Eirik Resch
Eirik Resch researches greenhouse gas emissions from the construction sector.
He has a Ph.D. degree from NTNU in Trondheim (IAT; Research Center for Zero Emission Areas in Smart Cities (FME-ZEN)) and from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Resch holds the degrees B.Sc. in Physics and M.Sc. in Industrial Ecology from NTNU, where he graduated in spring 2016.
His research is focused on the sustainability of urban areas with a special focus on buildings from a lifecycle perspective. This includes developing methodologies for data-driven early-phase assessment of embodied greenhouse gas emissions.
Resch, Eirik;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Kvamsdal, Trond;
Lohne, Jardar.
Impact of urban density and building height on energy use in cities.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Journal publications
Resch, Eirik;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Kvamsdal, Trond;
Lohne, Jardar.
Impact of urban density and building height on energy use in cities.
Energy Procedia
Academic article