Anne Borg
Anne Borg is a professor in condensed matter physics since 1998 at the Department of Physics. She is honorary doctor at Lund University from 2018.
Anne Borg was Rector at NTNU from august 2019 to December 2023. She was Pro-Rector for Education at NTNU 1 August 2017–20 August 2019. She was Dean at the Faculty of Natural Sciences 1 August, 2013 - 31 July, 2017 and Vice Dean for Education at the faculty 2005-2013. Anne Borg is a professor in condensed matter physics since 1998 at the Department of Physics. She is honorary doctor at Lund University from 2018.
Anne Borg (born 1958) has an MSc (sivilingeniør) in Applied Physics from NTH (1982) and a PhD in Physics from NTH (1988).
Research areas
- Surface Physics
- Materials Physics
- Scanning probe microscopy
- Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Density functional theory
Professional Memberships
- The Norwegian Physical Society (President 2004-2007)
- The Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS)
- Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (NTVA)
Committees/Boards (selection)
- Committees of the Swedish Research Council, 2001-2013
- Member of the IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics, 2004-2011
- Board member of Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (NTVA), 2005-2006
- Board member, MAX-lab, the Swedish National Synchrotron Facility, Lund, Sweden, 2006-2010
- Board member, the Abel Board, 2010-2018
- Board member, DNKVS, 2016-2018
- Board member, Sit, 2017-2019
- Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) at MAX IV 2017-2023
- Board member, St. Olavs Hospital, since 2020
- Chair of the board, NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, since 2024
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the European Spallation Source (ESS), since 2024
- Member of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Governing Board, since 2024
For more information, click CV under contact information.
Kamal, C.;
Stenberg, Nader;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per.
Core-Level Binding Energy Reveals Hydrogen Bonding Configurations of Water Adsorbed on TiO2 (110) Surface.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Furevik, Tore;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Skålin, Roar;
Johnny, Johannessen;
Nygaard, Kari;
Maråk Støle, Elisabeth.
Tre uomtvistelige fakta.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Borg, Anne;
Roppen, Johann;
Skretting, Kathrine;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Rokne, Berit;
Hansen, Hanne Elenora Solheim.
Norge trenger flere grunnskolelærere som er faglig sterke.
Feature article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
CO-Induced Surface Reconstruction of the Co(11–20) Surface—A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bull, Ida;
Holden, Helge;
Overskaug, Kristian;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Internasjonal bærekraftspris er etablert i Trondheim.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Li, Zheshen;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Guo, Xiaoyang.
Effects of K adsorption on the CO-induced restructuring of Co(11-20).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Lanzilotto, Valeria;
Cappel, Ute B;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Defect-Induced Water Bilayer Growth on Anatase TiO2(101).
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Lanzilotto, V.;
Cappel, U.;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101).
Surface Science
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Sørvik, Linn Cecilie;
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Near Ambient Pressure XPS Investigation of CO Oxidation Over Pd3Au(100).
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Gustafson, Johan;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Oxidation and Reduction of TiOx Thin Films on
Pd(111) and Pd(100).
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Sandell, Anders;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption and photolysis of trimethyl acetate on TiO2(B)(001) studied with synchrotron radiation core level photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Lohne, Otto;
Fossheim, Kristian Johan;
Samuelsen, Emil J.
In Memoriam: Ola Hunderi.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Popular scientific article
Borg, Anne;
Lohne, Otto;
Fossheim, Kristian Johan;
Samuelsen, Emil J.
Minneord om Ola Hunderi.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Book review
Sandell, Anders;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Photochemistry of Carboxylate on TiO2(110) Studied with Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Van der Bossche, Maxime;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Gustafson, Johan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Reversed Hysteresis during CO Oxidation over Pd75Ag25(100).
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Grönbeck, Henrik;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Stavrakas, Camille;
Gustafson, Johan.
TiOx thin films grown on Pd(100) and Pd(111) by chemical
vapor deposition.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Growth of TiO2(B)(001) on Au(111) by chemical vapor deposition.
Surface Science
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Water Adsorption on TiOx Thin Films Grown on Au(111).
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Næss, Live Nova;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Borg, Anne.
Thickness dependent effects of solubility and surface phenomena on the hydrogen transport properties of sputtered Pd77%Ag23% thin film membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara.
Reduction Behavior of Oxidized Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) Surfaces Using CO.
Surface Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Competing water dissociation channels on rutile TiO2(110).
Surface Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Photoemission studies of water dissociation on rutile TiO2(110): Aspects on experimental procedures and the influence of steps.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
H2 reduction of surface oxides on Pd-based membrane model systems - The case of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100).
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne.
Palladium alloy model systems for understanding the surface properties of Pd-based membranes and catalysts.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Gustafson, Johan;
Blomberg, Sara;
Martin, Natalia;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne;
Liu, Z.
A high pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of CO oxidation over Rh(100).
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Titania Thin Films on Gold and Palladium Surfaces.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (353)
Doctoral dissertation
Blomberg, Sara;
Hoffmann, M. J.;
Gustafson, Johan;
Martin, Natalia;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne.
In situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Model Catalysts: At the Edge of the Gap.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Water on TiOx thin films on Au(111).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Stavrakas, C;
Gustafson, Johan;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of TiOx on Pd(111) by Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Metastable TiOx and TiO2 structures on Au(111).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Knudsen, Jan;
Blomberg, Sara;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Reactions on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) surfaces - a near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holst, Bodil;
Fredriksen, Åshild;
Borg, Anne.
On the Recruitment and Participation of Women in Physics: A Report from Norway.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Palmgren, Pål;
Borg, Anne.
Chemical vapor deposition of ordered TiOx nanostructures on Au(111).
Surface Science
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, K.;
Gustafson, J.;
Weststrate, C.F.;
Lundgren, E..
Oxide Formation and CO-Induced Oxide Reduction on Pd75Ag25(100) Surface.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Blomberg, Sara;
Gustafson, Johan;
Martin, Natalia;
Messing, Maria;
Deppert, Knut;
Liu, Z..
Generation and oxidation of aerosol deposited PdAg nanoparticles.
Surface Science
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Wichmann, Andre;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Controlled modification of nanoporous gold: Chemical Vapor deposition of TiO2 in ultrahigh vacuum.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Amft, Martin;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
A Molecular Mechanism for the Water-Hydroxyl Balance during Wetting of TiO2.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Competing water dissociation channels on rutile TiO2(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Reduction of surface oxides on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) by H2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandell, Anders;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomquist, J.;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Heterogeneous reaction between Li and anatase TiO2 nanoparticles under ultra-high vacuum.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Sui, Manling.
Attracting Girls to Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Wittstock, Arne;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Toward Controlled Modification of Nanoporous Gold. A Detailed Surface Science Study on Cleaning and Oxidation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Probing the influence from residual Ti interstitials on water adsorption on TiO2(110).
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Blomberg, Sara;
Andersen, Jesper N..
Reduction of (sqrt(5) x sqrt(5)R27-O surface oxide on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) with CO.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Do Ti interstitials influence the adsorption of water on TiO2(110)?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Wichmann, A.;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Modification of Nanoporous Gold by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Knudsen, Jan;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin.
CO oxidation over Pt25Rh75(100) studied with ambient pressure XPS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Palmgren, Pål.
Effects of deposition temperature on the surface structure of ultrathin TiOx films on Au(111) grown by chemical vapor deposition.
Amft, Martin;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
The formation of the wetting layer on TiO2: A molecular mechanism for the water-hydroxyl balance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Grönbeck, Henrik;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Blomberg, Sara;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Schulte, Karina.
Surface composition of clean and oxidized Pd75Ag25(100) from photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations.
