Eilif Pedersen
Jonsvannsveien 82, B427, Trondheim
- Professor Marine Engineering
- Mathematical Modeling and simulation of machinery systems
- Modelling of physical systems using bond graph methodology
- Thermofluid and thermodynamic systems modeling
- Engineering dynamics and vibration, rotordynamics
- Internal combustion engines and engine auxilliary systems
- Marine Electric Hybrid Power Plants
- Distributed simulations and co-simulation
- TMR4275 Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Systems
- TMR4222 Marine Machinery and Maintenance
- TMR4310 Marine Technology - Machinery
- TMR4335 Marine Technology - Propulsion systems, safety and environment
- TMR21 Marine mechatronics (3.75 module)
- MR8405 Modeling and simulation of machinery systems (PhD-course)
On-going research:
- Industrial PhD-projects
- PhD-student Jone Torsvik (Equinor) (2020)
- PhD-student Pramod Ghimire (Kongsberg Digital)
- Ship Propulsion Dynamics and Emissions
- PhD-student Sadi Tavakoli (2021)
- SFI Smart Maritime (SmartMaritime)
- PhD-student Yuan Tian
- PhD-student Kamyar Maleki
- PhD-student Jørgen B Nielsen (2019)
- PhD-student Vladimir Krivipolianskij
- PhD-student Endre Sandvik (co-superviser)
- PostDoc Torstein Ingebrigtsen Bø
- Virtual Prototyping of Marine Systems (ViProMa)
- PhD-student: Stian Skjong (2017)
- PostDoc Severin Sadjina
- D2V - Design to Verification of Control Systems for Safe and Energy-Efficient Ships with Hybrid Power Plants
- PhD-student Kevin Koosup Yum (2017)
- PhD-student Michel Rejani Miyazaki (co-supervisor)
- PhD-student Børge Rokseth (co-supervisor) (2018)
- LEEDS - Low Energy and Emission Design of Ships
- PhD-student Dig Vijay Singh
- PhD-student Thorat Laxminarayan (co-supervisor)
- Vessel Power Systems Design Decision Support using advanced Mathematical Modelling analysis
- PhD-student Anna Swider (industrial PhD-student) (2018)
- Heave compensatin crane modeling and design
- PhD-student Chu Yingguang
- Bond graphs in rotordynamics
- No positions available currently
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Skjong, Stian.
Energy conservation and co-simulation: Background and challenges.
International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation (ICBGM 2024)
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Model Development of the Load Application System of a Wind Turbine Nacelle Test Bench for Hybrid Test Applications.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Thapa, Shyam;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Operational Efficiency and Emissions Assessment of Ship Hybrid Power Systems With Battery; Effect of Control Strategies.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of a Solenoid Injector for Internal Combustion Engines and Simulation Using the Bond Graph Methodology.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Bruinsma, Jogchum;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Investigation of hybrid power plant configurations for an offshore vessel with co-simulation approach.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Simulation-Based Ship Hybrid Power System Concept Studies and Performance Analyses.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A distributed object-oriented simulator framework for marine power plants with weak power grids.
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Bruinsma, Jogchum;
Pedersen, Eilif.
System-level modeling of marine power plant with PEMFC system and battery.
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
Modelling of wind turbine gear stages for Digital Twin and real-time virtual sensing using bond graphs.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
soares, marcelo nesci;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
A physics-, SCADA-based remaining useful life calculation approach for wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Karimi, Siamak;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Nagalingam, Krishna Kumar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model-based efficiency and emissions evaluation of a marine hybrid power system with load profile.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, J.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Effects of propeller load fluctuations on performance and emission of a lean-burn natural gas engine at part-load conditions.
Propulsion and Power Research
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Dynamic modelling of PEM fuel cell system for simulation and sizing of marine power systems.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Vincent Jensen, Michael;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
Unburned Hydrocarbon Formation in a Natural Gas Engine Under Sea Wave Load Conditions.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Strategies on Methane Slip Mitigation of Spark-Ignition Natural Gas Engine during Transient Motion.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fuel consumption and emission reduction of marine lean-burn gas engine employing a hybrid propulsion concept.
