Jørn Ove Asklund
Turgut, Melih;
Kohanova, Iveta;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Svinvik, Solveig Voktor.
Internal Record as a catalyst: Fourth graders' problem-solving practices with the programming robot Emil.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Torkildsen, Hermund André;
Svinvik, Solveig Voktor;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Amundsen, Morten;
Langfeldt, Marit Buset.
Digital learning tools
Turgut, Melih;
Kohanova, Iveta;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Langfeldt, Marit Buset;
Torkildsen, Hermund André.
Fourth graders explore a computational thinking task using Robot Emil: A multimodal analysis of pupils’ thinking.
The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
Academic article
Journal publications
Turgut, Melih;
Kohanova, Iveta;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Langfeldt, Marit Buset;
Torkildsen, Hermund André.
Fourth graders explore a computational thinking task using Robot Emil: A multimodal analysis of pupils’ thinking.
The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
Academic article
Part of book/report
Turgut, Melih;
Kohanova, Iveta;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Svinvik, Solveig Voktor.
Internal Record as a catalyst: Fourth graders' problem-solving practices with the programming robot Emil.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Torkildsen, Hermund André;
Svinvik, Solveig Voktor;
Asklund, Jørn Ove;
Amundsen, Morten;
Langfeldt, Marit Buset.
Digital learning tools
Academic lectureTurgut, Melih; Kohanova, Iveta; Asklund, Jørn Ove; Svinvik, Solveig Voktor. (2023) Internal Record as a Catalyst: Fourth Graders’ Problem-Solving Practices with Programming Robot Emil. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching , Athens, Greece 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-10
LectureSvinvik, Solveig Voktor; Asklund, Jørn Ove. (2022) WeBabble - Utprøving av digital samtale. Matematikksenteret Internt seminar ved Matematikksenteret , Trondheim 2022-04-07 - 2022-04-07
Academic lectureAsklund, Jørn Ove; Svinvik, Solveig Voktor. (2022) WeBabble en applikasjon for å trene på matematiske samtaler. Kunnskapslunsj 2022-05-19 -
LectureKarlgård, Kristina; Asklund, Jørn Ove; Amundøy, Helene. (2022) Kontaktlærerrollen. NTNU Temadykk , Trondheim 2022-02-17 -
LectureSvinvik, Solveig Voktor; Asklund, Jørn Ove. (2022) Digitale klasseromssamtaler. ILU Jubileumskonferanse - Lærerutdanningen 100 år 2022-10-06 -