håland, Erna;
Lillefjell, Monica.
What influences the use of HR analytics in Human Resource management in Norwegian municipal health care services?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Trends in social inequality and how mental wellbeing vary and covary among Norwegian adolescents and their families: the Young-HUNT Study.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Eerola, Malin Caroline;
Fornes, Gunn Ingfrid;
Benden, Nina Margrethe Lilo Fagertun;
Renå, Camilla;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Praksis ved ergoterapeututdanningen ved NTNU Trondheim .
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
‘Nothing Gets Realised Anyway’: Adolescents’ Experience of Co-Creating Health Promotion Measures in Municipalities in Norway.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hermansen, Eirin;
Vik, John Tore;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Planning for Health Equity: How Municipal Strategic Documents and Project Plans Reflect Intentions Instructed by the Norwegian Public Health Act. .
Academic article
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway.
Academic article
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim.
Co-creating public health measures with adolescents in municipalities: municipal actors’ views on inhibitors and promoters for adolescent involvement.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Lervik, Linn Vathne;
Frostestad, Elisabeth;
Strømstad, Kine;
Gulliksen, Ida Goplen;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Skogen, Jens Christoffer.
What hinders me returning to work? Sick listed employees own stories.
European Journal of Public Health
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelsearbeid og positiv helsepsykologi.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Implementering av folkehelsetiltak.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin.
Evaluering av folkehelsetiltak.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Kvaløy, Kirsti;
Sund, Erik.
Social inequality and change in psychological distress during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway.
European Journal of Public Health
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Can the Theory of Salutogenesis Offer a Framework to Enhance Policy Coherence during Policy Development and Implementation in Municipalities?.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
A Salutogenic, Participatory and Settings-Based Model of Research for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions: The Trøndelag Model for Public Health Work.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sylte, Mari;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Public health workers’ experiences of co-creating health promoting measures with adolescents in five municipalities in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha.
Applying Salutogenesis in Vocational Rehabilitation Settings.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Applying Salutogenesis in Towns and Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Kiland, Charlotte;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The Application of Salutogenesis in Politics and Policy-Making.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Can salutogenesis contribute to prepare cities for climate change?.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hope, Siren;
Sødal, Siv Tove Elisabeth;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica.
How to develop and implement “the best schoolyard in the world” - pupil participation and co-production.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Græsli, Oda Helen;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Se muligheter sammen. Erfaringer med og betydningen av samtrening for olympiske- og paralympiske utøvere på Norges rolandslag.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin.
Involvement and Multi-Sectoral Collaboration: Applying Principles of Health Promotion during the Implementation of Local Policies and Measures—A Case Study.
Academic article
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Reablement in a small municipality, a survival analysis.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Stegeman, Ingrid;
Godfrey, Alba;
Romeo-Velilla, Maria;
Bell, Ruth;
Staatsen, Brigit;
van der Vliet, Nina.
Encouraging and enabling lifestyles and behaviours to simultaneously promote environmental sustainability, health and equity: Key policy messages from inherit.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic literature review
Martinsen, Natasja Bjerre;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Effective interventions targeting the mental health of children and young adults: A scoping review.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Sund, Erik.
Trends in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Norwegian Adolescents' Mental Health from 2014 to 2018: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. .
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Chylinska, Joanna;
Miroslawa, Adamus;
Jaworski, Mariusz.
Teaching general practitioners to activate older patients: the intervening role of changes in perceived communication skills.
Patient Education and Counseling
Academic article
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Hope, Siren;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Bell, Ruth;
Khan, Matluba.
Addressing Inequity: Evaluation of an Intervention to Improve Accessability and Quality of a Green Space.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Hope, Siren;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Implementing Triple-Win Case Studies for Living, Moving and Consuming that Encourage Behavioural Change, Protect the Environment, and Promote Health and Health Equity. .
INHERIT project, European Union's Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant No. 667364.
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kvalitetsindikatorer i den kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Hva er kvalitet i Malvik kommune?.
SINTEF Rapport (2019:00866)
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Helse og livskvalitet i Malvik kommune 2018
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (02)
Bell, Ruth;
Khan, Matluba;
Romeo-Velilla, Maria;
Stegeman, Ingrid;
Godfrey, Alba;
Taylor, Timothy.
Ten lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: Health, equity, and environmental sustainability.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Psykt bra i Malvik. Ungdommers subjektive opplevelser av skole, hjem og fritid.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (03)
Lillefjell, Monica.
Det er der folk lever at helse skapes. Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid - hvor står vi, hvor går vi?.
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skej;
Wist, Guri;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Governance for public health and health equity: The Tröndelag model for public health work.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Haugan, Tommy;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Non-completion of secondary education and early disability in Norway: Geographic patterns, individual and community risks.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa.
Testing a new tool assessing attitude towards treatment and health in primary health care setting: Senior patients and doctors perspectives.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Neighborhood-resources for the development of a strong SOC and the importance of understanding why and how resources work: a grounded theory approach.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Chylinska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Haugan, Gørill.
Primary Care Patients’ Expectations Towards Medical Appointments and Their Experiences During the Visit: Does Age Matter?.
Patient Preference and Adherence
Academic article
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Adamus, Miroslawa.
Enhancing GPs’ competencies in communication and activation
of the elderly: results from the PRACTA computer-based
intervention study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Academic article
Chylinska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Haugan, Gørill.
The role of gender in the active attitude toward treatment and health among patients in primary health care - self-assessed health status and sociodemographic factors as moderators.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Do family and neighbourhood matter in secondary school completion? A multilevel study of determinants and their interactions in a life-course perspective.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Det er der folk lever at helse skapes.
Popular scientific article
Horghagen, Sissel;
Magnus, Eva;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Involving citizens' occupation-based knowledge in public health planning: Why and how?.
Journal of Occupational Science (JOS)
Academic article
Rzadkiewich, Marta;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Haugan, Gørill.
Activation of older patients through PRACTA intervension for primary healthcare doctors; does the method matter?.
European Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Kløckner, Christian;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The impact of neighborhood social capital on life satisfaction and self-rated health: A possible pathway for health promotion?.