International Journal of Engine Research
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Influence of Turbocharger Inertia and Air Throttle on Marine Gas Engine Response.
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT)
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic Efficiency Modeling of a Marine DC Hybrid Power System.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tengesdal, Njål Kjærnes;
Holden, Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Eitungjerde, Sara;
André, Thea Harnes;
Bruheim, Per;
Grønflaten, Lars Trovatten;
Gundersen, Ingeborg Nævdal.
Fremtidens teknologistudier (FTS), grupperapport: A3 - 5-årig master.
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Experimental field study of floater motion effects on a main bearing in a full-scale spar floating wind turbine.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Efficiency Modeling and Analysis of All-Electric Ship Powertrain: A Comparison of Power System Architectures.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Co-Simulation of a Marine Hybrid Power System for Real-Time Virtual Testing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyng, Reidar;
Grønflaten, Lars Trovatten;
Bergh, Petter Andreas;
Moen, Øystein;
Owren, Geir Asle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fremtidens teknologistudier (FTS), grupperapport: C - Programdrevet tilnærming.
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic modeling, simulation, and testing of a marine DC hybrid power system.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
Natural Gas Engine Thermodynamic Modeling Concerning Offshore Dynamic Condition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Saettone, Simone;
Steen, Sverre;
Andersen, Poul;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and analysis of performance and emissions of marine lean-burn natural gas engine propulsion in waves.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Saettone, Simone;
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Vincent Jensen, Michael;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
The importance of the engine-propeller model accuracy on the performance prediction of a marine propulsion system in the presence of waves.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the modeling of rotors with rolling element bearings using bond graph.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Sandvik, Endre;
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Fagerholt, Kjetil.
Operational sea passage scenario generation for virtual testing of ships using an optimization for simulation approach.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Reddy, Namireddy Praveen;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic Modeling and Real-Time Simulation of a Ship Hybrid Power System Using a Mixed-Modeling Approach.
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC)
Academic article
Cibicik, Andrej;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Egeland, Olav.
Dynamics of luffing motion of a flexible knuckle boom crane actuated by hydraulic cylinders.
Mechanism and Machine Theory
Academic article
Løset, Sveinung;
Oestvang, Janne;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Mathisen, Karina;
Petersen, Jesper Aagaard;
Kummen, Jon.
Rapport om utvidelse av forskerlinjer ved NTNU.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the numerical stability in dynamical distributed simulations.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Tengesdal, Njål Kjærnes;
Holden, Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Swider, Anna;
Langseth, Helge;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Application of data-driven models in the analysis of marine power systems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Skjong, Stian;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Distributed Co-Simulation of Maritime Systems and Operations.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Methodology for the Analysis of Operational Profile and the Quantification of Electrical Power Variability on Marine Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Comparison of Delayless Digital Filtering Algorithms and Their Application to Multi-Sensor Signal Processing.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Vaktskjold, Erlend;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Mo, Olve.
Model Predictive Control of Marine Power Plants with Gas Engines and Battery.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A system approach to selective catalytic reduction deNOx monolithic reactor modelling using bond graphs.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Energy conservation and coupling error reduction in non-iterative co-simulations.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Sandvik, Endre;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil;
Fagerholt, Kjetil.
