Erling Næss
Research areas* Industrial Heat Transfer, i.e.
- Heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation,
- Heat and mass transfer in boiling and condensation,
- Development of heat transfer components, e.g. heat exchangers, thermosyphons, high temperature cooling systems,
- Gas/particle flow with focus on fouling in heat exchangers,
- Hydrogen storage (adsorption/absorption)
Courses lectured:
TEP 07 - Industrial Heat Engineering (graduate)
FENT 2010 - Heat and Mass Transfer (undergraduate) (Also FENA2010 / FENG2010)
EP 8200 - Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (ph.d.)
EP 8201 - Heat Transfer by Conduction and Radiation (ph.d.)
EP 8111 - Heat Exchanger Modeling (ph.d.)
EP 8202 - Advanced Industrial Heat Engineering (ph.d.)
Bordvik, Silje;
Tjelta, Morten;
Næss, Erling.
Experimental Investigation of Deposition of Silica Nanocolloids by Depressurizing Supercritical Water Vapor .
Academic article
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Effects of geometry on the thermal-fluid dynamics of a transition water flow in an square heated asymmetric cavity channel.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Bordvik, Silje;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
Ucar, Seniz;
Næss, Erling.
Predicting Silica Deposition from Superheated, Pressurized Steam Using Numerical Modeling of Nucleation, Agglomeration and Deposition.
Academic article
Bordvik, Silje;
Næss, Erling.
Silica Nanoparticle Formation from Supercritical Geothermal Sources.
Academic literature review
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Towards a better understanding of heat transfer and flow mechanisms in a cavity channel with numerical simulations.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Near wall temperature measurements and turbulent features in a water flow at transition Reynolds numbers in a square heated asymmetric cavity channel.
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
Academic article
Jokiel, Michael;
Sevault, Alexis;
Banasiak, Krzysztof;
Næss, Erling.
Cold storage using phase change material in refrigerated display cabinets: experimental investigation.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chris-André, Bastin Larsen;
Næss, Erling;
Sevault, Alexis.
Latent heat thermal energy storage from wood stoves with high-density polyethylene as phase change material.
NTNU Master's Thesis
Masters thesis
Deng, Han;
Skaugen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Zhang, Mingjie;
Øiseth, Ole Andre.
A novel methodology for design optimization of heat recovery steam generators with flow-induced vibration analysis.
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
On correction factors in thermal-hydraulic correlations for compact fin-tube bundles.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Sevault, Alexis;
Næss, Erling.
Active latent heat storage using biowax in a central heating system of a ZEB living lab.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sevault, Alexis;
Mathisen, Henning Hvål;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary CFD modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling;
Skaugen, Geir.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fin-Tube Bundles.
Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Sevault, Alexis;
Bøhmer, Fabian;
Næss, Erling;
Wang, Liang.
Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Alonso, Maria Justo;
Line, Tor;
Næss, Erling;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Breuhaus, Peter Helmut Herbert;
Midttømme, Kirsti.
Lessons learned after one-year of use of a highly efficient
neighbourhood in Norway.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Wilson, Zachary;
Næss, Erling;
Sahinidis, Nikolaos V..
A Machine Learning Approach to Correlation Development Applied to Fin-Tube Bundle Heat Exchangers.
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
A validated CFD model of plain and serrated fin-tube bundles.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
Numerical modeling of vortex shedding in helically wound finned tube bundles in cross flow.
International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC)
Academic article
Holmberg, Henrik;
Acuña, José;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Numerical model for non-grouted borehole heat exchangers, Part 2?Evaluation.
Academic article
Holmberg, Henrik;
Acuna, Jose;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Thermal evaluation of coaxial deep borehole heat exchangers.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Kristjansson, Kolbeinn Jakob.
Analysis of a vertical flat heat pipe using potassium working fluid and a wick of compressed nickel foam.
Academic article
Schlemminger, Christian;
Næss, Erling;
Bunger, U.
