Leif Rune Hellevik
Leif Rune Hellevik
Leif Rune Hellevik (1967) is a Professor at the Divison of Biomechanics, Department of Structural Engineering and since 2017 the Vice Dean for the master programs at the Faculty of Engineering at NTNU.
Since 2011, a primary focus of Hellevik's research has been the development of STARFiSh, which is an acronym for Stochastic Arterial Flow Simulations. In this research code models for pressure and flow waves of blood flow in arterial network are embedded in a framework which allows for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of all model parameters with respect to the model predictions.
A more recent project is "My medical digital twin (MyMDT). A digital twin for essential hypertension management and treatment." By a novel combination of exercise-, hypertension-, mathematical modelling-, machine learning-, statistical-, biosensor-, genetic epidemiology- and population based reseach, a personalized Medical Digital Twin (MyMDT) will be developed, that serve as a transformative platform for patient specific hypertensive intervention. MyMDT shall identify, and implement, primary and secondary hypertension prevention schemes to improve individual health outcomes and reduce health care cost. MyMDT will radically improve prevention and treatment of hypertension, and bring NTNU to the international forefront of translational hypertension research.
In the period 2013-2015, Hellevik headed the NTNU intitiative IKTiSU, to promote the use of numerical methods and ICT in general in the enginering education at NTNU.
Scientific interests
- biomechanics of the cardiovascular system
- wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular system
- biomechanical application of fluid-structure interaction approaches
- mathematical modeling
- scientific computing
TKT4150 Biomechanics
TKT4140 Numerical Methods for Engineers. Wiki.
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Examining temporal changes in model-optimized parameters using longitudinal hemodynamic measurements.
Biomedical engineering online
Academic article
Schafer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Schiavazzi, Daniele E.;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent.
Global sensitivity analysis with multifidelity Monte Carlo and polynomial chaos expansion for vascular haemodynamics.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Schafer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Age and sex-dependent sensitivity analysis of a common carotid artery model.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Stensæth, Knut Haakon;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Automated computed tomography-derived
fractional flow reserve model for diagnosing
haemodynamically significant coronary artery
disease: a prospective validation study.
European Heart Journal – Imaging Methods and Practice (EHJ-IMP)
Academic article
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Monitoring variability in parameter estimates for lumped parameter models of the systemic circulation using longitudinal hemodynamic measurements.
Biomedical engineering online
Academic article
Popa-Fotea, Nicoleta-Monica;
Calmac, Lucian;
Micheu, Miruna-Mihaela;
Cosmin, Mihai;
Scarlatescu, Alina;
Zamfir, Diana.
A cloud-based platform for clinical decision support in acute coronary syndrome patients: Study methodology.
Kardiologia Polska
Short communication
Schäfer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Mesek, Mateusz Lukasz;
Sinek, Aleksander Tadeusz;
Bialecki, Ryszard A.;
Ostrowski, Ziemowit.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis during the development and validation of numerical artery models.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Strand, Andreas;
Kjølaas, Jørn;
Bergstrøm, Trond Harald;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Closure Law Model Uncertainty Quantification.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Müller, Lucas O.;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wiseth, Rune.
Machine learning augmented reduced-order models for FFR-prediction.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Brekken, Christian;
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Repeatability in a multiphase pipe flow case study.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Hose, David Rodney;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Parameter estimation for closed-loop lumped parameter models of the systemic circulation using synthetic data.
Mathematical Biosciences
Academic article
Fiorentini, Stefano;
Avdal, Jørgen;
Torp, Hans;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
3-D Doppler imaging in cardiac applications using high frame-rate sequences.
Doctoral Thesis (2020:60)
Doctoral dissertation
Gosling, Rebecca C.;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Morris, Paul D.;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Lawford, Patricia V..
Effect of side branch flow upon physiological indices in coronary artery disease.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Smith, Ivar Eskerud;
Unander, Tor Erling;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Uncertainty propagation through a point model for steady-state two-phase pipe flow.
Academic article
Hose, David Rodney;
Lawford, Patricia V.;
Huberts, Wouter;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Omholt, Stig William;
van de Vosse, Frans.
Cardiovascular models for personalised medicine: Where now and where next?.