Impact of simulation model fidelity and simulation method on ship operational performance evaluation in sea passage scenarios.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Park, Daeseong;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Shipboard Electric Power Conversion:
System Architecture, Applications,
Control, and Challenges.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Improving pre-turbine selective catalytic reduction systems in marine two-stroke diesel engines using hybrid turbocharging: A numerical study of selective catalytic reduction operation range and system fuel efficiency.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model Reduction through Machine Learning Tools Using Simulation Data with High Variance.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fuel Rate Curve-Based Reverse Engineering Approach for Common Rail Diesel Injectors.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Bihs, Hans;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rotating Rectangular Tank Using the Level Set Method.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Wang, Yi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Vessel Operational Profile Based on T-SNE and Hierarchical Clustering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the modelling of heat exchangers and heat exchanger network dynamics using bond graphs.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Main bearings in large offshore wind turbines: development trends, design and analysis requirements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Malin, Maximilian Christoph;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
Modelling and Simulation of Gas Feeding System Dynamics for Control of Constant Volume Combustion Rig Boundary Conditions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
Modeling and Simulation of Maritime Systems and Operations for Virtual Prototyping using Co-Simulations.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (374)
Doctoral dissertation
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Non-angular MPC-based Thrust Allocation Algorithm for Marine Vessels - A Study of Optimal Thruster Commands.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Investigation of drivetrain losses of a DP vessel.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Miyazaki, Michel Rejani;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Towards Safer, Smarter and Greener Ships Using Hybrid Marine Power Plants.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Co-Simulation of a Marine Offshore Vessel in DP-Operations Including Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Swider, Anna;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Complementarity of Data-Driven and Simulation Modeling Based on the Power Plant Model of the Offshore Vessel.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Models and Methods for Efficiency Estimation of a Marine Electric Power Grid.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evang, Thomas;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Crane Rig: An Experimental Setup for Developing and Verifying New Control Methods for Marine Crane Operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yum, Koosup;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Pedersen, Eilif.
An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cyclic Transient Loads on a Turbocharged Diesel Engine.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Yum, Koosup;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
Simulation of a two-stroke diesel engine for propulsion in waves.
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A real-time simulator framework for marine power plants with weak power grids.
Mechatronics (Oxford)
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Energy conservation and power bonds in co-simulations: non-iterative adaptive step size control and error estimation.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Rokseth, Børge;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling of Generic Offshore Vessel in Crane Operations With Focus on Strong Rigid Body Connections.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Influence of Loss of Synchronisation Between Signals from Various Marine Systems on Robustness of Predictive Models Algorithms.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Prototyping of Maritime Systems and Operations: Applications of Distributed Co-Simulations.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Chu, Yingguang;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Bunes, Øyvind;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and Simulation of the Accumulator During Active Heave Compensation Operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hassani, Vahid;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Skjong, Stian.
Virtual prototyping of maritime systems and operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Halse, Karl Henning;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Li, Yue.
Non-Isothermal Sloshing in Marine Liquefied Natural Gas Fuel Tanks.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Yum, Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Hybrid modeling of strategic loading of a marine hybrid power plant with experimental validation.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Bihs, Hans;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
CFD Simulations of Non-Linear Sloshing in a Rotating Rectangular Tank Using the Level Set Method.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taskar, Bhushan;
Yum, Koosup;
Steen, Sverre;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The effect of waves on engine-propeller dynamics and propulsion performance of ships.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Singh, Dig Vijay;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A review of waste heat recovery technologies for maritime applications.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic literature review
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model-based control designs for offshore hydraulic winch systems.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Architecture of model libraries for modelling turbocharged diesel engines.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The Theory of Bond Graphs in Distributed Systems and Simulations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Marine vessel and power plant system simulator.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Taskar, Bhushan;
Yum, Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
Dynamics of a Marine Propulsion System With a Diesel Engine and a Propeller Subject To Waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Rokseth, Børge.
Real-Time Marine Vessel and Power Plant Simulation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Malin, Maximilian Christoph;
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Rygh, Bjørn;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Soot Investigation on Fish Oil Spray Combustion in a Constant Volume Cell.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Polic, Drazen.
Bond graph modeling of rotordynamic systems with a flexible shaft including shear correction.
Simulation Series
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Polic, Drazen.
Bond Graph Modeling of Rotordynamic Systems with a Flexible Shaft Including Shear Correction.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling Hydraulic Winch System.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rokseth, Børge;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Robot Manipulators.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jafarzadeh, Sepideh;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Notti, Emilio;
Sala, Antonello;
Ellingsen, Harald.
A Bond Graph Approach to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Ships.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polic, Drazen;
Ehlers, Sören;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modelling of LNG fuel systems for simulations of transient operations.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Halse, Karl Henning;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Ponkratov, Dmitry;
Chu, Yingguang;
Xu, Jiafeng;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Lifting Operations for Subsea Installations Using Small Construction Vessels and Active Heave Compensation Systems: A Simulation Approach.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Cong;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Dynamic modeling of the "Searazor" - an interdisciplinary marine vehicle for ship hull inspection and maintenance.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanfilippo, Filippo;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Flexible modeling and simulation architecture for haptic control of maritime cranes and robotic arms.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polic, Drazen;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Ehlers, Sören;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Propulsion machinery operating in ice : a modelling and simulation approach.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kurniawan, Adi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
Modeling of Wave Energy Converters Using Bond Graph.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rogne, Øyvind Ygre;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Modeling of a Multibody Wave Energy Converter.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Eilif.