Cryogenic adsorption hydrogen storage with enhanced heat distribution - An in-depth investigation.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Kristjansson, Kolbeinn Jakob;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Dampening of wood batch combustion heat release using a phase change material heat storage: Material selection and heat storage property optimization.
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling.
Performance of compressed nickel foam wicks for flat vertical heat pipes.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn.
Sintered Nickel Powder Wicks for Flat Vertical Heat Pipes.
Academic article
Schlemminger, Christian;
Næss, Erling;
Bünger, Ulrich.
Adsorption hydrogen storage at cryogenic temperature – material properties and hydrogen ortho-para conversion matters.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Ladam, Yves;
Børgund, Monica Andrea;
Næss, Erling.
Influence of heat source cooling limitation on ORC system layout and working fluid selection: The case og aluminium industry.
Light Metals
Academic article
Talev, Goce;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Næss, Erling;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Thue, Jan Vincent.
Measurement of the convective moisture transfer coefficient from porous building material surfaces applying a wind tunnel method.
Journal of Building Physics
Academic article
Bouhabila, El Hani;
Næss, Erling;
Einejord, Victoria Kielland;
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn.
An Innovative Compact Heat Exchanger Solution for Aluminium Off-Gas Cooling and Heat Recovery.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Stable Heat Release and Distribution from Batch Combustion of Wood.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Nahra, Ziad Nabih;
Næss, Erling.
Experimental Investigation of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Some Single-Component, Binary and Ternary Non-Azeotropic Mixtures.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Næss, Erling.
Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in serrated-fin tube bundles with staggered tube layouts.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Jensen, Stian;
Næss, Erling.
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters Related to the Modeling of Adsorption-Type Hydrogen Storage Tanks.
Heat Transfer Research
Academic article
Førde, Thomas;
Næss, Erling;
Yartys, Volodymyr.
Modelling and experimental results of heat transfer in a metal hydride store during hydrogen charge and discharge.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Aleksic, Petar;
Næss, Erling;
Bunger, Ulrich;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Experimental Analysis of Transient Thermal Behavior in Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Storage Systems.
Heat Transfer Research
Academic article
Nahra, Ziad;
Næss, Erling.
Heat transfer in pool boiling of binary and ternary non-azeotropic mixtures.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Talev, Goce;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Næss, Erling.
The influence of air velocity and transport properties on the surface mass transfer coefficient in a rectangular tunnel – Theory and experiments.
Journal of Building Physics
Academic article
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
An experimental study of heat transfer and pressure drop in serrated-fin tube bundless and investigation of particulate fouling in waste heat recovery heat exchangers.
Doctoral dissertation
Næss, Erling;
Slungaard, Torbjørn;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Varmegjenvinning i urenset rågass fra aluminium elektrolyseceller.
Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk
Temu, Abraham K.;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Development and Testing of a Probe to Monitor Gas-Side Fouling in Crossflow.
Heat Transfer Engineering
Academic article
Næss, Erling;
Bolland, Olav.
Heat exchangers in gas turbine applications.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Bordvik, Silje;
Tjelta, Morten;
Næss, Erling.
Experimental Investigation of Deposition of Silica Nanocolloids by Depressurizing Supercritical Water Vapor .
Academic article
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Effects of geometry on the thermal-fluid dynamics of a transition water flow in an square heated asymmetric cavity channel.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Bordvik, Silje;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
Ucar, Seniz;
Næss, Erling.
Predicting Silica Deposition from Superheated, Pressurized Steam Using Numerical Modeling of Nucleation, Agglomeration and Deposition.
Academic article
Bordvik, Silje;
Næss, Erling.
Silica Nanoparticle Formation from Supercritical Geothermal Sources.
Academic literature review
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Towards a better understanding of heat transfer and flow mechanisms in a cavity channel with numerical simulations.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Auliano, Damiano;
Auliano, Manuel;
Næss, Erling.
