Hakan Basarir
Hakan gained PhD degree in Mining Engineering in 2002. He has over 20 years of professional experience in research and in teaching. He published 60 papers in national, international journals and meetings and translated a book. His field of research includes mining rock mechanics, determination of rock material and rock mass properties, design and optimisation of underground support systems, diggability assessment and the use of soft computing methods in mining engineering.
Mining engineering focused research activities;
- Support design and stability analysis for mining engineering structures in/on hard/weak rocks
- Prediction of rock mass and material properties by measurement while drilling (MWD) for mining engineering structures design purposes,
- Numerical modelling of mining engineering structures,
- Utilization of soft computing methods in mining and rock engineering applications,
- Cementitious and composite materials,
- Advanced numerical modelling in mining engineering applications
- Improvement of shotcrete and cemented paste backfill production process for underground mining applications
- Implementation of optimisation algorithms in mining engineering applications
Previous Publications
Peer-reviewed publications in international reputed journals
Dong, X., Karrech, A., Qi, C., Basarir, H., Elchalakani, M., 2020. The critical behaviour of finite thickness lining systems in tunnels. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Article in press, https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2020.1797888
Sadrossadat, E., Basarir, H., 2019. An Evolutionary-Based Prediction Model of the 28-Day Compressive Strength of High-Performance Concrete Containing Cementitious Materials. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Article in press, https://doi.org/10.1520/ACEM20190016
Basarir, H., Sun, Y. & Li, G., 2019. Gateway stability analysis by global-local modeling approach. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 113, 31-40.
Sun, Y., Li, G., Basarir, H., Karrech, A., Azadi, M.R. 2019. Laboratory evaluation of shear strength properties for cement-based grouted coal mass. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019, 12(22), 690.
Dong, X., Karrech, A., Basarir, H.., Elchalakani, M. & Seibi, A., 2019. Energy dissipation and storage in underground mining operations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52, 229-245.
Basarir, H., Elchalakani, M., Karrech, A., 2019. The prediction of ultimate pure bending moment of concrete-filled steel tubes by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Neural Computing and Applications, Article in press, 31/2, 1239-1252.
Basarir, H., 2019. Prediction of rock mass P wave velocity using blasthole drilling information. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 33/5, 61-74, DOI: 10.1080/17480930.2017.1354960.
Dong, X., Karrech, A., Basarir, H., Elchalakani, M. & Qi, C., 2018. Analytical solution of energy redistribution in rectangular openings upon in-situ rock mass alteration. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 106, 74-83.
Dyskin, A. V., Basarir, H., Doherty, J., Elchalakani, M., Joldes, G. R., Karrech, A., Lehane, B., Miller, K., Pasternak, E., Shufrin, I. & Wittek, A., 2018. Computational monitoring in real time: review of methods and applications. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 4(3), 235-271.
Karrech, A., Attar, M., Seibi, A., Elchalakani, M., Abbassi, F., Basarir, H.,, 2018. Lattice Finite Strain Theory for Non-hydrostatically Compressed Materials. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51, 313-319.
Eftekhari, M., Karrech, A., Elchalakani, M., Basarir, H., 2018. Multi-scale Modeling Approach to Predict the Nonlinear Behavior of CNT-reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Service Loading. Structures, 14, 310-312.
Basarir, H., Bin, H., Fourie, A., Karrech, A., Elchalakani, M., 2018. An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to model the uniaxial compressive strength of cemented hydraulic backfill. Mining of Mineral deposits, 12/2, 1-12. http://mining.in.ua/2018vol12_2_1.html
Elchalakani, M., Karrech, A., Basarir, H., Hassanien, MF., Fawzia, S., 2017. CFRP strengthening and rehabilitation of corroded steel pipelines under direct indentation. Thin-Walled Structures, 119; 510-521.
Elchalakani, M., Karrech, A., Basarir, H., Zhao, X. L., Fawzia, S. & Hassanein, M. F. 2017. Strengthening of mild steel struts using CFRP sheets subjected to uniform axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 116; 96-112.