Health and Place
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The Application of Salutogenesis in Cities and Towns.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Magnus, Eva;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Weiss, Daniel;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The search conference as a method in planning community health promotion actions.
Journal of Public Health Research
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Ihlebæk, Camilla.
The Application of salutogenesis in vocational rehabilitation settings.
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Haugan, Tommy;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Disability Pensions Among Young Adults in Vocational Rehabilitation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Leknes, Rigmor;
Grue, Gunhild;
Næss, Tone;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Erfaringer ved bruk av kartleggingsverktøyet LOTCA.
Academic article
Weiss, Daniel;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva.
Facilitators for the development and implementation of health promoting policy and programs - A scoping review at the local community level.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Halvorsen, Thomas;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Secondary school completion: Gender differences and the role of childhood family structure.
European Journal of Public Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The impact of a sense of coherence in employees with chronic pain.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjarnadottir, Asgerdur;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Critical Factors in Managing Relationally Demanding Jobs, in Care for Very ill and/or Dying Patients: A Phenomenological Study among Public Hospital Nurses.
Open Journal of Nursing
Academic article
Santora, Lidia;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Helsefremmende lokalsamfunn - hvordan fremme arbeidsdeltakelse blandt unge i Meldal?.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (01/2014)
Løhre, Audhild;
Kvande, Marianne Nilsen;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
A two-year perspective: Who may ease the burden of girls' loneliness in school?.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Løhre, Audhild;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don G.;
Haugan, Gørill.
The Association Between School Stress, Life Satisfaction and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: Life Satisfaction as a Potential Mediator.
Social Indicators Research
Academic article
Løhre, Audhild;
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Gender differences in predictors of school wellbeing?.
Health Education Journal
Academic article
Ernstsen, Linda;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Physical functioning after occupational rehabilitation and returning to work among employees with musculoskeletal pain and comorbid depressive symptoms.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Academic article
Santora, Lidia;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Health promotion and prison settings.
International Journal of Prisoner Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Exploring the relationship between perceptions of neighbourhood-resources, sense of coherence and health for different groups in a Norwegian neighbourhood.
Journal of Public Health Research
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Factors promoting a successful return to work : from an employer and employee perspective.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Oldervoll, Line Merete;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kompetanseprogram: Folkehelsearbeid - fra kunnskap til handling.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (17/2)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Helse og livskvalitet i Malvik kommune 2012 - Lev Vel.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (1)
Lillefjell, Monica.
Malvik-formelen klar.
Interview Journal
Lillefjell, Monica.
Malvikingene trives svært godt.
Interview Journal
Krokstad, Steinar;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Vaage, Jan.
Bærekraftig folkehelse.
Feature article
Sivertsen, Heidi;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The relationship between health promoting resources and work participation in a sample reporting musculoskeletal pain from the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study, HUNT 3, Norway.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Ihlebæk, Camilla.
From knowledge to action in public health management. Experiences from a Norwegian context.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Oldervoll, Line Merete;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kompetanseprogram; Folkehelsearbeid. Fra kunnskap til handling.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2013/2)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Haugan, Tommy;
Martinussen, Pål Erling;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Treatment outcomes among individuals in a musculoskeletal pain rehabilitation program related to the trends in the dispensing of prescribed medications.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Success factors for a positive return to work-experiences from multidiciplinary rehabilitation.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn S.;
Wist, Guri.
Evidence-based health promotion-getting evidence into practice. Experiences from a Norwegian Study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Kristin;
Strupstad, John Henry;
Kristoffersen, Ole Jo;
Nitteberg Teige, Hilde;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha.
Har oppfølging på arbeidsplass betydning for tilbakeføring i jobb? - En skreddersydd samtidighet i praksis.
Hermnes Institutt
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Sense of coherence and emotional health in adolescents.
Journal of Adolescence
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Trenger malvikingenes kunnskap.
Reader opinion piece
Okkenhaug, Arne Emil;
Heimburg, Dina;
Fjerdingen, Tore;
Hallan, Ingrid;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Rangul, Vegard.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse ogsamhandling. Innherredsmodellen trinn 1. Sluttrapport forprosjekt.
Innherred samkommune
Lillefjell, Monica;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The association between sense of coherence and anxiety in chronic pain patients in multidiciplinary rehabilitation.
Psychology and Health
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse og samhandling. Innherredsmodellen - Trinn 1. Kunnskapsoversikt.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/02)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Thoen, Håvard;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Alkoholbruk i Stjørdal kommune - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/04)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Haugan, Tommy;
Martinussen, Pål Erling.
Depression and pain experience predicts addictive drug use among chronic musculoskeletal pain patients in rehabilitation.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse ogsamhandling. Innherredsmodellen trinn 1. Sluttrapport forprosjekt. Innherred samkommune.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Skaug, Silje Margrethe.
Samordning av folkehelsearbeidet mellom kommuner på Fosen. Et middel for utjevning av sosiale helseforskjeller blant barn og unge.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Ernstsen, Linda;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Self-rated health, psychosocial factors and mortality among older people with and without ischemic heart disease: The HUNT Study.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn S.;
Wist, Guri.
Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid. Kartlegging av kunnskapsgrunnlag, pågående satsninger samt forsknings- og kompetansebehov i folkehelsearbeidet.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/06)
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelsearbeidet må bygge på kunnskap om hvilke faktorer som fremmer helse i befolkningen.
Reader opinion piece
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Selvhjelpsgrupper. Et oppfølgingstilbud for deltakere ved Enhet for Raskere Tilbake Betania Malvik.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/05)
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Riseth, Liv;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelse:Samhandlingsreformen i Orkdalsregionen.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/03)
Espnes, Geir A;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Rannestad, Toril;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don.
From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Utsatte grupper - karakteristika og utfordringer på arbeidsmarkedet.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Function and Work Ability Following Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation for Individuals with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain.
Doctoral dissertation
Lillefjell, Monica.
prediction of function in daily life following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain : a prospective study.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Lillefjell, Monica.
Chronic musculoskeletal pain, function and work ability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara.
Sense of coherence as a predictor of work reentry following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara.
