Kari Smith
My most important research activities are teacher education, professional development, new teachers, supervision at PhD level, and finally, but not least, assessment with a focus on the pedagogical aspects of assessment.
I was a teacher for 18 years, and for almost 10 of these years I worked as an English and classroom teacher in school and taught English subject didactics, practice oriented research and assessment at university level. I left school when I became Head of the English Department and later Head of the Teacher Department at Oranim Academic College in Israel. After returning to Norway, I became Chair of the Programme Board for Teacher Education at the University of Bergen.
In 2010 I was part of the establishment of the National Research School in Teacher Education, NAFOL, and held the role of Chairperson of the Board until 2015. I then took over as the Head of the research school until NAFOL's end in June 2022.
I have also been active in the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI) as coordinator of The Assessment and Evaluation SIG (1), and also as coordinator of The Teaching and Teacher Education SIG (11). In 2013, I was one of the founders of The International Forum for Teacher Educator Professional Development (InFo-TED) and held the role of coordinator until 2019. I also co-founded the Nordic Research School in Teacher Education-relevant research, NorTED, and took on the coordinator job in the first year to ensure that the school was well established. For many years I have been active in the The American Educational Research Association (AERA), The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), and The European Educational Research Association (EERA). In March 2022, I received an honorary doctorate at the University of Ghent, Belgium.
I have published a large number of articles, book chapters and books, and enjoyed being invited as keynote speaker worldwide; Australia, New Zealand, China, Dubai, Korea, Singapore, Africa, USA, Syd-America, Europa, Israel, and Norway.
From 1 August, 2022, I am Professor Emerita at NTNU.
Erixson, Per Olof;
Smith, Kari;
Rønnqvist, Carina;
Sullivan, K. P..
Short-term international immersion model (STIIM): Supporting internationalisation for doctoral students.
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning og profesjonell utvikling i skolen.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av masterstudenter i grunnskolelærerutdanningen.
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari;
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag.
Veiledning og profesjonell utvikling i skolen i et internasjonalt perspektiv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Volante, Louis;
DeLuca, Christopher;
Barnes, Nicole;
Birenbaum, Menucha;
Kimber, Megan;
Koch, Martha.
International trends in the implementation of assessment for learning revisited: Implications for policy and practice in a post-COVID world.
Policy Futures in Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Evidence-Based, Evidence-Informed or Evidence-Ignored Teacher Education? — The Role of Research in Teacher Education.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning sett fra veilederes perspektiv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan.
Stakeholder opinions about cancelling exams in Norwegian upper secondary school during the pandemic, and its consequences-an illuminative study.
Assessment Matters
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Looking Back and Looking Forward at InFo-TED—Reflecting on Purpose, Progress, and Challenges.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Barns rett til involvering i undervisning og egen læring.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Strømme, John Alexander;
Svendsen, Bodil Louise;
Smith, Kari;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad.
The need for school leadership and assessment capability in disruptive times: Experiences from remote teaching in Norway during Covid-19.
School Leadership and Management
Academic article
Halås, Catrine Torbjørnsen;
Smith, Kari.
Usikkerhetens pedagogikk.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Flores, Maria Assunção;
Smith, Kari.
Teacher education post-covid: lessons learned from the experience of teacher educators,.
Rev. Int. de Form.de Professores
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Developing a signature pedagogy for doctoral education.
European Journal of Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Relasjoner i veiledning av master- og Ph.d. studenter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Inquiry as a bridge in teaching and teacher education.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Balancing teacher educators’ researcherly and pedagogical dispositions–an example from Norway.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Svendsen, Bodil;
Strømme, Alex;
Smith, Kari;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes.
Assessment during COVID-19: Students and Teachers in Limbo When the Classroom Disappeared.
Educational Assessment
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg.
Feedback practice in lower secondary school: Exploring development of perceptions of feedback practice among students and teachers.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Educating for the Future- Reflections from Covid-19 Lockdown.
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers in Education (2021)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Lesson Study as Practitioner Research to Improve Practice in Teacher Education: A Norwegian perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Curtis, Elizabeth;
Guberman, Ainat;
Lippeveld, Lut;
Shapiro, Tali.
Meeting the Black Swan—Teacher educators’ use of ICT—pre-, during and eventually post Covid-19.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE)
Academic article
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari;
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher Educators and their Professional Development
Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari;
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher educators’ professional development: Looking to the future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray, Jean;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher educators and their professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vanassche, Eline;
Kelchtermans, Geert;
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari.
A conceptual model of teacher educator development: an agenda for future research and practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Editorial: Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers in Education
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
Entrance into teaching and need for support- narratives from diverse national and local contexts.
NORDVEI: Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk
Academic article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes.
Students’ perceptions of assessment practices in
upper secondary school during COVID-19.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Educating teachers for the future school- the challenge of bridging between perceptions of quality teaching and policy decisions:reflections from Norway
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Hakel, Katja;
Smith, Kari;
Skjeldestad, Kristin.
Universitetene må satse på lektorene.
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning for Teacher Educators- The Story of the Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education (NAFOL).
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Validity and Value of Teacher Education Research.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Haara, Frode Olav;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Moving from traditional to responsive mathematics classrooms: a proposition of an intervention model.
Teacher Development
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Hakel, Katja;
Skjeldestad, Kristin.
Universitetslektorer- en neglisjert profesjonsgruppe.
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
Teacher Educators as Teachers and as Researchers.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil.
Opplevelser av undervisning og vurdering i videregående skole
under Covid-19s hjemmeskole (Rapport til skolene).
NTNU, Institutt for lærerutdanning
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil.
Slik gikk det med den digitale undervisningen i skolen.
Feature article
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg.
Feedback practice as responsive pedagogy in teaching English as a foreign language.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:265)
Doctoral dissertation
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum &
Assessment (Policy Conversation Paper).
International Educational Assessment Network
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future (Discussion Paper).
International Educational Assessment Network
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn;
Grudnoff, Lexie;
Orland-Barak, Lily;
Smith, Kari.
Educating Teacher Educators: International Perspectives.
The New Educator
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Kvinge, Lars Malvin Røsseland;
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics, does it lead to short-term effects on student learning? .
Cogent Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Teaching About Teaching: Teacher Educators' and Student Teachers' Perspectives from Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
Editorial: Teacher educators as teachers and as researchers.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari.
Students' perceptions of teachers' feedback practice in teaching English as a foreign language.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
The Janus-Faced Teacher Educator.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari;
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel.
Responsiv pedagogikk: Feedbackinteraksjoner i læring .
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland;
Smith, Kari;
Espeland, Magne.
Presentation in teacher education. A study of student teachers’ transformation and representation of subject content using semiotic technology
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Lessons Learned from Novice Teachers
An international perspective.
Academic monograph
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Veiledning av nye lærere.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Grinde, Ole Erik;
Smith, Kari;
Moe, Vegard Fusche.
Vegen frå å ha det til å ta det- å skape motstandsdyktige spelare i toppfotball.
Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
Academic article
Jónsson, Ívar Rafn;
Smith, Kari;
Geirsdóttir, Guðrún.
Shared language of feedback and assessment. Perception of teachers and students in three Icelandic secondary schools.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Langørgen, Ketil;
Smith, Kari.
Støtte og utvikling i jobben som ny lærerutdanner i Norge.
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Norsk og internasjonal lærerutdanningsforskning : hvor er vi? hvor vil vi gå? hva skal vi gjøre nå?.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari.
Developing a Platform for a Research-Based Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Lærerutdanneres profesjonelle utvikling.
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Accountability in Teacher Education in Norway: A Case of Mistrust and Trust .
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland;
Espeland, Magne;
Smith, Kari.
Performing the pre-formed: Towards a conceptual framework for understanding teaching as curricular transformation.
Designs for Learning
Academic article
Helleve, Ingrid;
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
«Det handler om å finne sin egen form»
Læreres profesjonelle handlingsrom − hvordan det blir forstått og utnyttet.
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
What and how student teachers learn during their practicum .
Professional Development in Education
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Learning from the past to shape the future.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
What and how student teachers learn during their practicum as a foundation for further professional development.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Oolbekkink-Marchand, Helma W.;
Hadar, Linor L.;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Ulvik, Marit.
Teachers' perceived professional space and their agency.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Kelchtermans, Geert;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Towards an ‘international forum for teacher educator development’: an agenda for research and action.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke;
Smith, Kari.
Educating the Educators: Policies and Initiatives in European Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Leaving teaching: lack of resilience or sign of agency?.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Solbue, Vibeke;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
“In this class we are so different that I can be myself!” Intercultural dialogue in a first grade upper secondary school in Norway.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Postholm, May Britt;
Smith, Kari.
forskning og formativ
forskning for utvikling
av praksisfeltet og
vitenskapelig kunnskap.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Watt, Helen M. G.;
Richardson, Paul W.;
Smith, Kari.
Global perspectives on teacher motivation.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari.
NAFOL - en forskerskole for norsk lærerutdanning : en studie i akademisk praksis i lys av praksisarkitekturer og komplementære forståelsesformer fra vitenskap og kunst.
FoU i praksis
Academic article
Watt, Helen M. G.;
Richardson, Paul W;
Smith, Kari.
Why Teach? How Teachers’ Motivations Matter around the
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lunenberg, Mieke;
Murray, Jean;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Collaborative teacher educator professional development in Europe: different voices, one goal.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Østern, Anna-Lena ;
Smith, Kari.
NAFOL - a research school for Norwegian teacher education.
FoU i praksis
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Selv-studier- profesjonelt utviklingsverktøy for lærerutdannere.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Cooperative Learning about Assessment for Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Partnerships in Teacher Education – Going Beyond the
Rhetoric, with Reference to the Norwegian Context.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Å undervise om å undervise : lærerutdanneres kompetanse sett fra deres eget og fra lærerstudenters perspektiv.
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Partnerstva v izobraževanju učiteljev – Onkraj retorike, s poudarkom na Norveškem kontekstu.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Educating for the future: A conceptual framework of
responsive pedagogy.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Assessment for Learning: A Pedagogical Tool.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Ethical aspects of professional dilemmas in the first year of teaching.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Selvstudier - verktøy for profesjonell utvikling for lærerutdannelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Mentorer - Skolebaserte lærerutdannere: ansvar og krav.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering i en flerspråklig kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Høines, Marit Johnsen;
Smith, Kari;
Valle, Anne Marit.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Birenbaum, Menucha;
DeLuca, Chr;
Earl, Lorna;
Heritage, Marg;
Klenowski, Val;
Looney, Anne.
International trends in the implementation of assessment for learning: Implications for policy and practice.
Policy Futures in Education
Academic article
Helleve, Ingrid;
Danielsen, Anne G.;
Smith, Kari.
Does Mentor-Education Make a Difference?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari.
Testangst hos sykepleierstudenter: "Alternativ behandling".
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Smith, Kari.
Mentoring- a profession within a profession.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
An Emerging Understanding of Mentors’ Knowledge Base.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Art of Diplomacy: looking back at the position as Head of Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Role of Research in Teacher Education.