Elchalakani, M., Basarir, H., Karrech, A. 2017. Green concrete with high-volume fly ash and slag with recycled aggregate and recycled water to build future sustainable cities. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 29; 04016219.
Karrech, A., Abbassi, F., Basarir, H., Attar, M.. 2017. Self-consistent fractal damage of natural geo-materials in finite strain. Mechanics of materials, 104; 107-120.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C. 2016. Preliminary estimation of rock mass strength using diamond bit drilling operational parameters. International journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 30 (2); 145-164.
Basarir, H., Oge, I. F., Aydin, O., 2015. Prediction of the stresses around main and tail gates during top coal caving by 3D numerical anlaysis. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 76, 88-97.
Basarir, H., Tutluoglu, L., Karpuz, C., 2014. Penetration rate prediction for diamond bit drilling by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and multiple regressions. Engineering Geology, 173, 1-9.
Basarir, H., Saiang. D., 2013. Assessment of slope stability using fuzzy sets and systems. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 27, 312-328.
Musa, A. I., Basarir, H., Nordlund, E., Wettainen, T., 2013. The probabilistic estimation of rock masses properties in Malmberget mine, Sweden. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 18/B, 269-287.
Kucuk, K., Aksoy, C. O., Basarir, H., Onargan, T., Genis, M., Ozacar, M., 2011. Prediction of the performance of impact hammer by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system modeling. Tunneling and underground space technology, 26, 38-45.
Basarir H., Kumral, M., Karpuz, C., Tutluoglu, L., 2010. Geostatistical modeling of spatial variability of SPT data for a Borax stockpile site. Engineering Geology, 114 (3-4), 154-163.
Basarir H., Genis, M., Ozarslan, A., 2010. The analysis of radial displacements occurring near the face of a circular opening in weak rock mass. International Journal of rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47 (5), 771-83.
Ozsan, A., Basarir, H., Yuceel, S., Cucen, O., 2009. Engineering geological evaluation and preliminary support design for the metro extension tunnel, Ankara, Turkey. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, v. 68/3, 197-408.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Tutluoglu, L., 2008. 3D Modelling of Ripping Process. International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 8, pp. 11-19.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Tutluoglu, L., 2008. Specific energy based rippability classification system for coal measure rock. Journal of Terramechanics, v. 45, pp 51-62.
Basarir, H., 2008. Analysis of rock-support interaction using numerical and multiple regression modeling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, v. 45, 1-13.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Tutluoglu, L., 2007. A fuzzy logic based rippability classification system. The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, v. 107, pp 817-831.
Özsan, A., Öcal, A., Akin, M., Basarir, H., 2007. Engineering Geological Appraisal of and slope stability studies at the Sulakyurt Dam site. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, v. 66(4), 483-492.
Genis, M., Basarir H., Ozarslan, A., Bilir E., Balaban E., 2007. Engineering geological appraisal of the rock masses and preliminary support design, Dorukhan Tunnel, Zonguldak, Turkey. Engineering Geology, v. 92, pp 14-26.
Karakus M, Ozsan A, Basarir H., 2006. FE analysis for the twin metro tunnel constructed in Ankara Clay, Turkey. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, v. 66, pp. 71-79.
Basarir, H., 2006. "Engineering geological studies and tunnel support design at Sulakyurt Dam Site, Turkey". Engineering Geology, v. 86, pp 225-237. (Q1, SJR =1.913)
Basarir, H., Ozsan, A., Karakus, M., 2005. Analysis of support requirements for a shallow diversion tunnel at Guledar Dam Site, Turkey. Engineering Geology, v. 81, pp 131-145.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., 2004. A rippability classification system for marls in lignite mines. Engineering Geology, v. 74, pp. 303-318. (Q1, SJR =1.913)
Özsan, A., Basarir, H., 2003. Support capacity estimation of the diversion tunnel in weak rock, Engineering Geology, v. 68, pp 319-331.