Surface Science
Academic article
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Borg, Anne.
Emil J. Samuelsen 75 år.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Book review
Sandell, Anders;
Sanyal, Biplab;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Probing the conduction band edge of transition metal oxides by x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Uvdal, Per.
Mixed dissociative and molecular water adsorption on anatase TiO2(101).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Zakharov, Alexei;
Borg, Anne.
Investigation of TiOx phases grown on Au(111) by chemical vapor depostion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Amft, Martin;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
Growth of the first water layer on rutile TiO2(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Wittstock, Arne;
Borg, Anne;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Cleaning and oxidation of nanoporous gold. A detailed photoemission study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blomberg, Sara;
Martin, Natalia;
Gustafson, Johan;
Andersen, Jesper N.;
Lundgren, Edvin;
Walle, Lars Erik.
Production and characterization of PdAg aerosol nanoparticles on SiOx.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Agnoli, Stefano;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Artiglia, Luca;
Krüger, Peter.
High resolution photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy of a lepidocrocite-like TiO2 nanosheet on Pt(110)(1x2).
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Uvdal, Per.
Mixed Dissociative and Molecular Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2(101).
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borck, Øyvind;
Andersen, Trine;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Methanol adsorption on Pd(110) and Ag/Pd(110) studied by high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schölin, Rebecka;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Comparing Surface Binding of the Maleic Anhydride Anchor Group on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2 (101), (100), and (001) Surfaces.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Liu, Yun;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Wahlström, Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale surface modification of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
Academic article
Borck, Øyvind;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Andersen, Trine;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methylamine on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl (110) - a high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory study.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of CO on Ni3Al(111) investigated using high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Johansson, Erik;
Schölin, Rebecka;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
UHV study of the binding geometry of an organic perylene dye on single crystalline anatase TiO2(101).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Andersen, Trine;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin;
Andersen, Jesper N..
Oxidation of Pd0.57Cu0.43(100).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of ultrathin TiOx films on Pt(110) studied by high resolution photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zahl, Maria Gundersen;
Myrseth, Velaug ;
Andersen, Trine;
Harnes, Jarle;
Borg, Anne;
Sæthre, Leif J..
Molecular Spectra As a Tool in Assigning Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Physisorbed Overlayers.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Samuelsen, Emil J;
Borg, Anne.
Ola Hunderi 70 år.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Book review
Tanem, Bjørn Steinar;
Lunder, Otto;
Borg, Anne;
Mårdalen, Jostein.
AFM adhesion force measurements on conversion-coated EN AW-6082-T6 aluminium.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Academic article
Andersen, Trine;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Gabrielsen, Andreas;
Borg, Anne.
Investigation of 1,1-dichloroethene interacting with the Si(111)–7x7 surface studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
You, Chang Chuan;
Takahashi, Ryota;
Borg, Anne;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Tybell, Thomas.
The fabrication and chracterization of PbTiO3 nanomesas realized on nanostructured SrRuO3/SrTiO3 templates.
Academic article
Borck, Øyvind;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methanol and methoxy on NiAl(110) and Ni3Al(111): A DFT study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Peters, TA;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Stange, M;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thin Pd-23%Ag/stainless steel composite membranes: Long-term stability, life-time estimation and post-process characterisation.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Sandow, Barbara;
Marks, Ann;
Borg, Anne.
Attracting Girls to Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Fredriksen, Åshild;
Borg, Anne.
Report from Norway on the Participation of women in Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Schulte, Karina;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methanol on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl(110): A high resolution PES study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Surface science studies of TiO2 single crystal systems.
Doctoral dissertation
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Interactions of Functional Groups with Surfaces.
Doctoral dissertation
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne.
Surface studies of palladium based membranes and model systems.
Doctoral dissertation
Walle, Lars Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of Au on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(101) and (001): Probing Under-Coordinated Sites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Mehylamine adsorption on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schulte, Karina;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Gustafson, Johan;
Borg, Anne;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Oxide formation at the Pd75Ag25(100) surface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Surface molecular structure of the maleic anhydride dye attachment group on single crystalline anatase TiO2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne;
Bredesen, Rune.
Hydrogen permeation of thin, free-standing Pd/Ag23% membranes before and after heat treatment in air.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Blomquist, Jacob;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Water Dissociation on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(001) Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Sandell, Anders;
Biplab, Sanyal;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Richter, Jan Hinnerk;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Karlsson, Patrik.
Probing and modifying the empty-state threshold of anatase TiO2: Experiments and ab initio theory.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Blomquist, Jacob;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Adsorption of water on anatase TiO2(001)-(4x1) studied by photoelectron spectroscopy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Reaction of methylamine on Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Andersen, Trine;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Methanol adsorption on Ag/Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandell, Anders;
Sanyal, Biplab;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Richter, Jan hinnerk;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Karlsson, Patrik.
Probing and modifying the properties of the empty states threshold of anatase TiO2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Zahl, Maria Gundersen;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Børve, Knut J.;
Borg, Anne.
Chemisorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of benzene on NiAl(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
You, Chang Chuan;
Rystad, Nils Vidar;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale structuring of SrRuO3 thin film surfaces by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Aardal, Brynjar Fausk;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Bredesen, Rune.
Pd-based thin films in catalytic membrane reactor applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borg, Anne;
Rahman, Talat;
Sakaki, HiroYuki;
Larsson, Mats;
Bruynseraede, Yvan;
Safinya, Cyrus R..
Evaluation of the Swedish Condensed Matter Physics, 2004.
The Swedish Research Council
Non-fiction book
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Frafjord, Øyvind;
Borg, Anne;
Gundersen, Maria;
Sæthre, Leif J..
Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, J.
Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish.
Academic article
Rose, M. K.;
Borg, Anne;
Dunphy, J. C.;
Mitsui, T.;
Ogletree, D. F.;
Salmeron, M..
Chemisorption of atomic oxygen on Pd(111) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Barber, Iain;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do male two-spotted gobies prefer large fecund females?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Rose, M. k.;
Borg, Anne;
Dunphy, J. C.;
Mitsui, T.;
Ogletree, D. f.;
Salmeron, M..
Chemisorption and dissociation of O2 on Pd(111) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
van Beurden, P.;
Bunnik, B. S.;
Kramer, G. J.;
Borg, Anne.
Mechanism and Dynamics of the CO-Induced Lifting of the Pt(100) Surface Reconstruction.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Worren, Turid;
Kildemo, Morten.
Hybridisation and vibrational excitation of C2H2 on Co(0001).
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik;
Worren, Turid.
Chemisorption and decomposition of acetylene on Co(1120).
Surface Science
Academic article
Rose, Mark K.;
Mitsui, T.;
Dunphy, J.;
Borg, Anne;
Salmeron, Miguel;
Sautet, P..
Ordered Structures of CO on Pd(111) Studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Wu, Ling-An;
Sharma, Manjura;
Svirina, Larissa;
Baker, Joanne;
Borg, Anne;
Fredrickx, Peggy.
Improving the Institutional Structure and Climate for Women in Physics.
AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønning, Magnus;
Bergene, Edvard;
Borg, Anne;
Ausen, Staale;
Holmen, Anders.
Scanning tunnelling microscopic studies on the adsorption and decomosition of ethene on the reconstructed Pt(100)-hex-R0.7° surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rose, Mark K.;
Borg, Anne;
Mitsui, T;
Ogletree, D. F.;
Salmeron, Miguel.
Subsurface impurities in Pd(111) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Kildemo, Morten;
Raaen, Steinar;
Matsuura, A;
Jaworowski, A. J..
Molecular vibrations in core-ionised CO adsorbed on Co(0001) and Rh(100).
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik.
Acetylene chemisorption and decomposition on the Co(11-20) single crystal surface.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Ramsvik, Trond;
Kildemo, Morten;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne.
Molecular vibrations in core ionised CO adsorbed on Rh(100).
MAX-lab Activity Report
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Pt/Rh(100) surface studied by high-resolution photoemission.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Pt/Rh(100) surface studied by high-resolution photoemission.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Worren, Turid;
Kildemo, Morten.
Chemisorption of acetylen on Co(0001) studied by high-resolution core level photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Raaen, Steinar;
Worren, Turid;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Growth and alloy formation studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
CO and O%c adsorption on the Re/Pt(111) surface studied by photoemission and thermal desorption.
Surface Science
Academic article
Worren, Turid;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
Homoepitaxial growth of Co on Co(11-20) studied by STM.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Borg, Anne.
Nucleation and growth of Au overlayers on Pt(100)-hex-R0.7%0 studied by STM and photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Formation of the CO-induced (3x1) surface structure on Co (11#-20) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Rh(100) surface studied by high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on Co(1012) : a STM study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne.
The (2x5) carbon overlayer structure on Co(11#-20) studied by STM.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Ritz, G.;
Schmid, M.;
Varga, P.;
Borg, Anne;
Rønning, Magnus.
Pt(100) quasihexagonal reconstruction : a comparison between scanning tunneling microscopy data and effective medium theory simulation calculations.
Physical Review B Condensed Matter
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Ramstad, A.;
Andersen, J.N.;
Nyholm, R..
Growth and structure of the Au on Pt(100) overlayer system.
MAX-lab Activity Report (.)
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne;
Raaen, Steinar.
Sm adsorption on Pt(100) : a combined photoemission/STM study.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Grepstad, Jostein;
Husby, Haldor;
Borg, Anne;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Bernstein, Ralph W.;
Nyholm, Ralf.
As Capping of MBE-grown Compound Semiconductors; Novel Opportunities to Interface Science and Device Fabrication.
Physica scripta. Topical Issues
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Andersen, J.N..
Photoemission study of the Ce/Rh(100) overlayer system : hybridization of f and d states.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Andersen, J.N..
The surface core level shift of the Rh(100) single crystal surface.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Observation of a low binding energy peak in the 2p core-levelphotoemission from oxidized Al(111).
MAX-lab Activity Report
Non-fiction book
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne.
A photoemission study of interface formation and enhanced oxidation of the Ce/Al(111) system.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Non-fiction book
Bernstein, Ralph W.;
Borg, Anne;
Husby, Haldor;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Capping and Decapping of MBE Grown GaAs(001), Al0.5Ga0.5As(001), and AlAs(001) Investigated with ASP, PES, LEED, and RHEED.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Braaten, Nils A.;
Borg, Anne;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Raaen, Steinar;
Ruckman, M.W..
Oxygen K Near-Edge-Structure for Thin Ce Oxide Films.
Solid State Communications
Academic article
Journal publications
Kamal, C.;
Stenberg, Nader;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per.
Core-Level Binding Energy Reveals Hydrogen Bonding Configurations of Water Adsorbed on TiO2 (110) Surface.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Furevik, Tore;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Skålin, Roar;
Johnny, Johannessen;
Nygaard, Kari;
Maråk Støle, Elisabeth.
Tre uomtvistelige fakta.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Borg, Anne;
Roppen, Johann;
Skretting, Kathrine;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Rokne, Berit;
Hansen, Hanne Elenora Solheim.
Norge trenger flere grunnskolelærere som er faglig sterke.
Feature article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
CO-Induced Surface Reconstruction of the Co(11–20) Surface—A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bull, Ida;
Holden, Helge;
Overskaug, Kristian;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Internasjonal bærekraftspris er etablert i Trondheim.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Li, Zheshen;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Guo, Xiaoyang.
Effects of K adsorption on the CO-induced restructuring of Co(11-20).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Lanzilotto, Valeria;
Cappel, Ute B;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Defect-Induced Water Bilayer Growth on Anatase TiO2(101).
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Lanzilotto, V.;
Cappel, U.;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101).
Surface Science
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Sørvik, Linn Cecilie;
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Near Ambient Pressure XPS Investigation of CO Oxidation Over Pd3Au(100).
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Gustafson, Johan;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Oxidation and Reduction of TiOx Thin Films on
Pd(111) and Pd(100).
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Sandell, Anders;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption and photolysis of trimethyl acetate on TiO2(B)(001) studied with synchrotron radiation core level photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Lohne, Otto;
Fossheim, Kristian Johan;
Samuelsen, Emil J.
In Memoriam: Ola Hunderi.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Popular scientific article
Borg, Anne;
Lohne, Otto;
Fossheim, Kristian Johan;
Samuelsen, Emil J.
Minneord om Ola Hunderi.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Book review
Sandell, Anders;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Photochemistry of Carboxylate on TiO2(110) Studied with Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Van der Bossche, Maxime;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Gustafson, Johan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Reversed Hysteresis during CO Oxidation over Pd75Ag25(100).
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Grönbeck, Henrik;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Stavrakas, Camille;
Gustafson, Johan.
TiOx thin films grown on Pd(100) and Pd(111) by chemical
vapor deposition.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Growth of TiO2(B)(001) on Au(111) by chemical vapor deposition.
Surface Science
Academic article
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Water Adsorption on TiOx Thin Films Grown on Au(111).
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Næss, Live Nova;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Borg, Anne.
Thickness dependent effects of solubility and surface phenomena on the hydrogen transport properties of sputtered Pd77%Ag23% thin film membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara.
Reduction Behavior of Oxidized Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) Surfaces Using CO.
Surface Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Competing water dissociation channels on rutile TiO2(110).
Surface Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Photoemission studies of water dissociation on rutile TiO2(110): Aspects on experimental procedures and the influence of steps.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
H2 reduction of surface oxides on Pd-based membrane model systems - The case of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100).
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Gustafson, Johan;
Blomberg, Sara;
Martin, Natalia;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne;
Liu, Z.
A high pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of CO oxidation over Rh(100).
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Blomberg, Sara;
Hoffmann, M. J.;
Gustafson, Johan;
Martin, Natalia;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne.
In situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Model Catalysts: At the Edge of the Gap.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Holst, Bodil;
Fredriksen, Åshild;
Borg, Anne.
On the Recruitment and Participation of Women in Physics: A Report from Norway.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Palmgren, Pål;
Borg, Anne.
Chemical vapor deposition of ordered TiOx nanostructures on Au(111).
Surface Science
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, K.;
Gustafson, J.;
Weststrate, C.F.;
Lundgren, E..
Oxide Formation and CO-Induced Oxide Reduction on Pd75Ag25(100) Surface.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Blomberg, Sara;
Gustafson, Johan;
Martin, Natalia;
Messing, Maria;
Deppert, Knut;
Liu, Z..
Generation and oxidation of aerosol deposited PdAg nanoparticles.
Surface Science
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Wichmann, Andre;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Controlled modification of nanoporous gold: Chemical Vapor deposition of TiO2 in ultrahigh vacuum.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Amft, Martin;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
A Molecular Mechanism for the Water-Hydroxyl Balance during Wetting of TiO2.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Sandell, Anders;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomquist, J.;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Heterogeneous reaction between Li and anatase TiO2 nanoparticles under ultra-high vacuum.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Sui, Manling.
Attracting Girls to Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Wittstock, Arne;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Toward Controlled Modification of Nanoporous Gold. A Detailed Surface Science Study on Cleaning and Oxidation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Probing the influence from residual Ti interstitials on water adsorption on TiO2(110).
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Grönbeck, Henrik;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Blomberg, Sara;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Schulte, Karina.
Surface composition of clean and oxidized Pd75Ag25(100) from photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations.
Surface Science
Academic article
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Borg, Anne.
Emil J. Samuelsen 75 år.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Book review
Sandell, Anders;
Sanyal, Biplab;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne.
Probing the conduction band edge of transition metal oxides by x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Agnoli, Stefano;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Artiglia, Luca;
Krüger, Peter.
High resolution photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy of a lepidocrocite-like TiO2 nanosheet on Pt(110)(1x2).
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Uvdal, Per.
Mixed Dissociative and Molecular Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2(101).
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borck, Øyvind;
Andersen, Trine;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Methanol adsorption on Pd(110) and Ag/Pd(110) studied by high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schölin, Rebecka;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Comparing Surface Binding of the Maleic Anhydride Anchor Group on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2 (101), (100), and (001) Surfaces.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Liu, Yun;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Wahlström, Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale surface modification of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
Academic article
Borck, Øyvind;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Andersen, Trine;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methylamine on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl (110) - a high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory study.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of CO on Ni3Al(111) investigated using high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Zahl, Maria Gundersen;
Myrseth, Velaug ;
Andersen, Trine;
Harnes, Jarle;
Borg, Anne;
Sæthre, Leif J..
Molecular Spectra As a Tool in Assigning Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Physisorbed Overlayers.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Samuelsen, Emil J;
Borg, Anne.
Ola Hunderi 70 år.
Fra Fysikkens Verden
Book review
Tanem, Bjørn Steinar;
Lunder, Otto;
Borg, Anne;
Mårdalen, Jostein.
AFM adhesion force measurements on conversion-coated EN AW-6082-T6 aluminium.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Academic article
Andersen, Trine;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Gabrielsen, Andreas;
Borg, Anne.
Investigation of 1,1-dichloroethene interacting with the Si(111)–7x7 surface studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
You, Chang Chuan;
Takahashi, Ryota;
Borg, Anne;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Tybell, Thomas.
The fabrication and chracterization of PbTiO3 nanomesas realized on nanostructured SrRuO3/SrTiO3 templates.
Academic article
Borck, Øyvind;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methanol and methoxy on NiAl(110) and Ni3Al(111): A DFT study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Peters, TA;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Stange, M;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thin Pd-23%Ag/stainless steel composite membranes: Long-term stability, life-time estimation and post-process characterisation.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Sandow, Barbara;
Marks, Ann;
Borg, Anne.
Attracting Girls to Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Fredriksen, Åshild;
Borg, Anne.
Report from Norway on the Participation of women in Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Schulte, Karina;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of methanol on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl(110): A high resolution PES study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne;
Bredesen, Rune.
Hydrogen permeation of thin, free-standing Pd/Ag23% membranes before and after heat treatment in air.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Blomquist, Jacob;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Water Dissociation on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(001) Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Sandell, Anders;
Biplab, Sanyal;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Richter, Jan Hinnerk;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Karlsson, Patrik.
Probing and modifying the empty-state threshold of anatase TiO2: Experiments and ab initio theory.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Zahl, Maria Gundersen;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Børve, Knut J.;
Borg, Anne.
Chemisorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
You, Chang Chuan;
Rystad, Nils Vidar;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale structuring of SrRuO3 thin film surfaces by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, J.
Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish.
Academic article
Rose, M. K.;
Borg, Anne;
Dunphy, J. C.;
Mitsui, T.;
Ogletree, D. F.;
Salmeron, M..
Chemisorption of atomic oxygen on Pd(111) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Barber, Iain;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do male two-spotted gobies prefer large fecund females?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Rose, M. k.;
Borg, Anne;
Dunphy, J. C.;
Mitsui, T.;
Ogletree, D. f.;
Salmeron, M..
Chemisorption and dissociation of O2 on Pd(111) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
van Beurden, P.;
Bunnik, B. S.;
Kramer, G. J.;
Borg, Anne.
Mechanism and Dynamics of the CO-Induced Lifting of the Pt(100) Surface Reconstruction.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Worren, Turid;
Kildemo, Morten.
Hybridisation and vibrational excitation of C2H2 on Co(0001).
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik;
Worren, Turid.
Chemisorption and decomposition of acetylene on Co(1120).
Surface Science
Academic article
Rose, Mark K.;
Mitsui, T.;
Dunphy, J.;
Borg, Anne;
Salmeron, Miguel;
Sautet, P..
Ordered Structures of CO on Pd(111) Studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Bergene, Edvard;
Borg, Anne;
Ausen, Staale;
Holmen, Anders.
Scanning tunnelling microscopic studies on the adsorption and decomosition of ethene on the reconstructed Pt(100)-hex-R0.7° surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rose, Mark K.;
Borg, Anne;
Mitsui, T;
Ogletree, D. F.;
Salmeron, Miguel.
Subsurface impurities in Pd(111) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Kildemo, Morten;
Raaen, Steinar;
Matsuura, A;
Jaworowski, A. J..
Molecular vibrations in core-ionised CO adsorbed on Co(0001) and Rh(100).
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Pt/Rh(100) surface studied by high-resolution photoemission.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Pt/Rh(100) surface studied by high-resolution photoemission.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Raaen, Steinar;
Worren, Turid;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Growth and alloy formation studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Ramstad, Audun;
Strisland, Frode;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
CO and O%c adsorption on the Re/Pt(111) surface studied by photoemission and thermal desorption.
Surface Science
Academic article
Worren, Turid;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
Homoepitaxial growth of Co on Co(11-20) studied by STM.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Borg, Anne.
Nucleation and growth of Au overlayers on Pt(100)-hex-R0.7%0 studied by STM and photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Formation of the CO-induced (3x1) surface structure on Co (11#-20) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on the Rh(100) surface studied by high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on Co(1012) : a STM study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne.
The (2x5) carbon overlayer structure on Co(11#-20) studied by STM.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Ritz, G.;
Schmid, M.;
Varga, P.;
Borg, Anne;
Rønning, Magnus.
Pt(100) quasihexagonal reconstruction : a comparison between scanning tunneling microscopy data and effective medium theory simulation calculations.
Physical Review B Condensed Matter
Academic article
Grepstad, Jostein;
Husby, Haldor;
Borg, Anne;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Bernstein, Ralph W.;
Nyholm, Ralf.
As Capping of MBE-grown Compound Semiconductors; Novel Opportunities to Interface Science and Device Fabrication.
Physica scripta. Topical Issues
Academic article
Bernstein, Ralph W.;
Borg, Anne;
Husby, Haldor;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Capping and Decapping of MBE Grown GaAs(001), Al0.5Ga0.5As(001), and AlAs(001) Investigated with ASP, PES, LEED, and RHEED.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Braaten, Nils A.;
Borg, Anne;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Raaen, Steinar;
Ruckman, M.W..
Oxygen K Near-Edge-Structure for Thin Ce Oxide Films.
Solid State Communications
Academic article
Borg, Anne;
Rahman, Talat;
Sakaki, HiroYuki;
Larsson, Mats;
Bruynseraede, Yvan;
Safinya, Cyrus R..
Evaluation of the Swedish Condensed Matter Physics, 2004.
The Swedish Research Council
Non-fiction book
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Observation of a low binding energy peak in the 2p core-levelphotoemission from oxidized Al(111).
MAX-lab Activity Report
Non-fiction book
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne.
A photoemission study of interface formation and enhanced oxidation of the Ce/Al(111) system.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Sandell, Anders;
Borg, Anne.
Water on TiOx thin films on Au(111).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Stavrakas, C;
Gustafson, Johan;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of TiOx on Pd(111) by Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Metastable TiOx and TiO2 structures on Au(111).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Knudsen, Jan;
Blomberg, Sara;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Reactions on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) surfaces - a near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Competing water dissociation channels on rutile TiO2(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Reduction of surface oxides on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) by H2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Blomberg, Sara;
Andersen, Jesper N..
Reduction of (sqrt(5) x sqrt(5)R27-O surface oxide on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) with CO.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Do Ti interstitials influence the adsorption of water on TiO2(110)?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Wichmann, A.;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Modification of Nanoporous Gold by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Knudsen, Jan;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin.
CO oxidation over Pt25Rh75(100) studied with ambient pressure XPS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Palmgren, Pål.
Effects of deposition temperature on the surface structure of ultrathin TiOx films on Au(111) grown by chemical vapor deposition.
Amft, Martin;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
The formation of the wetting layer on TiO2: A molecular mechanism for the water-hydroxyl balance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Uvdal, Per.
Mixed dissociative and molecular water adsorption on anatase TiO2(101).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ragazzon, Davide;
Schaefer, Andreas;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Zakharov, Alexei;
Borg, Anne.
Investigation of TiOx phases grown on Au(111) by chemical vapor depostion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Amft, Martin;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Skorodumova, Natalia.
Growth of the first water layer on rutile TiO2(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schaefer, Andreas;
Ragazzon, Davide;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Wittstock, Arne;
Borg, Anne;
Bäumer, Marcus.
Cleaning and oxidation of nanoporous gold. A detailed photoemission study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blomberg, Sara;
Martin, Natalia;
Gustafson, Johan;
Andersen, Jesper N.;
Lundgren, Edvin;
Walle, Lars Erik.
Production and characterization of PdAg aerosol nanoparticles on SiOx.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Johansson, Erik;
Schölin, Rebecka;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
UHV study of the binding geometry of an organic perylene dye on single crystalline anatase TiO2(101).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Uvdal, Per;
Sandell, Anders.
Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Andersen, Trine;
Gustafson, Johan;
Lundgren, Edvin;
Andersen, Jesper N..
Oxidation of Pd0.57Cu0.43(100).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of ultrathin TiOx films on Pt(110) studied by high resolution photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Walle, Lars Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Growth of Au on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(101) and (001): Probing Under-Coordinated Sites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Schulte, Karina;
Borg, Anne.
Mehylamine adsorption on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schulte, Karina;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Gustafson, Johan;
Borg, Anne;
Lundgren, Edvin.
Oxide formation at the Pd75Ag25(100) surface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansson, Erik;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Rensmo, Håkan;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Surface molecular structure of the maleic anhydride dye attachment group on single crystalline anatase TiO2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blomquist, Jacob;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Uvdal, Per;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Adsorption of water on anatase TiO2(001)-(4x1) studied by photoelectron spectroscopy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Reaction of methylamine on Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Andersen, Trine;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Methanol adsorption on Ag/Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on Pd(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandell, Anders;
Sanyal, Biplab;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Richter, Jan hinnerk;
Plogmaker, Stefan;
Karlsson, Patrik.
Probing and modifying the properties of the empty states threshold of anatase TiO2.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borck, Øyvind;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne.
Adsorption of benzene on NiAl(110).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Aardal, Brynjar Fausk;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Bredesen, Rune.
Pd-based thin films in catalytic membrane reactor applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Frafjord, Øyvind;
Borg, Anne;
Gundersen, Maria;
Sæthre, Leif J..
Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Ling-An;
Sharma, Manjura;
Svirina, Larissa;
Baker, Joanne;
Borg, Anne;
Fredrickx, Peggy.
Improving the Institutional Structure and Climate for Women in Physics.
AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Borg, Anne.
Palladium alloy model systems for understanding the surface properties of Pd-based membranes and catalysts.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Titania Thin Films on Gold and Palladium Surfaces.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (353)
Doctoral dissertation
Walle, Lars Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Sandell, Anders.
Surface science studies of TiO2 single crystal systems.
Doctoral dissertation
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Borg, Anne.
Interactions of Functional Groups with Surfaces.
Doctoral dissertation
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Borg, Anne.
Surface studies of palladium based membranes and model systems.
Doctoral dissertation
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik.
Acetylene chemisorption and decomposition on the Co(11-20) single crystal surface.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Ramsvik, Trond;
Kildemo, Morten;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne.
Molecular vibrations in core ionised CO adsorbed on Rh(100).
MAX-lab Activity Report
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Worren, Turid;
Kildemo, Morten.
Chemisorption of acetylen on Co(0001) studied by high-resolution core level photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Ramstad, A.;
Andersen, J.N.;
Nyholm, R..
Growth and structure of the Au on Pt(100) overlayer system.
MAX-lab Activity Report (.)
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne;
Raaen, Steinar.
Sm adsorption on Pt(100) : a combined photoemission/STM study.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Andersen, J.N..
Photoemission study of the Ce/Rh(100) overlayer system : hybridization of f and d states.
MAX-lab Activity Report
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie;
Raaen, Steinar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Andersen, J.N..
The surface core level shift of the Rh(100) single crystal surface.
MAX-lab Activity Report
InterviewBorg, Anne; Kristoffersen, Steinar; Moe, Ola Borten; Larsen, Dag Eivind Undheim; Larsen, Selma Stormyren. (2023) Frykter økt kamp om midlene . Klassekampen Klassekampen [Newspaper] 2023-01-10
Programme managementMortensholm, Stein ; Borg, Anne; Bech Gjørv, Alexandra; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Hva vil mulighetene i EUs nye politikk og regelverk bety for å skape et levedyktig norsk næringsliv?. Dagens Næringsliv DN Studio Dagens Næringsliv DN Studio [TV] 2022-11-14
InterviewBorg, Anne; Gjørv, Alexandra Bech. (2021) Nå er dette nye bygget på Gløshaugen åpnet. [Internet] 2021-03-04
InterviewMohn, Klaus; Whittaker, Sunniva; Rice, Curt; Krumsvik, Arne H.; Skagen, Else Berit; Thøgersen, Øystein. (2021) 18 rektorer om hjemmekontor etter pandemien. [Newspaper] 2021-03-31
InterviewRoppen, Johann; Lind, Guro Elisabeth; Støle, Elisabeth Maråk; Asheim, Henrik; Skarpenes, Nina; Urdal, Henrik. (2020) «2021 er året da vi vet å verdsette det 2020 ikke ga oss» : toppene i kunnskapsnorge hilser det nye året med ønske om hedonistiske kjempefester, liv og energi på campus og en porsjon optimisme - etter hvert. [Newspaper] 2020-12-31
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Farstad, Mari Helene; Weststrate, C. J.; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2019) The CO-induced surface reconstruction on Co(11-20) - a combined theoretical and experimental investigation . University of Oslo and Centre for Materials Science and Nano Operando Surface Catalysis meeting , Soria Moria, Oslo 2019-01-29 - 2019-02-01