Sense of coherence as a predictor of work reentry following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Chronic musculoskeletal pain, function and work ability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Prediction of function in daily life following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain; a prospective study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, S.;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Factors predicting work ability following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Gender differences in psychosocial influence and rehabilitation outcomes for work-disabled individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Krokstad, S..
Psychosocial predictors of chronic pain and function in daily life.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica.
Function in daily life among people with musculoskeletal pain : the influence of psychosocial factors.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Correction to: The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway (Societies, (2023), 13, 4, (93), 10.3390/soc13040093).
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Håland, Erna;
Lillefjell, Monica.
What influences the use of HR analytics in Human Resource management in Norwegian municipal health care services?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Trends in social inequality and how mental wellbeing vary and covary among Norwegian adolescents and their families: the Young-HUNT Study.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Eerola, Malin Caroline;
Fornes, Gunn Ingfrid;
Benden, Nina Margrethe Lilo Fagertun;
Renå, Camilla;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Praksis ved ergoterapeututdanningen ved NTNU Trondheim .
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
‘Nothing Gets Realised Anyway’: Adolescents’ Experience of Co-Creating Health Promotion Measures in Municipalities in Norway.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hermansen, Eirin;
Vik, John Tore;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Planning for Health Equity: How Municipal Strategic Documents and Project Plans Reflect Intentions Instructed by the Norwegian Public Health Act. .
Academic article
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway.
Academic article
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim.
Co-creating public health measures with adolescents in municipalities: municipal actors’ views on inhibitors and promoters for adolescent involvement.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Lervik, Linn Vathne;
Frostestad, Elisabeth;
Strømstad, Kine;
Gulliksen, Ida Goplen;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Skogen, Jens Christoffer.
What hinders me returning to work? Sick listed employees own stories.
European Journal of Public Health
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Kvaløy, Kirsti;
Sund, Erik.
Social inequality and change in psychological distress during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway.
European Journal of Public Health
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Can the Theory of Salutogenesis Offer a Framework to Enhance Policy Coherence during Policy Development and Implementation in Municipalities?.
Academic article
Sylte, Mari;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Public health workers’ experiences of co-creating health promoting measures with adolescents in five municipalities in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Hope, Siren;
Sødal, Siv Tove Elisabeth;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica.
How to develop and implement “the best schoolyard in the world” - pupil participation and co-production.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Græsli, Oda Helen;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Se muligheter sammen. Erfaringer med og betydningen av samtrening for olympiske- og paralympiske utøvere på Norges rolandslag.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin.
Involvement and Multi-Sectoral Collaboration: Applying Principles of Health Promotion during the Implementation of Local Policies and Measures—A Case Study.
Academic article
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Reablement in a small municipality, a survival analysis.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Stegeman, Ingrid;
Godfrey, Alba;
Romeo-Velilla, Maria;
Bell, Ruth;
Staatsen, Brigit;
van der Vliet, Nina.
Encouraging and enabling lifestyles and behaviours to simultaneously promote environmental sustainability, health and equity: Key policy messages from inherit.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic literature review
Martinsen, Natasja Bjerre;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Effective interventions targeting the mental health of children and young adults: A scoping review.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Sund, Erik.
Trends in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Norwegian Adolescents' Mental Health from 2014 to 2018: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. .
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Chylinska, Joanna;
Miroslawa, Adamus;
Jaworski, Mariusz.
Teaching general practitioners to activate older patients: the intervening role of changes in perceived communication skills.
Patient Education and Counseling
Academic article
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Hope, Siren;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Bell, Ruth;
Khan, Matluba.
Addressing Inequity: Evaluation of an Intervention to Improve Accessability and Quality of a Green Space.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Bell, Ruth;
Khan, Matluba;
Romeo-Velilla, Maria;
Stegeman, Ingrid;
Godfrey, Alba;
Taylor, Timothy.
Ten lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: Health, equity, and environmental sustainability.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skej;
Wist, Guri;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Governance for public health and health equity: The Tröndelag model for public health work.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Haugan, Tommy;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Non-completion of secondary education and early disability in Norway: Geographic patterns, individual and community risks.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa.
Testing a new tool assessing attitude towards treatment and health in primary health care setting: Senior patients and doctors perspectives.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Neighborhood-resources for the development of a strong SOC and the importance of understanding why and how resources work: a grounded theory approach.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Chylinska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Haugan, Gørill.
Primary Care Patients’ Expectations Towards Medical Appointments and Their Experiences During the Visit: Does Age Matter?.
Patient Preference and Adherence
Academic article
Wlodarczyk, Dorota;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Adamus, Miroslawa.
Enhancing GPs’ competencies in communication and activation
of the elderly: results from the PRACTA computer-based
intervention study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Academic article
Chylinska, Joanna;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Rzadkiewicz, Marta;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Haugan, Gørill.
The role of gender in the active attitude toward treatment and health among patients in primary health care - self-assessed health status and sociodemographic factors as moderators.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Do family and neighbourhood matter in secondary school completion? A multilevel study of determinants and their interactions in a life-course perspective.
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Det er der folk lever at helse skapes.
Popular scientific article
Horghagen, Sissel;
Magnus, Eva;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Involving citizens' occupation-based knowledge in public health planning: Why and how?.
Journal of Occupational Science (JOS)
Academic article
Rzadkiewich, Marta;
Chylińska, Joanna;
Jaworski, Mariusz;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Adamus, Miroslawa;
Haugan, Gørill.
Activation of older patients through PRACTA intervension for primary healthcare doctors; does the method matter?.
European Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Kløckner, Christian;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The impact of neighborhood social capital on life satisfaction and self-rated health: A possible pathway for health promotion?.
Health and Place
Academic article
Magnus, Eva;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Weiss, Daniel;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The search conference as a method in planning community health promotion actions.
Journal of Public Health Research
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Haugan, Tommy;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Disability Pensions Among Young Adults in Vocational Rehabilitation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Leknes, Rigmor;
Grue, Gunhild;
Næss, Tone;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Erfaringer ved bruk av kartleggingsverktøyet LOTCA.