Edited volume of conference proceedings and Book chapters
Kilic, MG., Onel, O., Basarir, H., Karadeniz, M., Bilgic, ET., 2015. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Turkey, April 14-17, Antalya, p. 1525, The Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey.
Karpuz, C., Basarir, H. 2015. Drilling and Blasting in coal mining. In Riazi, MR., Gupta, R., Coal Production and Processing Technology (p. 103-125). Boca Raton, CRC Press.
Karpuz, C., Basarir, H. 2015. Excavatability Assessment of Surface Coal Mine. In Riazi, MR., Gupta, R., Coal Production and Processing Technology (p. 125-149). Boca Raton, CRC Press.
Karpuz, C., Basarir, H. 2015. Strata Control for Underground Coal Mines. In Riazi, MR., Gupta, R., Coal Production and Processing Technology (p. 161-185). Boca Raton, CRC Press.
Karakus, M, Basarir, H.,2006. Kaya Muhendisligi. Translatation of ”Practical Rock Engineering” by Evert Hoek, pp 319 (in Turkish).
International Conference Papers
Sadrossadat, E., Basarir, H., Karrech, A., Durham, R., Fourie, A. & Bin, H., 2019, The Optimization of Cemented Hydraulic Backfill Mixture Design Parameters for Different Strength Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019. Topal, E. (ed.). Switzerland: Springer, p. 219-227
Andrijasevich, J., Basarir, H., Wesseloo, J., 2019. Construction of a damage risk model for footwall drifts. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mining Geomechanical Risk, Perth, pp. 273-288.
Karrech, A., Attar, M., Elchalakani, M., Basarir, H., Abbassi, F. & Seibi, A., 2018. The poromechanics of massive fluid injection in natural environments. 1st International Conference on Advances in Rock Mechanics, TuniRock 2018. International Society for Rock Mechanics, pp. 17-22.
Dong, X., Karrech, A., Basarir, H., Elchalakani, M., 2018. Extended finite element modelling of fracture propagation during in situ rock mass alteration. 52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, US.
Karrech, A., Elchalakani, M., Basarir, H. 2017, 'Finite Element Modelling of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes Subjected to Static Pure Bending', Mechanics of Structures and Materials XXIV: Proceedings of the 24th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials , London, 1, pp. 143-148.
Basarir, H, Wesseloo, J, Karrech, A, Pasternak, E & Dyskin, A 2017, 'The use of soft computing methods for the prediction of rock properties based on measurement while drilling data', in J Wesseloo, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 537-551 (https://papers.acg.uwa.edu.au/p/1704_36_Basarir/).
Basarir, H., Akdag, S., Karrech, A., Ozyurt, M., 2016. The estimation of rock mass strength properties using probabilistic approaches and quantified GSI chart. Eurock-2016, 29-31 August, Cappadocia, Turkey, 127-1132, Eds: Ulusay et al. Taylor and Francis group, London, UK.
Karakaplan, E., Basarir, H., Wesseloo, J., 2016. Theoretical investigation of the effect of stress on the performance of support systems based on Rock Mass Rating (RMR) support recommendations. Ground Support 2016, 12-14 September, Lulea, Sweden. Accepted paper.
Karrech, A., Elchalakani, M. & Basarir, H. 2016, Finite Element Modelling of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes Subjected to Static Pure Bending. 2016 Proceedings of the 24th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24). London, Vol. 1, p. 143-148 6 p.
Akdag, S., Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Ozyurt, M., 2015. Stability Analysis and Optimized Slope Angle for the Iron Ore Open-Pit Mine. The 24th International Mining Congress of Turkey, 14-17 April 2015, 606-611.
Yardimci, A. G., Basarir, H., 2015. A Contemporary Approach in Geotechnical Slope Stability Analysis: Lithological Implicit Modelling. The 24th International Mining Congress of Turkey, 14-17 April 2015, 710-716.
Karakaplan, E., Basarir, H., 2015. The Analysis Of The Support Systems Proposed By The RMR System Using Numerical Modeling. The 24th International Mining Congress of Turkey, 14-17 April 2015, 296-303. (In Turkish with English abstract).