Medical Engineering and Physics
Academic article
Sturdy, Jacob;
Kjernlie, Johannes Kløve;
Nydal, Hallvard Moian;
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Uncertainty quantification of computational coronary stenosis assessment and model based mitigation of image resolution limitations.
Journal of Computational Science
Academic article
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Impact of baseline coronary flow and its distribution on Fractional Flow Reserve prediction.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Khadyko, Mikhail;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models.
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Academic article
Safaei, Soroush;
Blanco, Pablo Javier;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Hunter, Peter J..
Bond Graph Model of Cerebral
Circulation: Toward Clinically
Feasible Systemic Blood Flow
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Strand, Andreas;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for computational FFR estimation in stable coronary artery disease.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Mariscal-Harana, Jorge;
Alastruey, Jordi;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Optimization of topological complexity for one-dimensional arterial blood flow models.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Academic article
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Effects of arterial wall models and measurement uncertainties on cardiovascular model predictions.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Soroush, Safaei;
Bradley, Christopher P;
Suresh, Vinod;
Mithraratne, Kumar;
Muller, Alexandre;
Ho, Harvey.
Roadmap for cardiovascular circulation model.
Journal of Physiology
Academic article
Safaei, Soroush;
Bradley, Christopher P;
Suresh, Vinod;
Mithraratne, Kumar;
Muller, Alexandre;
Ho, Harvey.
Roadmap for cardiovascular circulation model.
Journal of Physiology
Academic article
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Donders, Wouter Paulus;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Feinberg, Jonathan;
Delhaas, Tammo;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A guide to uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for cardiovascular applications.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Boileau, Etienne;
Nithiarasu, Perumal;
Blanco, Pablo J;
Muller, Lucas O;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A benchmark study of numerical schemes for one-dimensional arterial blood flow modelling.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Morsi, Yosry;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Qiao, Aike;
Vayalappil, Muraleedharan C;
Tu, Jiyuan;
Yang, William.
Cardiovascular haemodynamics: Advancement of numerical and experimental diagnostic tools.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Feinberg, Jonathan;
Langtangen, Hans Petter;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Stochastic sensitivity analysis for timing and amplitude of pressure waves in the arterial system.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Degroote, Joris;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Vierendeels, Jan;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Velocity profiles in the human ductus venosus: a numerical fluid structure interaction study.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Human ductus venosus velocity profiles in the first trimester.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Vierendeels, J;
Degroote, Joris;
Annerel, S;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
FSI simulation of asymmetric mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Annerel, S;
Degroote, J;
Vierendeels, J;
Claessens, T;
Van Ransbeeck, P;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad.
Application of a strong FSI coupling scheme for the numerical simulation of bileaflet mechanical heart valve dynamics: study of wall shear stress on the valve leaflets.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (CFD)
Academic article
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Thomassen, Espen;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Impact of Pulmonary Venous Locations on the Intra-Atrial Flow and the Mitral Valve Plane Velocity Profile.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Annerel, S;
Degroote, Joris;
Claessens, T;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A fast strong coupling algorithm for the partitioned fluidstructure interaction simulation of BMHVs.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Fagerholt, Egil;
Kiss, Gabriel;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
3D moving boundary conditions for heart CFD simulations - from echocardiographic recordings to discretized surfaces.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Vierendeels, J;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Stergiopulos, N;
Irgens, F;
Dick, E.
An assessment of ductus venosus tapering and wave transmission from the fetal heart.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
On material modelling of umbilical vein.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Vierendeels, Jan;
Degroote, Joris;
Annerel, Sebastian;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Implicit interaction of two rigid mitral leaflets i a partitioned fluid-structure approach.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
A first approach towards patient-specific 2D FSI-simulation of mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabben, Stein Inge;
Stergiopulos, N;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Smiseth, Otto;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Urheim, Stig.
An ultrasound-based method for determining pulse wave velocity in superficial arteries.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Enerhaug, Jakob;
Steinsmo, Unni Merete;
Grong, Øystein;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Dissolution and repassivation kinetics of a 12.3Cr-2.6Mo-6.5Ni super martensitic stainless steel.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Stergiopulos, N.;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Rabben, S. I.;
Eik-Nes, Sturla;
Irgens, Fridtjov.
A mathematical model of umbilical venous pulsation.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Stergiopulos, N;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Rabben, Stein Inge;
Eik-Nes, Sturla H;
Irgens, Fridtjov.