A Bond Graph Approach to Rotor Dynamics.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Eilif;
Pedersen, Tom Arne.
Bond graph modelling of marine power systems.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Kurniawan, Adi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
Bond graph modelling of a wave energy conversion system with hydraulic power take-off.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Xing, Yihan;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
An inertia-capacitance beam substructure formulation based on the bond graph method with application to rotating beams.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and Simulation for Design and Testing of Direct Injection Gaseous Fuel Systems for Medium-Speed Engines.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Johannessen, Thomas B.;
Brandsvoll, Rolf A.;
Sole, Sindre;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
A System for Wave Driven Desalination of Seawater.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Shujun;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nilssen, Robert.
Tubular Linear Oscillatory Machine for Drilling Applications.
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif.
Rotordynamics and bond graphs: basic models.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Engja, Hallvard.
Lecture Notes in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Physical Systems - Course TMR4275.
NTNU Department of Marine Technology
Bruun, Kristine;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Model of a High-Temperature Fuel Cell.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Model of a Supply Vessel Operating in the North Sea.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bruun, Kristine;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Valland, Harald.
Modelling for Transient Torsional Vibrations in Marine Power Train Systems.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Physical Systems.
Institutt for marint maskineri
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
A bond graph model library for modelling diesel engine transient performance.
Marine Engineering Society in Japan
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Modelling and Simulation of Hydraulic Systems Using Bond Graphs and Model Libraries.
Summer Computer Simulation Conference : SCSC Proceedings
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Integration versus iteration for flow analysis in piping networks.
Simulation Technology: Science and art
Academic article
Engja, Hallvard;
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald.
Computer aided modeling and simulation of physical systems using bond graphs and matching software.
Simulation Conference at University of Michigan
Academic article
Engja, Hallvard;
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald.
Application of bond graphs for mathematical modelling and simulation of marine engineering systems: preprint.
Transactions - Institute of Marine Engineers. TM
Academic article
Journal publications
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Skjong, Stian.
Energy conservation and co-simulation: Background and challenges.
International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation (ICBGM 2024)
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Model Development of the Load Application System of a Wind Turbine Nacelle Test Bench for Hybrid Test Applications.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Thapa, Shyam;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Operational Efficiency and Emissions Assessment of Ship Hybrid Power Systems With Battery; Effect of Control Strategies.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of a Solenoid Injector for Internal Combustion Engines and Simulation Using the Bond Graph Methodology.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Bruinsma, Jogchum;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Investigation of hybrid power plant configurations for an offshore vessel with co-simulation approach.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A distributed object-oriented simulator framework for marine power plants with weak power grids.
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Bruinsma, Jogchum;
Pedersen, Eilif.
System-level modeling of marine power plant with PEMFC system and battery.
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
Modelling of wind turbine gear stages for Digital Twin and real-time virtual sensing using bond graphs.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
soares, marcelo nesci;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
A physics-, SCADA-based remaining useful life calculation approach for wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Karimi, Siamak;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Nagalingam, Krishna Kumar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model-based efficiency and emissions evaluation of a marine hybrid power system with load profile.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, J.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Effects of propeller load fluctuations on performance and emission of a lean-burn natural gas engine at part-load conditions.
Propulsion and Power Research
Academic article
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Dynamic modelling of PEM fuel cell system for simulation and sizing of marine power systems.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Vincent Jensen, Michael;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
Unburned Hydrocarbon Formation in a Natural Gas Engine Under Sea Wave Load Conditions.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Strategies on Methane Slip Mitigation of Spark-Ignition Natural Gas Engine during Transient Motion.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fuel consumption and emission reduction of marine lean-burn gas engine employing a hybrid propulsion concept.
International Journal of Engine Research
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Influence of Turbocharger Inertia and Air Throttle on Marine Gas Engine Response.
