Daniel Beat Müller
I am a professor at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU. I'm the (ad interim) chair of the International Society of Industrial Ecology’s section on Material Flow Analysis – ConAccount. Until recently, I served on the U.S. National Research Council’s Committee on Assessing the Need for a Defense Stockpile. Since 2009, I am a member of the Steering Committee of the National Research Programme 65 "New Urban Quality" of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
My research interests evolve around the study of the relationship between human needs and wants, their associated material and energy flows, and the environmental impacts of the latter in order to support the development of strategies for increasing quality of life while reducing potential resource constraints and environmental impacts.
My research activities focus on two interconnected areas: (i) the analysis of the evolution of cities and their associated material and energy flows to support the management and transformation of building and infrastructure stocks; (ii) the study of metal cycles on national and global scales to identify potentials to reduce the risk for future supply constraints and environmental impacts and to support metals industries in their development of strategies for material stewardship.
In our projects, we aim at integrating aspects of design (seeking for different options to solve relevant problems), modeling (analyzing intended and unintended consequences for these options), and decision-making (interpretation in cooperation with government and industry). Through cooperation with stakeholders and engagement in transdisciplinary learning processes, we aspire to increase the relevance and impact of our research beyond academia.
I teach courses in Material Flow Analysis and Systems Analysis of the Built Environment. Both courses are intended for Masters students in Industrial Ecology and in Civil Engineering.
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Ljunge, Jonna;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Seven principles for monitoring the physical economy.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Barre, Francis Isidore;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Limits to graphite supply in a transition to a post-fossil society.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Langhorst, Moritz;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Inertia of Technology Stocks: A Technology-Explicit Model for the Transition toward a Low-Carbon Global Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Lauinger, Dirk;
Vuille, François;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
On the potential of vehicle-to-grid and second-life batteries to provide energy and material security.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Gerber, Andreas;
Ulrich, Markus;
Reich, Matthias Y.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Wäger, Patrick.
Linking socio-economic metabolism models and simulation games: Reflections on benefits and challenges.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Krych, Kamila Krystyna;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
The “nature” and “nurture” of product lifetimes in dynamic stock modeling.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Drielsma, Johannes A.;
Ericsson, Magnus;
Gunn, Andrew G.;
Heiberg, Sigurd;
Heldal, Tom.
Mass-Balance-Consistent Geological Stock Accounting: A New Approach toward Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ravi, Basuhi;
Bhuwalka, Karan;
Moore, Elizabeth A.;
Diersen, Isabel;
Malik, Rameen H.;
Young, Eric.
Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply.
Academic literature review
Cordhomme, Zoe Angele Adele;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Approaching building lifetimes and hazard rates through demolition patterns: Case studies for a historical city center.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Desing, Harald;
Widmer, Rolf;
Bardi, Ugo;
Beylot, Antoine;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gasser, Martin.
Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: A conceptual framework.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Pandit, Avijit Vinayak;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Strand, Andrea Viken;
Lozach, Loïs;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Reitan, Kjell Inge.
Circular economy for aquatic food systems: insights from a multiscale phosphorus flow analysis in Norway.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Liu, Gang;
Rechberger, Helmut.
Maps of the physical economy to inform
sustainability strategies.
Ilgemann, Pablo M.;
Fishman, Tomer;
Sprecher, Benjamin;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Ljunge, Jonna.
The Missing Stock: Exploring Concrete Use in Trondheim’s Residential Building Foundations.
Delft University of Technology & Universiteit Leiden
Masters thesis
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal ;
Cord'homme, Zoé;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Lifetime analysis of historical buildings in Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Evaluating strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles using the global MATILDA model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Marmy, Charles;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Modeling the transition toward a zero emission car fleet: Integrating electrification, shared mobility, and automation.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Academic article
Ericsson, Magnus;
Löf, Anton;
Löf, Olof;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Cobalt: corporate concentration 1975–2018.
Mineral Economics
Academic article
Hingorani, Ramon;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Kohler, Jochen;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in structural materials for the German residential building stock - Quantification and mitigation scenarios.
Building and Environment
Academic article
McNeil, Brent;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
The complex nature of lithium extraction: A dynamic material flow analysis to understand supply constraints in the transition to electrified transport.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Langhorst, Moritz;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
Technology-explicit dynamic material flow analysis of the global aluminium cycle.
RWTH Aachen Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Dittrich, Nils;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Simoni, Mark Uwe.
Bottom-up modelling the residential building stock: Developing a new model using BIM and cadastre data.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Lunde, Anna Eide;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mathieux, Fabrice.
Investigating how the LFP battery demand is shaping the future of phosphorus and the role of secondary resources.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Pavel, Stransky;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Johansson, Lars.
Material efficiency assessment through plant-level material flow analysis: Evaluation of a Norwegian newsprint mill with a focus on wood and bleach.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Cormery, Marceau;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mistry, Mark;
Reck, Barbara K..
Global trade-linked nickel cycle. A Material Flow Analysis (MFA) study considering production and trade of nickel at the global and the country level.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Genovesi, Sofia;
Garofalo, Paolo S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando.
Graphite for lithium-ion batteries: mineral analysis and global Material Flow Analysis.
Master's thesis University of Bologna
Masters thesis
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Aluminium use in passenger cars poses systemic challenges for recycling and GHG emissions.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Cullen, Jonathan.
Monitoring and simulating material cycles and emissions at multiple scales: Case studies for aluminium.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Monnier, Louis;
Nybakke, Even;
Isaksen, Morten;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systemic approaches for emission reduction in industrial plants based on physical accounting: example for an aluminium smelter .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Matos, Cristina T.;
Mathieux, Fabrice;
Ciacci, Luca;
Lundhaug, Maren Cathrine;
León, María Fernanda Godoy;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Material system analysis: A novel multilayer system approach to correlate EU flows and stocks of Li-ion batteries and their raw materials.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Shepon, Alon;
Makov, Tamar;
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Gephart, Jessica A.;
Henriksson, Patrik John Gustav.