Basarir, H., 2009. Prediction of the Deformations Around the Face of an Circular Opening in Weak Rock Mass. The 3th International Balkan Mining Congress, 01-03 October 2009, 391-401.
Basarir, H., 2007. Numerical analysis of support performance and rock-support interaction considering different rock conditions. The 20th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 06-09 June 2007, 303-315.
Ozsan A, Basarir, H., Cilsal, M. 2006. Engineering geological investigations along the Ankara subway extension, The 10th IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006, 1-13.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., 2004. Development of a direct rippability assessment method. 13th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Wroclaw, Poland, 1-3 September 2004, 181-188.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Bozdag, T., 2001. "Comparison of Test Results from Continuous Failure State and Conventional Triaxial Tests", International Symposium on Geotechnical Issues of Underground Space Use for Environmentally Protected World, Dnipropetrovsk/Ukraina, 26-29 November 2001, 132-147.
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., Bozdağ, T., 2000. "Rippability Assessment Studies at Tuncbilek Coal Mine", 9. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection Symposium, Athens, Greece, 6-9 November 2000, 515-520.
Other Publications (Selection)
Karakaplan, E., Basarir, H. 2015. " The Analysis of the Support Systems Proposed by the RMR System Using Numerical Modeling", December 2015, The Journal of the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey, Vol: 54 (3-4), pp. 3-11 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Basarir, H., Nodlund, E., Malmgren, L., Saiang, D., " Instrumentation studies in Rock Mechanics: LKAB Malmberget mine case study ", March 2012, Mining Turkey, Vol: 21, pp. 48-54 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Karpuz, C., Güyagüler, T., Bağcı, S., Bozdağ, T., Basarir, H., Keskin, S., " The Determination of Liability Index for Spontaneous Combustion of Lignite: Part-1 Risk Classification Review", September 2000, Mining Journal of Turkish Mining Society, September, pp. 3-14 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Karpuz, C., Güyagüler, T., Bağcı, S., Bozdağ, T., Basarir, H., Keskin, S., " The Determination of Liability Index for Spontaneous Combustion of Lignite: Part-2 Underground Coal Mines Results", September 2000, Mining Journal of Turkish Mining Society, September, pp.14-27 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Basarir, H., Karpuz, C., 2006. “Rippability assessment methods and proposing a classification system in surface mining”, 15. Coal Congress of Turkey, Zonguldak, 06-09 June 2006, 53-65 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Basarir, H., Kumral, M., Ozsan, A., 2004. Predicting uniaxial compressive strength of rocks from simple test methods. VII Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sivas, Turkey, 21-24 October 2004, 111-119 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Basarir, H., Bozdağ, T., Karpuz, C., 1998. "Computer Controlled Continuous Failure State Triaxial Test Setup ", 4. National Rock Mech. Symposium, Zonguldak, 22¬23 September, 1998, 61-75 (in Turkish with English Abstract).
Mining rock mechanics, determination of rock material and rock mass properties, design and optimisation of underground support systems, diggability assessment and the use of soft computing methods in mining engineering.
Zhou, He;
Li, Wen;
Poulet, Thomas;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali.
Life cycle assessment of recycling lithium-ion battery related mineral processing by-products: A review.
Minerals Engineering
Academic literature review
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Kowalczuk, Pshem.
Exploring the impact of thiol collectors system on copper sulfide flotation through machine learning-driven modeling.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Academic article
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
The development of a lithology prediction model using measurement while drilling data in a quartzite quarry.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Academic article
Zhou, He;
Basarir, Hakan;
Poulet, Thomas;
Li, Wen;
Kleiv, Rolf Arne;
Karrech, Ali.
Life cycle assessment of recycling copper slags as cement replacement material in mine backfill.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Basarir, Hakan;
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Karrech, Ali;
Erharter, Georg;
Bin, Han.
The implementation of AI-based modeling and optimization in mining backfill design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Vezhapparambu, Veena Sajith;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
MWD Data-Based Marble Quality Class Prediction Models Using ML Algorithms.
