John Ove Fjærestad
Bauer, Dag-Vidar Krogstad;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Spin-wave study of entanglement and Rényi entropy for coplanar and collinear magnetic orders in two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Academic article
Fjærbu, Eirik Løhaugen;
Brataas, Arne;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Quantum Phenomena at Magnetic Insulator-Normal Metal Interfaces.
Doctoral dissertation
Bauer, Dag-Vidar Krogstad;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Schwinger-boson mean-field study of the J1- J2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice.
Physical review B (PRB)
Academic article
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Dimer and fermionic formulations of a class of colouring problems.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Academic article
Journal publications
Bauer, Dag-Vidar Krogstad;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Spin-wave study of entanglement and Rényi entropy for coplanar and collinear magnetic orders in two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Academic article
Bauer, Dag-Vidar Krogstad;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Schwinger-boson mean-field study of the J1- J2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice.
Physical review B (PRB)
Academic article
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Dimer and fermionic formulations of a class of colouring problems.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Academic article
Fjærbu, Eirik Løhaugen;
Brataas, Arne;
Fjærestad, John Ove.
Quantum Phenomena at Magnetic Insulator-Normal Metal Interfaces.
Doctoral dissertation