Sustainable optimization of global aquatic omega-3 supply chain could substantially narrow the nutrient gap.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Zeng, Anqi;
Chen, Wu;
Dalgas Rasmussen, Kasper;
Zhu, Xuehong;
Lundhaug, Maren Cathrine;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Battery technology and recycling alone will not save the electric mobility transition from future cobalt shortages.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Sitotombe, Chipo;
Aalto, Pasi Olav.
System Analysis of a Multi-Plant Sawmill Company: Application to inform logistics.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Young, Eric;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Reck, Barbara K..
Battery Nickel Bottlenecks: A material flow analysis of the impacts the energy transition will have on the nickel supply system.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Lauinger, Dirk;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Torres, Aurora;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Keiding, Jakob K.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
zu Ermgassen, Sophus O.S.E.;
Liu, Jianguo.
Sustainability of the global sand system in the Anthropocene.
One Earth
Academic literature review
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Tremblay, Elijah Matthew.
Assessing the Potential of Nutrient Recovery from Waste Biomass in Trøndelag Region to meet Fertilizer Demand. A Multi-layer Substance Flow Analysis Approach.
Masters thesis
Thorne, Rebecca;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Figenbaum, Erik;
Fridstrøm, Lasse;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Estimating stocks and flows of electric passenger vehicle batteries in the Norwegian fleet from 2011 to 2030.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Viken Strand, Andrea.
Optimizing the phosphorus resource use and emissions in a growing Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Masters thesis
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Galea, Thomas.
Spatial discrepancies in the distribution of animal manure as phosphorus fertilizer in Norway. A multi-level Substance Flow Analysis approach.
Masters thesis
Matos, Cristina T.;
Ciacci, Luca;
Godoy León, Maria F.;
Lundhaug, Maren;
Dewulf, Jo;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Material System Analysis of five battery-related raw materials: Cobalt, Lithium, Manganese, Natural Graphite, Nickel.
Publications Office of the European Union
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Newton, Richard;
Auchterloine, Neil A.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systems approach to quantify the global omega-3 fatty acid cycle.
Nature Food
Short communication
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Widmer, Rolf;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Effects of car electronics penetration, integration and downsizing on their recycling potentials.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gerber, Andreas;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Pathways toward a carbon-neutral Swiss residential building stock.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Næss, Kathrine;
van der Eijk, Casper;
Grini, Gunnar;
Skinne, Ann-Mari;
Kleivdal, Hans;
Kulia, Gunnar.
P21 Sirkulærøkonomi - Sluttrapport.
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Widmer, Rolf;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Historical Penetration Patterns of Automobile
Electronic Control Systems and Implications for
Critical Raw Materials Recycling.
Academic article
Haberl, Helmut;
Wiedenhofer, Dominik;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Krausmann, Fridolin;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina.
Contributions of sociometabolic research to
sustainability science.
Nature Sustainability
Academic literature review
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko;
Hasan, Mohammad M.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general data model for socioeconomic metabolism and its implementation in an industrial ecology data commons prototype.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ziemann, S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Schebek, L;
Weil, M..
Modeling the potential impact of lithium recycling from EV batteries on lithium demand: A dynamic MFA approach.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Vasquez, Felipe;
Vita, Gibran;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Food security for an ageing and heavier population.
Academic article
Maung, K.N.;
Yoshida, T.;
Liu, Gang;
Lwin, C.M.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Hashimoto, S..
Assessment of secondary aluminum reserves of nations.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Sartori, Igor.
Dynamic modelling of national dwelling stocks. Understanding phenomena of historical observed energy demand and future estimated energy savings in the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Doctoral dissertation
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge;
Haraldsen, Trond.
Recycling potential of secondary phosphorus resources as assessed by integrating substance flow analysis and plant-availability.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Bertram, Marlen;
Ramkumar, Shyaam;
Rechberger, Helmut;
Rombach, Georg;
Bayliss, Chris;
Martcheck, Kenneth J..
A regionally-linked, dynamic material flow modelling tool for rolled, extruded and cast aluminium products.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Lin, Chen;
Liu, Gang;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Characterizing the role of built environment stocks in human development and emission growth.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Olaya, Yris;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Dwelling stock dynamics for addressing housing deficit.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Wäger, Patrick A.;
Widmer, Rolf;
Lonka, Radek;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Stocks, Flows, and Distribution of Critical Metals in Embedded
Electronics in Passenger Vehicles.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Cao, Zhi;
Shen, Lei;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang.
Elaborating the History of Our Cementing Societies: An in-Use Stock Perspective.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Choice of mineral fertilizer substitution principle strongly influences LCA environmental benefits of nutrient cycling in the agri-food system.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Erratum to: A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway (Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, (2016), 104, (307?320), 10.1007/s10705-015-9721-6).
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Byproduct Metal Availability Constrained by Dynamics of Carrier Metal Cycle: The Gallium-Aluminum Example.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Toward a practical ontology for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Brod, Eva;
Krogstad, Tore;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Haraldsen, Trond;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The recycling potential of phosphorus in secondary resources
Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis (35)
Doctoral dissertation
Vasquez Correa, Luis Felipe;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic type-cohort-time approach for the analysis of energy reductions strategies in the building stock.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Baynes, Timothy M.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Bøen, Anne.
Investigating cross-sectoral synergies through integrated aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture phosphorus assessments: A case study of Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Academic article
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Peverill, M. Samantha;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of food waste prevention and recycling strategies using a multi-layer systems approach.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Brod, Eva;
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Haraldsen, Trond;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The recycling potential of phosphorus in Norwegian waste products in a system's context.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A general system structure and accounting framework for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Schandl, Heinz;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Moriguchi, Yuichi.