Research in Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Den kunnskapsinformerte læreren må ha metodefrihet.
Feature article
Vanassche, Eline;
Rust, Frances;
Conway, Paul F;
Smith, Kari;
Tack, Hanne;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
InFo-TED: Bringing Policy, Research, and Practice Together Around Teacher Educator Development.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Mentor education- creating an infrastructure for reducing teacher attrition.
Website (informational material)
Tillema, Harm;
Van der Westhuizen, Gert J.;
Smith, Kari.
Mentoring for learning : climbing the mountain.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari;
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes.
'It is the situation that makes it difficult': Experiences of nursing students faced with a high-stakes drug calculation test.
Nurse Education in Practice
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Vocational students experiences with assessment in workplace learning.
Vocations and Learning
Academic article
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Assessment Literacy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari;
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes.
Praksisnær undervisning i legemiddelregning i arbeidet med å redusere testangst og styrke selvoppfattelse hos sykepleierstudenter.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Once a Teacher- Always a Teacher?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Learning to teach in Norway: A shared responsibility.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønsen, Anne Kristin;
Smith, Kari.
Influencing and facilitating conditions for developing reflective assessment practice.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari;
Ryghaug, Torill;
Krüger, Thorolf;
Postholm, May Britt.
Teacher education research between national identity and global trends : NAFOL year book 2012.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Østern, Anna-Lena.
Teacher Education between National Identity and Global Trends Panel Discussion at the NAFOL International Conference 15.05.12.
Akademika forlag
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari.
Response of the National Graduate School for Teacher Education, NAFOL, to the Call for a More Research Based Teacher Education in Norway.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Student perceptions of classroom feedback.
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Formative assessment of teacher learning: issues about quality, design characteristics and impact on teacher learning.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Helland , Kristian;
Steinmoen, Hilde;
Økland, Mildrid Kronborg;
Michelsen, Per Arne;
Toft, Astrid.
En sikker flukt fra læreryrket.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Havnes, Anton;
Smith, Kari;
Dysthe, Olga;
Ludvigsen, Kristine.
Formative assessment and feedback: Making learning visible.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Increasing the use of practical activities through changed practice.
The Mathematics Enthusiast
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Utvikling av vurderingskultur i skolen: rektors stemme.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurderingens rolle i styrking av motivasjon for læring.
Cepra-striben - tidsskrift for Evaluering i Praksis
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Developing an assessment for learning (AfL) culture in school: the voice of the principals.
International Journal of Leadership in Education
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari.
Møte med yrkesfagleg utdanning i den norske vidaregåande skulen.
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Academic article
Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal;
Smith, Kari.
Utvikling av partnerskap i en førskolelærerutdanning, sett fra et økologisk perspektiv.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
The multi-faceted teacher educator- a Norwegian perspective.
Journal of Education for Teaching
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
What characterises a good practicum in teacher education?.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Kappen: "One size fits all"?.
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av nye lærere. Hvem, hva og hvorfor.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Forskning er utvikling i lærerutdanningen.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere vurdering- for å fremme læring.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere vurdering - for å fremme læring.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Professional development of teachers-A prerequisite for AfL to be successfully implemented in the classroom.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Tillema, Harm Hanno;
Smith, Kari;
Leshem, Shosh.
Dual roles – conflicting purposes: a comparative study on perceptions on assessment in mentoring relations during practicum.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veilederrollen- En profesjon innenfor profesjonen.
Bedre Skole
Academic article
Krumsvik, Rune Johan;
Westrheim, Kariane;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari;
Cronjé, Johannes;
Hertzberg, Frøydis.
A Tribute To Professor Olga Dysthe.
With this booklet colleagues, research collaborators and friends, honour Olga Dysthe on her 70th year anniversary and also mark her retirement from the Department of Education, University of Bergen.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Arnesen, Trond Egil;
Blair, Barbara;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Gamlem, Siv Th. Måseidvåg;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Olsen, John Ivar.
Kartlegging av vurdering som tema innenfor lærerutdanningen i UH-nett Vest. Samarbeidsrapport mellom universitet og høyskolene innenfor UH-nett Vest.
UH-nett Vest (Universitets- og høgskolenettet på Vestlandet) Bergen 25.juni 2010
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Veiledning av nye lærere : nasjonale og internasjonale perspektiver.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere egen vurderingspraksis - utvikling av læreres vurderingskompetanse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators.
Encyclopedia article
Smith, Kari.
Assessing the Practicum in teacher education – Do we want candidates and mentors to agree?.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Mentorrollen- norske og internasjonale stemmer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Nye læreres stemme.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Ulike verktøy for profesjonell utvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av nye lærere.
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Noen oppsummerende tanker.
Skagen, Kaare;
Smith, Kari.
Mentoren som veileder og vurderer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Stability in motivation during teacher education.
Journal of Education for Teaching
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Forskningsbasert lærerutdanning- noen utfordringer.
Bedre Skole
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Assessment: Complex Concept and Complex Practice.
Assessment Matters
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari.
Frå ungdomsskule til vidaregåande skule - elevane si stemme :.
FoU i praksis
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Syversen, Margrethe Haug;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Med Mappe som Møteplass Samarbeid for elevens læring i overgangen mellom ungdomstrinn og videregående skole.
Rapport (Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane) (1)
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Is Excellent good enough?.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari;
Kirfel, Christoph;
Stedøy, Ingvild M..
Mathematics between society and the individual.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dobson, Stephen;
Eggen, Astrid Birgitte;
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering, prinsipper og praksis : nye perspektiver på elev- og læringsvurdering.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Practical activites in mathematics teaching – mathematics teachers’ knowledge based reasons.
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk
Academic article
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Postgraduate certificate in Education (PGCE) and Student Motivation.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Novice in secondary school - the coin has two sides.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering- en kompleks aktivitet.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Ulvik, Marit;
Aas, Sissel;
Hildremyr, Helene;
Drevland Johansen, Katharina;
Walde Lund, Eva;
Sanchez Olsen, Maria Jose.
Gi nye lærere en mulighet.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari;
Sveen, Hans Knut;
Brunstad, Endre.
Lærerutdanning ved universitetene.
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Grisen blir ikke feitere jo mer vi veier den.
Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning
Popular scientific article
Tillema, Harm H.;
Smith, Kari.
Assessment orientation in formative assessment of learning to teach.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Practical activities in mathematics teaching Mathematics teachers' knowledge based reasons.
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk
Academic article
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Post graduate certificate in education (PGCE) and student motivation.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Challenges and opportunities in digital assessment.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Lærerutdanning i et internasjonalt perspektiv.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Samspillet mellom vurdering og motivasjon.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dobson, Stephen;
Eggen, Astrid Birgitte;
Smith, Kari.
Innledning: Vurdering som prosess ; Vurdering av, vurdering for og som læring ; Vurdering og syn på læring og kunnskap ; Vurdering som kompetanse og kultur.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering i et dialogperspektiv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
From test takers to test makers.
Educational Leadership
Academic article
Krumsvik, Rune Johan;
Smith, Kari.
Videopapers – an attempt to narrow the notorious gap between theory and practice in teacher education.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Welicker-Pollak, Miriam.
What can they say about my teaching? Teacher educators' attitudes to standardised student evaluation of teaching.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari;
Syversen, Margrethe Haug;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Student's experiences with the transmission between primary and secondary school.
Smith, Kari;
Reichenberg, Rivka.
Induction into teaching: The bridge between pre-service education and professional development in teacher education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Dobson, Stephen;
Ransedokken, Olgunn.
Vurdering og Vurderingsformer (editorial).
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Smith, Kari.
review of book: Passion for Teaching by C. Day.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Om eksamensforskning - intervju med Steinar Kvale.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Interview Journal
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Nyutdannet i videregående skole.
Feature article
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering som et motivasjonsfremmende redskap for læring.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Use of criteria in assessing teaching portfolios: Judgemental practices in summative evaluation.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Portfolio appraisal: In search for criteria.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Empowering School and University-Based Teacher Educators as Assessors: A school-univerity cooperation.
Educational Research and Evaluation
Academic article
Poyas, Yael;
Smith, Kari.
Becoming a community of practice, the blurred identity of clinical faculty teacher educators.
Teacher Development
Academic article
Nagel, Anne-Hilde;
Strand, Roger;
Gullbekk,, Eystein;
Hillesøy, Per Gunnar;
Lillehaug, Johan;
Norheim, Ole Frithjof.
Utdanning i akademisk redelighet - Tiltak for etikk i utdanningene ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Smith, Kari;
Mathew, Rama.
Exploring alternatives in assessment.
Dehli University
Smith, Kari;
Mathew, Rama.
Introduction to action research on assessment.
Smith, Kari.
Current issues in performance assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krumsvik, Rune;
Smith, Kari.
Videopaper - når tekst og video blir saumlaust.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
The Challenge of Assessing Portfolios - in Search for Criteria.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Krumsvik, Rune.
Video papers- a means for documenting practitioners' reflections on practical experiences: The story of two teacher educators.
Research in Comparative and International Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Frenkel, Pnina.
How to Assess What? Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.
Tema, Mofet Institute
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Portfolios for professional development- A research journey.
Nova Science Publishers
Nova Science Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Motivating students through assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ariav, Tamar.
Creating partnerships between teacher education institutions and the field: An international view with the emphasis on the Professional Development School (PDS) model for professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Function of Gate-keeping during Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Drori, Efrat;
Smith, Kari.
Evaluation and Assessment as Quality Assurance in Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Function of Modelling- Teacher Educators as Assessors, Students as Assessees.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Zellermayer, Michal;
Bergen, Theo.
Assessment in Teacher Education, Introduction Guest editor of issue 32.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Lev-Ari, Lilach.
“The Place of Practicum in pre-service teacher education: the voice of the students“.
Asian Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
"Teacher Educators' professional knowledge- How does it differ from teachers' professional knowledge?".
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Sela, Orly.
"Action Research as a bridge between pre-service teacher education and in-service professional development".
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Pavlou, Pavlos.
Serving TEA to Young Learners.
Oranim Academic College of Education
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Standards in serving TEA to young learners.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
New Methods and Perspectives in Teacher Evaluation.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Snoek, Marco;
Baldwin, Gavin;
Cautreels, Paul;
Enemaerke, Torsten;
Halstead, Valerie;
Hilton, Gillian.
Scenarios for the Future of Teacher Education in Europe.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Journal publications
Volante, Louis;
DeLuca, Christopher;
Barnes, Nicole;
Birenbaum, Menucha;
Kimber, Megan;
Koch, Martha.
International trends in the implementation of assessment for learning revisited: Implications for policy and practice in a post-COVID world.
Policy Futures in Education
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan.
Stakeholder opinions about cancelling exams in Norwegian upper secondary school during the pandemic, and its consequences-an illuminative study.
Assessment Matters
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Barns rett til involvering i undervisning og egen læring.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Strømme, John Alexander;
Svendsen, Bodil Louise;
Smith, Kari;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad.
The need for school leadership and assessment capability in disruptive times: Experiences from remote teaching in Norway during Covid-19.
