Ine Therese Berg
Ine Therese Berg is an Associate Professor in Drama and Theatre. She is an expert on contemporary performance practices and Norwegian theatre and dance. Her research explores the intersections between performing arts and society, concentrating on the integration of cultural sociology, dramaturgy, and aesthetics. Her doctoral dissertation, Negotiating the Participatory Turn: Audience Participation in Contemporary Theatre and Performance (2020), examines how a charged concept like participation can simultaneously validate various artistic practices while critical discourse on artistic autonomy raises questions about these practices regarding artistic quality and the instrumentalization of art.
With a diverse background as a research fellow at OsloMet, a curator at the Oslo Museum, and an advisor at the Dance Information Centre, Berg has led initiatives such as the seminar series Decolonizing Theatre History and the international conference kedja Oslo - Dance and New Media. She has been awarded the National Artists’ Grant for Critics and was honored with the Critics’ Association award for Review of the Year for her critique, Theatre Between Two Covers. Berg has broad experience in board and committee work in the Norwegian performing arts sector and currently serves on the board of Rosendal Theatre in Trondheim. She also initiated and led the project Teatervitenskapelig Dugnad (2018) and is engaged in advocacy on the future of theatre studies in Norway.
Research and Current Projects:
Berg currently leads the SEAR research group, which has received seed funding from NTNU's strategic research area Community. She is also project manager and editor for the bookproject New Drama Meets Youth – A Study of "Den Unge Scene".
Recent publications include the report Mobilizing for Mobility, commissioned by Arts Council Norway and developed in collaboration with Telemark Research Institute, as well as the article Participation and Creative Autonomy. Her ongoing projects encompass contemporary Norwegian theatre and dance history, the involvement of children and youth in performing arts, theatre as a public space for social community, and institutional dramaturgy.
Upcoming Publication:
Ine Therese Berg, “Dismantling the Monocultural Myth – Decolonizing (in the) Norwegian Theatre.” In Romanska, Magda et al., Decolonizing Dramaturgy in a Global Context, Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Research and Current Projects:
Berg currently leads the SEAR research group, which has received seed funding from NTNU's strategic research area Community. She is also project manager and editor for the bookproject New Drama Meets Youth – A Study of "Den Unge Scene".
She is also part of the research group How to do things with disability (DOABLE) , led by professor Tone Pernille Østern.
Her ongoing projects focus on theatre as a space for social community, contemporary Norwegian theatre and dance history, the involvement of children and youth in performing arts, and institutional dramaturgy.
Negotiating The Participatory Turn. Audience Participation in Contemporary Theatre and Performance
Mobilisering for mobilitet. Formidling av fri scenekunst
Berg, Ine Therese.
Participation and Creative Autonomy:: The Changing Role of Artists.
Teatervitenskapelige studier
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berge, Ola Kveseth;
Berg, Ine Therese;
Kleppe, Bård;
Hjemdahl, Anne-Sofie.
Mobilisering for mobilitet. Formidling av fri scenekunst.
Vigmostad & Bjørke
Vigmostad & Bjørke
Berg, Ine Therese.
Boundaries of Participation .
Teatervitenskapelige studier
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Berg, Ine Therese.
Aesthetics of Contribution and Participation in "Lulleland".
Orkana Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Ine Therese.
Negotiating the Participatory Turn: Audience Participation in Contemporary Theatre and Performance.
Doctoral dissertation
Berg, Ine Therese.
Teatervitenskap etter vendingen mot deltagelse – disiplinære skillelinjer for fall?.
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese;
Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens;
Leirvåg, Siren;
Tronstad, Ragnhild.
En fremtid for teatervitenskapen.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Berg, Ine Therese.
Norwegian Theatre – a blind spot on cultural policy’s participatory agenda?.
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese.
Participation to the People! Locating the Popular in Rimini Protokoll’s Home Visit Europe.
Nordic Theatre Studies
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese.
Kropp, teori og kjønn. En artikkel om skillelinjer i norsk dans.
Skald forlag
Journal publications
Berg, Ine Therese.
Participation and Creative Autonomy:: The Changing Role of Artists.
Teatervitenskapelige studier
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese.
Boundaries of Participation .
Teatervitenskapelige studier
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Berg, Ine Therese.
Teatervitenskap etter vendingen mot deltagelse – disiplinære skillelinjer for fall?.
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese;
Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens;
Leirvåg, Siren;
Tronstad, Ragnhild.
En fremtid for teatervitenskapen.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Berg, Ine Therese.
Norwegian Theatre – a blind spot on cultural policy’s participatory agenda?.
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Berg, Ine Therese.
Participation to the People! Locating the Popular in Rimini Protokoll’s Home Visit Europe.
Nordic Theatre Studies
Academic article
Part of book/report
Berg, Ine Therese.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Ine Therese.
Aesthetics of Contribution and Participation in "Lulleland".
Orkana Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Ine Therese.
Kropp, teori og kjønn. En artikkel om skillelinjer i norsk dans.
Skald forlag
Berge, Ola Kveseth;
Berg, Ine Therese;
Kleppe, Bård;
Hjemdahl, Anne-Sofie.
Mobilisering for mobilitet. Formidling av fri scenekunst.
Vigmostad & Bjørke
Vigmostad & Bjørke
Berg, Ine Therese.
Negotiating the Participatory Turn: Audience Participation in Contemporary Theatre and Performance.
Doctoral dissertation
InterviewBerg, Ine Therese. (2021) Utdanningsministeren sa han fryktet politisk korrekthet. Nå reagerer forskere. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2021-07-28
LectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2021) The Boundaries of Participation. K:13, Cornerteatret, Syv Mil Join In - International Conference on Interactive Theatre , Bergen 2021-09-30 - 2021-10-02
Academic lectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2020) Cultural Policy as Institutional Dramaturgy. Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars Scan-Aesthetics , Universitetet i Bergen 2020-11-26 - 2020-11-27
Academic lectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2018) Teatervitenskap etter vendingen mot deltagelse. Universitetet i Bergen Teatervitenskap - historiografi, teori og praksis , Bergen 2018-05-25 - 2018-05-27
LectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2018) Publikumsdeltagelse og makt: Hvem bestemmer i teatret?. Fortellerfestivalen Fagdag: makt + fortelling , Sentralen, Oslo 2018-01-22 - 2018-01-22
LectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2017) Participation and spectatorship. Black box teater Oslo internasjonale teaterfestival 2017 , Black box teater, Oslo 2017-03-18 - 2017-03-18
LectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2017) Audience participation: artistic collaboration? Between art and the social. Jennifer Torrence og Erik Dæhlin Co-art: Samarbeid og mulige kreative kunstneriske relasjoner mellom utøvere og komponister , Norges musikkhøgskole 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-24
Academic lectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2016) Talking to the audience. Methodological approaches to researching participatory theatre. The Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars Theatre and the Popular , Reykjavik 2016-03-11 - 2016-03-13
Popular scientific lectureBerg, Ine Therese. (2015) Kritikk og språk. Norsk kritikerlag/Festspillene i Bergen Kunstkritikkens betydning , Bergen 2015-06-07 - 2015-06-07
Programme participation