Socioeconomic metabolism takes the stage in the international environmental policy debate: A special issue to review research progress and policy impacts.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hashimoto, Seiji.
The ferrous find counting iron and steel stocks in China's economy.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The global anthropogenic gallium system: Determinants of demand, supply and efficiency improvements.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The Role of In-Use Stocks in the Social Metabolism and in Climate Change Mitigation.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A Material Flow Model for Impurity Accumulation in Beverage Can Recycling Systems.
Light Metals
Academic article
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang.
Byer som gruver.
Interview Journal
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Exploring urban mines: pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks.
Urban Water Journal
Academic article
Modaresi, Roja;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Global Carbon Benefits of Material Substitution in Passenger Cars until 2050 and the Impact on the Steel and Aluminum Industries.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Stadtentwicklung im Nexus von Ressourcenschonung und Klimaschutz.
jovis Verlag GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Modaresi, Roja;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Component- and Alloy-Specific Modeling for Evaluating Aluminum Recycling Strategies for Vehicles.
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Har aldri vært sikrere.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Interview Journal
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Long-term strategies for increased recycling of automotive aluminum and its alloying elements.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Steinhoff, Franciska Senta;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Carbon Emissions of Infrastructure Development.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel B..
Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Milford, Rachel;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Allwood, Julian.
The Steel Scrap Age.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Milford, Rachel;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Allwood, Julian;
Müller, Daniel B..
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Sjöstrand, Karin;
Müller, Daniel B..
Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to Reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ziemann, Saskia;
Grunwald, Armin;
Schebek, Liselotte;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Weil, Marcel.
The future of mobility and its critical raw materials.
Revue de métallurgie (Imprimé)
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Bangs, Colton Eugene;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Stock dynamics and emission pathways of the global aluminium cycle.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Mapping the global journey of anthropogenic aluminium: a trade-linked multilevel material flow analysis.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Centennial Evolution of Aluminum In-Use Stocks on Our Aluminized Planet.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel B..
The Role of Automobiles for the Future of Aluminum Recycling.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Addressing sustainability in the aluminum industry: a critical review of life cycle assessments.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel B..
Moving Toward the Circular Economy: The Role of Stocks in the Chinese Steel Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Dhaniati, Ni Made Arya;
Müller, Daniel B..
Reconciling Sectoral Abatement Strategies with Global Climate Targets: The Case of the Chinese Passenger Vehicle Fleet.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Rombach, Georg;
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel B..
Aluminium Recycling- Raw Material Supply from a Volume and Quality Constraint System.
World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL
Academic article
Müller, Daniel B.;
Wang, Tao;
Duval, Benjamin.
Patterns of Iron Use in Societal Evolution.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Bangs, Colton Eugene;
Müller, Daniel B..
Unearthing Potentials for Decarbonizing the US Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology. News & research
Academic article
Hu, Mingming;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
van der Voet, Ester;
Huppes, Gjalt;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamics of urban and rural housing stocks in China.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Hu, Mingming;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Huppes, Gjalt;
van der Voet, Ester;
Müller, Daniel B..
Iron and steel in Chinese residential buildings: A dynamic analysis.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Izard, Catherine;
Müller, Daniel B..
Tracking the devil's metal: Historical global and contemporary US tin cycles.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
MacLean, Heather L.;
Duchin, Faye;
Hagelüken, Christian;
Halada, Kohmei;
Kesler, Stephen E.;
Moriguchi, Yuichi.
Stocks, Flows, and Prospects of Mineral Resources.
MIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Müller, Daniel B..
Klimawandel / Energiesparen.
jovis Verlag GmbH
Popular scientific chapter/article
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Müller, Daniel B..
Exploring built environment stock metabolism and sustainability by systems analysis approaches.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Sartori, Igor;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards modelling of construction, renovation and demolition activities: Norway's dwelling stock, 1900-2100.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Müller, Daniel B..
Tin resource management in the United States.
International Iron and Steel Institute
Latiff, Robert;
Reininga, Herman;
Adkins, Carol;
Blue, Bruce;
Flamm, Kenneth;
Frase, Katharine.
Managing Materials for a Twenty-first Century Military.
National Academies Press
National Academies Press
Academic monograph
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Journal publications
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Ljunge, Jonna;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Seven principles for monitoring the physical economy.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Barre, Francis Isidore;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Limits to graphite supply in a transition to a post-fossil society.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Langhorst, Moritz;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Inertia of Technology Stocks: A Technology-Explicit Model for the Transition toward a Low-Carbon Global Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Lauinger, Dirk;
Vuille, François;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
On the potential of vehicle-to-grid and second-life batteries to provide energy and material security.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Gerber, Andreas;
Ulrich, Markus;
Reich, Matthias Y.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Wäger, Patrick.
Linking socio-economic metabolism models and simulation games: Reflections on benefits and challenges.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Krych, Kamila Krystyna;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
The “nature” and “nurture” of product lifetimes in dynamic stock modeling.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Drielsma, Johannes A.;
Ericsson, Magnus;
Gunn, Andrew G.;
Heiberg, Sigurd;
Heldal, Tom.
Mass-Balance-Consistent Geological Stock Accounting: A New Approach toward Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ravi, Basuhi;
Bhuwalka, Karan;
Moore, Elizabeth A.;
Diersen, Isabel;
Malik, Rameen H.;
Young, Eric.
Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply.
Academic literature review
Cordhomme, Zoe Angele Adele;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Approaching building lifetimes and hazard rates through demolition patterns: Case studies for a historical city center.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Desing, Harald;
Widmer, Rolf;
Bardi, Ugo;
Beylot, Antoine;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gasser, Martin.
Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: A conceptual framework.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Pandit, Avijit Vinayak;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Strand, Andrea Viken;
Lozach, Loïs;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Reitan, Kjell Inge.
Circular economy for aquatic food systems: insights from a multiscale phosphorus flow analysis in Norway.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Evaluating strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles using the global MATILDA model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Marmy, Charles;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Modeling the transition toward a zero emission car fleet: Integrating electrification, shared mobility, and automation.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Academic article
Ericsson, Magnus;
Löf, Anton;
Löf, Olof;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Cobalt: corporate concentration 1975–2018.
Mineral Economics
Academic article
Hingorani, Ramon;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Kohler, Jochen;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in structural materials for the German residential building stock - Quantification and mitigation scenarios.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Aluminium use in passenger cars poses systemic challenges for recycling and GHG emissions.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Monnier, Louis;
Nybakke, Even;
Isaksen, Morten;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systemic approaches for emission reduction in industrial plants based on physical accounting: example for an aluminium smelter .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Matos, Cristina T.;
Mathieux, Fabrice;
Ciacci, Luca;
Lundhaug, Maren Cathrine;
León, María Fernanda Godoy;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Material system analysis: A novel multilayer system approach to correlate EU flows and stocks of Li-ion batteries and their raw materials.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Shepon, Alon;
Makov, Tamar;
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Gephart, Jessica A.;
Henriksson, Patrik John Gustav.
Sustainable optimization of global aquatic omega-3 supply chain could substantially narrow the nutrient gap.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Zeng, Anqi;
Chen, Wu;
Dalgas Rasmussen, Kasper;
Zhu, Xuehong;
Lundhaug, Maren Cathrine;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Battery technology and recycling alone will not save the electric mobility transition from future cobalt shortages.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Lauinger, Dirk;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Torres, Aurora;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Keiding, Jakob K.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
zu Ermgassen, Sophus O.S.E.;
Liu, Jianguo.
Sustainability of the global sand system in the Anthropocene.
One Earth
Academic literature review
Thorne, Rebecca;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Figenbaum, Erik;
Fridstrøm, Lasse;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Estimating stocks and flows of electric passenger vehicle batteries in the Norwegian fleet from 2011 to 2030.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Newton, Richard;
Auchterloine, Neil A.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systems approach to quantify the global omega-3 fatty acid cycle.
Nature Food
Short communication
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Widmer, Rolf;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Effects of car electronics penetration, integration and downsizing on their recycling potentials.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gerber, Andreas;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Pathways toward a carbon-neutral Swiss residential building stock.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Widmer, Rolf;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Historical Penetration Patterns of Automobile
Electronic Control Systems and Implications for
Critical Raw Materials Recycling.
Academic article
Haberl, Helmut;
Wiedenhofer, Dominik;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Krausmann, Fridolin;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina.
Contributions of sociometabolic research to
sustainability science.
Nature Sustainability
Academic literature review
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko;
Hasan, Mohammad M.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general data model for socioeconomic metabolism and its implementation in an industrial ecology data commons prototype.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ziemann, S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Schebek, L;
Weil, M..
Modeling the potential impact of lithium recycling from EV batteries on lithium demand: A dynamic MFA approach.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Vasquez, Felipe;
Vita, Gibran;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Food security for an ageing and heavier population.
Academic article
Maung, K.N.;
Yoshida, T.;
Liu, Gang;
Lwin, C.M.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Hashimoto, S..
Assessment of secondary aluminum reserves of nations.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge;
Haraldsen, Trond.
Recycling potential of secondary phosphorus resources as assessed by integrating substance flow analysis and plant-availability.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Bertram, Marlen;
Ramkumar, Shyaam;
Rechberger, Helmut;
Rombach, Georg;
Bayliss, Chris;
Martcheck, Kenneth J..
A regionally-linked, dynamic material flow modelling tool for rolled, extruded and cast aluminium products.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Lin, Chen;
Liu, Gang;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Characterizing the role of built environment stocks in human development and emission growth.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Olaya, Yris;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Dwelling stock dynamics for addressing housing deficit.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Wäger, Patrick A.;
Widmer, Rolf;
Lonka, Radek;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Stocks, Flows, and Distribution of Critical Metals in Embedded
Electronics in Passenger Vehicles.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Cao, Zhi;
Shen, Lei;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang.
Elaborating the History of Our Cementing Societies: An in-Use Stock Perspective.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Choice of mineral fertilizer substitution principle strongly influences LCA environmental benefits of nutrient cycling in the agri-food system.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Erratum to: A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway (Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, (2016), 104, (307?320), 10.1007/s10705-015-9721-6).
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Byproduct Metal Availability Constrained by Dynamics of Carrier Metal Cycle: The Gallium-Aluminum Example.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Toward a practical ontology for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Vasquez Correa, Luis Felipe;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic type-cohort-time approach for the analysis of energy reductions strategies in the building stock.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Bøen, Anne.
Investigating cross-sectoral synergies through integrated aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture phosphorus assessments: A case study of Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Academic article
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Peverill, M. Samantha;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of food waste prevention and recycling strategies using a multi-layer systems approach.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A general system structure and accounting framework for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Schandl, Heinz;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Moriguchi, Yuichi.
Socioeconomic metabolism takes the stage in the international environmental policy debate: A special issue to review research progress and policy impacts.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hashimoto, Seiji.
The ferrous find counting iron and steel stocks in China's economy.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Restrepo Gomez, Eliette Johana;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The global anthropogenic gallium system: Determinants of demand, supply and efficiency improvements.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The Role of In-Use Stocks in the Social Metabolism and in Climate Change Mitigation.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A Material Flow Model for Impurity Accumulation in Beverage Can Recycling Systems.
Light Metals
Academic article
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang.
Byer som gruver.
Interview Journal
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Exploring urban mines: pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks.