School Leadership and Management
Academic article
Flores, Maria Assunção;
Smith, Kari.
Teacher education post-covid: lessons learned from the experience of teacher educators,.
Rev. Int. de Form.de Professores
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Developing a signature pedagogy for doctoral education.
European Journal of Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Balancing teacher educators’ researcherly and pedagogical dispositions–an example from Norway.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Svendsen, Bodil;
Strømme, Alex;
Smith, Kari;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes.
Assessment during COVID-19: Students and Teachers in Limbo When the Classroom Disappeared.
Educational Assessment
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg.
Feedback practice in lower secondary school: Exploring development of perceptions of feedback practice among students and teachers.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Curtis, Elizabeth;
Guberman, Ainat;
Lippeveld, Lut;
Shapiro, Tali.
Meeting the Black Swan—Teacher educators’ use of ICT—pre-, during and eventually post Covid-19.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE)
Academic article
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Editorial: Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers in Education
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
Entrance into teaching and need for support- narratives from diverse national and local contexts.
NORDVEI: Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk
Academic article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes.
Students’ perceptions of assessment practices in
upper secondary school during COVID-19.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Educating teachers for the future school- the challenge of bridging between perceptions of quality teaching and policy decisions:reflections from Norway
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Hakel, Katja;
Smith, Kari;
Skjeldestad, Kristin.
Universitetene må satse på lektorene.
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning for Teacher Educators- The Story of the Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education (NAFOL).
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Moving from traditional to responsive mathematics classrooms: a proposition of an intervention model.
Teacher Development
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Hakel, Katja;
Skjeldestad, Kristin.
Universitetslektorer- en neglisjert profesjonsgruppe.
Academic article
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil.
Slik gikk det med den digitale undervisningen i skolen.
Feature article
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn;
Grudnoff, Lexie;
Orland-Barak, Lily;
Smith, Kari.
Educating Teacher Educators: International Perspectives.
The New Educator
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Kvinge, Lars Malvin Røsseland;
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics, does it lead to short-term effects on student learning? .
Cogent Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
Editorial: Teacher educators as teachers and as researchers.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari.
Students' perceptions of teachers' feedback practice in teaching English as a foreign language.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
The Janus-Faced Teacher Educator.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari;
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel.
Responsiv pedagogikk: Feedbackinteraksjoner i læring .
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Grinde, Ole Erik;
Smith, Kari;
Moe, Vegard Fusche.
Vegen frå å ha det til å ta det- å skape motstandsdyktige spelare i toppfotball.
Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
Academic article
Jónsson, Ívar Rafn;
Smith, Kari;
Geirsdóttir, Guðrún.
Shared language of feedback and assessment. Perception of teachers and students in three Icelandic secondary schools.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Langørgen, Ketil;
Smith, Kari.
Støtte og utvikling i jobben som ny lærerutdanner i Norge.
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Lærerutdanneres profesjonelle utvikling.
Academic article
Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland;
Espeland, Magne;
Smith, Kari.
Performing the pre-formed: Towards a conceptual framework for understanding teaching as curricular transformation.
Designs for Learning
Academic article
Helleve, Ingrid;
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
«Det handler om å finne sin egen form»
Læreres profesjonelle handlingsrom − hvordan det blir forstått og utnyttet.
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
What and how student teachers learn during their practicum .
Professional Development in Education
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Learning from the past to shape the future.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
What and how student teachers learn during their practicum as a foundation for further professional development.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Oolbekkink-Marchand, Helma W.;
Hadar, Linor L.;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Ulvik, Marit.
Teachers' perceived professional space and their agency.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Kelchtermans, Geert;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Towards an ‘international forum for teacher educator development’: an agenda for research and action.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Leaving teaching: lack of resilience or sign of agency?.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Solbue, Vibeke;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Smith, Kari.
“In this class we are so different that I can be myself!” Intercultural dialogue in a first grade upper secondary school in Norway.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari.
NAFOL - en forskerskole for norsk lærerutdanning : en studie i akademisk praksis i lys av praksisarkitekturer og komplementære forståelsesformer fra vitenskap og kunst.
FoU i praksis
Academic article
Lunenberg, Mieke;
Murray, Jean;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Collaborative teacher educator professional development in Europe: different voices, one goal.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Østern, Anna-Lena ;
Smith, Kari.
NAFOL - a research school for Norwegian teacher education.
FoU i praksis
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Partnerships in Teacher Education – Going Beyond the
Rhetoric, with Reference to the Norwegian Context.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Å undervise om å undervise : lærerutdanneres kompetanse sett fra deres eget og fra lærerstudenters perspektiv.
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Partnerstva v izobraževanju učiteljev – Onkraj retorike, s poudarkom na Norveškem kontekstu.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Educating for the future: A conceptual framework of
responsive pedagogy.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Ethical aspects of professional dilemmas in the first year of teaching.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Birenbaum, Menucha;
DeLuca, Chr;
Earl, Lorna;
Heritage, Marg;
Klenowski, Val;
Looney, Anne.
International trends in the implementation of assessment for learning: Implications for policy and practice.
Policy Futures in Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
The Role of Research in Teacher Education.
Research in Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Den kunnskapsinformerte læreren må ha metodefrihet.
Feature article
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari;
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes.
'It is the situation that makes it difficult': Experiences of nursing students faced with a high-stakes drug calculation test.
Nurse Education in Practice
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Vocational students experiences with assessment in workplace learning.
Vocations and Learning
Academic article
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari;
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes.
Praksisnær undervisning i legemiddelregning i arbeidet med å redusere testangst og styrke selvoppfattelse hos sykepleierstudenter.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Rønsen, Anne Kristin;
Smith, Kari.
Influencing and facilitating conditions for developing reflective assessment practice.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Student perceptions of classroom feedback.
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Formative assessment of teacher learning: issues about quality, design characteristics and impact on teacher learning.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Helland , Kristian;
Steinmoen, Hilde;
Økland, Mildrid Kronborg;
Michelsen, Per Arne;
Toft, Astrid.
En sikker flukt fra læreryrket.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Havnes, Anton;
Smith, Kari;
Dysthe, Olga;
Ludvigsen, Kristine.
Formative assessment and feedback: Making learning visible.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Increasing the use of practical activities through changed practice.
The Mathematics Enthusiast
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Vurderingens rolle i styrking av motivasjon for læring.
Cepra-striben - tidsskrift for Evaluering i Praksis
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Developing an assessment for learning (AfL) culture in school: the voice of the principals.
International Journal of Leadership in Education
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari.
Møte med yrkesfagleg utdanning i den norske vidaregåande skulen.
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Academic article
Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal;
Smith, Kari.
Utvikling av partnerskap i en førskolelærerutdanning, sett fra et økologisk perspektiv.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
The multi-faceted teacher educator- a Norwegian perspective.
Journal of Education for Teaching
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
What characterises a good practicum in teacher education?.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Kappen: "One size fits all"?.
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av nye lærere. Hvem, hva og hvorfor.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Professional development of teachers-A prerequisite for AfL to be successfully implemented in the classroom.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Tillema, Harm Hanno;
Smith, Kari;
Leshem, Shosh.
Dual roles – conflicting purposes: a comparative study on perceptions on assessment in mentoring relations during practicum.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veilederrollen- En profesjon innenfor profesjonen.
Bedre Skole
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Assessing the Practicum in teacher education – Do we want candidates and mentors to agree?.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Stability in motivation during teacher education.
Journal of Education for Teaching
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Forskningsbasert lærerutdanning- noen utfordringer.
Bedre Skole
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Assessment: Complex Concept and Complex Practice.
Assessment Matters
Academic article
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari.
Frå ungdomsskule til vidaregåande skule - elevane si stemme :.
FoU i praksis
Academic article
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Is Excellent good enough?.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Practical activites in mathematics teaching – mathematics teachers’ knowledge based reasons.
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk
Academic article
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Postgraduate certificate in Education (PGCE) and Student Motivation.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Novice in secondary school - the coin has two sides.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering- en kompleks aktivitet.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Ulvik, Marit;
Aas, Sissel;
Hildremyr, Helene;
Drevland Johansen, Katharina;
Walde Lund, Eva;
Sanchez Olsen, Maria Jose.
Gi nye lærere en mulighet.
Bedre Skole
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari;
Sveen, Hans Knut;
Brunstad, Endre.
Lærerutdanning ved universitetene.
Popular scientific article
Smith, Kari.
Grisen blir ikke feitere jo mer vi veier den.
Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning
Popular scientific article
Tillema, Harm H.;
Smith, Kari.
Assessment orientation in formative assessment of learning to teach.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic article
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari.
Practical activities in mathematics teaching Mathematics teachers' knowledge based reasons.
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk
Academic article
Roness, Dag;
Smith, Kari.
Post graduate certificate in education (PGCE) and student motivation.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
From test takers to test makers.
Educational Leadership
Academic article
Krumsvik, Rune Johan;
Smith, Kari.
Videopapers – an attempt to narrow the notorious gap between theory and practice in teacher education.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Welicker-Pollak, Miriam.
What can they say about my teaching? Teacher educators' attitudes to standardised student evaluation of teaching.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Dobson, Stephen;
Ransedokken, Olgunn.
Vurdering og Vurderingsformer (editorial).
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Smith, Kari.
review of book: Passion for Teaching by C. Day.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice
Academic literature review
Smith, Kari.
Om eksamensforskning - intervju med Steinar Kvale.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Interview Journal
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Nyutdannet i videregående skole.
Feature article
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering som et motivasjonsfremmende redskap for læring.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Use of criteria in assessing teaching portfolios: Judgemental practices in summative evaluation.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Portfolio appraisal: In search for criteria.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
Empowering School and University-Based Teacher Educators as Assessors: A school-univerity cooperation.
Educational Research and Evaluation
Academic article
Poyas, Yael;
Smith, Kari.
Becoming a community of practice, the blurred identity of clinical faculty teacher educators.
Teacher Development
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Krumsvik, Rune.
Video papers- a means for documenting practitioners' reflections on practical experiences: The story of two teacher educators.
Research in Comparative and International Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Zellermayer, Michal;
Bergen, Theo.
Assessment in Teacher Education, Introduction Guest editor of issue 32.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Lev-Ari, Lilach.
“The Place of Practicum in pre-service teacher education: the voice of the students“.
Asian Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Smith, Kari.
"Teacher Educators' professional knowledge- How does it differ from teachers' professional knowledge?".
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Smith, Kari;
Sela, Orly.
"Action Research as a bridge between pre-service teacher education and in-service professional development".
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Snoek, Marco;
Baldwin, Gavin;
Cautreels, Paul;
Enemaerke, Torsten;
Halstead, Valerie;
Hilton, Gillian.
Scenarios for the Future of Teacher Education in Europe.
European Journal of Teacher Education
Academic article
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning og profesjonell utvikling i skolen.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Inquiry as a bridge in teaching and teacher education.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers in Education (2021)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari;
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher Educators and their Professional Development
Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Validity and Value of Teacher Education Research.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Flores, Maria Assunção.
Teacher Educators as Teachers and as Researchers.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Lessons Learned from Novice Teachers
An international perspective.
