Guillaume Dutilleux
Guillaume Dutilleux is a professor in Environmental acoustics. His research interests are environmental noise (simulation, measurement and perception) and bioacoustics, in particular engineering grade outdoor noise prediction methods, time-domain prediction methods, acoustic monitoring of endangered species, the impacts of anthropogenic noise on terrestrial ecosystems.
Guillaume Dutilleux graduated from the French state civil engineering school (ENTPE) in 1994 with a major in Computer Science. He received an MSc in Acoustics and Vibrations from INSA Lyon, France in 1994 and PhD degree in Building Acoustics for Lyon I university, France, in 1999. He also earned a BSc in Biology from Strasbourg university, France, in 2007.
From 2000 to 2016 he served as a scientist and then as a group leader at Cerema Est (formerly CETE de l'Est) in Strasbourg, France, before joining NTNU.
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Erratum: Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 2794-2802 (2024).
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Ruaud, Elise Cecilia;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Sound emergence as a predictor of short-term annoyance from wind turbine noise.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Forum Acusticum
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin;
Sandercock, Brett Kevin;
Kålås, John Atle.
Chasing the bird: 3D acoustic tracking of aerial flight displays with a minimal planar microphone array.
Academic article
Dong, Hefeng;
Svensson, U. Peter;
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Martin Roman, Sara-Regina;
Netland, Tim Cato;
Rørstadbotnen, Robin André.
Developing experimental skills: A hands-on course in acoustical measurement techniques at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Wiel, Julia;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin;
Rosten, Carolyn;
Fossøy, Frode.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring as an alternative method
for assessing coastal marine biodiversity – a case study.
University of Lyon
Masters thesis
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Fosset, Jean.
Comparing sound emergence and sound pressure level as predictors of short-term annoyance from wind turbine noise.
Acta Acustica
Academic article
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
A parametric study of long-range atmospheric sound propagation using underwater acoustics software.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA)
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Gjestland, Truls Tormodsønn;
Licitra, Gaetano.
Challenges of the use of sound emergence for
setting legal noise limits.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic literature review
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Soldano, Bertrand.
Matching directive 2015/996/{EC} (CNOSSOS-EU) and the French emission model for road pavements.
Academic article
Pallas, Marie-Agnès;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
Experimental confrontation of medium-heavy vehicle noise emission to the cnossos-eu prediction method.
Academic article
Glé, Philippe;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
Toward quality-assured software implementations of {NMPB} 2008 ({AFNOR NF S} 31-133:2011) for the calculation of outdoor noise propagation.
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Curé, Charlotte.
Automated acoustic monitoring of endangered common spadefoot toad populations reveals patterns of vocal activity.
Freshwater Biology
Academic article
Journal publications
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Erratum: Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 2794-2802 (2024).
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Ruaud, Elise Cecilia;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Sound emergence as a predictor of short-term annoyance from wind turbine noise.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin.
Forum Acusticum
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin;
Sandercock, Brett Kevin;
Kålås, John Atle.
Chasing the bird: 3D acoustic tracking of aerial flight displays with a minimal planar microphone array.
Academic article
Dong, Hefeng;
Svensson, U. Peter;
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Martin Roman, Sara-Regina;
Netland, Tim Cato;
Rørstadbotnen, Robin André.
Developing experimental skills: A hands-on course in acoustical measurement techniques at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Fosset, Jean.
Comparing sound emergence and sound pressure level as predictors of short-term annoyance from wind turbine noise.
Acta Acustica
Academic article
Hussain, Hammad;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
A parametric study of long-range atmospheric sound propagation using underwater acoustics software.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA)
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Gjestland, Truls Tormodsønn;
Licitra, Gaetano.
Challenges of the use of sound emergence for
setting legal noise limits.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic literature review
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Soldano, Bertrand.
Matching directive 2015/996/{EC} (CNOSSOS-EU) and the French emission model for road pavements.
Academic article
Pallas, Marie-Agnès;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
Experimental confrontation of medium-heavy vehicle noise emission to the cnossos-eu prediction method.
Academic article
Glé, Philippe;
Dutilleux, Guillaume.
Toward quality-assured software implementations of {NMPB} 2008 ({AFNOR NF S} 31-133:2011) for the calculation of outdoor noise propagation.
Academic article
Dutilleux, Guillaume;
Curé, Charlotte.
Automated acoustic monitoring of endangered common spadefoot toad populations reveals patterns of vocal activity.
Freshwater Biology
Academic article
Wiel, Julia;
Dutilleux, Guillaume Joseph Antonin;
Rosten, Carolyn;
Fossøy, Frode.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring as an alternative method
for assessing coastal marine biodiversity – a case study.
University of Lyon
Masters thesis
- TTT4181 - Oppdag akustikk
- TTT4290 - Bioakustikk for biodiversitet
- TTT4180 - Teknisk akustikk
- TFE4595 - Electronic Systems Design, fordypningsemne
- TTT4295 - Akustikk signalbehandling
- TTT4285 - Akustikk i bygget miljø
- TTT4250 - Akustisk måleteknikk
- TFE4590 - Electronic Systems Design, fordypningsprosjekt
- TFE4580 - Elektronisk systemdesign og innovasjon, fordypningsprosjekt
Academic lectureRuaud, Elise; Dutilleux, Guillaume. (2022) Comparaison de l'émergence sonore et du niveau de pression acoustique pour la mesure de la gêne causée par les sons éoliens. Société Française d'Acoustique 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique , Marseille 2022-04-11 - 2022-04-15
Academic lectureMondragon Clavijo, Andres; Dutilleux, Guillaume. (2021) Distributed acoustic acquisition with low-cost embedded systems. Norsk Akustisk Selskap Baltic Nordic Acoustics Meeting , Oslo 2021-05-03 - 2021-05-05
Academic lectureDutilleux, Guillaume; Svensson, U. Peter. (2021) Studying acoustics at NTNU. Norsk Akustisk Selskap Baltic Nordic Acoustics Meeting , Oslo 2021-05-03 - 2021-05-05
Academic lectureHussain, Hammad; Dutilleux, Guillaume. (2020) A parametric study of long-range atmospheric sound propagation using Bellhop (Invited-Talk). Acoustical Society of America Acoustics Virtually Everywhere The 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2020-12-07 - 2020-12-11
PosterDutilleux, Guillaume; Curé, Charlotte. (2018) A software detector for monitoring endangered common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) populations. Friedrich Schiller Universität International Conference on Ecological Informatics , Jena 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28
Academic lectureDutilleux, Guillaume; Glé, Philippe. (2018) Toward quality-assured software implementations of NMPB 2008 (AFNOR NF S 31-133:2011) for the calculation of outdoor noise propagation. EAA Euronoise 2018 , Heraklion 2018-05-27 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureDutilleux, Guillaume. (2017) Anthropogenic sound and terrestrial ecosystems: a review of recent evidence. ICBEN 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem , Zürich 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22