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Mahmoodinia, Mehdi; Weststrate, Kees-Jan. (2019) CO and H2 Adsorption on Co(11-20) - a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium - NGCS12 , San Antonio, Texas 2019-06-02 - 2019-06-06
PosterSvenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Farstad, Mari Helene; Mahmoodinia, Mehdi; Weststrate, C. J.; Niemantsverdriet, Hans. (2019) Adsorption of CO and H2 on Co(11-20) - a combined experimental and theoretical investigation . Catalysis Club of Chicago - 2019 Spring Symposium , BP Research Center (150 West Warrenville Road, Naperville) 2019-04-16 -
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Farstad, Mari Helene; Weststrate, C. J.; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) The CO-induced surface reconstruction on Co(11-20)– a combined theoretical and experimental investigation . ECOSS 34 , Aarhus 2018-08-26 - 2018-08-31
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Weststrate, C. J.; Gavrilovic, Ljubisa; Regli, Samuel K.. (2018) The effect of K on the adsorption and decomposition of ethylene on Co(11-20). Tailor2018: Tailored surfaces in operando conditions , Lund 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-14
PosterStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Gavrilovic, Ljubisa; Li, Zheshen; Guo, Xiaoyang. (2018) Co(11-20) single crystal as Fischer-Tropsch catalyst model system. NorScatt NorScatt Meeting , Oslo 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-22
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Farstad, Mari Helene; Weststrate, C. J.; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) The CO-induced surface reconstruction on Co(11-20)-a combined theoretical and experimental investigation. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap (NKS) Norwegian Catalysis Symposium - Landsmøte i kjemi - October 16th-17th 2018 , Lillestrøm 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17
Academic lectureBorg, Anne. (2017) Pd-Based Bimetallic Alloys for Catalyst and Membrane Applications. University of Groningen Invitert foredrag 2017-03-16 - 2017-03-16
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Knudsen, Jan; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2017) CO oxidation over Pd-based alloys. Europacat , Firenze 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-31
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Knudsen, Jan; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2017) CO oxidation over Pd-based alloys. Norwegian catalysis symposium 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-07
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2016) The effect of K impurities on Co(11-20) with respect to Fisher-Tropsh catalysis . Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society CMD26 , Groningen 2016-09-04 - 2016-09-09
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Knudsen, Jan; Guo, Xiaoyang; Gavrilovic, Ljubisa; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P. (2016) CO oxidation over Pd-based alloys. CMD26 , Groningen 2016-09-04 - 2016-09-09
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Gustafson, Johan; Sandell, Anders; Borg, Anne. (2016) Oxidation and Reduction of TiOx on Pd(100) and Pd(111). 17th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis 2016 , Lund 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-16
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Farstad, Mari Helene; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2016) Co single crystal surfaces as Fischer-Tropsch model systems: STM investigations of alkali metal on Co single crystal surface . The 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS11) , Tromsø 2016-06-05 - 2016-06-09
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Knudsen, Jan; Guo, Xiaoyang; Sørvik, Linn Cecilie; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2016) Near ambient pressure XPS investigation of CO oxidation over Pd3Au(100). 17th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis (NSC17) , Lund 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-16
PosterFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Van den Bossche, Maxime; Knudsen, Jan; Farstad, Mari Helene; Gustafson, Johan; Lundgren, Edvin. (2015) Oxidation over Pd Model Surfaces - a Near-Ambient Pressure XPS and DFT Study”. NAM24 North American Catalysis Society Meeting , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19
Academic lectureStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2015) Model Systems for Co Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: STM investigations of alkali metal on Co single crystal surfaces. The 31st European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS31 Barcelona) , Barcelona 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-04
PosterStrømsheim, Marie Døvre; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borg, Anne; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2015) Model Systems for Co Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. EuropaCat XII , Kazan 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-04
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Gustafson, Johan; Sandell, Anders; Borg, Anne. (2014) The growth of TiOx on Pd(111) and Pd(100) by Chemical Vapor Deposition. NordForsk meeting 2014-06-02 - 2014-06-03
Academic lectureBorg, Anne; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Farstad, Mari Helene; Knudsen, Jan; Gustafson, Johan; Lundgren, Edvin. (2014) Near-Ambient Pressure XPS study of CO and H2 Oxidation over Pd model surfaces. Univ. of Oslo 16th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Univ. of Oslo 2014-06-15 - 2014-06-17
Academic lectureBorg, Anne. (2014) Reactions over Pd-based model systems – A MAX-lab story. MAX IV Laboratory 27th Annual MAX IV Laboratory User Meeting (UM14) and Nordic X-Ray Science Days , Lund 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-01
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Gustafson, Johan; Sandell, Anders; Borg, Anne. (2014) The growth of TiOx on Pd(111) and Pd(100) by Chemical Vapor Deposition. 27. SYMPOSIUM ON SURFACE SCIENCE 2014 , St. Christoph 2014-03-09 - 2014-03-15
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Schaefer, Andreas; Walle, Lars Erik; Sandell, Anders; Borg, Anne. (2013) Water on TiOx thin films on Au(111). 26th SYMPOSIUM ON SURFACE SCIENCE , Aare 2013-03-03 - 2013-03-08
Academic lectureVicinanza, Nicla; Næss, Linda Normann; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Peters, Thijs; Bredesen, Rune; Borg, Anne. (2013) Permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd77%Ag23% membranes. 23rd Annual Meeting North American Membrane Society , Boise 2013-06-08 - 2013-06-12
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Walle, Lars Erik; Schaefer, Andreas; Sandell, Anders; Borg, Anne. (2013) TiOx Thin Films on Au(111): Water dissociation properties. AVS AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition , Long Beach 2013-10-27 - 2013-11-01
Academic lectureVicinanza, Nicla; Næss, Linda Normann; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Peters, Thijs; Bredesen, Rune; Borg, Anne. (2013) Basic properties of thin, self-supported Pd77%Ag23% membranes. 8th International Membrane Science & Technology Conference , Melbourne 2013-11-25 - 2013-11-29
Academic lectureBorg, Anne. (2013) Pd based alloys - From membranes to model systems. Invited talk at Linköping University , Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology 2013-06-25 -
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Uvdal, Per; Ragazzon, Davide; Schaefer, Andreas. (2012) Water adsorption on TiOx thin films on Au(111). CINF / Technical University of Denmark 2012 Summer School on ”Reactivity of nanoparticles for more efficient and sustainable energy conversion -II” , Kobæk Strand 2012-08-05 - 2012-08-10
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Uvdal, Per; Ragazzon, Davide; Schaefer, Andreas. (2012) Water adsorption on TiOx thin films on Au(111). Nano Network 3rd annual workshop, Norwegian PhD Network o Nanotechnology for Microsystems , Trondheim 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-13
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Walle, Lars Erik; Schaefer, Andreas; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2012) Water adsorption an TiOx thin films on Au(111). ECOSS-29 , Edinburgh 2012-09-03 - 2012-09-07
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Walle, Lars Erik; Schaefer, Andreas; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2012) Growth of TiOx films on Au(111) and their water adsorption properties. Norges forskningsråd Norsk brukermøte for synkrotron- og nøytronforskning 2012 , Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Amft, Martin; Ragazzon, Davide; Borg, Anne; Skorodumova, Natalia; Uvdal, Per. (2012) Growth of the first layer of water on rutile TiO2(110): using synchrotron based photoelectron spectroscopy for studying surfaces. Presentasjon hos SINTEF Formasjonsfysikk , Trondheim 2012-03-15 -