Academic monograph
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Veiledning av nye lærere.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari.
Norsk og internasjonal lærerutdanningsforskning : hvor er vi? hvor vil vi gå? hva skal vi gjøre nå?.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Watt, Helen M. G.;
Richardson, Paul W.;
Smith, Kari.
Global perspectives on teacher motivation.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Tillema, Harm;
Van der Westhuizen, Gert J.;
Smith, Kari.
Mentoring for learning : climbing the mountain.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari;
Ryghaug, Torill;
Krüger, Thorolf;
Postholm, May Britt.
Teacher education research between national identity and global trends : NAFOL year book 2012.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Veiledning av nye lærere : nasjonale og internasjonale perspektiver.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Dobson, Stephen;
Eggen, Astrid Birgitte;
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering, prinsipper og praksis : nye perspektiver på elev- og læringsvurdering.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Frenkel, Pnina.
How to Assess What? Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.
Tema, Mofet Institute
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
Portfolios for professional development- A research journey.
Nova Science Publishers
Nova Science Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smith, Kari;
Pavlou, Pavlos.
Serving TEA to Young Learners.
Oranim Academic College of Education
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Erixson, Per Olof;
Smith, Kari;
Rønnqvist, Carina;
Sullivan, K. P..
Short-term international immersion model (STIIM): Supporting internationalisation for doctoral students.
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av masterstudenter i grunnskolelærerutdanningen.
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag;
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Helleve, Ingrid Maria;
Smith, Kari;
Kvam, Edel Karin;
Roness, Dag.
Veiledning og profesjonell utvikling i skolen i et internasjonalt perspektiv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Evidence-Based, Evidence-Informed or Evidence-Ignored Teacher Education? — The Role of Research in Teacher Education.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning sett fra veilederes perspektiv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
Looking Back and Looking Forward at InFo-TED—Reflecting on Purpose, Progress, and Challenges.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Halås, Catrine Torbjørnsen;
Smith, Kari.
Usikkerhetens pedagogikk.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Relasjoner i veiledning av master- og Ph.d. studenter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Educating for the Future- Reflections from Covid-19 Lockdown.
Guberman, Ainat;
Smith, Kari.
Expansive Learning in Teacher Education.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Smith, Kari.
Lesson Study as Practitioner Research to Improve Practice in Teacher Education: A Norwegian perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari;
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher educators’ professional development: Looking to the future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray, Jean;
Smith, Kari;
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Lunenberg, Mieke.
Teacher educators and their professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vanassche, Eline;
Kelchtermans, Geert;
Vanderlinde, Ruben;
Smith, Kari.
A conceptual model of teacher educator development: an agenda for future research and practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Teaching About Teaching: Teacher Educators' and Student Teachers' Perspectives from Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari.
Developing a Platform for a Research-Based Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Accountability in Teacher Education in Norway: A Case of Mistrust and Trust .
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray, Jean;
Lunenberg, Mieke;
Smith, Kari.
Educating the Educators: Policies and Initiatives in European Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Postholm, May Britt;
Smith, Kari.
forskning og formativ
forskning for utvikling
av praksisfeltet og
vitenskapelig kunnskap.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Watt, Helen M. G.;
Richardson, Paul W;
Smith, Kari.
Why Teach? How Teachers’ Motivations Matter around the
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Selv-studier- profesjonelt utviklingsverktøy for lærerutdannere.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Cooperative Learning about Assessment for Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Assessment for Learning: A Pedagogical Tool.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Selvstudier - verktøy for profesjonell utvikling for lærerutdannelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Mentorer - Skolebaserte lærerutdannere: ansvar og krav.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering i en flerspråklig kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helleve, Ingrid;
Danielsen, Anne G.;
Smith, Kari.
Does Mentor-Education Make a Difference?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Mentoring- a profession within a profession.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
An Emerging Understanding of Mentors’ Knowledge Base.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Art of Diplomacy: looking back at the position as Head of Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vanassche, Eline;
Rust, Frances;
Conway, Paul F;
Smith, Kari;
Tack, Hanne;
Vanderlinde, Ruben.
InFo-TED: Bringing Policy, Research, and Practice Together Around Teacher Educator Development.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Assessment Literacy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Once a Teacher- Always a Teacher?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Learning to teach in Norway: A shared responsibility.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Østern, Anna-Lena.
Teacher Education between National Identity and Global Trends Panel Discussion at the NAFOL International Conference 15.05.12.
Akademika forlag
Østern, Anna-Lena;
Smith, Kari.
Response of the National Graduate School for Teacher Education, NAFOL, to the Call for a More Research Based Teacher Education in Norway.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar.
Utvikling av vurderingskultur i skolen: rektors stemme.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Forskning er utvikling i lærerutdanningen.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere vurdering- for å fremme læring.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere vurdering - for å fremme læring.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari.
Vurdere egen vurderingspraksis - utvikling av læreres vurderingskompetanse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators.
Encyclopedia article
Smith, Kari.
Mentorrollen- norske og internasjonale stemmer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Nye læreres stemme.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Ulike verktøy for profesjonell utvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulvik, Marit;
Smith, Kari.
Veiledning av nye lærere.
Smith, Kari;
Ulvik, Marit.
Noen oppsummerende tanker.
Skagen, Kaare;
Smith, Kari.
Mentoren som veileder og vurderer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haara, Frode Olav;
Smith, Kari;
Kirfel, Christoph;
Stedøy, Ingvild M..
Mathematics between society and the individual.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Challenges and opportunities in digital assessment.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Lærerutdanning i et internasjonalt perspektiv.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Samspillet mellom vurdering og motivasjon.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dobson, Stephen;
Eggen, Astrid Birgitte;
Smith, Kari.
Innledning: Vurdering som prosess ; Vurdering av, vurdering for og som læring ; Vurdering og syn på læring og kunnskap ; Vurdering som kompetanse og kultur.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Vurdering i et dialogperspektiv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Smith, Kari;
Syversen, Margrethe Haug;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Student's experiences with the transmission between primary and secondary school.
Smith, Kari;
Reichenberg, Rivka.
Induction into teaching: The bridge between pre-service education and professional development in teacher education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Mathew, Rama.
Introduction to action research on assessment.
Smith, Kari.
Current issues in performance assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krumsvik, Rune;
Smith, Kari.
Videopaper - når tekst og video blir saumlaust.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
TIllema, Harm.
The Challenge of Assessing Portfolios - in Search for Criteria.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Motivating students through assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari;
Ariav, Tamar.
Creating partnerships between teacher education institutions and the field: An international view with the emphasis on the Professional Development School (PDS) model for professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Function of Gate-keeping during Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Drori, Efrat;
Smith, Kari.
Evaluation and Assessment as Quality Assurance in Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
The Function of Modelling- Teacher Educators as Assessors, Students as Assessees.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
Standards in serving TEA to young learners.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Kari.
New Methods and Perspectives in Teacher Evaluation.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Sommervold, Oda Aasmundstad;
Angvik, Stine Aarønes;
Smith, Kari;
Strømme, Alex;
Svendsen, Bodil.
Opplevelser av undervisning og vurdering i videregående skole
under Covid-19s hjemmeskole (Rapport til skolene).
NTNU, Institutt for lærerutdanning
Vattøy, Kim-Daniel;
Smith, Kari;
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg.
Feedback practice as responsive pedagogy in teaching English as a foreign language.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:265)
Doctoral dissertation
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum &
Assessment (Policy Conversation Paper).
International Educational Assessment Network
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg;
Smith, Kari.
Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future (Discussion Paper).
International Educational Assessment Network
Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland;
Smith, Kari;
Espeland, Magne.
Presentation in teacher education. A study of student teachers’ transformation and representation of subject content using semiotic technology
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Høines, Marit Johnsen;
Smith, Kari;
Valle, Anne Marit.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Røykenes, Kari;
Smith, Kari.
Testangst hos sykepleierstudenter: "Alternativ behandling".
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Krumsvik, Rune Johan;
Westrheim, Kariane;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Smith, Kari;
Cronjé, Johannes;
Hertzberg, Frøydis.
A Tribute To Professor Olga Dysthe.
With this booklet colleagues, research collaborators and friends, honour Olga Dysthe on her 70th year anniversary and also mark her retirement from the Department of Education, University of Bergen.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Arnesen, Trond Egil;
Blair, Barbara;
Engelsen, Knut Steinar;
Gamlem, Siv Th. Måseidvåg;
Helleve, Ingrid;
Olsen, John Ivar.
Kartlegging av vurdering som tema innenfor lærerutdanningen i UH-nett Vest. Samarbeidsrapport mellom universitet og høyskolene innenfor UH-nett Vest.
UH-nett Vest (Universitets- og høgskolenettet på Vestlandet) Bergen 25.juni 2010
Smith, Kari;
Sandal, Ann Karin;
Syversen, Margrethe Haug;
Wangensteen, Ragne.
Med Mappe som Møteplass Samarbeid for elevens læring i overgangen mellom ungdomstrinn og videregående skole.
Rapport (Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane) (1)
Nagel, Anne-Hilde;
Strand, Roger;
Gullbekk,, Eystein;
Hillesøy, Per Gunnar;
Lillehaug, Johan;
Norheim, Ole Frithjof.
Utdanning i akademisk redelighet - Tiltak for etikk i utdanningene ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Smith, Kari;
Mathew, Rama.
Exploring alternatives in assessment.
Dehli University
Smith, Kari.
Mentor education- creating an infrastructure for reducing teacher attrition.
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2024) “What to do when I don’t know what to do?” Preparing for insecurity . , International Council on Education for Teaching International Council on Education for Teaching conference , Mincho University, Braga, Portugal 2024-06-13 - 2024-06-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2023) Veiledning- en kompleks oppgave. NATPRONET NATPRONET seminar , on line 2023-06-01 - 2023-06-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2023) A Critical and Transdisciplinary Interrogation of Mentoring Research and Practice in the Professions. AERA AERA annual conference , Chicago 2023-04-13 - 2023-04-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2023) Ph.D. veiledning- Lessons learned fra litteratur og egen erfaring. Nasjonlt nettverk for veilederopplæring på ph.d. nivå Nasjonlt nettverk for veilederopplæring på ph.d. nivå , on line 2023-04-28 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureSandvik, Lise Vikan; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Smith, Kari. (2022) Assessment cultures in Norway post COVID-19: Cancelled exams challenge established practices. American Educational Research Association AERA 2022 , San Diego 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) Finalizing the dissertation. SU fakultetet NTNU Inspiration seminar doctoral students , online 2022-03-11 - 2022-03-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) Revisiting the art of teaching: Asking old questions in new ways. Educational Studies Association of Ireland ESAI national conference , online 2022-04-07 - 2022-04-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) Role of Research in Teacher Education. University of Ghent Public Lecture in Relation to Honorary Doctor Award , Ghent 2022-03-16 - 2022-03-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) What did the COVID-19 lockdown teach us about education in a future perspective? . Oldenburg University EARLI SIG 11 , Teaching and Teacher Education biannual conference , Oldenburg 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-24
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) What is quality supervision?. University of Stavanger Seminar PHD supervisors , on line 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2022) Hvilke kompetanser behøves for å realisere partnerskap om lærerutdannings-/universitetsskoler?. NTNU nasjonal konferanse, Universitetsskoler , Scandic hotell, Hell 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-04
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Learning in the School Practicum- Learning in the School Practicum- Mentoring as professional development for students & mentor teachers . EARLI EARLI bi-annual conference , Gøteborg/online 2021-08-23 - 2021-08-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Professionalism and Professional Development . University of Limerick InFo-TED Summer Academy , Limerick/online 2021-06-23 - 2021-06-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Profesjonalitet og profesjonell utvikling . NIH Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2021 , on line 2021-06-03 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Hva er veiledning?. Høyskolen I Innlandet Veilederseminar , online 2021-01-20 - 2021-01-20
Academic lectureGamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Smith, Kari. (2021) Norway - Assessment and Qualifications. Independent Assessment Commision Final assessment and qualifications for 21st century , Webinar 2021-06-30 - 2021-06-30
Academic lectureGamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Smith, Kari. (2021) Norway - Assessment for Learning. UGEAN/University of Glasgow Assessment for Learning Internationally: Facing the Challenge , Webinar 2021-03-31 - 2021-03-31
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Practice-oriented research. Johannes Kepler University, Linz School of Education Doctoral seminar , online 2021-03-29 - 2021-03-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2021) Profesjonell utvikling gjennom ulike faser i lærerkarrieren . Universitetet i Bergen Veilederseminar , online 2021-01-21 - 2021-01-21
LectureSmith, Kari. (2020) Opprykk til førstelektor. USN seminar for førstelektorkandidater, USN , Drammen 2020-01-16 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2020) National and Nordic Collaboration in Doctoral Education for Teacher Educators. University of Graz , the Teacher Education Policy in Europe The transformative potential of doctoral networks in teacher education , online 2020-02-23 - 2021-02-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg. (2019) Empowering Teachers in Practising Responsive Pedagogy . Universitetet i Stavanger ICSEI , Stavanger 2019-01-10 - 2019-01-10
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Smith, Kari. (2019) Teacher educators’ professional development. . Nordic Educational Research Association Conference , Uppsala 2019-03-06 - 2019-03-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2019) Assessment as Learning in Responsive Pedagogy . School of Education, Glasgow University UGEAN seminar , invited lecture 2 hours , Glasgow 2019-11-20 -
LectureSmith, Kari. (2019) Writing the extended abstract (kappe). HVL seminar for phd. studenter og veiledere , Bergen 2019-12-10 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2019) Improving education through cooperation and partnership between school based and university based teacher educators . University of Salzburg International perspectives on school quality and teacher education , Salzburg 2019-03-26 - 2019-03-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2019) Nasjonal og internasjonal forskning om veiledningens betydning i overgang mellom utdanning og yrke . Høyskolen i Innlandet Veiledningskonferansen, Høyskolen i Innlandet , Hamar 2019-02-06 - 2019-02-07
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2019) Norwegian Education and Teacher Education . Mofet Institute, Israel Mofet 7th international Conference on Teacher Education The story of Innovation in Teacher Education , Tel Aviv 2019-07-24 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit. (2019) Teacher educators’ professional development- case Norway . Mofet Institute, Israel Mofet 7th international Conference on Teacher Education The story of Innovation in Teacher Education , Tel Aviv 2019-07-24 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Guberman, Ainat; Curtis, Elisabeth; Lippeveld, Lut; Ulvik, Marit; Viswarajan, Sheeba. (2019) Teacher educators’ telling about using ICT-honestly! . MOFET The 7th international conference on teacher education. , Tel Aviv 2019-06-24 - 2019-06-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit. (2018) Teacher Educators' Learning in the Workplace- The important role of Research in Norway. AERA AERA annual meeting , New York 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Teacher Educators in Norway- Awakening Attention. AERA AERA annual meeting , New York 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Developing a Researched Informed Teacher Education- NAFOL, a National Initiative. Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) EVRI conference , Hiroshima 2018-12-10 - 2018-12-10
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Creating Third Spaces in Teacher Education through Cooperation and Mutual Respect. Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) EVRI conference , Tokyo 2018-12-08 - 2018-12-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Learning Throughout a Professional Career. School of Education, University of Iceland NATIONAL CONFERENCE on EDUCATION , ICELAND , Reykjavik 2018-02-22 - 2018-02-22
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Together for Better Learning- Developing Partnerships in Education . FHNW FHNW- applied university, Switzerland- Tagung Partnerschulen, 2018 , Brugg-Windisch 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Ph.D.-supervision in Europe. European Doctorate in Teacher Education/ U. of Masyrik European Doctorate in Teacher Education , Brno 2018-01-16 - 2018-01-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Veiledning- en profesjon i profesjonen. ILU- NTNU seminar for rektorer , Trondheim 2018-02-15 - 2018-02-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) Creating Third Spaces in Teacher Education through Cooperation and Mutual Respect . ILU- NTNU Nasjonal Lektorutdanningskonferanse , Trondheim 2018-09-18 - 2018-09-19
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2018) One size does not fit all- professional development of teacher educators . Teacher Education Association Austria Austrian Teacher Education Conference , Innsbruck 2018-09-27 - 2018-09-28
Academic lectureVattøy, Kim-Daniel; Smith, Kari. (2018) Developing a platform for a research-based teacher education. Universitetet i Agder EARLI SIG11 Conference , Kristiansand 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) Assessment as a pedagogical tool. Askøy kommune Seminar School leaders from Canada and Askøy , Askøy 2017-03-15 - 2017-03-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) Ledelse av læreres læring. Skolelederforbundet i Hordaland Årsmøte Skoleledere i Hordaland , Bergen 2017-03-24 - 2017-03-24
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) Research in Teacher Education- researching teacher educator. EARLI /Tampere University EARLI biannual conference, invited symposium , Tampere 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-02
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) Moving Beyond Rhetoric: Building a Culture to Substantiate Research Based Teacher Education . EARLI /Tampere University EARLI biannual conference/ keynote , Tampere 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-02
PosterGamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Kvinge, Lars M.; Smith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar. (2017) Student perceptions of achievement, self-efficacy, self-regulation and feedback in Mathematics. European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI 2017 , Tampere; University of Tampere 2017-09-01 - 2017-09-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) Accountability in Teacher Education in Norway- A Case of Mistrust and Trust . AERA AERA annual meeting , San Antonio 2017-04-27 - 2017-05-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2017) PhD supervision: issues related to the institution, the supervisor and the candidate. What can be learned from NAFOL’s experience? . UHR UHR seminar , Oslo 2017-05-04 - 2017-05-04
Academic lectureGamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Smith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar. (2017) Responsive Pedagogy and Student Learning: Feedback practice and student learning in Mathematics. AERA2017 , San Antonio, TX 2017-04-27 - 2017-04-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Vurderingens funksjoner i lærerutdanningen. UH-nett Vest og Høyskolen i Bergen UH-nett Vest seminar , Høyskolen i Bergen 2016-09-08 - 2016-09-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Learning to Teach- Where? By Whom? Partnerships in Teacher Education . Austrian teacher education association Austrian national teacher education conference , Linz 2016-11-11 - 2016-11-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Lunenberg, Mieke; Murray, Jean; Vanderlinde, Ruben. (2016) Collaborative Teacher Educator Professional Development in Europe- Different Voices, One Goal. AERA AERA 2016 , Washington 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) What about teacher educators’ development? . University of Iceland Personalseminar , Reykjavik 2016-05-03 - 2016-05-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education Seminar for Teacher Educators . University of Iceland Personalseminar , Reykjavik 2016-05-03 - 2016-05-03
Academic lectureGamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Engelsen, Knut Steinar; Kvinge, Lars M.; Sandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari. (2016) Responsive Pedagogy Questionnaire - the developing and validation process. Universitetet i Oslo / ProTed Bringing Teacher Education Forward , Oslo 2016-06-08 - 2016-06-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) NAFOL Nasjonal forskerskole i lærerutdanning . Svenska Vetenskapsrådet seminar , Oslo 2016-05-25 - 2016-05-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Teacher Education and Teacher Educators . EDiTE European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE), Summer school , Brno 2016-06-28 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Partnerships –Practice Field & University Empty Rhetoric? . University of Iceland Conference , Reykjavik 2016-05-01 - 2016-05-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Professional Learning Getting out of your comfort zone . University of Iceland seminar , Reykjavik 2016-05-02 - 2016-05-02
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Veiledning av forskningsbaserte masteroppgaver . Universitetet i TROMSØ personalseminar , Tromsø 2016-01-29 - 2016-01-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Policy developments in Norwegian Teacher Education . AERA AERA 2016 , Washington 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Oolbekkink, Helma; Hadar, Linor; Helleve, Ingrid; Ulvik, Marit. (2016) Exploring Teachers’ Usage of Professional Space. AERA AERA 2016 , Washington 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Kompetansebygging i lærerutdanningene . NRLU NRLU seminar , Sogndal 2016-02-17 - 2016-02-18
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Bullock, Shawn. (2016) Issues, Trends, and Concerns in Teacher Education: International Perspectives Drawn From the Research in the International Handbook of Teacher Education Student Teaching . AERA AERA 2016 , Washington 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) En gang lærer- alltid lærer? . NTNU Skolelederkonferanse , Hell, Trondheim 2016-02-04 - 2016-02-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Vurdering som pedagogisk verktøy Hva? Hvorfor? Hvordan? . Jönköping University Personalseminar , Jönköping 2016-03-07 - 2016-03-07
LectureSmith, Kari. (2016) Opprykk- førstelektor/dosent. Høyskolen Oslo Akershus Personalseminar , Oslo 2016-03-14 - 2016-03-14
