Franziska Holz
Franziska has been a part-time adjunct professor and contributor to the NTNU Energy Transition Initiative (NETI) since 2018 and until end 2024. She is based in Berlin (Germany) where she works for the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
Franziska works on European and international markets of natural gas, coal, and hydrogen. She supervises project and master theses and teaches in the course "Energy Markets" every fall.
Franziska mainly works on energy resource markets in the context of climate policy. She uses numerical equilibrium models to analyze topical research questions in global and European natural gas and coal markets. She also works on decarbonisation of the European energy market and in particular the creation of hydrogen markets.
Barner, Lukas;
Holz, Franziska;
von Hirschhausen, Christian;
Kemfert, Claudia.
Is Russian gas still needed in the European Union? Model-based analysis of long-term scenarios.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Academic article
Jamissen, David;
Vatne, Johanne Øderud;
Holz, Franziska;
Neumann, Anne Franziska.
The price elasticity of natural gas demand of small consumers in Germany during the energy crisis 2022.
Energy Efficiency
Academic article
Télessy, Kornél;
Barner, Lukas;
Holz, Franziska.
Repurposing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen: Limits and options from a case study in Germany.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Hoffart, Franziska M.;
D'Orazio, Paola;
Holz, Franziska;
Kemfert, Claudia.
Exploring the interdependence of climate, finance, energy, and geopolitics: A conceptual framework for systemic risks amidst multiple crises.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Charousset, Sandrine;
Oudjane, Nadia;
O'Reilly, Ryan;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Barani, Mostafa;
Perger, Theresia.
Open-ENTRANCE D6.2 Case study results.
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska;
Rathje, Lennart;
Mitterecker, Thomas.
New coal mines in the Australian Galilee Basin are not economically viable and are prone to become stranded assets.
One Earth
Academic article
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Mohlin, Kristina;
Nguyen, Huong;
Zavala-Araiza, Daniel;
Fischer, Carolyn.
Global gas market implications of methane emission reduction policies.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Czempinski, Victoria.
Freedom Gas to Europe: Scenarios Analyzed Using the Global Gas Model.
Research In International Business and Finance
Academic article
Holz, Franziska;
Scherwath, Tim;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Skar, Christian;
Olmos, Luis;
Ploussard, Quentin.
A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Zachmann, Georg;
Holz, Franziska;
Roth, Alexander;
McWilliams, Ben;
Sogalla, Robin;
Meissner, Frank.
Decarbonisation of energy - Determining a robust mix of energy carriers for a carbon-neutral EU.
European Parliament
Pittel, Karen;
Holz, Franziska;
Peterson, Sonja;
Ansari, Dawud;
Gallier, Carlo;
Hagen, Achim.
Chances and Obstacles to Strengthening the Paris Agreement – The Case of Resource-Rich Countries.
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska.
The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports?.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Resch, Gustav;
Holz, Franziska;
Welisch, Marijke;
Geipel, Jasper;
Hartner, Michael.
Energy Transition Pathways to a Low-carbon Europe in 2050: the Degree of Cooperation and the Level of Decentralization.
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska;
Al-Kuhlani, Hashem.
Energy Outlooks Compared: Global and Regional Insights.
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska.
Between stranded assets and green transformation: Fossil-fuel-producing developing countries towards 2055.
World Development
Academic article
Mendelevitch, Roman;
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska.
The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. policy turn the tide?.
Climate Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska.
Anticipating global energy, climate and policy in 2055: Constructing qualitative and quantitative narratives.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Barner, Lukas;
Holz, Franziska;
von Hirschhausen, Christian;
Kemfert, Claudia.
Is Russian gas still needed in the European Union? Model-based analysis of long-term scenarios.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Academic article
Jamissen, David;
Vatne, Johanne Øderud;
Holz, Franziska;
Neumann, Anne Franziska.
The price elasticity of natural gas demand of small consumers in Germany during the energy crisis 2022.
Energy Efficiency
Academic article
Télessy, Kornél;
Barner, Lukas;
Holz, Franziska.
Repurposing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen: Limits and options from a case study in Germany.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Hoffart, Franziska M.;
D'Orazio, Paola;
Holz, Franziska;
Kemfert, Claudia.
Exploring the interdependence of climate, finance, energy, and geopolitics: A conceptual framework for systemic risks amidst multiple crises.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska;
Rathje, Lennart;
Mitterecker, Thomas.
New coal mines in the Australian Galilee Basin are not economically viable and are prone to become stranded assets.
One Earth
Academic article
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Czempinski, Victoria.
Freedom Gas to Europe: Scenarios Analyzed Using the Global Gas Model.
Research In International Business and Finance
Academic article
Holz, Franziska;
Scherwath, Tim;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Skar, Christian;
Olmos, Luis;
Ploussard, Quentin.
A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska.
The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports?.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Resch, Gustav;
Holz, Franziska;
Welisch, Marijke;
Geipel, Jasper;
Hartner, Michael.
Energy Transition Pathways to a Low-carbon Europe in 2050: the Degree of Cooperation and the Level of Decentralization.
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska;
Al-Kuhlani, Hashem.
Energy Outlooks Compared: Global and Regional Insights.
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska.
Between stranded assets and green transformation: Fossil-fuel-producing developing countries towards 2055.
World Development
Academic article
Mendelevitch, Roman;
Hauenstein, Christian;
Holz, Franziska.
The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. policy turn the tide?.
Climate Policy
Academic article
Ansari, Dawud;
Holz, Franziska.
Anticipating global energy, climate and policy in 2055: Constructing qualitative and quantitative narratives.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Del av bok/rapport
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Mohlin, Kristina;
Nguyen, Huong;
Zavala-Araiza, Daniel;
Fischer, Carolyn.
Global gas market implications of methane emission reduction policies.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Charousset, Sandrine;
Oudjane, Nadia;
O'Reilly, Ryan;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Barani, Mostafa;
Perger, Theresia.
Open-ENTRANCE D6.2 Case study results.
Zachmann, Georg;
Holz, Franziska;
Roth, Alexander;
McWilliams, Ben;
Sogalla, Robin;
Meissner, Frank.
Decarbonisation of energy - Determining a robust mix of energy carriers for a carbon-neutral EU.
European Parliament
Pittel, Karen;
Holz, Franziska;
Peterson, Sonja;
Ansari, Dawud;
Gallier, Carlo;
Hagen, Achim.
Chances and Obstacles to Strengthening the Paris Agreement – The Case of Resource-Rich Countries.
Academic lectureBarner, Lukas; Egging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus; Holz, Franziska; Kemfert, Claudia; Hirschhausen, Christian von. (2023) Long-term development of European natural gas markets – scenario analysis using the global gas model (GGM). IAEE 18th IAEE European Conference , Milan 2023-07-24 - 2023-07-27
Academic lectureHolz, Franziska; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2022) Infrastructure for global natural gas trade: demand shifts and stranded assets. Stockholm Environment Institute International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy , Oxford 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-27