A mathematical model of umbilical venous pulsation.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T.;
Irgens, Fridtjov;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of Pressure Drop and Energy Dissipation for Blood Flow in a Human Fetal Bifurcation.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T.;
Irgens, F.;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of pressure drop and energy dissipation for blood flow in a humanfetal bifurcation.
Journal of Biological Engineering
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Irgens, Fridtjof;
Stergiopulos, Nikos;
Hanson, Mark.
Mechanical properties of the fetal ductus venosus and umbilical vein.
Heart and Vessels
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T;
Irgens, Fridtjof;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of pressure drop and energy dissipation for blood flow in a human fetal bifurcation.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Academic article
Journal publications
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Examining temporal changes in model-optimized parameters using longitudinal hemodynamic measurements.
Biomedical engineering online
Academic article
Schafer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Schiavazzi, Daniele E.;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent.
Global sensitivity analysis with multifidelity Monte Carlo and polynomial chaos expansion for vascular haemodynamics.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Schafer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Age and sex-dependent sensitivity analysis of a common carotid artery model.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Stensæth, Knut Haakon;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Automated computed tomography-derived
fractional flow reserve model for diagnosing
haemodynamically significant coronary artery
disease: a prospective validation study.
European Heart Journal – Imaging Methods and Practice (EHJ-IMP)
Academic article
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Monitoring variability in parameter estimates for lumped parameter models of the systemic circulation using longitudinal hemodynamic measurements.
Biomedical engineering online
Academic article
Popa-Fotea, Nicoleta-Monica;
Calmac, Lucian;
Micheu, Miruna-Mihaela;
Cosmin, Mihai;
Scarlatescu, Alina;
Zamfir, Diana.
A cloud-based platform for clinical decision support in acute coronary syndrome patients: Study methodology.
Kardiologia Polska
Short communication
Schäfer, Friederike Elisabeth;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Mesek, Mateusz Lukasz;
Sinek, Aleksander Tadeusz;
Bialecki, Ryszard A.;
Ostrowski, Ziemowit.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis during the development and validation of numerical artery models.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Kjølaas, Jørn;
Bergstrøm, Trond Harald;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Closure Law Model Uncertainty Quantification.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Müller, Lucas O.;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wiseth, Rune.
Machine learning augmented reduced-order models for FFR-prediction.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Brekken, Christian;
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Repeatability in a multiphase pipe flow case study.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Hose, David Rodney;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Parameter estimation for closed-loop lumped parameter models of the systemic circulation using synthetic data.
Mathematical Biosciences
Academic article
Gosling, Rebecca C.;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Morris, Paul D.;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Lawford, Patricia V..
Effect of side branch flow upon physiological indices in coronary artery disease.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Strand, Andreas;
Smith, Ivar Eskerud;
Unander, Tor Erling;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Uncertainty propagation through a point model for steady-state two-phase pipe flow.
Academic article
Hose, David Rodney;
Lawford, Patricia V.;
Huberts, Wouter;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Omholt, Stig William;
van de Vosse, Frans.
Cardiovascular models for personalised medicine: Where now and where next?.
Medical Engineering and Physics
Academic article
Sturdy, Jacob;
Kjernlie, Johannes Kløve;
Nydal, Hallvard Moian;
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Uncertainty quantification of computational coronary stenosis assessment and model based mitigation of image resolution limitations.
Journal of Computational Science
Academic article
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Impact of baseline coronary flow and its distribution on Fractional Flow Reserve prediction.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Khadyko, Mikhail;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models.
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Academic article
Safaei, Soroush;
Blanco, Pablo Javier;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Hunter, Peter J..
Bond Graph Model of Cerebral
Circulation: Toward Clinically
Feasible Systemic Blood Flow
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Muller, Lucas Omar;
Strand, Andreas;
Bråten, Anders Tjellaug;
Jørgensen, Arve.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for computational FFR estimation in stable coronary artery disease.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Mariscal-Harana, Jorge;
Alastruey, Jordi;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Optimization of topological complexity for one-dimensional arterial blood flow models.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Academic article
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Sturdy, Jacob Trent;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Effects of arterial wall models and measurement uncertainties on cardiovascular model predictions.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Soroush, Safaei;
Bradley, Christopher P;
Suresh, Vinod;
Mithraratne, Kumar;
Muller, Alexandre;
Ho, Harvey.