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Partnerships in support of teacher education. Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE), Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) yearly conference , Dundee 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Classroom Assessment . AERA American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference , Chicago 2015-04-15 - 2015-04-20
LectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Who are teaching the teachers? Professional Learning for Teacher Educators . University of Iceland seminar Teacher Educators University of Iceland , Reykjavik 2015-11-04 - 2015-11-04
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Hva bør ledere vite om nyutdannede lærere? . Utdanningsforbundet Norland Skolelederkonferanse , Bodø 2015-03-23 - 2015-03-24
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) When Dreams Come True- A National Norwegian Research School in Teacher Education . ISATT and University of Auckland International Study Association Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) biannual conference , Auckland 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-17
LectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Preparing for practice . University of Iceland seminar Teacher Educators University of Iceland , Reykjavik 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Professional Learning in Communities of Practice Getting out of your comfort zone . TESOL FRance Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) France , Paris 2015-11-20 - 2015-11-22
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) The changing international contexts and demographics of teachers . ECER,Corvinus University of Budapest European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Budapest 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Partnerships in Teacher Education- Empty Rhetoric? . Association for Teacher Education Europe/Glasgow University Association for Teacher Education Europe (ATEE) yearly conference , Glasgow 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Teacher Attrition-Norway . ISATT and University of Auckland International Study Association Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) biannual conference , Auckland 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Recent developments in Norwegian Teacher Education . ECER,Corvinus University of Budapest European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Budapest 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) NAFOL- Empowering Researching Teacher Educators at a National Level . ECER,Corvinus University of Budapest European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Budapest 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Møte mellom praksis og teori . UH-nett Vest UH-nett Vest seminar , Bergen 2015-02-06 - 2015-02-06
LectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Veilederkompetanse . Universitetet i TROMSØ Seminar veiledere i barnevernet , Tromsø 2015-05-05 - 2015-05-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Lærerutdannerne- akilleshælen i en ambisiøs plan?. Forskerforbundet Forskerforbundet Konferanse Lærerutdanning I fusjonenes og masternes tid. , Oslo 2015-04-22 - 2015-04-22
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2015) Cooperative Learning about Assessment-for-Learning (AfL) from Consuming Evaluation of Learning to Practising Assessment for Learning . EARLI European Association for Research in Learning and Assessment (EARLI) , Limassol 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-29
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Smith, Kari. (2015) From Teacher to Researcher. ECER,Corvinus University of Budapest European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Budapest 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
PosterKvinge, Øystein; Smith, Kari. (2015) Transformation of Subject Content, by Improvisation? - Towards an Analytical Framework. European Association for Research in Learning and Instr. Towards a reflective society , Limassol 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Recent Developments in Teacher EducationInternationally and in Norway. University of Johannesburg Faculty seminar , Johannesburg 2014-01-16 - 2014-01-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Mentoring- A Profession within a Profession. EASA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASA) 2014 CONFERENCE , Johannesburg 2014-01-12 - 2014-01-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Bli oppfattet som en profesjonell skoleleder- handle som en profesjonell skoleleder. Norsk skolelederforum Skolelederforum , Gardermoen 2014-03-20 - 2014-03-21
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Does teacher education have a signature pedagogy?. University of Iceland and University of Akureyri Nasjonal konferanse Teacher Education Iceland , Akureyri 2014-04-04 - 2014-04-05
Academic lecture
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Where to in Assessment for Learning?. University of New Brunswick Assessment for Learning: Canada in Conversation With The World, , New Brunswick 2014-04-08 - 2014-04-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Veiledning i et doktorgradsløp. Høyskolen Buskerud-Vestfold Høyskolen i Buskerud og Vestfold Seminar for PhD veiledere , Tønsberg 2014-12-01 - 2014-12-02
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Article-Based PhD Dissertation. University of Iceland seminar for PhD supervisors and PhD students , Reykjavik 2014-04-03 - 2014-04-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Assessment as a Pedagogical Tool. University of Iceland and University of Akureyri Nasjonal konferanse Teacher Education Iceland , Akureyri 2014-04-04 - 2014-04-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Article-Based PhD Dissertation. University of Aarhus Seminar for danish PhD supervisors , Aarhus 2014-05-13 - 2014-05-13
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Forskningssatsninger i lærerutdanningene- status i dag. UHR Universitets og høyskolerådet (UHR) forskningssatsninger i lærerutdanningene erfaringsutveksling , Bergen 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) EVU ≠ Quick Fix. Nasjonalt forum for etter- og videreutdanning Etter og videre utdanning (EVU) nasjonal konferanse , Bergen 2014-10-13 - 2014-10-13
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2014) Once a Teacher- always a Teacher?. NAFOL NAFOL 2nd. International Conference , Tromsø 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-21
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Czerniawski, Gerry; Smith, Kari. (2014) Teacher educators’ perception of their role, a comparative study. Nordic Educational Research Association Conference , Lillehammer 2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Smith, Kari. (2014) To teach about teaching: teacher educators’ competence from their own and their student teachers’ perspectives. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG 11 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Smith, Kari. (2014) Teaching about Teaching, From Teacher Educators’ And Student Teachers’ perspectives. European Conference on Educational Research 2014-09-02 - 2014-09-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar; Haara, Frode; Helleve, Ingrid; Olsen, John Ivar; Ulvik, Marit. (2014) Teacher attrition Norway. European Educational Research Conference (ECER) European Educational Research Conference (ECER) , Poro 2014-09-02 - 2014-09-05
Academic lectureHelleve, Ingrid; Danielsen, Anne Grete; Smith, Kari. (2013) Mentors' professional development. Nordic Edcational Reseach Conference NERA , Reykjavik 2013-03-06 - 2013-03-08
Academic lectureSolbue, Vibeke; Helleve, Ingrid; Smith, Kari. (2013) "This class is so diverse that I can be myself!" The oppertunity of diversity in upper secondary school. NERA Nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning Konferanse , Reykjavik 2013-03-07 - 2013-03-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Writing a PhD dissertation. University of Lisbon PhD seminar , Lisboa 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-06
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit; Helleve, Ingrid. (2013) Sources of Resilience in Newly Qualified Teachers. University of Ghent ISATT conference , Ghent 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-05
LectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Artikkelbasert avhandling. NAFOL og HiST NAFOL og HiST konferanse , HiST, Trondheim 2013-11-20 - 2013-11-20
Academic lectureEngelsen, Knut Steinar; Smith, Kari. (2013) Three years after intervention- is the Assessment for Learning (AfL) culture sustained?. Technische Universitat Munchen EARLI Biannual conference , Munchen 2013-08-27 - 2013-08-31
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Teacher Education from the Other Side of the Desk: International Deans’ Perspectives. American Educational Research Association AERA , San Francisco 2013-04-27 - 2013-05-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar. (2013) Factors Influencing Assessment Practice Case Norway. American Educational Research Association AERA , San Francisco 2013-04-27 - 2013-05-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Teachers, Leaders and Local Authorities Learning together about Assessment-for-Learning (AfL). Bahcesehir University ECER conference , Istanbul 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-13
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) School in Teacher Education- Educating the Teachers of Teachers. University of Lisbon EDITE Seminar , Lisbon 2013-10-05 - 2013-10-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Teacher Education- a profession or not?Discussion based on international literature. Mofet Institute Seminar for Mofet Faculty , Tel Aviv 2013-12-26 - 2013-12-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Krüger, Kari Raknes; Sagvåg, Inger. (2013) Mentor education in Norway. University of Iceland NERA conference , Reykjavik 2013-03-06 - 2013-03-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) What is Learning? How can we support it?. EU- Socrates- SLAMIT project SLAMIT seminar , Porto 2013-10-20 - 2013-10-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Lessons learned from stories told by novice teachers. Invisible College/American Educational Research Conference Invisible College/American Educational Research Conference , san Frnacisco 2013-04-26 - 2013-04-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Teaching and Learning for an Unknown Future. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies TESOL International Association Symposium , Guangzhou 2013-11-15 - 2013-11-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Some Thoughts and Ideas for Teaching English in Primary School. University of Huizhou English Teaching in the future , Huizhou 2013-11-16 - 2013-11-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Hva bør skoleledere vite om nyutdannete lærere?. UiNordland, HiST, HiNT, HiVo, NTNU Skolelederkonferansen Ledelse og Kvalitet i skolen , Stjørdal 2013-02-06 - 2013-02-07
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Teacher LearningWe are stronger together than we are alone. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies TESOL International Association Symposium , Guangzhou 2013-11-15 - 2013-11-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2013) Integration, Innovation and Improvement – the Professional Identity of Teacher Educators. Irish teaching Council EU Presidency Conference , Dublin 2013-02-18 - 2013-02-19
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar. (2013) Three years after intervention- is the Assessment for Learning (AfL) culture sustained?. University of Iceland NERA Conference , Reykjavik 2013-03-06 - 2013-03-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Ny i skolen, en nødvendig fase. Bærum kommune Seminar for nye lærere og veildere , Kunnskapssenteret Sandvika 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Rektors stemme i vurdering for læring. Bærum kommune Seminar for skoleledere i Bærum kommune , Kunnskapssenteret Sandvika 2012-01-18 - 2012-01-18
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Profesjonelle praksislærere eller funksjonerer?. Utdanningsforbundet Lærerutdanningskonferansen, 2012 , Oslo 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Hva vet vi egentlig om vurdering og læring?. Naturfagsenteret Nasjonalt kurs for lærere i geofag , Blindern, UiO 2012-01-19 - 2012-01-19
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Hva bør rektor vite om nye lærere?. Bærum kommune Seminar for skoleledere i Bærum kommune , Kunnskapssenteret, Sandvika 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Tilbakemeldingens betydning. PPT tjenesten i Fana Seminar PPT tjenesten i Fana , Kommunehuset, Fana 2012-01-16 - 2012-01-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Standards and professional development. Alakhawayn University Staff development course , Ifrane 2012-02-06 - 2012-03-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Assessment of, as, and for learning. SAIL EU Sail Course 2 , Lisbon 2012-05-06 - 2012-05-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Utvikling av profesjonskompetanse- Hvor ligger ansvaret?. Utdanningsforbundet Utdanningsforbundets landsmøte , Oslo 2012-11-05 - 2012-11-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Mentoring as a profession. Faculty of Education, Monash University Staff seminar , Melbourne 2012-11-28 - 2012-11-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) Mentoring- a profession within a profession. Canterbury Christ Church University Jubelee Conference , Cantebury, UK 2012-07-16 - 2012-07-18
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2012) A systematic approach to conceptualizing and concretising teacher educators' research competence. EERA, (European educational research Association) conference , Cadiz 2012-09-18 - 2012-09-21
PosterSandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari. (2012) Ungdom og utdanningsvalg: Overgang frå ungdomsskule til yrkesfagleg utdanning . HiSF Forskingsdagane HiSF , Sogndal 2012-09-07 - 2012-09-07