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT)
Academic article
Tengesdal, Njål Kjærnes;
Holden, Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Experimental field study of floater motion effects on a main bearing in a full-scale spar floating wind turbine.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Efficiency Modeling and Analysis of All-Electric Ship Powertrain: A Comparison of Power System Architectures.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic modeling, simulation, and testing of a marine DC hybrid power system.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Saettone, Simone;
Steen, Sverre;
Andersen, Poul;
Schramm, Jesper;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and analysis of performance and emissions of marine lean-burn natural gas engine propulsion in waves.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Saettone, Simone;
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Vincent Jensen, Michael;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
The importance of the engine-propeller model accuracy on the performance prediction of a marine propulsion system in the presence of waves.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the modeling of rotors with rolling element bearings using bond graph.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Sandvik, Endre;
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Fagerholt, Kjetil.
Operational sea passage scenario generation for virtual testing of ships using an optimization for simulation approach.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Reddy, Namireddy Praveen;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic Modeling and Real-Time Simulation of a Ship Hybrid Power System Using a Mixed-Modeling Approach.
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC)
Academic article
Cibicik, Andrej;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Egeland, Olav.
Dynamics of luffing motion of a flexible knuckle boom crane actuated by hydraulic cylinders.
Mechanism and Machine Theory
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the numerical stability in dynamical distributed simulations.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Langseth, Helge;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Application of data-driven models in the analysis of marine power systems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Skjong, Stian;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Distributed Co-Simulation of Maritime Systems and Operations.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Methodology for the Analysis of Operational Profile and the Quantification of Electrical Power Variability on Marine Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Comparison of Delayless Digital Filtering Algorithms and Their Application to Multi-Sensor Signal Processing.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Vaktskjold, Erlend;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Mo, Olve.
Model Predictive Control of Marine Power Plants with Gas Engines and Battery.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A system approach to selective catalytic reduction deNOx monolithic reactor modelling using bond graphs.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Energy conservation and coupling error reduction in non-iterative co-simulations.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Sandvik, Endre;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil;
Fagerholt, Kjetil.
Impact of simulation model fidelity and simulation method on ship operational performance evaluation in sea passage scenarios.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Ghimire, Pramod;
Park, Daeseong;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Thorstensen, Jarle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Shipboard Electric Power Conversion:
System Architecture, Applications,
Control, and Challenges.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Improving pre-turbine selective catalytic reduction systems in marine two-stroke diesel engines using hybrid turbocharging: A numerical study of selective catalytic reduction operation range and system fuel efficiency.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model Reduction through Machine Learning Tools Using Simulation Data with High Variance.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fuel Rate Curve-Based Reverse Engineering Approach for Common Rail Diesel Injectors.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Bihs, Hans;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rotating Rectangular Tank Using the Level Set Method.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Pedersen, Eilif.
On the modelling of heat exchangers and heat exchanger network dynamics using bond graphs.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Main bearings in large offshore wind turbines: development trends, design and analysis requirements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Non-angular MPC-based Thrust Allocation Algorithm for Marine Vessels - A Study of Optimal Thruster Commands.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Miyazaki, Michel Rejani;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Towards Safer, Smarter and Greener Ships Using Hybrid Marine Power Plants.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Yum, Koosup;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Pedersen, Eilif.
An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cyclic Transient Loads on a Turbocharged Diesel Engine.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Yum, Koosup;
Taskar, Bhushan;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
Simulation of a two-stroke diesel engine for propulsion in waves.
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A real-time simulator framework for marine power plants with weak power grids.
Mechatronics (Oxford)
Academic article
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Energy conservation and power bonds in co-simulations: non-iterative adaptive step size control and error estimation.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Rokseth, Børge;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling of Generic Offshore Vessel in Crane Operations With Focus on Strong Rigid Body Connections.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Skjong, Stian;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Prototyping of Maritime Systems and Operations: Applications of Distributed Co-Simulations.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Lefebvre, Nicolas;
Yum, Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Hybrid modeling of strategic loading of a marine hybrid power plant with experimental validation.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Taskar, Bhushan;
Yum, Koosup;
Steen, Sverre;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The effect of waves on engine-propeller dynamics and propulsion performance of ships.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Singh, Dig Vijay;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A review of waste heat recovery technologies for maritime applications.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic literature review
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Model-based control designs for offshore hydraulic winch systems.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Yum, Kevin Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Architecture of model libraries for modelling turbocharged diesel engines.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Marine vessel and power plant system simulator.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Malin, Maximilian Christoph;
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Rygh, Bjørn;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Soot Investigation on Fish Oil Spray Combustion in a Constant Volume Cell.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Polic, Drazen.