Near wall temperature measurements and turbulent features in a water flow at transition Reynolds numbers in a square heated asymmetric cavity channel.
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Skaugen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Zhang, Mingjie;
Øiseth, Ole Andre.
A novel methodology for design optimization of heat recovery steam generators with flow-induced vibration analysis.
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
On correction factors in thermal-hydraulic correlations for compact fin-tube bundles.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Sevault, Alexis;
Bøhmer, Fabian;
Næss, Erling;
Wang, Liang.
Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Alonso, Maria Justo;
Line, Tor;
Næss, Erling;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Breuhaus, Peter Helmut Herbert;
Midttømme, Kirsti.
Lessons learned after one-year of use of a highly efficient
neighbourhood in Norway.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Wilson, Zachary;
Næss, Erling;
Sahinidis, Nikolaos V..
A Machine Learning Approach to Correlation Development Applied to Fin-Tube Bundle Heat Exchangers.
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
A validated CFD model of plain and serrated fin-tube bundles.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling.
Numerical modeling of vortex shedding in helically wound finned tube bundles in cross flow.
International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC)
Academic article
Holmberg, Henrik;
Acuña, José;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Numerical model for non-grouted borehole heat exchangers, Part 2?Evaluation.
Academic article
Holmberg, Henrik;
Acuna, Jose;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Thermal evaluation of coaxial deep borehole heat exchangers.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Kristjansson, Kolbeinn Jakob.
Analysis of a vertical flat heat pipe using potassium working fluid and a wick of compressed nickel foam.
Academic article
Schlemminger, Christian;
Næss, Erling;
Bunger, U.
Cryogenic adsorption hydrogen storage with enhanced heat distribution - An in-depth investigation.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Kristjansson, Kolbeinn Jakob;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Dampening of wood batch combustion heat release using a phase change material heat storage: Material selection and heat storage property optimization.
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling.
Performance of compressed nickel foam wicks for flat vertical heat pipes.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Hansen, Geir;
Næss, Erling;
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn.
Sintered Nickel Powder Wicks for Flat Vertical Heat Pipes.
Academic article
Schlemminger, Christian;
Næss, Erling;
Bünger, Ulrich.
Adsorption hydrogen storage at cryogenic temperature – material properties and hydrogen ortho-para conversion matters.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Ladam, Yves;
Børgund, Monica Andrea;
Næss, Erling.
Influence of heat source cooling limitation on ORC system layout and working fluid selection: The case og aluminium industry.
Light Metals
Academic article
Talev, Goce;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Næss, Erling;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Thue, Jan Vincent.
Measurement of the convective moisture transfer coefficient from porous building material surfaces applying a wind tunnel method.
Journal of Building Physics
Academic article
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Stable Heat Release and Distribution from Batch Combustion of Wood.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Næss, Erling.
Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in serrated-fin tube bundles with staggered tube layouts.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Jensen, Stian;
Næss, Erling.
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters Related to the Modeling of Adsorption-Type Hydrogen Storage Tanks.
Heat Transfer Research
Academic article
Førde, Thomas;
Næss, Erling;
Yartys, Volodymyr.
Modelling and experimental results of heat transfer in a metal hydride store during hydrogen charge and discharge.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Aleksic, Petar;
Næss, Erling;
Bunger, Ulrich;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Experimental Analysis of Transient Thermal Behavior in Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Storage Systems.
Heat Transfer Research
Academic article
Nahra, Ziad;
Næss, Erling.
Heat transfer in pool boiling of binary and ternary non-azeotropic mixtures.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Talev, Goce;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Næss, Erling.
The influence of air velocity and transport properties on the surface mass transfer coefficient in a rectangular tunnel – Theory and experiments.
Journal of Building Physics
Academic article
Temu, Abraham K.;
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Development and Testing of a Probe to Monitor Gas-Side Fouling in Crossflow.
Heat Transfer Engineering
Academic article
Næss, Erling;
Bolland, Olav.
Heat exchangers in gas turbine applications.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Jokiel, Michael;
Sevault, Alexis;
Banasiak, Krzysztof;
Næss, Erling.
Cold storage using phase change material in refrigerated display cabinets: experimental investigation.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sevault, Alexis;
Næss, Erling.
Active latent heat storage using biowax in a central heating system of a ZEB living lab.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sevault, Alexis;
Mathisen, Henning Hvål;
Næss, Erling;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary CFD modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bouhabila, El Hani;
Næss, Erling;
Einejord, Victoria Kielland;
Kristjanson, Kolbeinn.
An Innovative Compact Heat Exchanger Solution for Aluminium Off-Gas Cooling and Heat Recovery.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chris-André, Bastin Larsen;
Næss, Erling;
Sevault, Alexis.
Latent heat thermal energy storage from wood stoves with high-density polyethylene as phase change material.
NTNU Master's Thesis
Masters thesis
Lindqvist, Karl Erik Artur;
Næss, Erling;
Skaugen, Geir.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fin-Tube Bundles.
Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Nahra, Ziad Nabih;
Næss, Erling.
Experimental Investigation of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Some Single-Component, Binary and Ternary Non-Azeotropic Mixtures.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Næss, Erling;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
An experimental study of heat transfer and pressure drop in serrated-fin tube bundless and investigation of particulate fouling in waste heat recovery heat exchangers.
Doctoral dissertation
Næss, Erling;
Slungaard, Torbjørn;
Sønju, Otto Kristian.
Varmegjenvinning i urenset rågass fra aluminium elektrolyseceller.
Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk
- FENT2010 - Varme og massetransport
- TEP4906 - Bærekraftige energisystemer, masteroppgave
- EP8202 - Videregående industriell varmeteknikk
- EP8201 - Varmetransportberegninger ved stråling og konduksjon i varmeteknisk utstyr
- EP8200 - Varme- og masseovergang ved konveksjon
- FENA2010 - Varme og massetransport
- EP8111 - Varmevekslermodellering
- FENG2010 - Varme og massetransport
- TEP4506 - Bærekraftige energisystemer, fordypningsemne
PosterSevault, Alexis; Næss, Erling; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Bastin Larsen, Chris-André; Bathen, Mina. (2021) Experimental investigation of latent heat storage integrated on top of wood stoves. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Enerstock 2021 - 15th International Conference on Energy Storage , Ljubljana, Slovenia 2021-06-09 - 2021-06-11
Academic lectureSevault, Alexis; Mathisen, Henning Hvål; Næss, Erling; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2019) Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary CFD modelling. University of Lleida Eurotherm Seminar 112 - Advances in Thermal Energy Storage , Lleida 2019-05-15 - 2019-05-17
Academic lectureSevault, Alexis; Bøhmer, Fabian; Næss, Erling; Wang, Liang. (2019) Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design. NTNU 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-09
PosterSevault, Alexis; Mathisen, Henning Hvål; Næss, Erling; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2019) Integrating PCM-based thermal energy storage on top of wood stoves: concept and CFD modelling. 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Lisbon 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-30
Academic lectureLindqvist, Karl Erik Artur; Næss, Erling. (2018) NUMERICAL MODELING OF VORTEX SHEDDING IN HELICALLY WOUND FINNED TUBE BUNDLES IN CROSS FLOW. Heat & Mass Transfer Society of China 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16) , Beijing 2018-08-10 - 2018-08-15
Academic lectureLindqvist, Karl Erik Artur; Næss, Erling. (2017) CFD Simulation of Two Compact Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger Cores. Brunel University London 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-05
Academic lectureHolmberg, Henrik; Acuna, Jose L.; Næss, Erling; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (2015) Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers, Application to Ground Source Heat Pump Systems. World Geothermal Congress 2015 , Melborn 2015-04-19 - 2015-04-25
Academic lectureHolfeld, Anna; Næss, Erling. (2014) Influence of the Fin Type and Base Tube Diameter of Serrated and Solid-Fin Tubes on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance. 15th International Heat Transfer Conference , Kyoto 2014-08-10 - 2014-08-15
PosterLazerte, Franz; Næss, Erling; Sætran, Lars Roar. (2014) A model to size offshore wind energy storage for oil platforms and other off-grid consumers. EERA/Novitech 11th Deep Sea Off-Shore R&D Conference , Trondheim 2014-01-22 - 2014-01-24
LectureSchlemminger, Christian; Næss, Erling. (2013) Scientific Disciplines and Bottlenecks of H2 and FC related Research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. European annual research progress review meeting 2013 , Rome 2013-10-16 - 2013-10-17
Academic lectureAdaramola, Muyiwa S.; Fadnes, Fredrik Skaug; Hammersgård, Alexander; Næss, Erling. (2013) INVESTIGATION OF PARTICLE RESUSPENSION USING KINETIC AND IMPACTION MODELS. EUROTHERM Seminar Series Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning X , Budapest 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-13
Academic lectureAdaramola, Muyiwa S.; Leguillon, Antonin; Crochet, David; Næss, Erling. (2013) EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF PARTICLE DEPOSITION ON RECTANGULAR AND CIRCULAR SHAPED HEAT EXCHANGER ELEMENTS. EUROTHERM Seminar Series Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning X , Budapest 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-16
Academic lectureKristjanson, Kolbeinn; Næss, Erling; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2013) Stable Heat Release and Distribution from Batch Combustion of Wood. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Copenhagen, Denmark 2013-06-03 - 2013-06-07
PosterSchlemminger, Christian; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich. (2012) Cryogenic hydrogen storage in highly porous materials – A modelling approach. Int. Inst. Refrigeration Cryogenics 2012 , Dresden 2012-09-11 - 2012-09-14
Academic lectureHolmberg, Henrik; Næss, Erling; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (2012) A Novel Concept to Engineered Geothermal Systems. Stanford University 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering , Stanford, Ca 2012-01-30 - 2012-02-01
Academic lectureHolmberg, Henrik; Næss, Erling; Evensen, J.E.. (2012) Thermal modeling in the Oslo rift, Norway. Stanford University 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering , Stanford, Ca 2012-01-30 - 2012-02-01
Academic lectureSchlemminger, Christian; Bunger, Ulrich; Næss, Erling; Schlichtenmayer, Maurice; Hirscher, Michael; Klein, Nicole. (2012) Advanced MOFs for hydrogen storage in cryo adsorption tanks. World Hydrogen Energy Conference , Toronto 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-07
PosterSchlemminger, Christian; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich. (2011) Thermo physical property measurement facilities for hydrogen storage materials. Nordic Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Conference , Malmø 2011-10-25 - 2011-10-26
Academic lectureSolvang, Bård; Næss, Erling. (2010) A Model for Temperature Measurement Errors in Off-Gas Channels. INFACON XII (12th Int. ferroalloys Congress) , Helsinki 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-09
Academic lectureNahra, Ziad; Næss, Erling; Løvland, Martin. (2010) Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Dowtherm-A and Dowtherm-J on Smooth and Roughened Vertical Heater Surfaces. ASME 14th International Heat Transfer Conference , Washington D.C. 2010-08-08 - 2010-08-13
Academic lectureAleksic, Petar; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich. (2010) An Experimental Investigation of Thermal Effects During Discharging Operations in a Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption System. 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Antalya 2010-07-19 - 2010-07-21
Academic lectureAleksic, Petar; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich; Hirscher, Michael; Schlichtenmayer, Maurice. (2010) : Influence of Thermal Effects During Fast Filling Operations an Adsorption Capacity in a Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Storage Tank. ASME 14th International Heat Transfer Conference , Washington D.C. 2010-08-09 - 2010-08-13