Academic article
Weiss, Daniel;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Magnus, Eva.
Facilitators for the development and implementation of health promoting policy and programs - A scoping review at the local community level.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg;
Halvorsen, Thomas;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Secondary school completion: Gender differences and the role of childhood family structure.
European Journal of Public Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The impact of a sense of coherence in employees with chronic pain.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjarnadottir, Asgerdur;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Critical Factors in Managing Relationally Demanding Jobs, in Care for Very ill and/or Dying Patients: A Phenomenological Study among Public Hospital Nurses.
Open Journal of Nursing
Academic article
Løhre, Audhild;
Kvande, Marianne Nilsen;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
A two-year perspective: Who may ease the burden of girls' loneliness in school?.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Løhre, Audhild;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don G.;
Haugan, Gørill.
The Association Between School Stress, Life Satisfaction and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: Life Satisfaction as a Potential Mediator.
Social Indicators Research
Academic article
Løhre, Audhild;
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Gender differences in predictors of school wellbeing?.
Health Education Journal
Academic article
Ernstsen, Linda;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Physical functioning after occupational rehabilitation and returning to work among employees with musculoskeletal pain and comorbid depressive symptoms.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Academic article
Santora, Lidia;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Health promotion and prison settings.
International Journal of Prisoner Health
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Exploring the relationship between perceptions of neighbourhood-resources, sense of coherence and health for different groups in a Norwegian neighbourhood.
Journal of Public Health Research
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Factors promoting a successful return to work : from an employer and employee perspective.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Malvik-formelen klar.
Interview Journal
Lillefjell, Monica.
Malvikingene trives svært godt.
Interview Journal
Krokstad, Steinar;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Vaage, Jan.
Bærekraftig folkehelse.
Feature article
Sivertsen, Heidi;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The relationship between health promoting resources and work participation in a sample reporting musculoskeletal pain from the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study, HUNT 3, Norway.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei;
Wist, Guri;
Ihlebæk, Camilla.
From knowledge to action in public health management. Experiences from a Norwegian context.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Haugan, Tommy;
Martinussen, Pål Erling;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Treatment outcomes among individuals in a musculoskeletal pain rehabilitation program related to the trends in the dispensing of prescribed medications.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Success factors for a positive return to work-experiences from multidiciplinary rehabilitation.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Sense of coherence and emotional health in adolescents.
Journal of Adolescence
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Trenger malvikingenes kunnskap.
Reader opinion piece
Lillefjell, Monica;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The association between sense of coherence and anxiety in chronic pain patients in multidiciplinary rehabilitation.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Haugan, Tommy;
Martinussen, Pål Erling.
Depression and pain experience predicts addictive drug use among chronic musculoskeletal pain patients in rehabilitation.
Psychology and Health
Ernstsen, Linda;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Self-rated health, psychosocial factors and mortality among older people with and without ischemic heart disease: The HUNT Study.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelsearbeidet må bygge på kunnskap om hvilke faktorer som fremmer helse i befolkningen.
Reader opinion piece
Espnes, Geir A;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Rannestad, Toril;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don.
From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Utsatte grupper - karakteristika og utfordringer på arbeidsmarkedet.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
prediction of function in daily life following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain : a prospective study.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara.
Sense of coherence as a predictor of work reentry following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara.
Sense of coherence as a predictor of work reentry following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Prediction of function in daily life following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain; a prospective study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, S.;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Factors predicting work ability following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Gender differences in psychosocial influence and rehabilitation outcomes for work-disabled individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Krokstad, S..
Psychosocial predictors of chronic pain and function in daily life.
Psychology and Health
Part of book/report
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelsearbeid og positiv helsepsykologi.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Implementering av folkehelsetiltak.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin.
Evaluering av folkehelsetiltak.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
A Salutogenic, Participatory and Settings-Based Model of Research for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions: The Trøndelag Model for Public Health Work.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha.
Applying Salutogenesis in Vocational Rehabilitation Settings.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Applying Salutogenesis in Towns and Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Kiland, Charlotte;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Lillefjell, Monica.
The Application of Salutogenesis in Politics and Policy-Making.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
Can salutogenesis contribute to prepare cities for climate change?.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Popular scientific chapter/article
Lillefjell, Monica.
Det er der folk lever at helse skapes. Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid - hvor står vi, hvor går vi?.
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The Application of Salutogenesis in Cities and Towns.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Ihlebæk, Camilla.
The Application of salutogenesis in vocational rehabilitation settings.
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn S.;
Wist, Guri.
Evidence-based health promotion-getting evidence into practice. Experiences from a Norwegian Study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse ogsamhandling. Innherredsmodellen trinn 1. Sluttrapport forprosjekt. Innherred samkommune.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica.
Chronic musculoskeletal pain, function and work ability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica.
Chronic musculoskeletal pain, function and work ability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillefjell, Monica.
Function in daily life among people with musculoskeletal pain : the influence of psychosocial factors.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Verdens beste skolegård
- Evaluering av skolegårdsprosjekt i Heim kommune.
Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Attraktivt uteområde som helsefremmende tiltak
-Evaluering av skolegårdsprosjekt i Røros kommune
Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Hope, Siren;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Implementing Triple-Win Case Studies for Living, Moving and Consuming that Encourage Behavioural Change, Protect the Environment, and Promote Health and Health Equity. .
INHERIT project, European Union's Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant No. 667364.
Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kvalitetsindikatorer i den kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Hva er kvalitet i Malvik kommune?.
SINTEF Rapport (2019:00866)
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hope, Siren;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Helse og livskvalitet i Malvik kommune 2018
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (02)
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Psykt bra i Malvik. Ungdommers subjektive opplevelser av skole, hjem og fritid.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (03)
Santora, Lidia;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Helsefremmende lokalsamfunn - hvordan fremme arbeidsdeltakelse blandt unge i Meldal?.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (01/2014)
Oldervoll, Line Merete;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kompetanseprogram: Folkehelsearbeid - fra kunnskap til handling.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (17/2)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Helse og livskvalitet i Malvik kommune 2012 - Lev Vel.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (1)
Oldervoll, Line Merete;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Kompetanseprogram; Folkehelsearbeid. Fra kunnskap til handling.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2013/2)
Haugen, Kristin;
Strupstad, John Henry;
Kristoffersen, Ole Jo;
Nitteberg Teige, Hilde;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha.