Bond graph modeling of rotordynamic systems with a flexible shaft including shear correction.
Simulation Series
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif;
Pedersen, Tom Arne.
Bond graph modelling of marine power systems.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Kurniawan, Adi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
Bond graph modelling of a wave energy conversion system with hydraulic power take-off.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Xing, Yihan;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
An inertia-capacitance beam substructure formulation based on the bond graph method with application to rotating beams.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and Simulation for Design and Testing of Direct Injection Gaseous Fuel Systems for Medium-Speed Engines.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Zhang, Shujun;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nilssen, Robert.
Tubular Linear Oscillatory Machine for Drilling Applications.
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif.
Rotordynamics and bond graphs: basic models.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
A bond graph model library for modelling diesel engine transient performance.
Marine Engineering Society in Japan
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Modelling and Simulation of Hydraulic Systems Using Bond Graphs and Model Libraries.
Summer Computer Simulation Conference : SCSC Proceedings
Academic article
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Integration versus iteration for flow analysis in piping networks.
Simulation Technology: Science and art
Academic article
Engja, Hallvard;
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald.
Computer aided modeling and simulation of physical systems using bond graphs and matching software.
Simulation Conference at University of Michigan
Academic article
Engja, Hallvard;
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald.
Application of bond graphs for mathematical modelling and simulation of marine engineering systems: preprint.
Transactions - Institute of Marine Engineers. TM
Academic article
Part of book/report
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Thorstensen, Jarle.
Dynamic Efficiency Modeling of a Marine DC Hybrid Power System.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi ;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Co-Simulation of a Marine Hybrid Power System for Real-Time Virtual Testing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tavakoli, Sadi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Schramm, Jesper.
Natural Gas Engine Thermodynamic Modeling Concerning Offshore Dynamic Condition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Malekibagherabadi, Kamyar;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tengesdal, Njål Kjærnes;
Holden, Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Swider, Anna;
Wang, Yi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Data-Driven Vessel Operational Profile Based on T-SNE and Hierarchical Clustering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Malin, Maximilian Christoph;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
Modelling and Simulation of Gas Feeding System Dynamics for Control of Constant Volume Combustion Rig Boundary Conditions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Investigation of drivetrain losses of a DP vessel.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Co-Simulation of a Marine Offshore Vessel in DP-Operations Including Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Swider, Anna;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Complementarity of Data-Driven and Simulation Modeling Based on the Power Plant Model of the Offshore Vessel.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Models and Methods for Efficiency Estimation of a Marine Electric Power Grid.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evang, Thomas;
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Crane Rig: An Experimental Setup for Developing and Verifying New Control Methods for Marine Crane Operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Swider, Anna;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Influence of Loss of Synchronisation Between Signals from Various Marine Systems on Robustness of Predictive Models Algorithms.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chu, Yingguang;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Bunes, Øyvind;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling and Simulation of the Accumulator During Active Heave Compensation Operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hassani, Vahid;
Rindarøy, Martin;
Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle;
Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes;
Sadjina, Severin Simon;
Skjong, Stian.
Virtual prototyping of maritime systems and operations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Halse, Karl Henning;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Li, Yue.
Non-Isothermal Sloshing in Marine Liquefied Natural Gas Fuel Tanks.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Bihs, Hans;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
CFD Simulations of Non-Linear Sloshing in a Rotating Rectangular Tank Using the Level Set Method.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The Theory of Bond Graphs in Distributed Systems and Simulations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taskar, Bhushan;
Yum, Koosup;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
Dynamics of a Marine Propulsion System With a Diesel Engine and a Propeller Subject To Waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Rokseth, Børge.
