Francesca Verones
My work is related to developing models for projected impacts on aquatic, marine and terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services. Human impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems call for novel methods to assess, quantify, and spatially differentiate their extent and consequences. I focus on advancing the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) to improve and complement this widely used assessment approach. In addition, we investigate how trade influences and chnages these impacts and how we can help to reduce biodiversity loss.
Moreover, I am chair of a task force of the life cycle initiative hosted by UN Environment on ecosystem quality within Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and I am leading the effort to operationalize LC-Impact, a novel, spatially-differentiated LCIA method (see
In 2019 I was awarded an ERC starting grant ( ATLANTIS).
I was selected as lead author for the IPBES "biodiversity and business" report (2023-2026).
Academic background
2020 - Professor, Industrial Ecology Programme, Department for Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2021 - 2023 Adjunct Professor, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
2014 - 2020 Associate Professor, Industrial Ecology Programme, Department for Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2013 - 2014 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2009 - 2013 PhD in Environmental Engineering. Institute of Env. Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2007 - 2009 MSc in Environmental Engineering, Institute of Env. Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2003 - 2006 BSc in Environmental Engineering, Institute of Env. Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
On-going projects
2025-2028 FOODTURE - Food for the Future: Environmental quantification and impact reduction. Funded by Horizon Europe. Role: Work package leader
2022-2026 RAINFOREST - Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity. Funded by Horizon Europe. Role: coordinator
2022-2026 BAMBOO - Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains. Funded by Horizon Europe. Role: coordinator
2022-2025 PATTERN - Providing operational economic appraisal methods and practices for informed decision-making in climate and environmental policies. Funded by Horizon Europe. Role: task leader
2021-2026 SusHydro - Sustainable hydropower development and reservoir management as an enabler of the renewable energy transition and an accelerator to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Funded by the Interdisciplinary Sustainable Initiatives at NTNU. Role: co-PI
2021-2026 MAPLE - Marine Plastic Pollution: Environmental impact and life cycle scenarios. Funded by the Interdisciplinary Sustainable Initiatives at NTNU. Role: PI
2021-2025 FIREPLUG - Footprint and Impact of Renewable Energy: Pressure on Lands under Growth. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Role: WP5 co-leader.
2020-2026 ATLANTIS - Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incroporating human impacts on marine ecosystems within life cycle impact assessment. Funded by the European Research Commission (ERC starting grant). Role: PI
Selected past projects
2020-2024 CONSENSE - Contributing to sustainable energy systems in Norway: quantifying life-cycle impacts on biodiversity. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Role: PI
2020-2023 LIF-OWI - Environmental, socio-economic and technological issues for life cycle assessment of offshore wind farms. Financed by FEM and Ademe, France. Role: Partner
2018-2021 CitizenScience - Transforming Citizen Science for Biodiversity. Funded by NTNU. Role: co-PI
2016-2019 Footprints2.0. Funded by the Research Council of Norway. Role: PI
2015-2017 TSUNAGARI - Transsystem, unified approach for global and regional integration of socialecological study toward sustainable use of biodiv. and ecosystem services. Funded by the Norwegian Reseach Council through the Biodiversa scheme. Role: partner
2015-2019 SURE - Towards sustainable renewable energy production: Developing a Life
Cycle Impact Assessment framework for biodiversity impacts. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Role: PI
2015-2019 AfricanBioServices. Funded by the European Commission. Role: task leader
Current PhD students and research assistants
Fei Song - ATLANTIS project
Philip Gjedde - ATLANTIS project
Ahmed Marhoon - MAPLE project
Sif de Visser - SusHydro project
- Viviane Aubin - SusHydro project (co-supervision)
Sedona Anderson - BAMBOO project
- Yeqing Zhang - RAINFOREST project
Elisa Pastor Valles - SiSAl project (co-supervision)
Johana Paola Forero Urrego (co-supervision)
- Marion Lebrun - NTNU internationalization/RAINFOREST
Elisha Wilson - BAMBOO project
- Pinar Kavak Gülbeyaz - PATTERN, SBTN and RAINFOREST project
- Zoë Groenewoud - Noise and light impacts on biodiversity
- Catherine Deschênes - ATLANTIS project
Current Postdocs and Researchers
- Martin Dorber ( Senior Researcher) - ATLANTIS, SusHydro and Life Cycle Initiative
- Jan Borgelt (Postdoc) - FIREPLUG project
Lebrun, Marion Naia;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Henderson, Andrew D.
Novel Endpoint Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Terrestrial Acidification.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Gilad, Dafna;
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
May, Roelof Frans;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca.
Biodiversity impacts of Norway's renewable electricity grid.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Scherer, Laura;
Verones, Francesca.
Midpoint characterization factors to assess impacts of turbine water use from hydropower production.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Gilad, Dafna;
May, Roelof Frans;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Verones, Francesca.
Between the lines: Life cycle impact assessment models of collision and electrocution impacts of power lines on bird diversity in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Verones, Francesca.
Disentangling marine plastic impacts in Life Cycle Assessment: Spatially explicit Characterization Factors for ecosystem quality.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Casagrande, Naiara;
Verones, Francesca;
Sobral, Paula;
Martinho, Graça.
Physical properties of microplastics affecting the aquatic biota: A review.
Environmental Advances
Academic literature review
Gilad, Dafna;
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Biodiversity on the line: life cycle impact assessment of power lines on birds and mammals in Norway.
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Academic article
Gjedde, Philip;
Carrer, Fabio;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Verones, Francesca.
Effect factors for marine invasion impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
Dorber, Martin;
Géron, Charly;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huijbregts, Mark A. J.;
Verones, Francesca.
What Is the Impact of Accidentally Transporting Terrestrial Alien Species? A New Life Cycle Impact Assessment Model.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Vodopia, Dorian;
Verones, Francesca;
Askham, Cecilia;
Larsen, Roger Bertram.
Retrieval operations of derelict fishing gears give insight on the impact on marine life.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Casagrande, Naiara;
Silva, Carla O.;
Verones, Francesca;
Sobral, Paula;
Martinho, Graca.
Ecotoxicity effect factors for plastic additives on the aquatic environment: a new approach for life cycle impact assessment.
Environmental Pollution
Academic article
Ran, Ylva;
Cederberg, Christel;
Jonell, Malin;
Bergmann, Kristina;
De Boer, Imke;
Einarsson, Rasmus.
Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice.
The Lancet Planetary Health
Academic literature review
Baulaz, Yoann;
Araignous, Emma;
Perez-Lopez, Paula;
Douziech, Mélanie;
Quillien, Nolwenn;
Verones, Francesca.
Development of a collision impact indicator to integrate in the life cycle assessment of offshore wind farms.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Dorber, Martin.
Springer Nature
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Wood, Richard John.
Synsing om naturtap er lite fruktbart.
Scherer, Laura;
Rosa, Francesca;
Sun, Zhongxiao;
Michelsen, Ottar;
De Laurentiis, Valeria;
Marques, Alexandra.
Biodiversity Impact Assessment Considering Land Use Intensities and Fragmentation.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ojwang, Gordon O.;
Ogutu, Joseph O.;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Ojwala, Merceline A.;
Kifugo, Shem C.;
Verones, Francesca.
An integrated hierarchical classification and machine learning approach for mapping land use and land cover in complex social-ecological systems.
Frontiers in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Benetto, Enrico;
Huijbregts, Mark A J;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Life-cycle assessment to guide solutions for the triple planetary crisis.
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
Academic literature review
Gilad, Dafna;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Quantifying Global Powerlines Impacts on Birds and Mammals.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Laurent, Alexis;
Dorber, Martin;
Rygaard, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Hauschild, Michael.
Advancing water footprint assessments: Combining the impacts of water pollution and scarcity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Scherer, Laura;
Link, Andreas;
Damiani, Mattia.
Corrigendum to “Global water consumption impacts on riverine fish species richness in Life Cycle Assessment” [Sci. Total Environ. 854 (2023) 158702] (Science of the Total Environment (2023) 854, (S0048969722058016), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158702)).
Science of the Total Environment
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Spatially and taxonomically explicit characterisation factors for greenhouse gas emission impacts on biodiversity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Gjedde, Philip;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Woods, John Sebastian;
Lonka, Radek;
Stadler, Konstantin.
MarINvaders: A web toolkit of marine species for use in environmental assessments.
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan;
Dorber, Martin;
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Verones, Francesca.
More than half of data deficient species predicted to be threatened by extinction.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Askham, Cecilia;
Pauna, Valentina;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Fantke, Peter;
Jolliet, Olivier;
Lavoie, Jerome.
Generating environmental sampling and testing data for micro- and nanoplastics for use in life cycle impact assessment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Scherer, Laura;
Link, Andreas;
Damiani, Mattia.
Global water consumption impacts on riverine fish species richness in Life Cycle Assessment .
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Sanyé‑Mengual, E;
Valente, António;
Biganzoli, F;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Marques, Alexandra.
Linking inventories and impact assessment models for addressing biodiversity impacts: mapping rules and challenges.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Li, Dan;
Dorber, Martin;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Verones, Francesca.
Global characterization factors for quantifying the impacts of increasing water temperature on freshwater fish.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Rosa, Francesca;
Scherer, Laura;
Marques, Alexandra.
Global extinction probabilities of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species groups for use in Life Cycle Assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan;
Parada, Jorge Sicacha;
Skarpaas, Olav;
Verones, Francesca.
Native range estimates for red-listed vascular plants.
Scientific Data
Academic article
May, Roelof Frans;
Jackson, Craig Ryan;
Middel, Heleen;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Verones, Francesca.
Life-cycle impacts of wind energy development on bird diversity in Norway.
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Lonka, Radek;
Verones, Francesca;
Stadler, Konstantin.
The MarINvaders Toolkit.
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca;
Jolliet, Olivier;
Vázquez-Rowe, Ian;
Boulay, Anne-Marie.
A framework for the assessment of marine litter impacts in life cycle impact assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca.
Global distribution of potential impact hotspots for marine plastic debris entanglement.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Garcia-Ulloa, John Alejandro;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Habitat fragmentation amplifies threats from habitat loss to mammal diversity across the world’s terrestrial ecoregions.
One Earth
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen J.J.;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Considering habitat conversion and fragmentation in characterisation factors for land-use impacts on vertebrate species richness.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Verones, Francesca;
Vázquez-Rowe, Ian.
Marine plastics in LCA: current status and MarILCA’s contributions .
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Trottier, Gabrielle;
Turgeon, Katrine;
Verones, Francesca;
Boisclair, Daniel;
Bulle, Cecile;
Margni, Manuele.
Empirical Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Assessment of
the Impacts of Reservoir Occupation on Macroinvertebrate
Richness across the United States.
Academic article
Bjelle, Eivind Lekve;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Trends in national biodiversity footprints of land use.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Mair, Louise;
Bennun, L;
Brooks, Thomas M.;
Butchart, Stuart H. M.;
Bolam, Friederike C.;
Burgess, N.D..
A metric for spatially explicit contributions to science-based species targets.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land‐cover changes in biodiversity hotspots.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Academic article
Huijbregts, Mark A. J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J. N.;
Elshout, Pieter M. F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
Correction to: ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level (The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2017), 22, 2, (138-147), 10.1007/s11367-016-1246-y).
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Verones, Francesca;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Anton, Assumpcio;
Azevedo, Ligia B;
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
Cosme, Nuno.
LC-IMPACT: A regionalized life cycle damage assessment method.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Laurent, Alexis;
Weidema, Bo Pedersen;
Bare, Jane;
Liao, Xun;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Pizzol, Massimo.
Methodological review and detailed guidance for the life cycle interpretation phase.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Kija, Hamza;
Ogutu, Joseph O;
Mangewa, Lazaro J;
Bukombe, John;
Verones, Francesca;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Spatio-Temporal Changes in Wildlife Habitat Quality in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem.
Academic article
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Moran, Daniel;
Tisserant, Alexandre;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Quantifying Europe's biodiversity footprints and the role of urbanization and income.
Global Sustainability
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Arvesen, Anders;
Gernaat, David;
Verones, Francesca.
Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
May, Roelof Frans;
Middel, Heleen;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Jackson, Craig Ryan;
Verones, Francesca.
Global life-cycle impacts of onshore wind-power plants on bird richness.
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land cover changes in the biodiversity hotspots.
Liu, X;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Rugani, Benedetto;
de Souza, Danielle Maia;
Bare, Jane;
Johnston, John M.
Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: Application of the cascade framework to rice farming systems.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Nakaoka, Masahiro;
Sudo, Kenji.
Can we locate shrimp aquaculture areas from space? – A case study for Thailand.
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (RSASE)
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Kuipers, Koen;
Verones, Francesca.
Global characterization factors for terrestrial biodiversity impacts of future land inundation in Life Cycle Assessment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Woods, John Sebastian;
Rødder, Gorm;
Verones, Francesca.
An effect factor approach for quantifying the entanglement impact on marine species of macroplastic debris within life cycle impact assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Petersone, Milda;
Verones, Francesca.
Do Amphibians and Cash Crops Compete for Scarce Water? A Spatial Correlation Analysis.
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Verones, Francesca.
Potential Consequences of Regional Species Loss for Global Species Richness: A Quantitative Approach for Estimating Global Extinction Probabilities.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Sandlund, Odd Terje;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
net water consumption of Norwegian hydropower reservoirs
and related aquatic biodiversity impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca.
Ecosystem damage from anthropogenic seabed disturbance: A life cycle impact assessment characterisation model .
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verones, Francesca.
Reviewing the potential for including habitat fragmentation to improve life cycle impact assessments for land use impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Rugani, Benedetto;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Weidema, Bo Pedersen;
Bare, Jane;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Grann, Blane.
Towards integrating the ecosystem services cascade framework within the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) cause-effect methodology.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Többen, Johannes Reinhard;
Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel.
A novel maximum entropy approach to hybrid monetary-physical supply-chain modelling and its application to biodiversity impacts of palm oil embodied in consumption.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mutel, Christopher;
Liao, Xun;
Patouillard, Laure;
Bare, Jane;
Fantke, Peter;
Frischknecht, Rolf.
Overview and recommendations for regionalized life cycle impact assessment .
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Nakaoka, Masahiro;
Sudo, Kenji;
Namba, Mizuho;
Shibata, Hideaki;
Nakamura, Futoshi;
Ishikawa, Satoshi.
TSUNAGARI: a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study toward conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ecological Research
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Modeling net land occupation of hydropower reservoirs in Norway for use in life cycle assessment.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pezzati, Lorenzo;
Verones, Francesca;
Curran, Michael P.;
Baustert, Paul;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Biodiversity Recovery and Transformation Impacts for Wetland Biodiversity.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Núñez, Montse;
Rosenbaum, Ralph K;
Karimpour, S;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Lathuilliere, Michael J;
Margni, Manuele.
A Multimedia Hydrological Fate Modeling Framework To Assess Water Consumption Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Jolliet, Olivier;
Antón, Assumpció;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Fantke, Peter;
Levasseur, Annie.
Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: impacts of climate change, fine particulate matter formation, water consumption and land use.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Laranjeiro, Tiago Filipe Vicente Costa;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Impacts of onshore wind energy production on birds and bats: recommendations for future life cycle impact assessment developments.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Sonderegger, Thomas;
Dewulf, Jo;
Fantke, Peter;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Pfister, Stephan;
Stoessel, Franziska.
Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders;
Singh, Bhawna;
Verones, Francesca.
Health benefits, ecological threats of low-carbon electricity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Bolowich, Alya Francesca;
Ebata, Keigo;
Boutson, Anukorn;
Takafumi, Arimoto;
Ishikawa, Satoshi.
A case study of life cycle impacts of small-scale fishing techniques in Thailand.
Cogent Environmental Science
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Pfister, Stephan;
Van Zelm, Rosalie;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Biodiversity impacts from water consumption on a global scale for use in life cycle assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Pfister, Stephan;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Berger, Markus;
Hadjikakou, Michalis;
Motoshita, Masaharu;
Hess, Tim.
Understanding the LCA and ISO water footprint: A response to Hoekstra (2016) ?A critique on the water-scarcity weighted water footprint in LCA?.
Ecological Indicators
Letter to the editor
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J.N.;
Elshout, Pieter M.F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Moran, Daniel;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Kanemoto, Keiichiro;
Wood, Richard.
Resource footprints and their ecosystem consequences.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Damiani, Mattia;
Fantke, Peter;
Henderson, Andrew;
Johnston, John;
Bare, Jane.
Ecosystem Quality in LCIA: status quo, harmonization, and suggestions for the way forward.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Middel, Heleen;
Verones, Francesca.
Making Marine Noise Pollution Impacts Heard: The Case of Cetaceans in the North Sea within Life Cycle Impact Assessment.
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Bare, Jane;
Bulle, Cecile;
Frischknecht, Rolf;
Hauschild, Michael;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
LCIA framework and cross-cutting issues guidance within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Marques, Alexandra;
Verones, Francesca;
Kok, Marcel T.J.;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Pereira, Henrique M..
How to quantify biodiversity footprints of consumption? A review of multi-regional input–output analysis and life cycle assessment.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Academic literature review
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Schipper, Aafke M.;
Hendriks, A J;
Verones, Francesca;
Pereira, Henrique M;
Huijbregts, Mark A J.
An allometric approach to quantify the extinction
vulnerability of birds and mammals.
Academic article
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Steinmann, ZJN;
Elshout, PMF;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe 2016:A harmonized life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level Report I: Characterization.
Pizzol, Massimo;
Laurent, Alexis;
Sala, Serenella;
Weidema, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Koffler, Christoph.
Normalisation and weighting in life cycle assessment: quo vadis?.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Ridoutt, Bradley G.;
Pfister, Stephan;
Manzardo, Alessandro;
Bare, Jane;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Area of concern: a new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the development of footprint metrics.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Pfister, Stephan;
Berger, Markus.
Water Use Analysis.
John Wiley & Sons
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Verones, Francesca.
Impacts from hydropower production on biodiversity in an LCA framework—review and recommendations.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Frischknecht, Rolf;
Fantke, Peter;
Tschümperlin, Laura;
Niero, Monia;
Anton, Assumpcio;
Bare, Jane.
Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: progress and case study.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Douziech, Mélanie;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Verones, Francesca.
Are Wave and Tidal Energy Plants New Green Technologies?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Petersone, Milda;
Verones, Francesca.
On the suitability of input–output analysis for calculating product-specific biodiversity footprints.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Veltman, Karin;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Verones, Francesca;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards a meaningful assessment of marine ecological impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA).
Environment International
Academic literature review
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J.N.;
Elshout, Pieter M.F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe2015: a Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method at Midpoint and Endpoint Level. Report I: Characterisation Factors.
Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
Ridoutt, Bradley;
Fantke, Peter;
Pfister, Stephan;
Bare, Jane;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Making Sense of the Minefield of Footprint Indicators.
Environmental Science and Technology
Reader opinion piece
Verones, Francesca;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
de Baan, Laura;
Koellner, Thomas;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Harmonizing the Assessment of Biodiversity Effects from Land and Water Use within LCA.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
Verones, Francesca;
de Baan, Laura;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Quantifying Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity: Combining Species–Area Models and Vulnerability Indicators.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Journal publications
Lebrun, Marion Naia;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Henderson, Andrew D.
Novel Endpoint Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Terrestrial Acidification.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Gilad, Dafna;
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
May, Roelof Frans;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca.
Biodiversity impacts of Norway's renewable electricity grid.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Scherer, Laura;
Verones, Francesca.
Midpoint characterization factors to assess impacts of turbine water use from hydropower production.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Gilad, Dafna;
May, Roelof Frans;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Verones, Francesca.
Between the lines: Life cycle impact assessment models of collision and electrocution impacts of power lines on bird diversity in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Verones, Francesca.
Disentangling marine plastic impacts in Life Cycle Assessment: Spatially explicit Characterization Factors for ecosystem quality.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Casagrande, Naiara;
Verones, Francesca;
Sobral, Paula;
Martinho, Graça.
Physical properties of microplastics affecting the aquatic biota: A review.
Environmental Advances
Academic literature review
Gilad, Dafna;
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Biodiversity on the line: life cycle impact assessment of power lines on birds and mammals in Norway.
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Academic article
Gjedde, Philip;
Carrer, Fabio;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Verones, Francesca.
Effect factors for marine invasion impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan Simon;
Dorber, Martin;
Géron, Charly;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huijbregts, Mark A. J.;
Verones, Francesca.
What Is the Impact of Accidentally Transporting Terrestrial Alien Species? A New Life Cycle Impact Assessment Model.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Vodopia, Dorian;
Verones, Francesca;
Askham, Cecilia;
Larsen, Roger Bertram.
Retrieval operations of derelict fishing gears give insight on the impact on marine life.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Casagrande, Naiara;
Silva, Carla O.;
Verones, Francesca;
Sobral, Paula;
Martinho, Graca.
Ecotoxicity effect factors for plastic additives on the aquatic environment: a new approach for life cycle impact assessment.
Environmental Pollution
Academic article
Ran, Ylva;
Cederberg, Christel;
Jonell, Malin;
Bergmann, Kristina;
De Boer, Imke;
Einarsson, Rasmus.
Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice.
The Lancet Planetary Health
Academic literature review
Baulaz, Yoann;
Araignous, Emma;
Perez-Lopez, Paula;
Douziech, Mélanie;
Quillien, Nolwenn;
Verones, Francesca.
Development of a collision impact indicator to integrate in the life cycle assessment of offshore wind farms.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Wood, Richard John.
Synsing om naturtap er lite fruktbart.
Scherer, Laura;
Rosa, Francesca;
Sun, Zhongxiao;
Michelsen, Ottar;
De Laurentiis, Valeria;
Marques, Alexandra.
Biodiversity Impact Assessment Considering Land Use Intensities and Fragmentation.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ojwang, Gordon O.;
Ogutu, Joseph O.;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Ojwala, Merceline A.;
Kifugo, Shem C.;
Verones, Francesca.
An integrated hierarchical classification and machine learning approach for mapping land use and land cover in complex social-ecological systems.
Frontiers in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Benetto, Enrico;
Huijbregts, Mark A J;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Life-cycle assessment to guide solutions for the triple planetary crisis.
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
Academic literature review
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Laurent, Alexis;
Dorber, Martin;
Rygaard, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Hauschild, Michael.
Advancing water footprint assessments: Combining the impacts of water pollution and scarcity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Scherer, Laura;
Link, Andreas;
Damiani, Mattia.
Corrigendum to “Global water consumption impacts on riverine fish species richness in Life Cycle Assessment” [Sci. Total Environ. 854 (2023) 158702] (Science of the Total Environment (2023) 854, (S0048969722058016), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158702)).
Science of the Total Environment
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Spatially and taxonomically explicit characterisation factors for greenhouse gas emission impacts on biodiversity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Gjedde, Philip;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Woods, John Sebastian;
Lonka, Radek;
Stadler, Konstantin.
MarINvaders: A web toolkit of marine species for use in environmental assessments.
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan;
Dorber, Martin;
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Verones, Francesca.
More than half of data deficient species predicted to be threatened by extinction.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Askham, Cecilia;
Pauna, Valentina;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Fantke, Peter;
Jolliet, Olivier;
Lavoie, Jerome.
Generating environmental sampling and testing data for micro- and nanoplastics for use in life cycle impact assessment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Pierrat, Eleonore;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Scherer, Laura;
Link, Andreas;
Damiani, Mattia.
Global water consumption impacts on riverine fish species richness in Life Cycle Assessment .
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Sanyé‑Mengual, E;
Valente, António;
Biganzoli, F;
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Marques, Alexandra.
Linking inventories and impact assessment models for addressing biodiversity impacts: mapping rules and challenges.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Li, Dan;
Dorber, Martin;
Barbarossa, Valerio;
Verones, Francesca.
Global characterization factors for quantifying the impacts of increasing water temperature on freshwater fish.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Núñez, Montserrat;
Rosa, Francesca;
Scherer, Laura;
Marques, Alexandra.
Global extinction probabilities of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species groups for use in Life Cycle Assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Borgelt, Jan;
Parada, Jorge Sicacha;
Skarpaas, Olav;
Verones, Francesca.
Native range estimates for red-listed vascular plants.
Scientific Data
Academic article
May, Roelof Frans;
Jackson, Craig Ryan;
Middel, Heleen;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Verones, Francesca.
Life-cycle impacts of wind energy development on bird diversity in Norway.
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Lonka, Radek;
Verones, Francesca;
Stadler, Konstantin.
The MarINvaders Toolkit.
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca;
Jolliet, Olivier;
Vázquez-Rowe, Ian;
Boulay, Anne-Marie.
A framework for the assessment of marine litter impacts in life cycle impact assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Høiberg, Marthe Alnes;
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca.
Global distribution of potential impact hotspots for marine plastic debris entanglement.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Garcia-Ulloa, John Alejandro;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Habitat fragmentation amplifies threats from habitat loss to mammal diversity across the world’s terrestrial ecoregions.
One Earth
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen J.J.;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Considering habitat conversion and fragmentation in characterisation factors for land-use impacts on vertebrate species richness.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Verones, Francesca;
Vázquez-Rowe, Ian.
Marine plastics in LCA: current status and MarILCA’s contributions .
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Trottier, Gabrielle;
Turgeon, Katrine;
Verones, Francesca;
Boisclair, Daniel;
Bulle, Cecile;
Margni, Manuele.
Empirical Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Assessment of
the Impacts of Reservoir Occupation on Macroinvertebrate
Richness across the United States.
Academic article
Bjelle, Eivind Lekve;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Trends in national biodiversity footprints of land use.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Mair, Louise;
Bennun, L;
Brooks, Thomas M.;
Butchart, Stuart H. M.;
Bolam, Friederike C.;
Burgess, N.D..
A metric for spatially explicit contributions to science-based species targets.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land‐cover changes in biodiversity hotspots.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Academic article
Huijbregts, Mark A. J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J. N.;
Elshout, Pieter M. F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
Correction to: ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level (The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2017), 22, 2, (138-147), 10.1007/s11367-016-1246-y).
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Verones, Francesca;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Anton, Assumpcio;
Azevedo, Ligia B;
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
Cosme, Nuno.
LC-IMPACT: A regionalized life cycle damage assessment method.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Laurent, Alexis;
Weidema, Bo Pedersen;
Bare, Jane;
Liao, Xun;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Pizzol, Massimo.
Methodological review and detailed guidance for the life cycle interpretation phase.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Kija, Hamza;
Ogutu, Joseph O;
Mangewa, Lazaro J;
Bukombe, John;
Verones, Francesca;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Spatio-Temporal Changes in Wildlife Habitat Quality in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem.
Academic article
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Moran, Daniel;
Tisserant, Alexandre;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard.
Quantifying Europe's biodiversity footprints and the role of urbanization and income.
Global Sustainability
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Arvesen, Anders;
Gernaat, David;
Verones, Francesca.
Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
May, Roelof Frans;
Middel, Heleen;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Jackson, Craig Ryan;
Verones, Francesca.
Global life-cycle impacts of onshore wind-power plants on bird richness.
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
Academic article
Liu, X;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Rugani, Benedetto;
de Souza, Danielle Maia;
Bare, Jane;
Johnston, John M.
Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: Application of the cascade framework to rice farming systems.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Verones, Francesca;
Nakaoka, Masahiro;
Sudo, Kenji.
Can we locate shrimp aquaculture areas from space? – A case study for Thailand.
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (RSASE)
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Kuipers, Koen;
Verones, Francesca.
Global characterization factors for terrestrial biodiversity impacts of future land inundation in Life Cycle Assessment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Woods, John Sebastian;
Rødder, Gorm;
Verones, Francesca.
An effect factor approach for quantifying the entanglement impact on marine species of macroplastic debris within life cycle impact assessment.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Petersone, Milda;
Verones, Francesca.
Do Amphibians and Cash Crops Compete for Scarce Water? A Spatial Correlation Analysis.
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Verones, Francesca.
Potential Consequences of Regional Species Loss for Global Species Richness: A Quantitative Approach for Estimating Global Extinction Probabilities.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Sandlund, Odd Terje;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
net water consumption of Norwegian hydropower reservoirs
and related aquatic biodiversity impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Verones, Francesca.
Ecosystem damage from anthropogenic seabed disturbance: A life cycle impact assessment characterisation model .
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verones, Francesca.
Reviewing the potential for including habitat fragmentation to improve life cycle impact assessments for land use impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Rugani, Benedetto;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Weidema, Bo Pedersen;
Bare, Jane;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Grann, Blane.
Towards integrating the ecosystem services cascade framework within the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) cause-effect methodology.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Többen, Johannes Reinhard;
Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel.
A novel maximum entropy approach to hybrid monetary-physical supply-chain modelling and its application to biodiversity impacts of palm oil embodied in consumption.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mutel, Christopher;
Liao, Xun;
Patouillard, Laure;
Bare, Jane;
Fantke, Peter;
Frischknecht, Rolf.
Overview and recommendations for regionalized life cycle impact assessment .
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Nakaoka, Masahiro;
Sudo, Kenji;
Namba, Mizuho;
Shibata, Hideaki;
Nakamura, Futoshi;
Ishikawa, Satoshi.
TSUNAGARI: a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study toward conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ecological Research
Academic article
Dorber, Martin;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Modeling net land occupation of hydropower reservoirs in Norway for use in life cycle assessment.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pezzati, Lorenzo;
Verones, Francesca;
Curran, Michael P.;
Baustert, Paul;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Biodiversity Recovery and Transformation Impacts for Wetland Biodiversity.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Núñez, Montse;
Rosenbaum, Ralph K;
Karimpour, S;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Lathuilliere, Michael J;
Margni, Manuele.
A Multimedia Hydrological Fate Modeling Framework To Assess Water Consumption Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Jolliet, Olivier;
Antón, Assumpció;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Fantke, Peter;
Levasseur, Annie.
Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: impacts of climate change, fine particulate matter formation, water consumption and land use.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Laranjeiro, Tiago Filipe Vicente Costa;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Impacts of onshore wind energy production on birds and bats: recommendations for future life cycle impact assessment developments.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Sonderegger, Thomas;
Dewulf, Jo;
Fantke, Peter;
Maia de Souza, Danielle;
Pfister, Stephan;
Stoessel, Franziska.
Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders;
Singh, Bhawna;
Verones, Francesca.
Health benefits, ecological threats of low-carbon electricity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Bolowich, Alya Francesca;
Ebata, Keigo;
Boutson, Anukorn;
Takafumi, Arimoto;
Ishikawa, Satoshi.
A case study of life cycle impacts of small-scale fishing techniques in Thailand.
Cogent Environmental Science
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Pfister, Stephan;
Van Zelm, Rosalie;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Biodiversity impacts from water consumption on a global scale for use in life cycle assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Pfister, Stephan;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Berger, Markus;
Hadjikakou, Michalis;
Motoshita, Masaharu;
Hess, Tim.
Understanding the LCA and ISO water footprint: A response to Hoekstra (2016) ?A critique on the water-scarcity weighted water footprint in LCA?.
Ecological Indicators
Letter to the editor
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J.N.;
Elshout, Pieter M.F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Moran, Daniel;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Kanemoto, Keiichiro;
Wood, Richard.
Resource footprints and their ecosystem consequences.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Damiani, Mattia;
Fantke, Peter;
Henderson, Andrew;
Johnston, John;
Bare, Jane.
Ecosystem Quality in LCIA: status quo, harmonization, and suggestions for the way forward.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Middel, Heleen;
Verones, Francesca.
Making Marine Noise Pollution Impacts Heard: The Case of Cetaceans in the North Sea within Life Cycle Impact Assessment.
Academic article
Verones, Francesca;
Bare, Jane;
Bulle, Cecile;
Frischknecht, Rolf;
Hauschild, Michael;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
LCIA framework and cross-cutting issues guidance within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Marques, Alexandra;
Verones, Francesca;
Kok, Marcel T.J.;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Pereira, Henrique M..
How to quantify biodiversity footprints of consumption? A review of multi-regional input–output analysis and life cycle assessment.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Academic literature review
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Schipper, Aafke M.;
Hendriks, A J;
Verones, Francesca;
Pereira, Henrique M;
Huijbregts, Mark A J.
An allometric approach to quantify the extinction
vulnerability of birds and mammals.
Academic article
Pizzol, Massimo;
Laurent, Alexis;
Sala, Serenella;
Weidema, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Koffler, Christoph.
Normalisation and weighting in life cycle assessment: quo vadis?.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Ridoutt, Bradley G.;
Pfister, Stephan;
Manzardo, Alessandro;
Bare, Jane;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Area of concern: a new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the development of footprint metrics.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Verones, Francesca.
Impacts from hydropower production on biodiversity in an LCA framework—review and recommendations.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Frischknecht, Rolf;
Fantke, Peter;
Tschümperlin, Laura;
Niero, Monia;
Anton, Assumpcio;
Bare, Jane.
Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: progress and case study.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Douziech, Mélanie;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Verones, Francesca.
Are Wave and Tidal Energy Plants New Green Technologies?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Petersone, Milda;
Verones, Francesca.
On the suitability of input–output analysis for calculating product-specific biodiversity footprints.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Woods, John Sebastian;
Veltman, Karin;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Verones, Francesca;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards a meaningful assessment of marine ecological impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA).
Environment International
Academic literature review
Ridoutt, Bradley;
Fantke, Peter;
Pfister, Stephan;
Bare, Jane;
Boulay, Anne-Marie;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Making Sense of the Minefield of Footprint Indicators.
Environmental Science and Technology
Reader opinion piece
Verones, Francesca;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
de Baan, Laura;
Koellner, Thomas;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Harmonizing the Assessment of Biodiversity Effects from Land and Water Use within LCA.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Chaudhary, Abhishek;
Verones, Francesca;
de Baan, Laura;
Hellweg, Stefanie.
Quantifying Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity: Combining Species–Area Models and Vulnerability Indicators.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Part of book/report
Verones, Francesca;
Dorber, Martin.
Springer Nature
Gilad, Dafna;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Quantifying Global Powerlines Impacts on Birds and Mammals.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verones, Francesca;
Pfister, Stephan;
Berger, Markus.
Water Use Analysis.
John Wiley & Sons
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land cover changes in the biodiversity hotspots.
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Steinmann, ZJN;
Elshout, PMF;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe 2016:A harmonized life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level Report I: Characterization.
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Steinmann, Zoran J.N.;
Elshout, Pieter M.F.;
Stam, Gea;
Verones, Francesca;
Vieira, Marisa.
ReCiPe2015: a Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method at Midpoint and Endpoint Level. Report I: Characterisation Factors.
Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
- TEP5100 - Industrial Ecology, Project
- TEP4220 - Environmental impact indicators for decision support
- EP8108 - Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Systems Analysis
- EP8127 - Advanced Programming for Environmental Systems Analyses with Brightway
- TEP4930 - Industrial Ecology, Master's Thesis
- TEP4305 - Industrial Ecology, Seminar Critical Review and Communication of Science
Academic lectureGilad, Dafna; Borgelt, Jan Simon; May, Roelof Frans; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca. (2024) Quantifying Biodiversity Impacts of the Norwegian Energy System. The 3rd World Biodiversity Forum , Davos 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-20
Academic lectureAskham, Cecilia; Boulay, Anne-Marie; Corella-Puertas, Elena; Deville, Alejandro; Kahht, Ramzy; Pauna, Valentina. (2024) Expanding Life Cycle Impact Assessment to account for marine plastic emissions: a case study for the fishing industry. IRTA (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology), Generalitat de Catalunya and University of Barcelona 14th LCA Food International Conference (LCA Food 2024) , University of Barcelona, Barcelona 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-12
PosterSong, Fei; Dorber, Martin; Pettersen, Johan Berg; Verones, Francesca. (2024) Harmonizing beach litter data: A cornerstone for impact assessment. SETAC SETAC EUROPE 34TH ANNUAL MEETING , SEVILLE, SPAIN 2024-05-05 - 2024-05-09
LectureGilad, Dafna; May, Roelof Frans; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Verones, Francesca. (2023) How the Norwegian grid affects biodiversity - quantifying collision and electrocution life cycle impacts on birds in Norway. The 6th conference of the Norwegian Ecological Society (OIKOS) - Ecology on a used planet 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-15
Academic lectureGilad, Dafna; May, Roelof Frans; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Verones, Francesca. (2023) Quantifying Collision and Electrocution Impacts of the Electric Grid on Biodiversity. ISIE 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Dorber, Martin; Pettersen, Johan Berg. (2023) Development of an Effect factor for marine plastics’ impact on cultural ecosystem service. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2023 Conference “Transitions in a world in turmoil" , Leiden, the Netherlands 2023-07-01 - 2023-07-05
LectureVerones, Francesca; Pettersen, Johan Berg; Dorber, Martin. (2023) Development of an Effect factor for marine plastics’ impact on cultural ecosystem service. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International conference on industrial ecology , Leiden, the Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureSong, Fei; Dorber, Martin; Pettersen, Johan Berg; Verones, Francesca. (2023) Development of an effect factor for marine plastics’ impact on cultural ecosystem service. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterGilad, Dafna; May, Roelof Frans; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Verones, Francesca. (2022) Between the lines: A new LCIA methodology to quantify the collision impact of power lines on birds in Norway. SETAC The 32nd Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe - towards a Reduced Pollution Society , Copenhagen 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-19
LectureGilad, Dafna; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca. (2022) Quantifying the global impacts of power lines. UAA The 13th Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management Symposia , Charlotte 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-12
PosterSong, Fei; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca; Pettersen, Johan Berg. (2022) Suffocating the ocean: modeling the impacts of plastic debris on carbon sequestration. SETAC SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting , Copenhagen 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-19
LectureSong, Fei; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca; Pettersen, Johan Berg. (2022) Development of an effect factor for marine plastics’ impact on marine carbon sequestration. LCA Discussion Forum 82nd LCA Discussion Forum Addressing the issue of plastic pollution: status quo and the way forward , Zurich 2022-11-04 - 2022-11-04
Academic lectureMay, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca; Jackson, Craig Ryan; Stokke, Bård Gunnar. (2022) Life-cycle impacts of onshore wind-power plants on bird richness. SINTEF EERA DeepWind confernce , Trondheim 2022-01-19 - 2022-01-19
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Gjedde, Philip; Koslowski, Maximilian; Woods, John Sebastian; Lonka, Radek; Stadler, Konstantin. (2022) Poster presentation of the MarINvaders tool: A harmonisation of global databases to locate marine alien species. SETAC SETAC Copenhagen 2022 , Bella Center Copenhagen 2022-05-16 - 2022-05-19
LectureSong, Fei; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca; Pettersen, Johan Berg. (2022) Integrate the impact of marine plastic debris on carbon sequestration into life cycle impact assessment . The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan EcoBalance 2022 , Fukuoka 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-02
Academic lectureMay, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca; Jackson, Craig Ryan; Stokke, Bård Gunnar. (2022) Life-cycle impacts of onshore wind-power plants on bird richness. Bureau Waardenburg Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts , Egmond aan zee, the Netherlands 2022-04-07 - 2022-04-07
Academic lectureAskham, Cecilia; Pauna, Valentina; Boulay, Anne-Marie; Fantke, Peter; Jolliet, Olivier; Lavoie, Jerome. (2021) How Can Risk Assessment Data for Micro- and NanoPlastics Contaminations Be Generated in a Way That Is Useful for the Development of LCIA Models?. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (2021) , Online 2021-05-03 - 2021-05-06
Academic lectureKuipers, Koen; Huijbregts, Mark A J; Schipper, Aafke M.; May, Roelof Frans; Graae, Bente Jessen; Verones, Francesca. (2019) Incorporating habitat fragmentation into the characterisation of land use impacts on biodiversity. SETAC SETAC Europe 29th annual meeting , Helsinki 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-30
Academic lectureDorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca. (2019) A new framework to assess aquatic biodiversity impacts of non-consumptive water use from reservoirs in Life Cycle Assessment. ISIE 2019 2019-07-07 - 2019-07-11
PosterDorber, Martin; May, Roelof Frans; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Impacts of flow alteration on aquatic biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment: the case of Norwegian hydropower . Gordon Research Seminar on Industrial Ecology (GRS) , Les Diablerets 2018-05-19 - 2018-05-20
PosterDorber, Martin; May, Roelof Frans; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Impacts of flow alteration on aquatic biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment: the case of Norwegian hydropower . Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology (GRC) , Les Diablerets 2018-05-20 - 2018-05-25
PosterDorber, Martin; Sandlund, Odd Terje; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Towards Sustainable Renewables - A potential biodiversity trade-off ? . Energiforskningskonferansen 2018 , Oslo 2018-05-30 - 2018-05-30
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2018) Whales, waste and sea walnuts. ISIE Gordon Research Conference , Les Diablerets 2018-05-20 - 2018-05-25
InterviewMadsen, Tonje; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Prøver du å hjelpe den stakkars kloden vår? Og lurer på om det faktisk nytter?. Dagbladet Magasinet Dagbladet Magasinet [Internet] 2018-08-07
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Land under water: Estimating hydropower’s land use impacts. [Internet] 2018-03-15
PosterKuipers, Koen; Hellweg, Stefanie; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Translating regional species loss into global species extinctions. Stefanie Hellweg Ïndustrial Ecology Gordon Research Conference , Les Diablerets 2018-05-19 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureDorber, Martin; Arvesen, Anders; Verones, Francesca. (2018) Using life cycle impact assessment to predict site-specific ecological impacts of remaining global hydropower potentials. EcoBalance . EcoBalance 2018 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-21
PosterKoslowski, Maximilian; Verones, Francesca; Woods, John Sebastian. (2017) Identifying relevant impact pathways for marine invasive species within Life Cycle Assessment. NTNU NTNU Sustainability Science Conference 2017 , Trondheim, Norway 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-20
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2017) A new LCIA method: LC-Impact. Yale University Online Seminar for Yale University , Online 2017-03-01 - 2017-03-01
LectureTöbben, Johannes Reinhard; Verones, Francesca; Moran, Daniel; Wood, Richard; Stadler, Konstantin; Bruckner, Martin. (2017) A Maximum Entropy Approach to the Hybridization of MRIOs for the Estimation of Biodiversity Footprints. IIOA International Input-Output Conference 2017 , Atlantic City 2017-06-19 -
PosterIordan, Cristina Maria; Verones, Francesca; Cherubini, Francesco. (2017) Integrating climate change and biodiversity impacts following forest harvest operations in Norway . Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology LCM2017 Conference , Luxembourg 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06
Academic lectureDorber, Martin; Mattson, Kim Rainer; Sandlund, Odd Terje; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca. (2017) Life Cycle Assessment of water consumption impacts from hydropower reservoirs on aquatic biodiversity in Norway. HydroEco 2017 Conference , Birmingham 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