Academic lectureHavnes, Anton; Smith, Kari; Dysthe, Olga; Ludvigsen, Kristine. (2011) Making learning visible. EARLI EARLI Conference , Exeter 2011-08-31 - 2011-09-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit. (2011) Veiledning av nye lærere. Oppvekst 2011 Konferanse , Trondheim 2011-11-22 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit. (2011) Mentoring Novice teachers – the Norwegian context. ISATT-conference , Braga 2011-07-08 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2011) Using Video in Professional Learning. St. Louis University Chicago Virtual International Conference , Chicago 2011-01-25 - 2011-01-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2011) Vurderinger rundt vurdering, motivasjon og læring. Utdanningsforbundet Sør-Trøndelag seminar for lærere og ledere i Sør-Trøndelag , Melhus 2011-05-23 - 2011-05-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2011) A signature Pedagogy of Teacher Education- A pedagogy of Discomfort?. University of Oslo Visions for Teaching and Teacher Education Conference , Oslo 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2011) Learning to teach- a shared responsibility: case Norway. Teacher Education Research Network Teacher Education Research Network: ESRC Seminar Serie: Workplace Learning in TeacherEducation , Metropolitan University , Manchester 2011-03-30 - 2011-03-30
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar. (2011) Developing an Assessment for Learning (AfL) culture in school: the Voice of the Principals. American Educational Research Association (AERA) American Educational Research Association (AERA) , New Orleans 2011-04-08 - 2011-04-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) F = U: Forskning er utvikling i vurderingspraksis. NTNU FoU i Praksis konferanse , Trondheim 2010-05-10 - 2010-05-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Professional Development in Light of Standards. ETAI, Israel Linking through Language ETAI conference , Jerusalem 2010-07-13 - 2010-07-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Standards for Teaching- to be used intelligently. IATEFL International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign language Assessment conference , Dubai 2010-02-11 - 2010-02-12
Academic lectureEngelsen, Knut Steinar; Smith, Kari. (2010) Assessing Assessment: Teachers' Self-Assessment of Personal Assessment Practice. AERA American Educational Research Conference , Denver 2010-04-08 - 2010-04-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) En kort inn i vurderingens rike verden. Utdanningsforbundet i Nordland Seminar for tillitsvalgte , Bodø 2010-10-19 - 2010-10-19
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Vurdering- for komplisert for politikerne?. Høyskolen i Vestfold konferanse- Vurdering for læring og utvikling , Larvik 2010-04-26 - 2010-04-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Standards-Support or hindrance to professional development?. School of Education, University of Georgia Faculty seminar , Athens, Georgia 2010-05-04 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Novise- en nødvendig fase i lærerkarrierenHøgskolen i Oslo, 09.09.10. Høyskolen i Oslo Seminar for mentorer for nye lærere , Oslo 2010-09-09 - 2010-09-09
Academic lectureSandal, Ann Karin; Wangensteen, Ragne; Smith, Kari. (2010) Students' experiences with practical education in the subject In-Depth Study project, Vocational Education and Training. The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) NERA Congress "Active Citizenship" , Malmø 2010-03-11 - 2010-03-13
Academic lectureEngelsen, Knut Steinar; Smith, Kari. (2010) Teachers developing criteria for classroom assessment. EARLI SIG 1 and Northumbria University EARLI/ Northumbria Assessment conference , Newcastle 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureTIllema, Harm; Smith, Kari; Leshem, Shosh. (2010) Assessment in the Practicum: Student Teacher and Mentor Perceptions of Good Mentoring Experiences. EARLI SIG 1/Northumbria University EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference , Newcastle 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Tillema, Harm; Leshem, Shosh. (2010) Perceptions of Assessment in Mentoring: A Comparison of Three Different Countries. European Educational Research Association ECER konferansen , Helsinki 2010-08-25 - 2010-08-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2010) Challenges posed by diversity: Looking at Language and Assessment. University of Bergen Library Creating Knowledge VI , Bergen 2010-09-08 -
Academic lectureEngelsen, Knut Steinar; Smith, Kari. (2010) Assessing Assessment: Teachers' Self-Assessment of Personal Assessment Practice. AERA - American Educational Research Association 2010 , Denver, Colorado 2010-04-30 - 2010-05-04
Academic lectureEngelsen, Knut Steinar; Smith, Kari. (2010) Teachers developing criteria for classroom assessment. EARLI sig Assessment , Northumbria University, UK. 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Standards - of help or hindrance to professional development. TESOL International Invited TESOLsymposium , Panama City 2009-09-18 - 2009-09-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) The complexity of assessment. New Zealand Ministry of Education International conference on assessment for learning , Queenstown 2009-03-16 - 2009-03-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Assessment competence, what does it mean?. College of Education, University of Georgia, USA Faculty seminar , University of Georgia, Athens 2009-04-01 - 2009-04-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Assessment. UiB, V/ Rune Krumsvik The Good examples- Research meets Practice , Clarion Hotel, Flesland, Bergen 2009-04-23 - 2009-04-24
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) The schizophrenic teacher educator Can she be helped?. University of East London Society for Educational Studies: seminar series 2009 , University of East London, London 2009-05-12 - 2009-05-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Assessment- too complex to be left to policy makers. University of Haifa Seminar for faculty and Ph.D students , Haifa 2009-05-25 - 2009-05-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Assessment as a pedagogical tool for teachers to master. School of Education, Haifa University Professional Development School conference , Haifa 2009-06-26 - 2009-06-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Nye lærer, utfordrende og lærerikt for mange. Høyskolen i Oslo Seminar for nye lærere, skoleledere og veieldere i Oslo , Oslo 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-15
Academic lectureUlvik, Marit; Smith, Kari; Olsen, Maria Jose Sanchez. (2009) What do newly qualified teachers (NQTs) need to know to teach well, and who should tell them. European Conference on Educational Research , Wien 2009-09-28 - 2009-09-30
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Viderutdanning av lærere i Vurdering av elevenes læring. HiSF Videreutdanningskurs , Førde 2009-01-13 - 2009-01-13
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Noen tanker om evalueringskultur. NELVU Kvalitetsvurdering for læring og utvikling , Hafjell 2009-01-15 - 2009-01-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Akademisk uærlighet på studentnivå- forbrytelse, fortvilelse, forglemmelse, eller ganske enkelt uvitenhet?. UiB Rådgiverkonferanse , Bergen 2009-01-27 - 2009-01-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Samspillet mellom vurdering og motivasjonsom leder til læring. NELVU Kvalitetsvurdering for læring og utvikling , Hafjell 2009-01-15 - 2009-01-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Østern, Anna Lena; Fretland, Jan Olav; Karseth, Berit; Kruger, Torolf; Åstveit, Kjærstin. (2009) NAFOL - Nasjonal Forskerskole i Lærerutdanning. NRLU NRLU Rådsmøte , Trondheim 2009-02-09 - 2009-02-10
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) IKT og Vurderingutfordringer og muligheter. IMTEC IMTEC Utdanningskonfereanse , Bergen 2009-02-09 - 2009-02-10
PosterHaara, Frode Olav; Smith, Kari. (2009) Practical activities in mathemarics teaching - only when appropriate Acknowledged mathematics teachers' knowledge based reasons for using practical activities. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction , Amsterdam 2009-08-25 - 2009-08-29
Academic lectureSandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari. (2009) Formative assessment of the In ? Depth Study Project modul in two Upper Secondary Schools in Norway Symposia paper. EARLI 2009: Fostering Communities of Learners , Amsterdam 2009-08-25 - 2009-08-29
Popular scientific lectureSmith, Kari. (2009) Vurdering for læring og motivasjon. Asker komune seminar om elevvurdering - ledelsesperspektiv , Asker 2009-09-01 - 2009-09-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Utdanning møter yrke. Utdanningsforbundet Utdanningsforbundets konferanse , Oslo 2008-01-29 - 2008-01-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Ledelse av ny vurderingskultur. Utdanningsforbundet Skolelederkonferanse , Universitetet i Agder 2008-01-25 - 2008-01-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Profesjonell utvikling i vurdering. Giske kommune seminar for Giske kommune , Ålesund 2008-02-05 - 2008-02-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Course in Assessment, concepts, tools, dilemmas. Ministry of Education, North Cyprus Course for teachers , Nicosia, North Cyprus 2008-02-14 - 2008-02-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Digital Portfolios for Professonal Development in Pre-and In-service Teacher Education. NERA NERA konferansen , København 2008-03-05 - 2008-03-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Ph.d education at the University of Bergen. University of Riga seminar for staff and Ph.d students , Riga 2008-02-07 - 2008-02-07
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Steen, Odd Inge; Ulvik, Marit; Tonning, Anne Sissel Vedvik. (2008) Becoming partners- examining possible effects after the first semester of implementing a new university-school partnership model. NERA NERA konferansen , København 2008-03-05 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Partnerships – benefits for many. EI/ETUCE EI/ETUCE seminar , Bled 2008-03-09 - 2008-03-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Professional Development Enhanced by Portfolios. IATEFL Annual IATEFL conference , University of Exeter 2008-04-07 - 2008-04-10
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Når utdanning møter yrke. Utdanningsforbundet årlig konferanse , Oslo 2008-01-29 - 2008-01-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Pedagogikk og Vurdering. Sykkulven kommune Seminar for alle lærere i Sykkulven kommune , Sykkulven 2008-10-20 - 2008-10-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Hva er vurdering?. Høgskolen Stord Haugesund Personalseminar Lærerutdanningen , Rommetvedt, Stord 2008-10-15 - 2008-10-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development of teachers and teacher educators. Scottish Excecutive, Scottish Teaching Council Scottish Learning festival , Glasgow 2008-09-25 - 2008-09-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Sandal, Ann Karin; Wangensten, Ragne; Syversen, Margrethe. (2008) Learning –oriented assessment and students’ experiences. EERA Annaul ECER conference , Gøtebørg 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Ny i skolen! Ikke lett, men lyspunkter finnes rett og slett. UiO Konferanse om Nye Lærere , UiO, Oslo 2008-11-19 - 2008-11-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Vurdering av elevenes læring. Midthordland seminar for skoleeiere og skoleledere i Midthordland , Scandic Flesland , Bergen 2008-10-30 - 2008-10-30
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Pedagogisk vurdering – er det mulig?. Universitetet i Agder Sørlandsk Lærerstevne , UiA, Kristiansand 2008-10-17 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureTonning, Anne Sissel Vedvik; Smith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Steen, Odd Inge; Ulvik, Marit. (2008) Teacher Training Students and the School Library. Turku University Library, NordINFOLIT Creating Knowledge V , Turku 2008-08-20 - 2008-08-22
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Dichotomies in assessment revisited. Bilgi University, Istanbul International conference , Istanbul 2008-05-24 - 2008-05-24
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Lærer og lektorutdanning: arbeidsdeling og samspill mellom universitet og høyskoler. UiO Universitetslederkonferansen , Universitetet i Oslo 2008-05-04 - 2008-05-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Assessing the Practicum in Teacher EducationDo mentors and students agree?. EARLI EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference , Potsdam, Germany 2008-08-27 - 2008-08-29
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Hva skjer i møtet mellom lærer og elev - hvordan kan dette forbedres?. UiO Skolelederdagene , UiO 2008-06-25 - 2008-06-26
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Motivasjon og vurderingFor livslang læring. Ulstein kommune regionalt seminar , Ultstein 2008-09-04 - 2008-09-04
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Sertifisering av lærere-Hvorfor? Hvordan?. Forskerforbundet FFL Konferanse om allmennlærerutdanningen , oslo 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Litt av hvert som er verdt å vite om vurdering. Øst Agder fylkeskommune seminar alle lærere i videregående skole , Arendal 2008-11-10 - 2008-11-10
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) I had a dream……(om en lærerutdanning for fremtiden). UH-Vest UH- Vest Konferanse , Bergen 2008-11-25 - 2008-11-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2008) Tilrettelagt opplæring - ellerLegge til rette for læring?. NAV Bergen fagseminar NAV , Bergen 2008-10-23 - 2008-10-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Tilpasset undervisning krever tilpasset vurdering. rektorkollegiet, Hordaland rektorkollegiet , Ullensvang 2007-04-18 - 2007-04-18
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Elevmedvirkning i vurdering. Øyrane videregående skole regional lærersamling , Førde 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-23