Real-Time Marine Vessel and Power Plant Simulation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Eilif;
Polic, Drazen.
Bond Graph Modeling of Rotordynamic Systems with a Flexible Shaft Including Shear Correction.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modeling Hydraulic Winch System.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rokseth, Børge;
Pedersen, Eilif.
A Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Robot Manipulators.
SCS Publishing House e.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jafarzadeh, Sepideh;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Notti, Emilio;
Sala, Antonello;
Ellingsen, Harald.
A Bond Graph Approach to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Ships.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polic, Drazen;
Ehlers, Sören;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grotle, Erlend Liavåg;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Modelling of LNG fuel systems for simulations of transient operations.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Halse, Karl Henning;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Ponkratov, Dmitry;
Chu, Yingguang;
Xu, Jiafeng;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Lifting Operations for Subsea Installations Using Small Construction Vessels and Active Heave Compensation Systems: A Simulation Approach.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Cong;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Dynamic modeling of the "Searazor" - an interdisciplinary marine vehicle for ship hull inspection and maintenance.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanfilippo, Filippo;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Flexible modeling and simulation architecture for haptic control of maritime cranes and robotic arms.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polic, Drazen;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Ehlers, Sören;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Propulsion machinery operating in ice : a modelling and simulation approach.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kurniawan, Adi;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Moan, Torgeir.
Modeling of Wave Energy Converters Using Bond Graph.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rogne, Øyvind Ygre;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Modeling of a Multibody Wave Energy Converter.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Eilif.
A Bond Graph Approach to Rotor Dynamics.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Thomas B.;
Brandsvoll, Rolf A.;
Sole, Sindre;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Steen, Sverre.
A System for Wave Driven Desalination of Seawater.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bruun, Kristine;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Model of a High-Temperature Fuel Cell.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Bond Graph Model of a Supply Vessel Operating in the North Sea.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bruun, Kristine;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Valland, Harald.
Modelling for Transient Torsional Vibrations in Marine Power Train Systems.
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghimire, Pramod;
Zadeh, Mehdi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Simulation-Based Ship Hybrid Power System Concept Studies and Performance Analyses.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Pedersen, Eilif;
Eitungjerde, Sara;
André, Thea Harnes;
Bruheim, Per;
Grønflaten, Lars Trovatten;
Gundersen, Ingeborg Nævdal.
Fremtidens teknologistudier (FTS), grupperapport: A3 - 5-årig master.
Lyng, Reidar;
Grønflaten, Lars Trovatten;
Bergh, Petter Andreas;
Moen, Øystein;
Owren, Geir Asle;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Fremtidens teknologistudier (FTS), grupperapport: C - Programdrevet tilnærming.
Løset, Sveinung;
Oestvang, Janne;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Mathisen, Karina;
Petersen, Jesper Aagaard;
Kummen, Jon.
Rapport om utvidelse av forskerlinjer ved NTNU.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Skjong, Stian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Æsøy, Vilmar.
Modeling and Simulation of Maritime Systems and Operations for Virtual Prototyping using Co-Simulations.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (374)
Doctoral dissertation
Pedersen, Eilif;
Engja, Hallvard.
Lecture Notes in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Physical Systems - Course TMR4275.
NTNU Department of Marine Technology
Pedersen, Eilif-Harald;
Engja, Hallvard.
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Physical Systems.