PosterDorber, Martin; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca. (2017) Characterization Factors for hydropower production impacts on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment . ISIE-ISSST 2017 Conference , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
LectureMoran, Daniel; Kanemoto, Keiichiro; Verones, Francesca; Wood, Richard. (2017) Mapping the carbon, air pollution, and biodiversity footprints of nations: A GIS + MRIO approach. ISIE-ISSST 2017: Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities , Chicago 2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureMoran, Daniel; Verones, Francesca; Stadler, Konstantin; Wood, Richard; Kanemoto, Keiichiro. (2017) Environmental pressure footprints vs. impact footprints: which is the better proxy? . IIOA International Input--Output Association Conference , Atlantic City 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-16
LectureKuipers, Koen; May, Roelof Frans; Graae, Bente Jessen; Verones, Francesca. (2017) Advancing the representation of habitat fragmentation in LCIA. ISIE-ISSST , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
PosterIordan, Cristina Maria; Verones, Francesca; Cherubini, Francesco. (2017) Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway. Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Life Cycle Management (LCM) Conference , European Convention Center Luxembourg 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Moran, Daniel; Stadler, Konstantin; Kanemoto, Keiichiro; Wood, Richard. (2017) What are the ecosystem consequences of resource footprints?. 25th International Input-Output Conference 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2016) Current Developments in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Ecobalance conference 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Henderson, Andrew; Laurent, Alexis; Ridoutt, Bradley G.; Ugaya, Cassia; Hellweg, Stefanie. (2016) Reaching consensus on cross-cutting issues in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Ecobalance conference , Kyoto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Dorber, Martin; Gracey, Erik Olav. (2016) Impacts of hydropower production on biodiversity: overview and the way forward. Ecobalance conference , Kyoto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
PosterLaranjeiro, Tiago; Verones, Francesca; May, Roelof Frans. (2016) Quantifying wind energy impacts on ecosystems: an LCA approach. Ecobalance conference , Kyoto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Moran, Daniel; Stadler, Konstantin; Kanemoto, Keiichiro; Wood, Richard. (2016) Environmental pressure footprints vs. impact footprints: which is the better proxy?. Ecobalance conference , Kyoto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Bolowich, Alya Francesca; Ebata, Keigo; Boutson, Anukorn; Arimoto, Takafumi; Ishikawa, Satoshi. (2016) Comparing the life cycle impact of different fishing techniques in Thailand. Ecobalance conference , Kyoto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
LectureWoods, John Sebastian; Verones, Francesca. (2016) Quantifying marine ecological impacts in life cycle assessment. University of Geneva On the application of genomic tools for biomonitoring of the marine environment: from technology to legal and socio-economic aspects. 2016-04-04 - 2016-04-05
Academic lectureMoran, Daniel; Verones, Francesca. (2016) Identifying the Species Threat Hotspots from Global Supply Chains: Report for TSUNAGARI. TSUNAGARI TSUNAGARI Project Meeting , Kyoto 2016-10-07 - 2016-10-09
Academic lectureDorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca; May, Roelof Frans. (2016) Terrestrial biodiversity loss in Norway due to hydropower production: A Life Cycle Assessment approach. Sfécologie 2016-International Conference of Ecological Sciences , Marseille 2016-10-24 - 2016-10-28
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Woods, John Sebastian; Veltman, Karin; Huijbregts, Mark A J; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2016) Advancing marine impact assessment within life cycle assessment (LCA). SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2016) Reaching consensus on cross-cutting issues. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
Academic lectureSonderegger, Thomas; Dewulf, Jo; Fantke, Peter; Pfister, Stephan; Stoessel, Franziska; Verones, Francesca. (2016) Natural Resources as an Area of Protection in LCA - outcomes of the discussion by the working group on resources within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
PosterNúñez, Montse; Roux, Philippe; Bare, Jane; Bouchard, Christian; Boulay, Anne-Marie; Bulle, Cecile. (2016) Prospects by WULCA in the impact modelling of water consumption in LCA. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
Academic lectureWoods, John Sebastian; Verones, Francesca. (2016) Accounting for biodiversity impacts of seabed damage in life cycle assessment. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
LectureVerones, Francesca. (2016) Comparing life cycle impacts of different small-scale fishing techniques in Thailand. Masahiro Nakaoka, University of Hokkaido TSUNAGARI 2nd workshop , Yantai 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-23
LectureVerones, Francesca. (2016) UNEP-SETAC Pellston workshop on life cycle impact assessment. Leadership of the cross-cutting issues meetings (5 days). UNEP/SETAC Pellston workshop , Valencia 2016-01-24 - 2016-01-29
Popular scientific lectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) How are impacts from land use currently assessed in life cycle assessment (LCA)? . Frokostmøte TSO Sustainability , NTNU 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-10
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) Life Cycle Assessment and the Natural Environment: Current Assessment Options and the Way Forward . Research Insitute for Humanity and Nature International Workshop of Area-Capability Enhancement in Coastal Zone , Kyoto 2015-12-14 - 2015-12-16
Popular scientific lectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) MINT-Förderung konkret – Erfahrungen aus Sicht der Geförderten. Swiss Study Foundation Lancierung Werner Siemens Programm der CH Studienstiftung , Zürich 2015-11-25 - 2015-11-26
LectureVerones, Francesca; Wood, Richard; Moran, Daniel; Stadler, Konstantin. (2015) Quantifying the ecosystem impacts of resource footprints. European Society for Environmental Economics Transformations -11th Annual meeting , Leeds 2015-06-30 - 2015-07-03
LectureVerones, Francesca; Moran, Daniel; Stadler, Konstantin; Wood, Richard. (2015) Resource footprints and their ecosystem consequences. International Society for industrial ecology Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology - ISIE Conference 2015 , Guildford 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-10
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) LC-Impact. Francesca Verones /ISIE Special session at ISIE conference , Guildford 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-06
LectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) TSUNAGARI project meeting. Leading of afternoon session. Hokkaido University TSUNAGARI project meeting , Ishigaki City 2015-05-15 - 2015-05-20
LectureVerones, Francesca. (2015) Global guidance task force on cross-cutting issues: task force meeting. UNEP SETAC UNEP-SETAC global guidance meeting Barcelona 2015 , Barcelona 2015-05-07 - 2015-05-08
LectureMoran, Daniel; Verones, Francesca. (2015) Overview of LCA and Input-Output models for Biodiversity Footprinting. TSUNAGARI Belmont Forum Project Workshop , Ishigaki 2015-05-16 -