Academic lectureFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Walle, Lars Erik; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene; Grönbeck, Henrik; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Oxidation and reduction of single crystal Pd-based alloy surfaces: the case of Pd75Ag25(100). Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien 25. Symposium on Surface Science 2012 , St.Christoph/Arlberg 2012-03-11 - 2012-03-17
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Aase, John F.; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Andersen, Trine H.; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Oxidation of the PdCu(100) surface. Institute of Applied Physics, TU wien 25. Symposium on surface science , St.Christoph/Arlberg 2012-03-11 - 2012-03-17
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Amft, Martin; Ragazzon, Davide; Borg, Anne; Uvdal, Per; Skorodumova, Natalia. (2012) Growth of the first layer of water on rutile TiO2(110). Norges Forskningsråd Norsk brukermøte for synkrotron- og nøytronforskning 2012 , Sola, Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
PosterFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Walle, Lars Erik; Grönbeck, Henrik; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Oxidation and reduction behavior of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) surfaces. Norges Forskningsråd Norsk brukermøte for synkrotron- og nøytronforskning 2012 , Sola, Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
PosterBlomberg, Sara; Martin, Natalia; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Liu, Zhi; Grönbeck, Henrik; Borg, Anne. (2012) In situ CO oxidation over Pd75Ag25(100) and Pd(100) studied by high pressure photoemission spectroscopy. Norges Forskningsråd Norsk brukermøte for synkrotron- og nøytronforskning 2012 , Sola, Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Aase, John Fjermestad; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Andersen, Trine Højberg; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Oxidation of the Pd57Cu43(100) surface - a comparison with Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100). Norges Forskningsråd Norsk brukermøte for synkrotron- og nøytronforskning 2012 , Sola, Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
Academic lectureFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Walle, Lars Erik; Farstad, Mari Helene; Blomberg, Sara; Grönbeck, H.; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Reduction Behavior of Oxidized Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) Surfaces. European Conference on Surface Science 29 2012-09-03 - 2012-09-07
PosterFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Walle, Lars Erik; Grönbeck, Henrik; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene; Gustafson, Johan. (2012) Oxidation and reduction behavior of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) surfaces. Summer School - Reactivity of nanoparticles for more efficient and sustainable energy conversion II , Conference Center Kobæk Strand 2012-08-05 - 2012-08-10
Academic lectureFarstad, Mari Helene; Ragazzon, Davide; Walle, Lars Erik; Schaefer, Andreas; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2012) Water adsorption on TiOx thin films on Au(111). NorForsk NorForsk Meeting , Aarhus 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30
PosterFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Gustafson, Johan; Walle, Lars Erik; Grönbeck, Henrik; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene. (2012) CO Reduction of Surface Oxides on Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100) Surfaces. Nordforsk Nordforsk Metting , Aarhus 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Schulte, Karina; Gustafson, Johan; Lundgren, Edvin; Andersen, Jesper N; Borg, Anne. (2011) Oxide formation and CO induced oxide reduction on the Pd75Ag25(100) surface. 4th International Conference on Women in Physics , Stellenbosch 2011-04-04 - 2011-04-08
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Johansson, Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Rensmo, Håkan. (2011) Comparison of water on anatase and rutile TiO2 surfaces. MAX-lab Nordic summer school , Lund 2011-06-13 - 2011-06-21
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Johansson, Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Rensmo, Håkan; Uvdal, Per. (2011) Mixed dissociative and molecular water adsorption on anatase TiO2(101). ICSOS10 , Hong Kong 2011-08-01 - 2011-08-05
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Andersen, Trine; Grönbeck, Henrik; Gustafson, Johan; Lundgren, Edvin. (2011) Oxide formation and adsorption of CO on Pd0.57Cu0.43(100). ECOSS 28 , Wroclaw 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Grönbeck, Henrik; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene; Schulte, Karina. (2011) Core level shifts from Pd75Ag25 alloy surfaces. ECOSS 28 , Wroclaw 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Johansson, Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Rensmo, Håkan. (2011) Comparison of water on anatase and rutile TiO2 surfaces. University of Wrocław ECOSS 2011 , Wrocław 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Blomquist, Jacob; Uvdal, Per; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2011) Evidence for heterogeneous Li-storage in anatase TiO2 nanoparticles in ultra-high vacuum. 2nd Nano Today conference , Waikoloa, Hawaii 2011-12-11 - 2011-12-15
Popular scientific lectureFredriksen, Åshild; Borg, Anne; Holst, Bodil. (2011) Status of Women in Physics - Norway. Board of Nordic Women in Physics Nordic Meeting of Women in Physics , Eksperimentarium, Copenhagen 2011-09-28 - 2011-09-30
PosterFarstad, Mari Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Johansson, Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Rensmo, Håkan. (2011) Comparison of water on anatase and rutile TiO2 surfaces. MAX-lab FASM Annual User Meeting, MAX-lab , Lund 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-16
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Grönbeck, Henrik; Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Blomberg, Sara; Farstad, Mari Helene; Schulte, Karina. (2011) Core level shifts from Pd75Ag25 alloy surfaces. MAX-lab MAX-lab 24th Annual User Meeting , Lund 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-16
Academic lectureFernandes, Vasco Rafael P; Walle, Lars Erik; Farstad, Mari Helene; Blomberg, Sara; Gustafson, Johan; Andersen, Jesper N.. (2011) Reduction of Surface Oxides Formed on Pd75Ag25(100) and Pd(100). NordForsk NordForsk workshop , Hjortviken, Hindås 2011-11-21 - 2011-11-22
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Aase, John F.; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Andersen, Trine; Gustafson, Johan; Andersen, Jesper N.. (2011) Oxidation of the Pd57Cu43(100) surface - a comparison with Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100). NordForsk NordForsk workshop , Hjortviken, Hindås 2011-11-21 - 2011-11-22
PosterHolst, Bodil; Fredriksen, Åshild; Borg, Anne. (2011) On the Recruitment and Participation of Women in Physics: A Report from Norway. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Conference for Women in Physics , Stellenbosch 2011-04-05 - 2011-04-08
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Ragazzon, Davide; Uvdal, Per; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2010) Experimental Evidence for Mixed Dissociative and Molecular Adsorption of Water on a Rutile TiO2(110) Surface without Oxygen Vacancies. American Vacuum Society AVS 57th International Symposium and Exhibition , Albuquerque 2010-10-17 - 2010-10-22
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Schulte, Karina; Gustafson, Johan; Weststrate, C. J.; Lundgren, Edvin; Andersen, Jesper N.. (2010) Oxide formation and CO induced oxide reduction on the Pd75Ag25(100) surface. ECOSS 27 , Groningen 2010-08-29 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureSvenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borck, Øyvind; Walle, Lars Erik; Schulte, Karina; Borg, Anne. (2010) Adsorption of CO on Ni3Al(111): A combined theoretical and experimental study. ECOSS 27 , Groningen 2010-08-29 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureBorck, Øyvind; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Schulte, Karina; Borg, Anne. (2010) Adsorption of CO on Ni3Al(111): A combined theoretical and experimental study. CCP 2010, Conference on Computational Physics , Trondheim 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-26
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Liu, Yun; Takahashi, Ryota; Wahlström, Erik; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne. (2009) A new route to controlled nanostructures of complex oxides based on STM surface manipulation and subsequent physical deposition. Norges Forskningsråd Nanomat conference 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-17
Academic lectureBorck, Øyvind; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Walle, Lars Erik; Andersen, Trine H.; Borg, Anne. (2009) Adsorption of methylamine on NiAl(110) and Ni3Al(111) surfaces. Norsk Fysisk Selskap Fysikermøtet 2009 , Røros 2009-08-12 - 2009-08-14