Roadmap for cardiovascular circulation model.
Journal of Physiology
Academic article
Safaei, Soroush;
Bradley, Christopher P;
Suresh, Vinod;
Mithraratne, Kumar;
Muller, Alexandre;
Ho, Harvey.
Roadmap for cardiovascular circulation model.
Journal of Physiology
Academic article
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Donders, Wouter Paulus;
Sturdy, Jacob;
Feinberg, Jonathan;
Delhaas, Tammo;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A guide to uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for cardiovascular applications.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Boileau, Etienne;
Nithiarasu, Perumal;
Blanco, Pablo J;
Muller, Lucas O;
Fossan, Fredrik Eikeland;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A benchmark study of numerical schemes for one-dimensional arterial blood flow modelling.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Morsi, Yosry;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Qiao, Aike;
Vayalappil, Muraleedharan C;
Tu, Jiyuan;
Yang, William.
Cardiovascular haemodynamics: Advancement of numerical and experimental diagnostic tools.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Eck, Vinzenz Gregor;
Feinberg, Jonathan;
Langtangen, Hans Petter;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Stochastic sensitivity analysis for timing and amplitude of pressure waves in the arterial system.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Degroote, Joris;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Vierendeels, Jan;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Velocity profiles in the human ductus venosus: a numerical fluid structure interaction study.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Human ductus venosus velocity profiles in the first trimester.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Vierendeels, J;
Degroote, Joris;
Annerel, S;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
FSI simulation of asymmetric mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Annerel, S;
Degroote, J;
Vierendeels, J;
Claessens, T;
Van Ransbeeck, P;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad.
Application of a strong FSI coupling scheme for the numerical simulation of bileaflet mechanical heart valve dynamics: study of wall shear stress on the valve leaflets.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (CFD)
Academic article
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Thomassen, Espen;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Impact of Pulmonary Venous Locations on the Intra-Atrial Flow and the Mitral Valve Plane Velocity Profile.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Annerel, S;
Degroote, Joris;
Claessens, T;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
A fast strong coupling algorithm for the partitioned fluidstructure interaction simulation of BMHVs.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Vierendeels, J;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Stergiopulos, N;
Irgens, F;
Dick, E.
An assessment of ductus venosus tapering and wave transmission from the fetal heart.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Academic article
Rabben, Stein Inge;
Stergiopulos, N;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Smiseth, Otto;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Urheim, Stig.
An ultrasound-based method for determining pulse wave velocity in superficial arteries.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Enerhaug, Jakob;
Steinsmo, Unni Merete;
Grong, Øystein;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Dissolution and repassivation kinetics of a 12.3Cr-2.6Mo-6.5Ni super martensitic stainless steel.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Stergiopulos, N.;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Rabben, S. I.;
Eik-Nes, Sturla;
Irgens, Fridtjov.
A mathematical model of umbilical venous pulsation.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Stergiopulos, N;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Rabben, Stein Inge;
Eik-Nes, Sturla H;
Irgens, Fridtjov.
A mathematical model of umbilical venous pulsation.
Journal of Biomechanics
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T.;
Irgens, Fridtjov;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of Pressure Drop and Energy Dissipation for Blood Flow in a Human Fetal Bifurcation.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T.;
Irgens, F.;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of pressure drop and energy dissipation for blood flow in a humanfetal bifurcation.
Journal of Biological Engineering
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Irgens, Fridtjof;
Stergiopulos, Nikos;
Hanson, Mark.
Mechanical properties of the fetal ductus venosus and umbilical vein.
Heart and Vessels
Academic article
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Kiserud, T;
Irgens, Fridtjof;
Ytrehus, Tor;
Eik-Nes, Sturla.
Simulation of pressure drop and energy dissipation for blood flow in a human fetal bifurcation.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Fagerholt, Egil;
Kiss, Gabriel;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
3D moving boundary conditions for heart CFD simulations - from echocardiographic recordings to discretized surfaces.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leinan, Paul Roger;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Kiserud, Torvid;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
On material modelling of umbilical vein.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Vierendeels, Jan;
Degroote, Joris;
Annerel, Sebastian;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
Implicit interaction of two rigid mitral leaflets i a partitioned fluid-structure approach.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
A first approach towards patient-specific 2D FSI-simulation of mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strand, Andreas;
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hellevik, Leif Rune;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Uncertainty quantification for multiphase flow.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Fiorentini, Stefano;
Avdal, Jørgen;
Torp, Hans;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hellevik, Leif Rune.
