Cristina Maria Iordan
I am a PhD Candidate at the Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol) in the Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) at NTNU. I work within the research area of Ecosystems and Bioresources and my main research interests are in the field of climate analysis of biomass and bioenergy systems. The aim to my PhD is to better include in the LCA framework climate impacts from bio-resource extraction and use, especially those following land use or land cover changes (e.g., surface albedo and GHG fluxes). My work addesses the interactions between climate forcing agents and individual climate system responses, with a particular focus on the land-climate nexus.
I have a BSc in Economy and International Affairs and a MSc in Geopolitics and International Affairs from the Faculty of International Business and Economics (REI) at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) from Romania.
During my master degree within Industrial Ecology Master's degree programme I specialised in systems analysis. For my Master thesis I worked under the supervision of Francesco Cherubini on the topic of life cycle assessment (LCA) of biogas production in the Norwegian context, within the CenBio project.
Before starting my PhD I worked as a research assistant within the Ecoservice and Bio4Clim projects. In this position I collaborated with Francesca Verones and Francesco Cherubini to explore the possibility to integrate environmental assessment of forestry operations in terms of both climate change and biodiversity loss impacts.
I am the teaching assistant for the graduate courses:
- Climate Change Mitigation (TEP4300)
- Solid Waste Technology and Resource Recovery (TEP4310)
Hu, Xiangping;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Huang, Bo;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Recent global land cover dynamics and implications for soil erosion and carbon losses from deforestation.
Academic article
Liu, Weixing;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Hu, Xiangping;
Fu, Dafang.
Environmental impacts assessment of wastewater treatment and sludge disposal systems under two sewage discharge standards: a case study in Kunshan, China.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Hu, Xiangping;
Arvesen, Anders;
Kauppi, Pekka;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Contribution of forest wood products to negative emissions: historical comparative analysis from 1960 to 2015 in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Carbon Balance and Management
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Estimating future wood outtakes in the Norwegian forestry sector under the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Lausselet, Carine;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Life-cycle assessment of a biogas power plant with application of
different climate metrics and inclusion of near-term climate forcers.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Academic article
Journal publications
Hu, Xiangping;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Huang, Bo;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Recent global land cover dynamics and implications for soil erosion and carbon losses from deforestation.
Academic article
Liu, Weixing;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Hu, Xiangping;
Fu, Dafang.
Environmental impacts assessment of wastewater treatment and sludge disposal systems under two sewage discharge standards: a case study in Kunshan, China.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Hu, Xiangping;
Arvesen, Anders;
Kauppi, Pekka;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Contribution of forest wood products to negative emissions: historical comparative analysis from 1960 to 2015 in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Carbon Balance and Management
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Estimating future wood outtakes in the Norwegian forestry sector under the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Lausselet, Carine;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Life-cycle assessment of a biogas power plant with application of
different climate metrics and inclusion of near-term climate forcers.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Academic article
Academic lectureMuri, Helene; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Iordan, Cristina Maria. (2020) Potential contribution from bioenergy with CCS to SDG13: an Earth system modelling perspective. European Geosciences Union European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020-05-04 -
Academic lectureIordan, Cristina Maria; Huang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Muri, Helene; Cavalett, Otávio; Cherubini, Francesco. (2019) Impacts of land management and land cover change on albedo.A global assessment . University of Milano-Bicocca 10th International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress , Milano 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-05
Popular scientific lectureIordan, Cristina Maria. (2019) Climate change – World Environment Day 2019 . ARM Norway World Environment Day 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-05
Academic lectureIordan, Cristina Maria. (2019) Integration of Land Use Change effects in Life Cycle Assessment . University of Oslo GEOG9915 – Ecological Climatology , Oslo 2019-05-25 - 2019-05-25
Academic lectureHoen, Hans Fredrik; Lundmark, Tomas; Stål, Gustav; Tomter, Stein; Iordan, Cristina Maria; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) Forests and forest-based sector carbon budget – Finland, Norway and Sweden 1960-2015. IBFRA Conference, Cool forests at risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-20
Academic lectureHu, Xiangping; Iordan, Cristina Maria; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) A framework to estimate future wood outtakes under shared socioeconomic pathways. East South University Scientific lectures in East South University , Nanjing 2018-07-07 - 2018-07-07
Academic lectureIordan, Cristina Maria; Hu, Xiangping; Arvesen, Anders; Kauppi, Pekka E; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) Contribution of forest wood products to negative emissions: historical comparative analysis from 1960 to 2015 in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden International Conference on Negative CO2 emissions , Gothenburg 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-24
Academic lectureHu, Xiangping; Iordan, Cristina Maria; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) Downscaling shared socioeconomic pathways from global to local: application to future wood outtakes in the Norwegian forestry sector. International Conference on Resource Sustainability , Beijing 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-29
Academic lectureHu, Xiangping; Iordan, Cristina Maria; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) Predicting the future wood outtakes under shared socioeconomic pathways. Beijing Normal University Scientific lectures in Beijing Normal University , Beijing 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-25
PosterIordan, Cristina Maria; Verones, Francesca; Cherubini, Francesco. (2017) Integrating climate change and biodiversity impacts following forest harvest operations in Norway . Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology LCM2017 Conference , Luxembourg 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06
PosterIordan, Cristina Maria; Verones, Francesca; Cherubini, Francesco. (2017) Integrating impacts on climate change and biodiversity from forest harvest in Norway. Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Life Cycle Management (LCM) Conference , European Convention Center Luxembourg 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06