Urban Water Journal
Academic article
Modaresi, Roja;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Global Carbon Benefits of Material Substitution in Passenger Cars until 2050 and the Impact on the Steel and Aluminum Industries.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Modaresi, Roja;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Component- and Alloy-Specific Modeling for Evaluating Aluminum Recycling Strategies for Vehicles.
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Har aldri vært sikrere.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Interview Journal
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Long-term strategies for increased recycling of automotive aluminum and its alloying elements.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Steinhoff, Franciska Senta;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Carbon Emissions of Infrastructure Development.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel B..
Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Milford, Rachel;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Allwood, Julian.
The Steel Scrap Age.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Milford, Rachel;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Allwood, Julian;
Müller, Daniel B..
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Sjöstrand, Karin;
Müller, Daniel B..
Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to Reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ziemann, Saskia;
Grunwald, Armin;
Schebek, Liselotte;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Weil, Marcel.
The future of mobility and its critical raw materials.
Revue de métallurgie (Imprimé)
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Bangs, Colton Eugene;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Stock dynamics and emission pathways of the global aluminium cycle.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Mapping the global journey of anthropogenic aluminium: a trade-linked multilevel material flow analysis.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Centennial Evolution of Aluminum In-Use Stocks on Our Aluminized Planet.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel B..
The Role of Automobiles for the Future of Aluminum Recycling.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Addressing sustainability in the aluminum industry: a critical review of life cycle assessments.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Müller, Daniel B..
Moving Toward the Circular Economy: The Role of Stocks in the Chinese Steel Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Dhaniati, Ni Made Arya;
Müller, Daniel B..
Reconciling Sectoral Abatement Strategies with Global Climate Targets: The Case of the Chinese Passenger Vehicle Fleet.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Rombach, Georg;
Modaresi, Roja;
Müller, Daniel B..
Aluminium Recycling- Raw Material Supply from a Volume and Quality Constraint System.
World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL
Academic article
Müller, Daniel B.;
Wang, Tao;
Duval, Benjamin.
Patterns of Iron Use in Societal Evolution.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Liu, Gang;
Bangs, Colton Eugene;
Müller, Daniel B..
Unearthing Potentials for Decarbonizing the US Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology. News & research
Academic article
Hu, Mingming;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
van der Voet, Ester;
Huppes, Gjalt;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamics of urban and rural housing stocks in China.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Hu, Mingming;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wang, Tao;
Huppes, Gjalt;
van der Voet, Ester;
Müller, Daniel B..
Iron and steel in Chinese residential buildings: A dynamic analysis.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Izard, Catherine;
Müller, Daniel B..
Tracking the devil's metal: Historical global and contemporary US tin cycles.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Müller, Daniel B..
Exploring built environment stock metabolism and sustainability by systems analysis approaches.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Sartori, Igor;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards modelling of construction, renovation and demolition activities: Norway's dwelling stock, 1900-2100.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Latiff, Robert;
Reininga, Herman;
Adkins, Carol;
Blue, Bruce;
Flamm, Kenneth;
Frase, Katharine.
Managing Materials for a Twenty-first Century Military.
National Academies Press
National Academies Press
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Liu, Gang;
Rechberger, Helmut.
Maps of the physical economy to inform
sustainability strategies.
Baynes, Timothy M.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brod, Eva;
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Haraldsen, Trond;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The recycling potential of phosphorus in Norwegian waste products in a system's context.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Stadtentwicklung im Nexus von Ressourcenschonung und Klimaschutz.
jovis Verlag GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
MacLean, Heather L.;
Duchin, Faye;
Hagelüken, Christian;
Halada, Kohmei;
Kesler, Stephen E.;
Moriguchi, Yuichi.
Stocks, Flows, and Prospects of Mineral Resources.
MIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Müller, Daniel B..
Klimawandel / Energiesparen.
jovis Verlag GmbH
Popular scientific chapter/article
Ilgemann, Pablo M.;
Fishman, Tomer;
Sprecher, Benjamin;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Ljunge, Jonna.
The Missing Stock: Exploring Concrete Use in Trondheim’s Residential Building Foundations.
Delft University of Technology & Universiteit Leiden
Masters thesis
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal ;
Cord'homme, Zoé;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Lifetime analysis of historical buildings in Trondheim.
Masters thesis
McNeil, Brent;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
The complex nature of lithium extraction: A dynamic material flow analysis to understand supply constraints in the transition to electrified transport.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Langhorst, Moritz;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
Technology-explicit dynamic material flow analysis of the global aluminium cycle.
RWTH Aachen Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Dittrich, Nils;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Simoni, Mark Uwe.
Bottom-up modelling the residential building stock: Developing a new model using BIM and cadastre data.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Lunde, Anna Eide;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mathieux, Fabrice.
Investigating how the LFP battery demand is shaping the future of phosphorus and the role of secondary resources.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Pavel, Stransky;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Johansson, Lars.
Material efficiency assessment through plant-level material flow analysis: Evaluation of a Norwegian newsprint mill with a focus on wood and bleach.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Cormery, Marceau;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mistry, Mark;
Reck, Barbara K..
Global trade-linked nickel cycle. A Material Flow Analysis (MFA) study considering production and trade of nickel at the global and the country level.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Genovesi, Sofia;
Garofalo, Paolo S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando.
Graphite for lithium-ion batteries: mineral analysis and global Material Flow Analysis.
Master's thesis University of Bologna
Masters thesis
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Cullen, Jonathan.
Monitoring and simulating material cycles and emissions at multiple scales: Case studies for aluminium.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Sitotombe, Chipo;
Aalto, Pasi Olav.
System Analysis of a Multi-Plant Sawmill Company: Application to inform logistics.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Young, Eric;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Reck, Barbara K..
Battery Nickel Bottlenecks: A material flow analysis of the impacts the energy transition will have on the nickel supply system.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Tremblay, Elijah Matthew.
