Jo Sterten
Modeling of new technology for less waste and better environment.
Simulation and modeling energy system, indoor climate, ventilation technology (SD control, ZEB)
Design and modeling of processes and industrial systems, automation (PLS, CNC) and processing of signals and assignments. (pneumatics, hydraulics, actuators). Industry 4.0
Product development (methods IPD DP CPS m.m) Innovation 4.0
Product testing, modeling and process development. Measurement regulation and quality control. Procedure and testmethod Development for Industrial Products (Car / Offshore) Certification Bonding Adhesives and Welders (Laboratory Testing NDT / DT, Certified Level 3; Industrial Radiography RT, Level 2 MT PT VT)
International cooperation: Published with researchers from Germany, France, Hungary, Sweden and most Ukraine through the SID Sustainable International Development (2010/2018) project, launched with a EURASIA project in 2010, where I helped establish an online learning center at the CPI (Mc. Sustainable Manufacturing 2012) + 7 new SIU and Natoprojects. Mention HM SPS NATO 2016/2018 National Director of Peace and Security in a project that develops handheld mine, HNP Sustainable Development Winnipeg ZEB 2015/2018 (SIU) and PhD candidate NTUU Process Modeling "Methods Mathematical Modeling of Processes with structural dynamic correction of metering converters "2014 will be completed in 2018.
In addition, engineering cooperation with M.E. Scmalkalden F.H.S. since 1994 and IPD PhD School University Magdeburg / Malta 2013/2014. Establishing exchange engineer engineer, technology design and management students England, Germany and others.
Asia: The Baliproject where I helped to establish Eclipse Campus B. Udayana University (2011/12).
Other about me: likes to teach and give students opportunities themselves. Prefer active learning methods such as laboratory work / Learning Factory, Innovation Projects CPS (Antilean) fuzzy front end, focusing on new technology, establishing positive social learning relationships in teams, interaction and independent problem solving.
Sumary subjects and areas of interest: modeling signal processing measuring systems, sensor technology, automation, control and regulation product production. CPS creative problem solving, intrapreneurship and student company. Product development welfare technology, material testing NDT / DT and project management. ENERGY, energy technology, state changes and simulation, industrial heat and ventilation technology. Pedagogy, student-oriented learning methods, project-based learning, management and group dynamics. Learning Factory.
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yurii.
A Method of Model Experiments for Regularizing the Problem of Recovery of the Input Signal of the Linear Object by the Integral Dynamic Model.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yurii.
Regularized Methods of Noisy Signals Differentiation in Real Time.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Ogorodnyk, Olga.
Application of Modern Educational Methods through Implementation of the Ambulance Simulator at a Clinic Laboratory (NTNU Gjøvik).
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Nordskogen, Kari;
Sterten, Jo.
Case Study: Development of Social Relations for Management, Learning and Creation of Social Learning Models.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Nordskogen, Kari;
Verlan, Andriy.
Adaptation and Implementation of Modern Learning Techniques in Master of Sustainable Manufacturing: Cultural Challenges, Effects and Potential for Improvement.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Sterten, Jo.
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Object Based on Convolution Operations.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Verlan, Andriy;
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yu O..
Algorithms for Dynamic Correction of the Thermal Flows’ Measuring Systems.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Bruneau, Marina;
Koehler, Nico;
Kozemjakin, Miriam;
Sterten, Jo;
Szabados, Reka;
Vidovics, Balazs.
Concept development in virtual collaboration: an experimental IPD case study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verlan, Andriy;
Sterten, Jo.
Mathematical modeling of mixing microjets of gas applied to the flaw detection problems
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Ogorodnyk, Olga;
Verlan, Andriy.
Principles of precision parametric reduction for mathematical models
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Ottosson, Stig Roland;
Sterten, Jo.
User participation is not always an easy thing when developing an innovation
Proceedings of the International Design Conference
Academic article
Farmen, Hilde;
Sterten, Jo;
Hjelle, Inger Elin Nes;
Strøm, Bjarne W..
En kartlegging av læringsstrategier og erfaringer med studiet blant 1.års ingeniørstudenter ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik.
Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (5)
Bokalrud, Terje;
Sterten, Jo.