Har oppfølging på arbeidsplass betydning for tilbakeføring i jobb? - En skreddersydd samtidighet i praksis.
Hermnes Institutt
Okkenhaug, Arne Emil;
Heimburg, Dina;
Fjerdingen, Tore;
Hallan, Ingrid;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Rangul, Vegard.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse ogsamhandling. Innherredsmodellen trinn 1. Sluttrapport forprosjekt.
Innherred samkommune
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse og samhandling. Innherredsmodellen - Trinn 1. Kunnskapsoversikt.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/02)
Lillefjell, Monica;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Thoen, Håvard;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Alkoholbruk i Stjørdal kommune - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/04)
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Jakobsen, Klara;
Skaug, Silje Margrethe.
Samordning av folkehelsearbeidet mellom kommuner på Fosen. Et middel for utjevning av sosiale helseforskjeller blant barn og unge.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Lillefjell, Monica;
Knudtsen, Margunn S.;
Wist, Guri.
Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid. Kartlegging av kunnskapsgrunnlag, pågående satsninger samt forsknings- og kompetansebehov i folkehelsearbeidet.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/06)
Jakobsen, Klara;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Selvhjelpsgrupper. Et oppfølgingstilbud for deltakere ved Enhet for Raskere Tilbake Betania Malvik.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/05)
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Riseth, Liv;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Folkehelse:Samhandlingsreformen i Orkdalsregionen.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2011/03)
Lillefjell, Monica.
Function and Work Ability Following Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation for Individuals with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureForster, Katharine Grace; Lillefjell, Monica; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin. (2024) Addressing Health Disparities: Comparison of Predictors of Health among Adults Living with and without Physical or Psychological Disabilities. Medical University of Lodz 12th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion , Lodz, Poland 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-18
Academic lectureAas, Randi Wågø; Strømstad, Kine; Ida Goplen, Gulliksen; Lervik, Linn Vathne; Lillefjell, Monica; Anema, Johannes R.. (2024) Understanding employees on long-term sick leave better by using terminology from the WHOs International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. The NOW WHAT large-scale qualitative study . International Commission on Occupational Health 34th International Congress on Occupational Health , Marrakesh 2024-04-28 - 2024-05-03
PosterMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Jørgensen, Kari; Lillefjell, Monica. (2024) Collaborating to build local competence for Public Health Work. IUHPE 12th IUHPE conference on Health Promotion , Lodz 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-18
LectureThoresen, Stian; Aasback, Anne Wullum; Tøssebro, Jan; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Caspersen, Joakim; Wendelborg, Christian. (2024) Dialogseminar: Arbeidsinkludering av unge med funksjonsnedsettelse eller psykososiale vansker. NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS Dialogseminar: Arbeidsinkludering av unge med funksjonsnedsettelse eller psykososiale vansker , Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim 2024-01-24 - 2024-01-24
Academic lectureSkogseth-Stevens, Ingunn; Gausemel, Vigdis Skarsaune; Horghagen, Sissel; Lillefjell, Monica; Brændvik, Siri Merete. (2024) Bridging the Gap between Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Education Programs and Municipality Healthcare Services in Norway through Joint Positions. Nordic Interprofessional Network - NIPNET Interprofessional education and Collaboration for Sustainable Development , København 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-20
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2024) Forskning knyttet til Program for folkehelsearbeid i Trøndelag. NTNU og Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Folkehelsearbeid- fra kunnskap til handling - hvilken kunnskap har vi? -hva betyr kunnskapen? - hvordan tar vi den i bruk? , Trondheim 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-17
LectureLillefjell, Monica. (2023) Erfaringer fra samarbeid med kommuner fra et forskerperspektiv. Helsedirektoratet Nasjonal programkonferanse - Program for folkehelsearbeid i kommunene , Lillestøm 2023-05-25 - 2023-05-25
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2023) Trøndelagsmodellen for folkehelsearbeid. Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Erfaringskonferanse Program for folkehelsearbeid i Trøndelag , Stiklestad 2023-04-27 - 2023-04-28
LectureLillefjell, Monica. (2023) NFR prosjektet Evidence for action to reduce social inequalities in health . Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Samarbeidsorganet for folkehelse i Trøndelag , Digitalt 2023-03-09 - 2023-03-09
Academic lectureAnthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim; Håland, Erna; Lillefjell, Monica. (2023) HRs rolle og bruk av HR-data. Nasjonalt nettverk for helsetjenesteforskning og UiS Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen , Stavanger 2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03
LectureSkogseth-Stevens, Ingunn; Gausemel, Vigdis Skarsaune; Horghagen, Sissel; Lillefjell, Monica; Brændvik, Siri Merete. (2023) Kombinerte stillinger mellom NTNU og Trondheim kommune – erfaringer fra ergo- og fysioterapeututdanningene. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-09
PosterMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Hope, Siren; Lillefjell, Monica. (2023) Trickle-down policies. Utilizing strategic plans to facilitate local public health work. EUPHA EUPHA 17th European Public Health Conference , Dublin, Ireland 2023-11-09 - 2023-12-09
LectureElvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Garli, Per Johnny; Horghagen, Sissel; Maroni, Nina Skjæret; Lillefjell, Monica. (2023) Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i kommunal helsetjeneste – erfaringer fra tverrprofesjonell praksis for fysio- og ergoterapistudenter. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim, Norge 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-09
PosterLervik, Linn Vathne; Frostestad, Elisabeth; Strømstad, Kine; Gulliksen, Ida Goplen; Lillefjell, Monica; Skogen, Jens Christoffer. (2023) What hinders me returning to work? Sick listed with low education’s own stories . The 16th European Public Health Conference , Dublin 2023-11-08 - 2023-11-11
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2022) Evidence for action to reduce social inequalities in health . Norsk nettverk for utdanning og forskning innen helefremming Nettverksmøte , Oppdal 2022-11-17 - 2022-11-18