3-D Doppler imaging in cardiac applications using high frame-rate sequences.
Doctoral Thesis (2020:60)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureAnnerel, Sebastiaan; Claessens, Tom; Dahl, Sigrid Kaarstad; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Hellevik, Leif Rune; van Ransbeeck, Peter. (2011) A STRONG FSI COUPLING SCHEME FOR SIMULATING BMHV DYNAMICS: STUDY OF WALL SHEAR STRESS ON THE VALVE LEAFLETS. NTNU SINTF 8th International Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries , Trondheim 2011-06-21 - 2011-06-23
Academic lectureLeinan, Paul Roger; Prot, Victorien Emile; van den Broek, C.N.; Kiserud, Torvid; Vogt, Christina; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2011) A biomechanical model for human umbilical veins and Wharton’s Jelly. NTNU SINTEF CFD 2011 , Trondheim 2011-06-21 - 2011-06-23
Academic lectureHellevik, Leif Rune; Astorino, Matteo; Moireau, Phillipe; Prot, Victorien Emile; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Gerbeau, Jean-Frederic. (2010) FSI Simulation of the Mitral Valve with Contact and Active Anisotropic Material Models. World Council on Biomechanics 6th World Congress of Biomechanics , Singapore Suntec Convention Centre 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06
Academic lectureLeinan, Paul Roger; Hellevik, Leif Rune; Prot, Victorien Emile; Kiserud, Torvid; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2010) Initial study on material modeling of umbilical veins in fetal sheep. World Council on Biomechanics 6th World Congress on Biomechanics , Singapore Suntec Convention Centre 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06
Academic lectureDahl, Sigrid Kaarstad; Vierendeels, Jan; Degroote, Joris; Annerel, Sebastian; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Hellevik, Leif Rune. (2009) Implicit interaction of two rigid mitral leaflets in a partitioned fluid-structure approach. Andersson og Skallerud Fifth national conference on Computational Mechanics , NTNU 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-27
Academic lectureLeinan, Paul Roger; Hellevik, Leif Rune; Prot, Victorien Emile; Kiserud, T.; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2009) A constitutive model for umbilical vein in fetal sheep. Societe francaise d'hypertension arterielle Journee d'hypertension arterielle , Palais de Congres 2009-12-17 - 2209-12-18
Academic lectureHellevik, Leif Rune. (2009) Analytical results for wave propagation in compliant vessels. Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics 22nd Nordic Seminar on Computational Computing , Aalborg 2009-10-22 - 2009-10-23
PosterHellevik, Leif Rune; Leinan, Paul Roger; Prot, Victorien Emile; Kiserud, T.; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2009) A constitutive model for umbilical vein in fetal sheep. Societe francaise d'hypertension arterielle Journee d'hypertension arterielle , Palais de Congres 2009-12-17 - 2209-12-18
Academic lectureDahl, Sigrid Kaarstad; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Hellevik, Leif Rune. (2008) A 2D patient-specific FSI assessment of mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling. International Association for Computational Mechanics 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) and the 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) , Venezia 2008-06-30 - 2008-07-04
Academic lectureLeinan, Paul Roger; Kiserud, Torvid; Vierendeels, Jan; Segers, Patrick; Hellevik, Leif Rune. (2008) Fluid Structure Interaction Modeling of Pulsations in the Fetal Umbilical Cord. The International Association for Computational Mechanics 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) , Venice 2008-06-30 - 2008-07-04
Academic lectureDahl, Sigrid Kaarstad; Hellevik, Leif Rune; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2007) A first approach towards patient-specific 2D FSI-simulation of mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling. Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Andersson, Helge Ingolf Fourth national conference on Computational Mechanics , NTNU 2007-05-23 - 2007-05-24
Academic lectureHellevik, Leif Rune; Leinan, Paul Roger; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2006) Fluid dynamics of mechanical aortic valves. Dept Construction Sciences, Structural Mechanics Nordic Seminar on Comuptational Mechanics , Lund 2006-10-20 - 2006-10-21