Effektbesparelse ved VAV ventilasjon i store bygninger Energy savings experienced from full scale VAV ventilation trials.
Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (5)
Journal publications
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yurii.
A Method of Model Experiments for Regularizing the Problem of Recovery of the Input Signal of the Linear Object by the Integral Dynamic Model.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yurii.
Regularized Methods of Noisy Signals Differentiation in Real Time.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Ogorodnyk, Olga.
Application of Modern Educational Methods through Implementation of the Ambulance Simulator at a Clinic Laboratory (NTNU Gjøvik).
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Nordskogen, Kari;
Sterten, Jo.
Case Study: Development of Social Relations for Management, Learning and Creation of Social Learning Models.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Nordskogen, Kari;
Verlan, Andriy.
Adaptation and Implementation of Modern Learning Techniques in Master of Sustainable Manufacturing: Cultural Challenges, Effects and Potential for Improvement.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Sterten, Jo.
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Object Based on Convolution Operations.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Verlan, Andriy;
Sterten, Jo;
Furtat, Yu O..
Algorithms for Dynamic Correction of the Thermal Flows’ Measuring Systems.
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Verlan, Andriy;
Sterten, Jo.
Mathematical modeling of mixing microjets of gas applied to the flaw detection problems
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Sterten, Jo;
Ogorodnyk, Olga;
Verlan, Andriy.
Principles of precision parametric reduction for mathematical models
Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки
Academic article
Ottosson, Stig Roland;
Sterten, Jo.
User participation is not always an easy thing when developing an innovation
Proceedings of the International Design Conference
Academic article
Part of book/report
Bruneau, Marina;
Koehler, Nico;
Kozemjakin, Miriam;
Sterten, Jo;
Szabados, Reka;
Vidovics, Balazs.
Concept development in virtual collaboration: an experimental IPD case study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Farmen, Hilde;
Sterten, Jo;
Hjelle, Inger Elin Nes;
Strøm, Bjarne W..
En kartlegging av læringsstrategier og erfaringer med studiet blant 1.års ingeniørstudenter ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik.
Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (5)
Bokalrud, Terje;
Sterten, Jo.
Effektbesparelse ved VAV ventilasjon i store bygninger Energy savings experienced from full scale VAV ventilation trials.
Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (5)
- MASG2109 - Produktutvikling for automatisert produksjon
- TEK3108 - Bedriftsprosjekt (BP)
- TEK2119 - Produktutvikling for automatisert produksjon
- INGG2300 - Ingeniørfaglig systemtenkning
- VB6047 - Vann- og miljøteknikk
- INGT2300 - Ingeniørfaglig systemtenkning
- TEK3107 - Start Bedrift SB
- MASG2900 - Bacheloroppgave Maskin
- TØL4025 - Eksperter i team - Aksjon for bærekraftig utvikling
- INGA2300 - Ingeniørfaglig systemtenkning
Academic lectureSterten, Jo. (2017) On the construction of algorithms for solving integral Volterra equations of the first kind in problems of signal reconstruction. Cherkasy State Technological University "Signal processing and non-Gaussian processes - 2017" (OSNP 2017) , Cherkasy, Ukraine 2017-05-24 - 2017-05-26
Academic lectureSterten, Jo; Furtat, Yurii. (2017) REGULARIZED METHODS OF NOISY SIGNALS DIFFERENTIATION IN REAL TIME. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine International Scientific Conference “The Issues of Calculations Optimization (ISCOPT-XLIV)” , Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University 2017-09-26 - 2017-09-29
Academic lectureVerlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo. (2017) Advanced Structural Organization of the Signal Recovery Processes in Measuring Systems. University of National and World Econom, Sofia, Bulgaria 7TH International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE 2017), November 3-4, 2017 , Sofia, Bulgaria 2017-11-03 - 2017-11-04
Academic lectureVerlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo; Allayev, Kohramon. (2016) Problems of energy security and challenges of creating secure energy supply system. Abu Rayhan Beruni Tashkent State Technical University International scientific conference “Modern problems of mathematical modelling and computer-integrated systems development”, Abu Rayhan Beruni Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan , Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-27