PosterBrændvik, Siri Merete; Skjæret-Maroni, Nina; Garli, Per Johnny; Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Horghagen, Sissel; Lillefjell, Monica. (2022) Fra student til kompetent yrkesutøver i kommunal helsetjeneste. Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund Fysioterapikongressen 2022 , Gardemoen 2022-03-17 - 2022-03-19
PosterAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad; Lillefjell, Monica; Krokstad, Steinar; Kvaløy, Kirsti; Sund, Erik. (2022) Social inequality and change in psychological distress during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway. European Public Health Association 15th European Public Health Conference 2022 , Berlin 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-12
Academic lectureSylte, Mari; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Lillefjell, Monica. (2022) Folkehelsearbeideres erfaringer med å samskape helsefremmende tiltak med ungdom i fem kommuner i Norge. . Folkehelseforeningen Folkehelsekonferansen i Hamar , Hamar 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-19
PosterAnthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Gjøsund, Gudveig; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Hope, Siren; Standal, Martin Inge; Lillefjell, Monica. (2022) Assessing knowledge-based public health decision-making in Norwegian municipalities. . EPH Conference Foundation 15th European Public Health Conference 2022 , Berlin 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-12
PosterAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad; Lillefjell, Monica; Krokstad, Steinar; Sund, Erik. (2022) FAMILIENS BETYDNING – EN UNDERSØKELSE AV HVORDAN HELSEN VARIERER OG SAMVARIERER MELLOM OG INNAD I INDIVIDER OG FAMILIER. Folkehelseforeningen Folkehelsekonferansen , Hamar 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-19
Academic lectureMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Lillefjell, Monica. (2021) How can Salutogenesis help to structure collaboration for health promotion efforts in municipalities and local communities? . IUHPE IUHPE/Stars conference 2021 , Gerona 2021-06-15 - 2021-06-18
LectureLillefjell, Monica. (2021) Folkehelsetenkning . Oppdal kommune ved Orfører Folkehelsepolitisk forum , Innovasjonssenter Oppdal 2021-10-20 - 2021-10-20
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2021) TRØNDELAGSMODELLEN FOR FOLKEHELSEARBEID. Kunnskapsbaserte tiltak gjennom felles forståelse, medvirkning og forankring . Folkehelseforeningen Folkehelsekonferansen 2021 , Trondheim 2021-10-27 -
Academic lectureAnthun, Kjartan Sarheim; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Lillefjell, Monica. (2020) Reablement in a small municipality, a survival analysis. FHI Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2020 , Oslo 2020-03-10 - 2020-03-11
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2018) Sustainable implementation of public health initiatives. IUHPE and NTNU Center for health promotion research 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research, , Trondheim 24.-26. September 2018 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26
Academic lectureAnthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Horghagen, Sissel; Lillefjell, Monica; Magnus, Eva. (2018) Photovoice - using photos to elicit participants' sense of occupation, belonging and identity. . World Federation of Occupational therapy Connected in Diversity: Positioned for Impact.Verdenskongress for ergoterapi , Cape Town 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2017) Fra kunnskap til handling fra handling til kunnskap – Innovasjonsprosjekt i offentlig sektor. NAPHA Nasjonal konferanse NAPHA Utvikling og bruk av kunnskap i psykisk helsearbeid , Trondhein 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-04
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2017) Det er der folk lever at helse skapes. Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid - hvor står vi, hvor går vi?. Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskap (DKNVS) DKNVS Akademimøte , Trondheim 24.-26. September 2018 2017-11-13 - 2017-11-13
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica; Wist, Guri; Magnus, Eva; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Horghagen, Sissel; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2017) The Trøndelag Model for Public Health Work. De nordiske folkehelsemyndighetene Nordisk folkehelsekonferanse , Aalborg 2017-08-22 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim . (2017) Planning and implementing knowledge based public health initiatives: How to involve citizens and create sustainable health promoting communities. . Queens university Forskningsbesøk , Queens university, Ontario 2017-10-10 - 2017-10-12
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica; Wist, Guri; Magnus, Eva; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Horghagen, Sissel; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2017) The Tröndelag Model for Public Health Woek. Dansk Selskab for Folkesundhed Nordisk Folkesundhedskonference 2017 , Ålborg 2017-08-22 - 2017-08-24
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica; Magnus, Eva; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2017) Trøndelagsmodellen for folkehelsearbeid - en metodikk for implementering av komplekse intervensjoner. Dansk Selskab for Folkesundhed Prækonferenc ved Nordisk folkesundhedskonference 2017 , Ålborg 2017-08-22 - 2017-08-22
Academic lectureMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Lillefjell, Monica. (2016) "Health-promotion and neighborhood-resources: how can municipalities facilitate for local “ownership” and good quality of environmental resources?. Health Promotion Research - An International Forum 2016-09-28 - 2016-09-30
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Horghagen, Sissel; Magnus, Eva. (2016) Folkehelsearbeid: Innovasjon i offentlig sektor. NTNU Fusjonsseminar for fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap , Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
LectureMagnus, Eva; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ; Horghagen, Sissel; Weiss, Daniel; Lillefjell, Monica. (2015) Innovasjon i offentlig sektor. HiST Røros-seminaret, Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap , Røros 2015-11-26 - 2015-11-26
Academic lectureSødal, Anne Betty; Klungerbo, Bodil; Lillefjell, Monica; Oldervoll, Line Merethe. (2014) Evaluation of preventive home visits to seniors - results from a quantitative study. Center for Health promotion research International Forum - Next Health , Trondheim, Clarion 2014-08-26 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2014) From research to practice - from practice to research. Center for health promotion research International Forum Next Health , Trondheim, Clarion 2014-08-21 -
Popular scientific lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2014) Forskning på helsefremming og folkehelse. Høgskolen i Sør-Trondelag Nytilsattesaminar HIST , Thon Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim 2014-11-14 -
