Anja Botngård
Tokovska, Miroslava;
Šolcová, Jana;
Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa;
Nour, Magde Mohamed;
Yilmaz, Muharrem;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Elder Abuse Prevention in Brazil, Norway and Slovakia: a Narrative Review.
Central European Journal of Public Policy
Academic literature review
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Botngård, Anja.
Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes - prevalence and risk factors.
NTNU Grafisk Senter
Doctoral dissertation
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Botngård, Anja;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Saga, Susan.
Vi må snakke om vold, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem.
Feature article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Factors associated with staff-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Kilvik, Astrid;
Steinsheim, Gunn;
Botngård, Anja.
A literature review of survey instruments used to measure staff-to-resident abuse in residential care settings.
Nursing Open
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Resident-to-resident aggression in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Skranes, Lars Petter;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Botngård, Anja;
Skranes, Jon Sverre.
Internet use among mothers of young children in Norway-a survey of Internet habits and perceived parental competence when caring for a sick child.
Journal of Public Health (Berlin)
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Skranes, Lars Petter;
Skranes, Jon Sverre;
Døllner, Henrik.
Multimedia based health information to parents in a pediatric acute ward: A randomized controlled trial.
Patient Education and Counseling
Academic article
Tokovska, Miroslava;
Šolcová, Jana;
Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa;
Nour, Magde Mohamed;
Yilmaz, Muharrem;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Elder Abuse Prevention in Brazil, Norway and Slovakia: a Narrative Review.
Central European Journal of Public Policy
Academic literature review
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Botngård, Anja;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Saga, Susan.
Vi må snakke om vold, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem.
Feature article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Factors associated with staff-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Kilvik, Astrid;
Steinsheim, Gunn;
Botngård, Anja.
A literature review of survey instruments used to measure staff-to-resident abuse in residential care settings.
Nursing Open
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Resident-to-resident aggression in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Skranes, Lars Petter;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Botngård, Anja;
Skranes, Jon Sverre.
Internet use among mothers of young children in Norway-a survey of Internet habits and perceived parental competence when caring for a sick child.
Journal of Public Health (Berlin)
Academic article
Botngård, Anja;
Skranes, Lars Petter;
Skranes, Jon Sverre;
Døllner, Henrik.
Multimedia based health information to parents in a pediatric acute ward: A randomized controlled trial.
Patient Education and Counseling
Academic article
Botngård, Anja.
Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes - prevalence and risk factors.
NTNU Grafisk Senter
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja. (2024) Vold, overgrep og omsorgssvikt mot eldre. Sørøst tannhelsedistrikt Distriktsmøte , Clarion Brattøra, Trondheim 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-27
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2024) Vold, overgrep og omsorgssvikt mot eldre. RVTS Øst Webinar , Digitalt 2024-11-06 -
PosterBotngård, Anja; Eide, Arne Henning; Mosqueda, Laura; Blekken, Lene Elisabeth; Malmedal, Wenche Karin. (2024) Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes. A cross-sectional exploratory study. Keck School of Medicine, USC, USA Konfer , Pasadena 2024-02-22 - 2024-02-23
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2023) Vold, overgrep og omsorgssvikt mot barn. Grunnskolelærerutdanningen, NTNU Temadag lærerutdanning , Kalvskinnet, Trondheim 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-21
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2023) "Du ser det når du tror det". Vold, overgrep og omsorgssvikt mot eldre. MIRA Konferanse , Oslo 2023-10-12 - 2023-10-12
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2022) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot eldre. Tysvær kommune Fagdag 2022-11-04 - 2022-11-04
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja. (2021) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot beboere i norske sykehjem - skjer det?. ISM, NTNU Avslutningskonferanse , Trondheim 2021-03-25 - 2021-03-25
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2021) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot eldre. RVTS Midt-Norge Webinar , Digitalt 2021-06-08 - 2021-06-08
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja. (2021) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot beboere i sykehjem - skjer det?. USHT Nordland Pasientsikkerhetsuka , Mosjøen 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-22
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja; Saga, Susan. (2021) System error – Hva forskningen sier om vold, overgrep og forsømmelse på sykehjem. Bufdir/Bufetat TryggEst konferansen , Oslo 2021-10-19 - 2021-10-20
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja. (2020) Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study. Keck School of Medicine of USC USC Judith D. Tamkin Symposium on Elder Abuse , Pasadena, California 2020-02-27 - 2020-02-27
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2020) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot eldre. Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester, Trøndelag Fagseminar - Demensomsorgens ABC , Verdal 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-05
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2019) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot eldre. St. Olavs hospital Fagdag ved St. Olavs hospital , Trondheim 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2019) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot eldre. Levanger sykehus, seksjon alderspsykiatri Fagseminar i demensomsorgens ABC , Levanger 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-03
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2019) Vold og overgrep mot eldre i sykehjem. Trondheim kommune, St.Olavs hospital, Fylkesmannen Trøndelag Søndre Trøndelags Demensforum 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-29 - 2019-05-29
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2019) Vold i nære relasjoner. Trondheim kommune, St.Olavs hospital, Fylkesmannen Trøndelag Søndre Trøndelags Demensforum 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-29 - 2019-05-29
LectureBotngård, Anja. (2019) Vold, overgrep og forsømmelser mot beboere i sykehjem. Fylkesmannen i Trøndelag Omsorgskonferansen 2019 , Stjørdal 2019-10-15 - 2019-10-15
Academic lectureBotngård, Anja; Eide, Arne Henning; Mosqueda, Laura; Malmedal, Wenche Karin. (2019) Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: preliminary results of a cross-sectional study. Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies European Conference on Domestic Violence , Oslo 2019-09-01 - 2019-09-04