Assessing the Potential of Nutrient Recovery from Waste Biomass in Trøndelag Region to meet Fertilizer Demand. A Multi-layer Substance Flow Analysis Approach.
Masters thesis
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Viken Strand, Andrea.
Optimizing the phosphorus resource use and emissions in a growing Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Masters thesis
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Galea, Thomas.
Spatial discrepancies in the distribution of animal manure as phosphorus fertilizer in Norway. A multi-level Substance Flow Analysis approach.
Masters thesis
Matos, Cristina T.;
Ciacci, Luca;
Godoy León, Maria F.;
Lundhaug, Maren;
Dewulf, Jo;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Material System Analysis of five battery-related raw materials: Cobalt, Lithium, Manganese, Natural Graphite, Nickel.
Publications Office of the European Union
Næss, Kathrine;
van der Eijk, Casper;
Grini, Gunnar;
Skinne, Ann-Mari;
Kleivdal, Hans;
Kulia, Gunnar.
P21 Sirkulærøkonomi - Sluttrapport.
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Sartori, Igor.
Dynamic modelling of national dwelling stocks. Understanding phenomena of historical observed energy demand and future estimated energy savings in the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Doctoral dissertation
Brod, Eva;
Krogstad, Tore;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Haraldsen, Trond;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
The recycling potential of phosphorus in secondary resources
Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis (35)
Doctoral dissertation
Müller, Daniel B..
Tin resource management in the United States.
International Iron and Steel Institute
- TEP4295 - Sustainable enginering
- TEP5100 - Industrial Ecology, Project
- TEP4285 - Material Flow Analysis (MFA1)
- TEP4930 - Industrial Ecology, Master's Thesis
- EP8123 - Dynamic MFA Modelling (MFA2)
- EP8122 - Material Flow Analysis (MFA1)
- TEP4290 - Built environment: Stock dynamics and climate change (MFA2)
Academic lectureBarre, Francis Isidore; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) Meeting an escalating Lithium-Ion Battery demand: Global Graphite Supply-Demand Scenarios. IRTC IRTC24: Raw materials in a changing world , Turin, Italy 2024-02-21 - 2024-02-23
PosterLjunge, Jonna Sofi; Simoni, Mark Uwe; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) A first look at the Norwegian construction aggregates cycle through the lens of MFA. Gordon Research Conferences Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Conference , Les Diablerets 2024-05-26 - 2024-05-31
PosterLjunge, Jonna Sofi; Simoni, Mark Uwe; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) A first look at the Norwegian construction aggregates cycle through the lens of MFA. Gordon Research Conferences Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Seminar , Les Diablerets 2024-05-25 - 2024-05-26
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Langhorst, Moritz; Schwotzer, Christian; Kaiser, Felix; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) Feedback loops in the Material-Energy-Transport nexus - Examples for aluminium and the case for low-demand transition scenarios. Jönköping University 18th Society and Materials Conference , Jönköping 2024-05-14 - 2024-05-14
PosterBilly, Romain Guillaume; McNeil, Brent; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Petravatzi, Evi; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) Limited lithium supply is likely to slow down the transition to electrified transport. Gordon Research Conference Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology , Les Diablerets, Switzerland 2024-01-26 - 2024-05-31
Academic lectureLanghorst, Moritz; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Schwotzer, Christian; Kaiser, Felix; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Modelling the transition towards a low-carbon global aluminium cycle with technology-explicit material flow analysis. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Industrial Ecology in fictional worlds: The spice and water cycles on the planet Arrakis from Frank Herbert’s Dune. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureAguilar Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Evaluating strategies for reducing material use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; McNeil, Brent; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Limited lithium supply is likely to slow down the electrification of the transport sector. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Metherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterDittrich, Nils Maximilian; Mutale, Lombe; Hingorani, Ramon; Kohler, Jochen; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Can Bayesian Networks predict materials and components at building level?. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th international Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterCord'homme, Zoé; Dittrich, Nils Maximilian; Gedde, Kristina Bringedal ; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Building lifetime in historical city centers. Case study of Trondheim, Norway. NTNU Sustainability Under construction: Circularity in the built environment , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Applying industrial ecology methods to fictional words - The spice and water cycles on the planet Arrakis from Frank Herbert’s Dune. SAM Society 17th Society and Materials Conference , Karlsruhe, Germany 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-10
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Monnier, Louis; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Fostering a low-carbon circular economy: Insight from top-down and bottom-up material flow accounting models. Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) ASI 45 minutes on webinars , Virtual 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-17
Academic lectureYoung, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) The battery demand for nickel creates supply bottlenecks and problem shifts, and increasing emissions . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau Jean-Paul Christian; McNeil, Brent; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Modelling the effects of transport electrification on mineral supply chains. Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) CCG Modelling Transport Demand Workshop , Paris, France 2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28
Academic lectureDittrich, Nils Maximilian; Aalto, Pasi; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Circular City Information Infrastructure and material flow analysis. NTNU Sustainability Under construction: Circularity in the built environment , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
PosterLi, Jiajia; Simoni, Mark Uwe; Dittrich, Nils Maximilian; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Integrating urban metabolism with urban form: A example for buildings in Trondheim. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th international Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureGedde, Kristina Bringedal; Mueller, Daniel Beat; Stenstad, Andreas; Larnøy, Erik; Ross, Lone. (2023) Mapping qualities and quantities of post-consumer wood in Norway. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterLjunge, Jonna; Simoni, Mark Uwe; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) How aggravating — Monitoring and resource efficiency challenges of the Norwegian construction aggregates cycle. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2023 , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) The transformation of the passenger car market - Effects on the demand for aluminium and its carbon footprint. Industrial Society for Industrial Ecology 14th ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference , Vienna 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau; McNeil, Brent; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Carbon footprint & circularity challenges for electric vehicles - Main outcomes from the BATMAN project. European Aluminium SALEMA Workshop - Driving sustainable aluminium: recycling and critical raw materials for aluminium alloys in e-mobility , Virtual 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Aluminium and Nickel uses in electric vehicles pose challenges for recycling and GHG emissions. SAM 16th Society And Materials Conference , Virtual 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; McNeil, Brent; Cormery, Marceau Jean-Paul Christian. (2022) Introduction to Material Flow Analysis and applications to battery materials. HyProS Geminisenter (Hydrokjemisk prosessteknologi i den sirkulære økonomien) HyProS Geminisenter Seminar , NTNU Trondheim 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
LectureMueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Hvordan kan Norge bli selvforsynt med fosfor?. Avfall Norge Bioseminar , Oslo 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-28
PosterBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Aluminium in cars: highway for decarbonising the transport sector or new climate bottleneck?. Gordon Research Conference Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Conference , Sunday River, ME, USA 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureMueller, Daniel Beat. (2020) Towards a sustainable phosphorus management in Norway. University of Hohenheim Sino-German International Research Training Group AMAIZE-P! , Hohenheim and Beijing (online) 2020-11-11 - 2020-11-11
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Monnier, Louis; Nybbake, Even; Müller, Daniel; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Benefits of plant-level Substance Flow Analysis Application to carbon reporting in an aluminium smelter. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019 , Beijing 2019-07-07 - 2019-07-11
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) The influence of stock dynamics on new technology penetration Effects on new technology development in Aluminium production. SAM13: Society And Materials International Conference , Pisa 2019-05-20 - 2019-05-21
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Getting a vision through dynamic MFA: The aluminium case . European Aluminium Aluminum Innovation Hub Workshop , Trondheim 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-13
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Feedbacks between in-use and technology stocks Effects on new technology development in Aluminium production . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE SEM 2019 , Berlin 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-15
Popular scientific lectureMueller, Daniel Beat. (2018) MIND-P: Mineral Fertiliser INDependence for Phosphorus in Norway . SV Møte med politikere på Stortinget , Stortinget, Oslo 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-09
LectureMueller, Daniel Beat. (2018) MinFuture project - introduction and relevance of mapping phosphorus cycles. NTNU - MinFuture project MinFuture (H2020 project) workshop on phosphorus , Oslo 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-07
LectureMueller, Daniel Beat. (2018) Kan Norge bli uavhengig av importert fosfor innen 2030?. Avfall Norge Fagseminar biologisk behandling, biogass og kompostering Levanger / Skogn , Thon Hotel Backlund, Levanger 2018-09-27 - 2018-09-28
LectureBrod, Eva; Hamilton, Helen Ann; Hanserud, Ola Stedje; Haraldsen, Trond; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2015) The recycling potential of P in Norwegian secondary resources in a system’s context. RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference. Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th – 10th September 2015, Hamburg, Germany , Hamburg 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-10
Academic lectureHanserud, Ola Stedje; Brod, Eva; Øgaard, Anne K. Falk; Müller, Daniel Beat; Brattebø, Helge. (2015) A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potentials – the case of Norway. International Society of Industrial Ecology The ISIE Conference 2015 - Taking stock of Industrial Ecology , University of Surrey, Guildford 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
PosterVasquez Correa, Luis Felipe; Løvik, Amund Nordli; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2015) Dynamic Type-Cohort-Time (TCT) approach for the analysis of energy reductions strategies in the building stock. University of Surrey 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology , Guildford 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Kjøper og kaster oss til klimakrise. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2014-04-07
InterviewLie, Øystein; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Müller, Daniel Beat; Cherubini, Francesco; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Klimaløsningen. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Internet] 2014-04-04
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Milford, Rachel; Allwood, Julian; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Managing Global Material Stocks Under Emissions Constraints – A Case Study for Steel. ISDRC ISDRC conference, Trondheim, 2014 , Trondheim 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Towards a Unified Accounting and Modelling Framework for Industrial Ecology. ISIE ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference , Melbourne 2014-11-17 - 2014-11-19
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Wood, Richard; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Launching the spaceman economy - How much service can we get out of a globally constrained economy?. University of Iceland Biannual conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics , Reykjavik 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Klimapanelets hovedfunn. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar; Quale, Sverre. (2014) Her er klimaforskernes råd. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Key findings from IPCC. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Urgent need to phase out coal power. Science Nordic Science Nordic [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewTomasgard, Asgeir; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar; Quale, Sverre; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2014) Her er klimaforskernes råd. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Kjølig klima – ren planet. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2013) The Role of Stock Dynamics in Climate Change Mitigation. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2013 ISIE conference , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
PosterPauliuk, Stefan; Müller, Daniel B.. (2012) Modelling Energy and Material Metabolism of Large Systems by Combining MFA and LCA Techniques: Opportunities and Pitfalls. Gordon Society Gordon Research Conference , Les Diablerets 2012-06-16 - 2012-06-22
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Sjöstrand, Karin; Müller, Daniel B.. (2012) Transition Pathways to a Low-Energy Society: The Case of the Norwegian Residential Building Stock. NTNU mv. Technoport RERC 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2012) Unwrapping the global anthropogenic Al cycle: stocks and flows for all countries, 1900-2010. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Asia-Pacific Conference , Beijing 2012-10-20 - 2012-10-21
Academic lectureLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2012) Decarbonizing the aluminum cycle: opportunities and boundary conditions. World Resource Forum 2012 , Beijing 2012-10-21 - 2012-10-23
Academic lectureSteinhoff, Franciska Senta; Müller, Daniel B.. (2012) Timber use in Norway, present and future role of timber as a construction material, potential biofuel and precursor for paper and pulp industries. TU Darmstadt MFA conaccount section conference 2012 2012-09-26 - 2012-09-28
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.. (2011) Integral Design for urban planning - differentiating and integrating the Good, True, Beautiful. NTNU India 2011 Integral Design Seminar , Trondheim 2011-10-06 - 2011-10-07
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.. (2011) Cities, climate change, and societal metabolism. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC Expert Meeting on Human Settlements and Infrastructures: Mitigation and adaptation strategies , Kolkata 2011-03-22 - 2011-03-24
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.; Pauliuk, Stefan; Dhaniati, Ni Made Arya. (2011) Scenarios for direct GHG emissions of passenger cars in China. UC Berkeley ISIE Conference , Berkeley, CA 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.. (2011) Society's aluminium metabolism and climate change. NTNU India 2011 Aluminium Symposium , Trondheim 2011-10-05 - 2011-10-06
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.; Modaresi, Roja. (2011) The global anthropogenic aluminium metabolism. Norsk Hydro Hydro Result Seminar 2011 , Oslo 2011-11-22 - 2011-11-23
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.. (2011) Städte: Verursacherinnen oder Retterinnen von Ressourcenverknappung und Klimawandel?. TU Dresden Denksalon Revitalisierender Städtebau - Die Ungleiche Stadt , Görlitz 2011-06-17 - 2011-06-18
Academic lectureMüller, Daniel B.; Pauliuk, Stefan; Dhaniati, Ni Made Arya. (2011) Towards benchmarking of sectoral strategies using global climate targets: Case study Chinese passenger vehicle fleet. WRF Secretariat / EMPA St. Gallen World Resources Forum , Davos 2011-09-19 - 2011-09-22
PosterPauliuk, Stefan; Wang, Tao; Müller, Daniel B.. (2011) Emissions and Energy Demand in the Chinese Steel Sector - A Stock-Driven Approach. UC Berkeley 2011 ISIE conference , Berkeley, CA 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureModaresi, Roja; Müller, Daniel B.. (2011) The role of passenger cars for the future of aluminium recycling –Global model and scenarios. ISIE , Berkeley 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-11
Academic lectureModaresi, Roja; Müller, Daniel B.. (2011) The roles of automobiles for aluminium recycling. Daniel Mueller, Roja Modaresi The roles of metals in climate change mitigation , Ålesund 2011-10-01 - 2011-10-01
PosterLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.. (2011) Characterizing the U.S. anthropogenic aluminum cycle. International Society for Industrial Ecology International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference 2011 , Berkeley 2011-06-06 - 2011-06-10
PosterPauliuk, Stefan; Wang, Tao; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) The Future of the Chinese Steel Cycle. Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology , New London, NH 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureHammervold, Johanne; Müller, Daniel B.; Pauliuk, Stefan; Brattebø, Helge. (2010) Norwegian Bridges: stock characteristics and development. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Wang, Tao; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) Resources and recycling in the Chinese iron cycle – MFA-based scenarios until 2100. ISIE ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
Academic lectureModaresi, Roja; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) The role of automobiles for the future of aluminium recycling -model and scenarios for Europe. Conaccount , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
PosterModaresi, Roja; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) Dynamics of aluminum in passenger cars in Germany. GORDON research conference , New Hampshire 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) Aluminium stocks and flows in the U.S. The first Summer Symposium on Sustainable Systems (4S) , Helsinki 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-17
PosterLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.; Johansen, Hugo. (2010) Tracing the world aluminium flow for energy reward: a century’s production and trade network analysis. Gordon Conference and Research Seminar on Industrial Ecology , New London, New Hampshire 2010-07-09 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.. (2010) Global anthropogenic aluminium cycle: a trade-linked analysis. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Asia-Pacific and Con-Account Conference , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
Academic lectureLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.. (2009) Analysis of the global aluminium cycle - trade, energy and environmental considerations. The 3rd Chinese-Norwegian Symposium on Light Metals , Shanghai 2009-10-19 - 2009-10-23
PosterLiu, Gang; Müller, Daniel B.; Scacchetti, Sebastiano. (2009) A conceptual framework for a multi-level analysis of the global aluminum cycle: linkage with international trade, energy and emission. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference 2009 , Lisbon 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-24
Academic lectureBergsdal, Håvard; Sartori, Igor; Müller, Daniel B.; Brattebø, Helge. (2008) An approach to modeling renovation activity in the residential building stock. ConAccount ConAccount 2008 , Praha 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Sartori, Igor; Müller, Daniel B.; Bohne, Rolf André. (2007) Modeling strategies of C&D activities and materials in Norway’s residential building stock. NTNU, Vann- og miljøteknikk Stocks and Flows of the Urban Built Environment , Trondheim 2007-10-11 - 2007-10-13
Academic lectureBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2007) Industrial Ecology Improves the Understanding of Dynamics in the Future C&D Waste Management System. International Society for Industrial Ecoloy (ISIE) 2007 International ISIE Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Academic lectureBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) A dynamic MFA-approach to modeling future C&D waste management and material supply systems in Norway. IFF Institute for Social Ecology, Klagenfurt University 2006 ConAccount Meeting , Wien 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-14
PosterBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Johansen, Marius; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) Eco-Efficiency and Energy Flows in Building Systems – The role of System Dynamics. CML - Center for Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
PosterBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) Eco-Efficiency and Material Flows in Building Systems – The Critical Role of System and Modeling Dynamics. CML - Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lectureBrattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard; Bohne, Rolf Andre; Müller, Daniel B.. (2005) Dynamic Material Flow Analysis for Construction and Demolition Waste in Norway - MFA Challenges in Modelling Methodology and Data Availability. Yale University, Centre for Industrial Ecology Data Scope and Data Structures for National Material Accounts , New Haven, CT 2005-09-20 - 2005-09-22