LectureLillefjell, Monica. (2014) Sunne lokalsamfunn. HIST, AHS Strategisseminar HIST - AHS , Røros 2014-10-28 -
PosterMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Lillefjell, Monica. (2014) Helsefremming og kommunikasjon i nærmiljøet: Å snakke sammen, bli hørt og inkludert. Folkehelseforeninge, Sunne kommuner, WHO avd Norge Folkehelsekonferansen 2014 , Oslo 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-15
Academic lectureLysaght, Rosemary; Jakobsen, Klara; Lillefjell, Monica; Redzovic, Skender Elez; Krupa, Terry. (2014) Identifying factors promoting work participation of people with reduced functional capacity. WFOT World conference Occupational Therpy (WFOT) , Yokohama, Japan 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-20
LectureLillefjell, Monica; Knudtsen, Margunn Skjei; Wist, Guri; Magnus, Eva. (2014) From policy to research to practice - from practice to research to policy. The European Public Health Conference Foundation European Public Health Conference , Glasgow 2014-11-21 -
Academic lectureMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Lillefjell, Monica. (2014) Health-promotion in the neighborhood throughout the life-course. Focus on the elderly. Housing for elderly 2014-09-01 -
Academic lectureMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Lillefjell, Monica. (2014) Health-promotion in the neighborhood throughout the life-course. Research center for health-promotion Next health , Trondheim 2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27
Academic lectureEspnes, Geir Arild; Lillefjell, Monica. (2014) How to use new scientific data to influence central and local politics - the case of Norway. European Public Health Association European Public Health Association Conference , Gøasgow 2014-11-19 - 2014-11-22
Academic lectureErnstsen, Linda; Lillefjell, Monica; Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna; Krokstad, Steinar. (2014) Poor self-rated health and mortality in older people with myocardial infarction: does mental health affect the association?. European Society of Cardiology EuroHeartCare 2014 , Stavanger 2014-05-04 - 2014-05-05
Academic lectureChylinska, Joanna; Wlodarczyk, Dorota; Lazarewicz, Magdalena; Rzadkiewicz, Marta; Adamus, Miroslawa; Haugan, Gørill. (2014) How proactive are patients in primary health care? Attitudes and needs of seniors: Project PRACTA - Activating the elderly by medical practice. Senter for Helsefremmende Forskning Health Promotion Research - An International Forum "Next Health" , Trondheim 2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27
PosterRzadkiewicz, Marta; Chylinska, Joanna; Miroslawa, Adamus; Wlodarczyk, Dorota; Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna; Haugan, Gørill. (2014) Attitude toward the illness from patient’s and doctor’s perspective – a pilot PRACTA study. Nordic Gerontological Forum and University of Gothenborg The 22nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology "Age Well - Challenges for Individuals and Society" , Gøteborg 2014-05-25 - 2014-05-28
Academic lectureLazarewicz, Magdalena Anna; Wlodarczyk, Dorota; Chylinska, Joanna; Miroslawa, Adamus; Rzadkiewicz, Marta; Haugan, Gørill. (2014) Doctors Communication Skills – Doctors and Elderly Patients Perspective. A Polish-Norwegian Research Project PRACTA. Well-Med It is a 1st International meeting on wellbeing and performance in clinical practice, “Doctors think. Doctors feel. Doctors do: Well-being and performance in clinical practice" , Alexandroupolis 2014-05-28 - 2014-06-01
Academic lectureEspnes, Geir Arild; Lillefjell, Monica. (2013) Med salutogenes som grund för hälsofrämjande arbete i kommuner: Goda erfarenheter från Norge. HeV SALUS 2013 , Trollhättan 2013-10-15 - 2013-10-16
InterviewLillefjell, Monica. (2013) LEV VEL Malvik kommune - Presentasjon av resultater fra befolkningsundersøkelse. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Radio] 2013-03-05
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2013) Helse og livskvalitet i Malvik kommune 2012- Resultater fra befolkningsundersøkelsen. Malvik kommune Lansering av rapport fra LEV VEL Malvik kommune , Hommelvik 2013-03-05 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2013) Folkehelsearbeid - Beste praksis. Helse Midt-Norge Seminar for Helse og omsorgskomiteen , NTNU, SVT fakultetet 2013-02-07 -
Academic lectureLøhre, Audhild; Lillefjell, Monica; Haugan, Gørill; Moksnes, Unni Karin. (2013) What characterize school experiences among adolescent girls and boys with emotional symptoms?. Nordic Health Promotion Research network The 7th Nordic Research Conference in Health Promotion , Vestfold University College 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
PosterLøhre, Audhild; Lillefjell, Monica; Haugan, Gørill; Moksnes, Unni Karin. (2013) What frightens in the mirror: Gender differences in students' perceptions of their school setting. International Union for Health Promotion and Education The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion , Pattaya 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-29
Academic lectureUndebakke, Kirsti Godal; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Lillefjell, Monica; Oldervoll, Line Merete; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2013) Developing and testing KIWEST-a survey target in knowledge intensive work environments. Høgskolen i Vestfold Nordic Health promotion research conference , Vestfold 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureHaugen, Kristin; Strupstad, John Henry; Kristoffersen, Ole Jo; Teige, Hilde Nitteberg; Lillefjell, Monica; Ihlebæk, Camilla. (2013) Har oppfølging på arbeidsplass betydning for tilbakeføring i jobb? En skreddersydd samtidighet i praksis. Ergoterapeutforbundet Norsk fagkongress i Ergoterapi , Oslo 2013-09-19 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2013) Folkehelsearbeid. Utfordringer og muligheter. Ergoterapeutfrobundet Norsk Fagkongress i Ergoterapi , Oslo 2013-09-18 -
PosterLeknes, Rigmor; Grue, Gunhild; Næss, Tone; Lillefjell, Monica. (2013) Erfaringer med bruk av vurderingsredskapet LOTCA. Fagkongress i ergoterapi , Oslo 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-20
LectureGranamo, Terje; Østvang, Tone; Lillefjell, Monica. (2013) LEV VEL undersøkelsen i Malvik kommune. Helsedirektoratet og Helse dep Helsekonferansen , Oslo 2013-05-06 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2013) Best practice in public health - a norweian context. Australian National University, Dept of Psychology Research seminar , Australian National University (ANU) 2013-01-30 -
Academic lectureEspnes, Geir Arild; Lillefjell, Monica. (2013) The Whats and Whys of Health Promotion. Research Center of Health Promotion and Resources (RCHPR)A presentation. Australian National University, Research School of Psycholog Seminar , Australian Nationa University, Canberra 2013-01-30 - 2013-01-30
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Weiss, Daniel; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2013) Helsefremmende indikatorer i kommunene. Sør Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Høgskoler og samfunn i samhandling. , Rica Nidelven, Trondheim 2013-06-11 - 2013-06-13
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Weiss, Daniel; Vik, John Tore; Havdal, Karen; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2013) Folkehelsearbeid: Fra kunnskap til handling. Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Høgskoler og samfunn i samhandling , Rica Nidelven, Trondheim 2013-06-11 - 2013-06-13
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2012) Best practce in health promotion: A Norwegian context. Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources HiST/NTNU International Forum on Health Promotion , Trondheim 2012-08-06 - 2012-08-09
Academic lectureLøhre, Audhild; Moksnes, Unni Karin; Lillefjell, Monica. (2012) How to promote wellbeing among boys and girls in schools?. Health Promotion Research – An International Forum. State of the art - direction for the future 2012-08-06 - 2012-08-09
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2012) Alkoholbruk i Stjørdal kommune – utfordringer og effektive tiltak. Stjørdal kommune Alkoholpolitisk konferanse , Stjørdal 2012-01-18 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2012) Helsefremming og forebygging i arbeidslivet – behov for ny kunnskap og nye metoder?. Friskgården Fagforum , Stjørdal 2012-02-08 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2012) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser - fra kunnskap til handling. NAV arbeidslivssenteret i Sør-Trøndelag Fagdag , Scandic Solsiden, Trondheim 2012-04-17 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2012) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. NAV arbeidslivssenteret i Nord-Trøndelag Fagseminar , Statens Hus, Steinkjer 2012-05-07 -
Academic lectureErnstsen, Linda; Lillefjell, Monica. (2012) Kan egenvurdert fysisk funksjon blant personer med muskel -og skjelettlidelser og depressive symptomer predikere tilbakeføring til arbeidslivet etter endt langtidsrehabilitering?. Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid (NAPHA) Nasjonalt forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-23
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Haugan, Tommy; Martinussen, Pål Erling. (2011) Depression and pain experience predicts addictive drug use among chronic musculoskeletal pain patients in rehabilitation. The European Health Psychology Society 25th Annual Conference of European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) , Kreta 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2011) De fem best dokumenterte helsefremmende tiltak en kommune kan iverksette. Helse Nord-Trøndelag Folkehelsekonferanse , Stiklestad 2011-09-02 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2011) Kunnskapsbasert praksis.Utsatte grupper i arbeidslivet. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Kurs for NAV ansatte Oppdal og Rennebu , Trondheim 2011-11-24 - 2011-11-24
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2011) Hva forstå vi med et helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø?. Norsk Ergoterapeutforbund Norsk Ergoterapeutforbund - møteplass Arbeidshelse , Trondheim 2011-09-05 -
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2011) From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology – from evidence to action. Health promotion research – how to do it. The Eurpoean Health Psychology Society 25th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) , Kreta 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
InterviewLillefjell, Monica. (2011) Skal forske på friske Malvikinger. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-12-02
InterviewLillefjell, Monica. (2011) Skal forske på friske Malvikinger. RadioAdressa RadioAdressa [Radio] 2011-12-01
Academic lectureEspnes, Geir Arild; Byrne, Don; Rannestad, Toril; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Lillefjell, Monica; Lindstrom, Bengt. (2011) From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology – from evidence to action. European Health Psychology Society Pre-conference Work Shop, 25th European Health Psychology Conference “Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives” , Crete 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
PosterJakobsen, Klara; Lillefjell, Monica. (2011) Pain, disability and return to work. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR)- , Reykjavik 2011-05-27 - 2011-05-28
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Ernstsen, Linda. (2011) The association between sense of coherence and anxiety in chronic pain patients in multidisciplinary rehabilitation. The European Health Psychology Society 25th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
Academic lectureErnstsen, Linda; Lillefjell, Monica; Krokstad, Steinar. (2011) Hva betyr mental helse for sammenhengen mellom egenvurdert helse og dødelighet blant eldre etter hjerteinfarkt? Resultater fra Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag. Midt-Norsk Nettverk for Helse-og Sosialfaglig Forskning Foredrag , Øya Helsehus, Trondheim 2011-03-09 - 2011-03-10
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2006) Muskel-skjelett lidelser. Muligheter for forskning innen psykosomatiske problemstillinger , Trondheim 2006-11-08 - 2006-11-08
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2006) Stress, coping and health. Seminar on Psychosomatic Research , Trondheim 2006-10-18 - 2006-10-18
PosterLillefjell, Monica. (2006) Forskning ved Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag. NTEF's forskningsdag , Oslo 2006-06-01 - 2006-06-01
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica; Espnes, Geir Arild; Krokstad, S.. (2006) Psychosocial predictors of chronic pain and function in daily life. 20th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society , Warsaw 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-02
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2006) Muskel- og skjelettlidelser : rehabilitering og arbeidsdeltakelse. Møteplass arbeidshelse, NTEF's konferanse , Trondheim 2006-05-15 - 2006-05-15
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2006) Kroniske plager : individuelle og omgivelsesmessige faktorer, funksjon og arbeidsdeltakelse. Friskgårdskonferanse , Oslo? 2006-09-01 - 2006-09-01
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2005) Kroniske muskel- og skjelettlidelser : rehabilitering og arbeidsdeltakelse. Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi , Lillehammer 2005-06-01 - 2005-06-01
Academic lectureLillefjell, Monica. (2005) Change of function in daily life among persons with chronic musculoskeletal pain during a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. International developments in rehabilitation to work , Østersund 2005-02-23 - 2005-02-26
PosterLillefjell, Monica; Nordvik, Hilmar; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2001) The personality of women with musceloskeletal pain. 16th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine. , Gøteborg, Sverige 2001-08-24 - 2001-08-29