Institutt for marint maskineri
- TMR4535 - Marint maskineri, fordypningsemne
- TMR4515 - Marin kybernetikk, fordypningsemne
- TMR4280 - Forbrenningsmotorer
- MR8405 - Modellering og analyse av maskinerisystemer
- TMR4256 - Marin teknikk 6 - Design av marine systemer
- TMR4510 - Marin kybernetikk, fordypningsprosjekt
- TMR4335 - Marin teknikk 4 - Propulsjonssystemer, sikkerhet og miljø
- TMR4600 - Forskerlinje, fordypningsprosjekt
- TMR4930 - Marin teknikk, masteroppgave
- TMR4275 - Modellering, simulering og analyse av mekatroniske system
- TMR4530 - Marint maskineri, fordypningsprosjekt
- TMR4222 - Marint maskineri - Varmetransport og termofluide systemer
Academic lectureNguyen, Duc Duy; Turner, James W.G; Pedersen, Eilif; Emberson, David Robert. (2024) Pre-Chamber Ignition of Ammonia and Hydrogen Fuels for Marine Engines. BE-HyFE EPHyC European PhD Hydrogen Conference , Ghent 2024-03-19 - 2024-03-22
Academic lectureSadjina, Severin Simon; Kyllingstad, Lars Tandle; Pedersen, Eilif; Skjong, Stian. (2024) Energy Conservation and Co-simulation: Background and Challenges. Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS) International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation (ICBGM 2024) , San Diego, CA, USA 2024-07-01 - 2024-07-03
Academic lectureTavakoli, Sadi; Schramm, Jesper; Pedersen, Eilif. (2020) The effect of air throttle on combustion process and emission formation in marine lean-burn gas engines. 5th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT’20) 2020-10-14 - 2020-10-16
Academic lectureTavakoli, Sadi; Pedersen, Eilif; Schramm, Jesper. (2019) Natural Gas Engine Thermodynamic Modeling Concerning Offshore Dynamic Condition. The 14th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures , Yokohama, Japan 2019-09-22 - 2019-09-26
Academic lectureAlwan, Sabah Nouri Jasem; Yum, Kevin Koosup; Steen, Sverre; Pedersen, Eilif. (2017) Multidisciplinary Process Integration and Design optimization of a Hybrid Marine Power System Applied to a VLCC. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg 16th Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT '17) , Cardiff 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-17
LectureYum, Koosup; Skjong, Stian; Taskar, Bhushan; Pedersen, Eilif; Steen, Sverre. (2016) Simulation of a Hybrid Marine Propulsion System in Waves. CIMAC CIMAC Congress 2016 , Helsinki 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-10
LectureUtne, Ingrid Bouwer; Pedersen, Eilif; Schjølberg, Ingrid. (2014) Using bond graphs for identifying and analyzing technical and operational hazards in complex systems. International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessme PSAM 12 , Honolulu 2014-06-22 - 2014-06-27
Academic lectureYum, Koosup; Pedersen, Eilif. (2013) Transient Performance and Emission Prediction of Diesel Engine System Using Pseudo Bond Graph Model. The Korean Society of Combustion Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion , Gyeongju 2013-05-19 - 2013-05-22
Academic lectureJohannessen, Thomas B.; Andreas, Palmstrøm; Brandsvoll, Rolf A.; Sole, Sindre; Pedersen, Eilif; Steen, Sverre. (2011) A System for Wave Driven Desalination of Seawater. ASME ASME 2011 Int. Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011 , Rotterdam 2011-07-19 - 2011-07-23
Academic lectureXing, Yihan; Pedersen, Eilif; Moan, Torgeir. (2010) Bond graph modelling of wind turbine rotor. 6th EAWE PhD Seminar 2010-09-30 - 2010-10-01
Academic lecturePedersen, Eilif-Harald; Pedersen, Tom-Arne. (2005) Bond Graph Modeling of Marine Seismic Cables. SCS ICBGM’2005 – International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulations, , New Orleans 2005-02-01 - 2005-02-07
Academic lecturePedersen, Eilif-Harald; Pedersen, Tom-Arne. (2005) Modelling All Electric Ship using Bond Graphs and Switched Systems. SCS EMSS2005 – European Modelling and Simulation Symposium , Marseilles 2005-10-20 - 2005-10-22
Academic lecturePedersen, Eilif-Harald. (2001) Modelling Gas Turbine Systems for Transient Performance using Bond Graphs. In proc. from 13th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition - Bond Graph Workshop, Marseille, France , Marseille, Frankrike 2001-10-20 -
Academic lecturePedersen, Eilif-Harald. (2001) Modelling multicomponent two-phase thermodynamic systems using pseudo-bond graphs. 2001 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation (ICBGM '01) , Phoeneix, Arozona, USA, 2001-01-11 -
Academic lecturePedersen, Eilif-Harald. (1999) Modelling Thermodynamic Systems with Changing Gas Mixtures. 1999 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation ICBGM'99 , San Francisco, California, US