Mathematical Geosciences
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
An engineered ML model for prediction of the compressive strength of Eco-SCC based on type and proportions of materials.
Cleaner Materials
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
Innovative AI-based multi-objective mixture design optimisation of CPB considering properties of tailings and cement.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Academic article
Karrech, A.;
Dong, X.;
Elchalakani, M.;
Basarir, Hakan;
Shahin, M.A.;
Regenauer-Lieb, K..
Limit analysis for the seismic stability of three-dimensional rock slopes using the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion.
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
Academic article
Ahmed, Tanvir;
Elchalakani, Mohamed;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Yang, Bo.
Development of ECO-UHPC utilizing gold mine tailings as quartz sand alternative.
Cleaner Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
Multi-objective mixture design and optimisation of steel fiber reinforced UHPC using machine learning algorithms and metaheuristics.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Dong, Xiangjian;
Karrech, Ali;
Basarir, Hakan;
Elchalakani, Mohamed;
Qi, Chongchong.
Closed-Form Solution to the Poromechanics of Deep Arbitrary-Shaped Openings Subjected to Rock Mass Alteration.
International Journal of Geomechanics
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Luo, Gunhao;
Karrech, Ali;
Durham, Richard;
Fourie, Andy.
Multi-objective mixture design of cemented paste backfill using particle swarm optimisation algorithm.
Minerals Engineering
Academic article
Journal publications
Zhou, He;
Li, Wen;
Poulet, Thomas;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali.
Life cycle assessment of recycling lithium-ion battery related mineral processing by-products: A review.
Minerals Engineering
Academic literature review
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Kowalczuk, Pshem.
Exploring the impact of thiol collectors system on copper sulfide flotation through machine learning-driven modeling.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Academic article
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
The development of a lithology prediction model using measurement while drilling data in a quartzite quarry.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Academic article
Zhou, He;
Basarir, Hakan;
Poulet, Thomas;
Li, Wen;
Kleiv, Rolf Arne;
Karrech, Ali.
Life cycle assessment of recycling copper slags as cement replacement material in mine backfill.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Akyildiz, Ozge;
Basarir, Hakan;
Vezhapparambu, Veena Sajith;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
MWD Data-Based Marble Quality Class Prediction Models Using ML Algorithms.
Mathematical Geosciences
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
An engineered ML model for prediction of the compressive strength of Eco-SCC based on type and proportions of materials.
Cleaner Materials
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
Innovative AI-based multi-objective mixture design optimisation of CPB considering properties of tailings and cement.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Academic article
Karrech, A.;
Dong, X.;
Elchalakani, M.;
Basarir, Hakan;
Shahin, M.A.;
Regenauer-Lieb, K..
Limit analysis for the seismic stability of three-dimensional rock slopes using the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion.
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
Academic article
Ahmed, Tanvir;
Elchalakani, Mohamed;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Yang, Bo.
Development of ECO-UHPC utilizing gold mine tailings as quartz sand alternative.
Cleaner Engineering and Technology
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Karrech, Ali;
Elchalakani, Mohamed.
Multi-objective mixture design and optimisation of steel fiber reinforced UHPC using machine learning algorithms and metaheuristics.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Dong, Xiangjian;
Karrech, Ali;
Basarir, Hakan;
Elchalakani, Mohamed;
Qi, Chongchong.
Closed-Form Solution to the Poromechanics of Deep Arbitrary-Shaped Openings Subjected to Rock Mass Alteration.
International Journal of Geomechanics
Academic article
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Basarir, Hakan;
Luo, Gunhao;
Karrech, Ali;
Durham, Richard;
Fourie, Andy.
Multi-objective mixture design of cemented paste backfill using particle swarm optimisation algorithm.
Minerals Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Basarir, Hakan;
Sadrossadat, Ehsan;
Karrech, Ali;
Erharter, Georg;
Bin, Han.
The implementation of AI-based modeling and optimization in mining backfill design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper