Daniel Perez Clos
I am currently working as a postdoc in a project on modelling of battery production systems at the Industrial Ecology (Indecol) department with Anders H. Strømman and Odne S. Burnheim as supervisors, where we work on identifying potentially attractive manufacturing technologies that can help the rapidly expanding battery production industry.
My background consists of a bachelor in Chemistry and master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by the University of Barcelona (UB). In my master thesis I worked in the synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes for supercapacitor applications. Afterwards I worked in the Catalan Institute of Advanced Chemistry (ICQA) on analysis of surfactant properties. Afterwards I did an internship at the Chemistry department of NTNU where I worked in a project aiming at the development of catalyst layers for hydrogen fuel cells. Thereafter I worked in the field of process engineering in Sintef Energy focusing in heat recovery and power cycles thermodynamic modelling as well as process design for CO2 capture.
Later I obtained a PhD degree on the field of material science at the Materials Technology Department (IMA) at NTNU. The project aimed at investigating the formation of fouling layers known as "Hard Grey Scale" (HGS) that form in aluminium production off-gas systems and require costly periodic cleaning procedures. The work involved the design and construction of a fouling probe known as cold-finger, which was used in industrial experiments to investigate the growth and properties of HGS and multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling to investigate HGS formation mechanisms.
Thereafter, I worked in the EU project RELIEVE related to the recycling of lithium ion batteries from electrical vehicles, focusing on the thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the leaching process to recover the valuable metals from batteries before joining Indecol.
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Historical and prospective lithium-ion battery cost trajectories from a bottom-up production modeling perspective.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
A bottom-up framework to investigate environmental and techno-economic aspects of lithium-ion batteries: A case study of conventional vs. pre-lithiated lithium-ion battery cells.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Orangi, Sina;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Exploring raw material contributions to the greenhouse gas emissions of lithium-ion battery production.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Trajectories for Lithium-Ion Battery Cost Production: Can Metal Prices Hamper the Deployment of Lithium-Ion Batteries?.
Batteries & Supercaps
Academic article
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Zedel, Hannes;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Composition and Structure Analysis of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) Formed on Cold Surfaces Exposed to Aluminium Production Off-gas.
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Formation of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) on the Surface of a Cold-finger in the Aluminium Production Industry.
Doctoral dissertation
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Zedel, Hannes;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Particle deposition characteristics in the formation of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) on cold surfaces exposed to aluminium production off-gas.
Journal of Aerosol Science
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
The Effect of Hard Scale Deposition on the Wall Heat Flux of a Cold Finger.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Nekså, Petter;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Investigation on scale formation in aluminium industry by means of a cold-finger.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Skaugen, Geir;
Mazzetti, Marit Jagtoyen;
Rohde, Daniel.
Wet expansion steam cycles for offshore industry.
International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Andresen, Trond;
Nekså, Petter;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Enabling Efficient Heat Recovery from Aluminium Pot Gas.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skaugen, Geir;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Hagen, Brede Andre Larsen;
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Mazzetti, Marit Jagtoyen;
Nekså, Petter.
Design and optimization of waste heat recovery unit using carbon dioxide as cooling fluid.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jayasayee, Kaushik;
Zlotorowicz, Agnieszka;
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Dahl, Øystein;
Thomassen, Magnus Skinlo;
Dahl, Paul Inge.
Improved Cathode Catalyst Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
ECS Transactions
Academic article
Journal publications
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Historical and prospective lithium-ion battery cost trajectories from a bottom-up production modeling perspective.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
A bottom-up framework to investigate environmental and techno-economic aspects of lithium-ion batteries: A case study of conventional vs. pre-lithiated lithium-ion battery cells.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Orangi, Sina;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Exploring raw material contributions to the greenhouse gas emissions of lithium-ion battery production.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Orangi, Sina;
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui;
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Usai, Lorenzo;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Trajectories for Lithium-Ion Battery Cost Production: Can Metal Prices Hamper the Deployment of Lithium-Ion Batteries?.
Batteries & Supercaps
Academic article
Perez Clos, Daniel;
Zedel, Hannes;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Composition and Structure Analysis of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) Formed on Cold Surfaces Exposed to Aluminium Production Off-gas.
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Zedel, Hannes;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Particle deposition characteristics in the formation of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) on cold surfaces exposed to aluminium production off-gas.