Academic lectureBünger, Ulrich; Næss, Erling; Schlichtenmayer, Maurice; Hirscher, Michael; Senkovska, Irena; Kaskel, Stefan. (2010) Analysis of Hydrogen Storage in Porous Adsorption Materials. 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 , Essen 2010-05-16 - 2010-05-21
Academic lectureAleksic, Petar; Næss, Erling. (2009) Experimental Study of Thermal Effects in a Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Storage System. ASME ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , Buena Vista, Florida 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-19
Academic lectureNæss, Erling. (2008) An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer on the Annular Side of Helically Coiled Double Pipe Heat Exchangers. 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Pretoria 2008-06-30 - 2008-07-02
Academic lectureAleksic, Petar; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (2007) Experimental analysis of transient thermal behavior in cryo-adsorption storage systems. 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference , St. Petersburg 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureJensen, Stian; Næss, Erling. (2007) Sensitivity analysis of parameters related to the modeling of adsorption type hydrogen storage tanks. Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference , Saint Petersburg 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureJensen, Stian; Næss, Erling; Bunger, Ulrich; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (2007) A numerical study of heat and mass transfer in an adsorption type hydrogen storage tank. 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Sun City 2007-07-01 - 2007-07-04
Academic lectureNahra, Ziad; Næss, Erling. (2006) Heat Transfer in Pool Boiling of Binary and Ternary Non-Azeotropic Mixtures. Engineering Conferences International 6th International Conference on Boiling Heat Transfer , Spoleto 2006-05-06 - 2006-05-12
Academic lectureNæss, Erling; Slungaard, Torbjørn; Moxnes, Bjørn Petter; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (2006) Experimental Investigation of Particulate Fouling in Waste Heat Recovery from the Aluminum Industry. 13th International Heat Transfer Conference , Sydney 2006-08-12 - 2006-08-18
Academic lectureTalev, Goce; Gustavsen, Arild; Næss, Erling. (2006) The influence of air velocity and transport properties on the surface mass transfer coefficient in a rectangular tunnel – Theory and experiments. CETHIL, INSA Lyon, Claude Bernard University of Lyon IEA ECBCS Annex 41 , Lyon 2006-10-25 - 2006-10-27
Academic lectureNæss, Erling. (2005) Heat transfer and pressure drop in serrated-fin tube bundles for waste heat recovery applications. 6th World Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Matsushima 2005-04-17 - 2005-04-21
Academic lectureNæss, Erling. (2005) Heat Transfer in Serrated-Fin Tube Bundles With Staggered Tube Layouts. 9th U.K. National Heat Transfer Conference , Manchester 2005-09-05 - 2005-09-06
Academic lectureNæss, Erling; Nahra, Ziad. (2005) Experimental Investigation of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Binary and Ternary Non-Azeotropic Mixtures. 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Cairo 2005-09-19 - 2005-09-22
Academic lectureTemu, Abraham K.; Næss, Erling; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (1999) Theoretical Study of Particlde Deposition Onto a Cylinder in Crossflow. Mitigation of Heat Exchanger Fouling and its Economic and Environmental Impact , Banff 1999-07-11 - 1999-07-16
Academic lectureTemu, Abraham K.; Næss, Erling; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (1999) Experimental Study of Particle Deposition Onto a Cylinder in Crossflow. International Conference on Fouling Mitigation of Heat Exchanger Fouling and Its Economic and Environmental Implications , Banff 1999-07-11 - 1999-07-16
Academic lectureNæss, Erling; Nahra, Ziad; Sønju, Otto Kristian; Knudsen, Halfdan. (1998) Study on industrial applications with helical flow shell-and-tube heat exchanger. International Conference on Heat Exchangers for Sustainable Development , Lisboa, Portugal
Academic lectureKnudsen, Halfdan; Austegaard, Anders; Næss, Erling; Sønju, Otto Kristian. (1998) Investigation of a novel helical flow shell and tube heat exchanger. 11th International Heat Transfer Conference , Kyongju, Korea