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Teacher and Student Mobility: Learning in Trans-National Contexts. Portugese Presidency of the Council of Europe Portugese Presidency of the Council of Europe Conference" Teacher professional development for the Quality and Equity of LifeLong Learning , Lisbon 2007-09-27 - 2007-09-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Developing Teacher Professionalism within the CEFR. IATEFL Testing SIG IATEFL TEA SIG conference , Opatia 2007-10-19 - 2007-10-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan. (2007) Video-papers- a means for documenting practitioners' reflections on practical experiences. NERA and University of Turku NERA annual conference , Turku 2007-03-15 - 2007-03-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering for læring. Giske Kommune reigionale skoleledere , Kristiansund 2007-04-12 - 2007-04-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering i et dialogperspektiv. Bredtevedt Centre of Competence og University of Oslo Bredtevedt Centre of Competence og University of Oslo Nordic assessment Conference , UiO 2007-05-31 - 2007-06-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Mapper som profesjonelt utviklingsverktøy for lærerutdannere. Høyskolen i Bergen personal seminar , Bergen 2007-04-17 - 2007-04-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Aktiviteter for profesjonell utvikling for lærere. Arbeidsgruppen for Ny i Hordaland Ny i i skolen - Ny i Hordaland , Solstrand 2007-01-27 - 2007-01-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering som støtter læring. Austrheim vidergående skole seminar for lærere , Austrheim 2007-09-11 - 2007-09-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Elever som partnere i vurdering. Giske kommune regional seminar for lærere , Ålesund 2007-08-16 - 2007-08-16
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering som et pedagogisk verktøy. Universitetet i Agder Kurs for UiA sine lærerutdanning og partnerskoler , Lesvos 2007-08-23 - 2007-08-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Assessment and Learning. Basque Ministry of Education National Conference for Basque teachers , San Sebastian 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-12
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) 1.Vurdering og Motivasjon 2. Vurdering av læring 3. Aksjonsforskning. NELVU og Utdanningsdirektoratet NELVU seminar om vurdering for lærerutdannere , UiO, Oslo 2007-10-29 - 2007-10-31
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Students as Partners. ICSEI and Auckland University International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement , Auckland 2007-12-06 - 2008-01-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering som støtter undervisning. Kvam kommune seminar for lærere i Hardanger , Norheimsund 2007-09-17 - 2007-09-17
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Endre vurdering av læring ved å involvere elevene. regionskommunene og Høyskolen i Volda regional seminar for skoleledere , Kristiansund 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Vurdering som fremmer motivasjon. Utdanningsdirektoratet den årlige landskonferansen for skoleledere og skoleeiere , Oslo 2007-11-01 - 2007-11-02
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Are we currently witnessing a shift from Theory and Practice to Practice and Theory. Mofet Institute, Kay College, Israeli Ministry of Education Mofet Institute , Beer Sheva and Tel Aviv 2007-06-25 - 2007-06-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2007) Går vi mot et skifte fra teori-praksis til praksis- teori. ILS, UiO ILS sin 100 års jubeleumskonferanse , UiO, Oslo 2007-04-26 - 2007-04-27
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Welicker-Pollak, Miriam. (2007) Teacher Educators' attitude to standardised student evaluation of teaching. EERA and Ghent University ECER annual conference , Ghent 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit; Helleve, Ingrid. (2007) Novice in Secondary School- the Coin Has Two Sides. EERA and University of Ghent ECER annaul conference , Ghent 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan. (2007) Video-papers: an attempt to closing the notorious gap in teacher education. EARLI and Hungarian Academcy of Sciences EARLI biannual Conference , Budapest 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
PosterRoness, Dag; Smith, Kari. (2007) Post Graduate Certificate in Education and student motivation. EARLI and Hungarian Academy of Sciences EARLI biannual conference , Budapest 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
Academic lectureKrumsvik, Rune Johan; Smith, Kari. (2007) Video papers- a means for documenting practitioners' reflections on practical experiences: The story of two teacher educators. The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) 2007 , Brock University, St Catherines, Ontario, Canada 2007-07-05 - 2007-07-09
InterviewSmith, Kari. (2006) Professorer kritiske til nasjonale prøver. På Høyden På Høyden [Internet] 2006-09-06
InterviewSmith, Kari. (2006) Balance urged in tracking pupils' learning. Ottago Daily Times Ottago Daily Times [Newspaper] 2006-07-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Elevmedvirking i Vurdering. Asker Kommune Askerkonferansen 2006 , Asker 2006-10-31 - 2006-11-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Har aksjonsforskning en plass i lærerutdanningen?. Høgskolen i Agder og Utdanningsdirektoratet Praksisopplæring i lærerutdanningen , Høgskolen i Agder, Kristiansand 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-14
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Tilpasset opplæring krever tilpasset vurdering. Hordaland Fylkeskommune FOU i skolen , Bergen 2006-12-08 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Common European Framework?Is this really something we need?Something we want?. IATEFL IATEFL konferansen , Harrogate, UK 2006-04-08 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Lærerutdanning i andre land. Høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordanene seminar Høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordanene , Sogndal 2006-06-01 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Aksjonsforskning som en bro mellom grunnutdanningen og den profesjonelle utviklingen av lærere (og lærerutdannere). Ny I Hordaland Seminar Ny I Hordaland prosjektet , UiB 2006-05-30 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Common European Framework?Do we need it or does it cause an assessment chaos?. British Council & ELTA ELTA konferanse , Belgrade 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-14
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Action Research as a bridge between pre-service teacher education and professional development for students and teacher educators. NTNU FOU , Trondheim 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-25
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Engaging in University – school partnerships: A conceptual challenge for university staff. EERA and University of Geneve ECER konferanse , Geneve 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Oppsummering og litt om TE models from a few other countries. NRLU Seminar , Paris 2006-04-27 - 2006-04-28
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Equity in Assessment. British Council & ELTA ELTA konferanse , Belgrade 2006-04-11 - 2006-04-14
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Is there space for teacher autonomy in an era of accountability?. British Council & Late LATE, Latvian Association for Teachers of English , Riga 2006-08-16 - 2006-08-20
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) The Power of Assessment. Ottago University, New Zealand National Monitoring group Seminar for researchers and teacher educators in New Zealand , Dunedin 2006-07-06 - 2006-07-08
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education. Teacher Education Association in New Zealand New Zealand biannual teacher education conference , Dunedin 2006-07-03 - 2006-07-05
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Skolekultur- hvordan utvikles, ivaretaes, overføres og fornyes den?. Ny i Hordaland og UiB Seminar Ny i Hordaland Prosjektet , Bergen 2006-09-19 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Assessment in light of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. NERA NERA konferansen , Ørebro 2006-03-09 - 2006-03-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Teacher education models from a few other countries. Vestlandsk Råd for lærerutdanning Vestlandsk Råd for lærerutdanning , Norsk Lærerakademi 2006-03-03 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Ny lærer-En utfordring. Rektorkollegiet, Hordaland Seminar, Rektorkollegiet, Hordaland , Solstrand 2006-04-04 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Christie, Donald. (2006) Comparing the values of teachers and professional standards. NERA Nera konferanse , Ørebro 2006-03-09 - 2006-03-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Motivasjon og vurdering som, for, og av læring. Bergen Kattedralskole seminar for lærerer , Bergen 2006-03-31 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Assessment for learningAssessment as learning Assessment of learningCurrent international trends. ICHLE and Maastricht University ICHLE Conference , Maastricht 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Some reflections on National Assessment Strategies. New Zealand Minsitry of Education Seminar for representativies from the Ministry of Education in New Zealand , Wellington 2006-07-11 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; TIllema, Harm. (2006) Use of Criteria in Assessing Teaching Portfolios; judgmental practices in summative evaluation. Northumbria University & EARLI Northumbria/ EARLI Assessment conference , Darlington 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Assessment- A tool for individually adapted teaching. Hordaland Fylkeskommune og UiB Konferanse om nasjonale vurderingssystemer , Bergen 2006-09-04 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Eggen, Astrid B.; Engh, Roar. (2006) Educating Teachers in Classroom Assessment- Where do we start? How do we proceed?. Northumbria University and EARLI Northumbria/EARLI Assessment Conference , Darlington 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Ethical and Equity Issues in Assessment. AEA-Europe AEA-Europe conference (Association for Educational Assessment- Europe) , Napoli 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-11
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune. (2006) Video Papers - a tool to enhance reflection and professional development. EERA and University of Geneve ECER konferanse , Geneve 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, Cheating- forbrytelse, fortvilelse, forglemmelse, eller ganske enkelt uvitenhet?. UiB Styrerkonferansen UiB , Voss 2006-09-27 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2006) Ny modell for integrert lærerutdanning ved UiB. Høgskolen i Agder og Utdanningsdirektoratet Praksislæring i lærerutdanningen , Høgskolen i Agder , Kristiansand 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-14
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Eggen, Astrid Birgitte. (2006) Educating Teacehrs in Classroom Assessment- Where do we start? How do we proceed?. Assessment for Excellence; EARLI SIG assessment conference , Durham 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-01
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) From Assessment of learning to Assessment for learning. Sabanci University seminar for all university lecturers , Istanbul 2005-02-04 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Assement for learning, current international trends. NELVU seminar for NELVU samling , Hamar 2005-10-24 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Assessment in light of the UN declaration on the Rights of the Child. EARLI and the University of Cyprus EARLI Bi-annual conference , Nicosia 2005-08-29 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Poyas, Yael. (2005) Educating the Educators. EARLI and the University of Cypros EARLI biannual conference , Nicosia 2005-08-30 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Christie, Donald. (2005) Professional Ethics: an international investigation of teachers’ values and priorities. University of Helsinki INTERLEARN 2005 , Helsinke 2005-12-01 - 2005-12-03
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Challenges faced when the students' L1 is not the language of instruction. University of Bristol Joint project UIB and the University of Bristol , Bristol 2005-11-16 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari; Christie, Donald. (2005) Professional Ethics - an investigation of teachers’ values and priorities in Scotland and Israel. European Educational Research Association ECER annual conference , Dublin 2005-09-07 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) 1. Educating teachers in assessment (pre and in-service education) 2. Assessment Systems in Israel and In Norway3. Alternatives in testing. Prof. Rick Stiggins International discussion seminar on Assessment , Portland 2005-09-11 - 2005-09-15
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Common European Framework- We don’t need bureaucrats to tell us what to do!. IATEFL IATEFL annual conference , Cardiff 2005-04-12 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Assessment of Teaching in the ERA of Standards: What is left of Teacher Autonomy. Verband Wiener Volksbildung and IATEFL Vienna conference on Teacher Education ”Quantum Leaps in Teacher Education” , Vienna 2005-03-06 - 2005-03-09
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Standards- Accept or reject?. IATEFL IATEFL International Conference , Cardiff 2005-04-13 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Ny i skolen- hva har forskningslitteraturen å si?Hva kan vi lære fra prosjekter i andre land?. Universitetet i Bergen Ny i Hordaland seminardag , Bergen 2005-10-17 -
Academic lectureSmith, Kari. (2005) Standards: Not only standards for content. Israeli Ministry of Education Studyday for all curricula writers in Israel , Jerusalem 2005-02-17 -