Journal of Aerosol Science
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Nekså, Petter;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Investigation on scale formation in aluminium industry by means of a cold-finger.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
Academic article
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Skaugen, Geir;
Mazzetti, Marit Jagtoyen;
Rohde, Daniel.
Wet expansion steam cycles for offshore industry.
International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements
Academic article
Jayasayee, Kaushik;
Zlotorowicz, Agnieszka;
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Dahl, Øystein;
Thomassen, Magnus Skinlo;
Dahl, Paul Inge.
Improved Cathode Catalyst Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
ECS Transactions
Academic article
Part of book/report
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
The Effect of Hard Scale Deposition on the Wall Heat Flux of a Cold Finger.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Andresen, Trond;
Nekså, Petter;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Enabling Efficient Heat Recovery from Aluminium Pot Gas.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skaugen, Geir;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Hagen, Brede Andre Larsen;
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Mazzetti, Marit Jagtoyen;
Nekså, Petter.
Design and optimization of waste heat recovery unit using carbon dioxide as cooling fluid.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Clos, Daniel Perez;
Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad;
Nekså, Petter;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Formation of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) on the Surface of a Cold-finger in the Aluminium Production Industry.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lecturePerez Clos, Daniel; Joris, Baars; Felipe, Cerdas; Sabrina, Zellmer; Christoph, Hermann; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2023) Towards a sustainable battery manufacturing modelling platform. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE-2023 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterGabriella, Ventura Silva; Perez Clos, Daniel; Felipe, Cerdas; Odne, Burheim; Anders, Strømman; Christoph, Hermann. (2023) Scalable Energy Models for Battery Cell Production. International Battery Production Conference 2023 , Braunschweig 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-09
PosterPerez Clos, Daniel; Joris, Baars; Felipe, Cerdas; Sabrina, Zellmer; Christoph, Hermann; Anders, Strømman. (2023) A battery platform for sustainability assessments in the battery production industry . The 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management , Lille 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
Academic lecturePerez Clos, Daniel; Anders, Strømman; Odne, Burnheim. (2022) A flexible and extensible process model for battery production systems with value chain interface capabilities for LCA analysis. International Battery Production Conference 2022 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureClos, Daniel Perez. (2018) PhD activities on scaling in heat recovery systems from aluminium production off-gas. NTNU-IMA SFI høst møte 2018 , Trondheim 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-07
Academic lectureClos, Daniel Perez; Gaertner, Heiko; Nekså, Petter; Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth. (2017) DESIGN OF A COOLED FOULING PROBE TO INVESTIGATE SCALING MECHANISMS FROM THE ALUMINIUM PRODUCTION OFF-GAS. HTRI Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII , Madrid 2017-06-11 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureClos, Daniel Perez; Nekså, Petter; Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth. (2017) Scaling in Heat Recovery Systems for Aluminium Production Off-Gas. SFI vår møte 2017 2017-04-25 - 2017-04-26
Academic lectureClos, Daniel Perez; Nekså, Petter. (2017) Heat recovery from Al off-gases. NTNU-IMA SFI høst møte 2017 , Trondheim 2017-11-07 - 2017-11-08
PosterClos, Daniel Perez; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth. (2017) Scaling in Heat Recovery Systems for Aluminium Production Off-Gas. SFI høst møte 2017 2017-11-07 - 2017-11-08
Academic lectureClos, Daniel Perez; Nekså, Petter; Johnsen, Sverre Gullikstad; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth. (2016) PhD Heat recovery from Al pot gas and scaling issues. SFI høst møte 2016 2016-10-25 - 2016-10-26
LectureAronu, Ugochukwu Edwin; Kim, Inna; Haugen, Geir; Clos, Daniel Perez; Jordal, Kristin. (2015) Integration of a precipitating CO2 capture process in an NGCC power plant. IEAGHG 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference and SaskPower Symposium , Regina 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureSkaugen, Geir; Walnum, Harald Taxt; Hagen, Brede Andre Larsen; Clos, Daniel Perez; Mazzetti, Marit Jagtoyen; Nekså, Petter. (2014) DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF WASTE HEAT RECOVERY UNIT USING CARBON DIOXIDE AS COOLING FLUID. ASME ASME Power 2014 Conference , Baltimore, Maryland 2014-07-28 - 2014-07-31