Academic lectureWahlström, Erik; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2009) Towards a fundamental understanding of size effects in LSMO. Invited Seminar 2009-06-09 - 2009-06-09
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne; Uvdal, Per; Sandell, Anders. (2009) Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies. MAX-lab 22nd Annual User Meeting, MAX-lab , Lund 2009-11-02 - 2009-11-04
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Blomquist, Jacob; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2009) Lithium insertion in anatase TiO2 films on Si(111) Studied by Synchrotron based Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Norges Forskningsråd Synchrotron User Meeting, Lillehammer , Lillehammer 2009-06-19 - 2009-06-20
Academic lectureBorck, Øyvind; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borg, Anne. (2008) Density functional theory investigation of methanol adsorption on NiAl(110) and Ni3Al(111). ECOSS (European Conference of Surface Science) 25 , Liverpool 2008-07-27 - 2008-08-01
Academic lectureAndersen, Trine H.; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Borck, Øyvind; Ramachandran, Amutha; Walle, Lars Erik; Borg, Anne. (2008) Reaction of methylamine on metal surfaces. European conference on surface science 25 (ECOSS 25) , Liverpool 2008-07-27 - 2008-08-01
Academic lectureWalle, Lars Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2008) Growth of Au on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(101) and (001): Probing Under-Coordinated Sites with Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy. AVS American Vacuum Society 2008 , Boston 2008-10-19 - 2008-10-25
PosterWalle, Lars Erik; Plogmaker, Stefan; Borg, Anne; Sandell, Anders. (2008) Growth of Au on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2 (101) and (001): Probing Under-Coordinated Sites with Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy. MAX-lab MAX-lab Summer School 2008 , Lund 2008-05-26 - 2008-06-02
Academic lectureRamachandran, Amutha; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Peters, Thijs; Stange, Marit Synnøve Sæverud; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Borg, Anne. (2008) Hydrogen permeation and surface characterisation of 1.5μm PdAg membranes. 10th International conference on inorganic membranes , Tokyo 2008-08-18 - 2008-08-22
Academic lectureBorg, Anne. (2007) Interactions at NiAl alloy surfaces. Nordic Network for Women in Physics 3rd Workshop of Nordic Network for Women in Physics , Technical University of Denmark 2007-08-16 - 2007-08-17
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2007) STM: a nanoscale structuring tool. NTNU NanoLab 2nd NTNU Nanolab User Meeting , Lerchendal gård, Trondheim 2007-03-07 - 2007-03-07
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Liu, Yun; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2007) Epitaxial ferroelectric mesa structures based on nanoscale structuring. FUNMAT FUNMAT Meeting 2007 , Bergen 2007-06-08 - 2007-06-08
Academic lectureRamachandran, Amutha; Peters, Thijs A.; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Stange, M.; Klette, Hallgeir; Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen. (2007) AFM, XPS and TEM investigations of the stability of supported PdAg membranes under WGS conditions. NANOMAT Conference , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
Academic lectureMejdell, Astrid Lervik; Klette, Hallgeir; Borg, Anne; Bredesen, Rune; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2007) Heat treatment in air of Pd/Ag membranes for hydrogen separation,. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium , Oslo 2007-10-23 -
PosterRamachandran, Amutha; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Klette, Hallgeir; Borg, Anne; Bredesen, Rune. (2007) Surface characterization of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes at elevated temperatures in air and in inert gas. NANOMAT Conference , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
PosterYou, Chang Chuan; Liu, Yun; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2007) Nanoscale Structuring of Oxide Template for Epitaxial Ferroelectric Mesa Structures. Research Council of Norway NANOMAT 2007 , Bergen 2007-06-04 - 2007-06-09
PosterAndersen, Trine Højberg; Borg, Anne; Ramachandran, Amutha; Walle, Lars Erik; Børve, Knut J.; Myrseth, Velaug. (2007) Adsorption at the Pd(110) surface: 1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1,1-dichloroethene. Max-lab user meeting 2007-10-29 -
PosterYou, Chang Chuan; Liu, Yun; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2007) Fabrication of PbTiO3 Mesa Structures on Nanostructured Templates. 14th Intl. Workshop on Oxide Electronics , Jeju Island 2007-10-07 - 2007-10-10
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Rystad, N.V; Liu, Yun; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2006) Fabrication of ferroelectric nanostructures. 4th THIOX Topical Meeting 2006-03-19 - 2006-03-21
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Rystad, N.V; Liu, Yun; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2006) Synthesis of ferroelectric structures on nanoscale perovskite templates. 3rd national FUNMAT meeting 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-06
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Rystad, Nils Vidar; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Nanoscale Etching of Metallic Perovskites by STM. Institutt for fysikk og teknologi ved Universitetet i Bergen Fysikermøtet 2005 , Ulvik 2005-08-11 - 2005-08-14
PosterBorg, Anne; Budil, Kimberly; Ducloy, Martial; McKenna, Janis. (2005) Attracting Girls Into Physics. IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics 2nd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics , Rio de Janeiro 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-25
PosterYou, Chang Chuan; Rystad, Nils Vidar; Liu, Yun; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Fabrication of epitaxial perovskite nanostructures. MRS MRS fall meeting 2005 , Boston 2005-11-28 - 2005-12-02
PosterFredriksen, Åshild; Borg, Anne. (2005) Status of Women in Physics in Norway. IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics 2nd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics , Rio de Janeiro 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-25
Academic lectureYou, Chang Chuan; Dahl, Øystein; Borg, Anne; Grepstad, Jostein; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Fabrication of ferroelectric quantum dots. FUNMAT 2nd national FUNMAT meeting , Lillestrøm (Hvam) 2005-01-05 - 2005-01-07
Academic lectureDahl, Øystein; Hallsteinsen, Svein; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) Nanoscale etching of SrRuO3 by STM. NTNU og SINTEF 5th Nordic Baltc Workshop on scanning probe microscopy , Trondheim 2004-06-16 - 2004-06-19
Academic lectureDahl, Øystein; Hallsteinsen, Svein; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) Nanoetching of metallic perovskites using STM. Materials Research Society 2004 MRS Spring Meeting; Symp. E "Integration challenges in next-generation oxide-based nanoelectronics" , San Francisco 2004-04-12 - 2004-04-16
PosterYou, Chang Chuan; Hallsteinsen, Svein; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) Fabrication of nanoscale SrRuO3/SrTiO3 templates for epitaxial ferroelectric quantum dots. Norwegian Physical Society Condensed Matter group Norwegian Physical Society Condensed Matter Meeting , Wadahl 2004-09-16 - 2004-09-19
PosterDahl, Øystein; Hallsteinsen, Svein; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) Nanoscale etching of SrRuO3 using STM. Tokyo Institute of Technology 11th Intl. Workshop on Oxide Electronics , Hakone 2004-10-03 - 2004-10-05
PosterTybell, Thomas; Dahl, Øystein; Grepstad, Jostein; Borg, Anne. (2003) Etching of nanostructures in metallic perovskites using STM. STM2003 , Eindhoven, Nederland 2003-07-25 -
Academic lectureBorg, Anne. (2000) Chemisorption and dissociation of O2 on metal surfaces. ECM 19 - Satellite Meeting "Surface Crystallography" , Nancy, Frankrike, 31. august - 2. september, 2000
Academic lectureWorren, Turid; Ramsvik, Trond; Borg, Anne. (1999) Homoepitaxial growth of Co on Co(11#-20) studied by STM. Ninth International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces , København, Danmark
Academic lectureWorren, Turid; Borg, Anne; Ramsvik, Trond; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (1998) Homoepitaxial Growth on Co(11-20) Studied by STM. Nordic-Baltic SPM Workshop '98 , Nyborg, Danmark
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Bergene, Edvard; Borg, Anne; Holmen, Anders. (1997) Ethene and propene adsorption on Pt(100) studied by STM and LEED. 4th Nordic Conference on Surface Science , Ålesund
PosterRønning, Magnus; Bergene, Edvard; Borg, Anne; Holmen, Anders. (1997) Ethene adsorption on Pt(100) studied by STM and LEED. 4th European Summer School in Surface Science: Surface Reactivi ty , Humlebæk
Popular scientific lectureBorg, Anne. (1995) Scanning tunneling microscopy. Nordiske strukturdager, 15. Nordiske strukturkjemikermøte , [Mangler data]
Popular scientific lectureBorg, Anne. (1995) STM studies of clean and adsorbate covered Pt(100)-hex-R0.7@0. OMICRON Workshop and European Users Meeting , [Mangler data]
PosterBorg, Anne; Bernstein, Ralph W.; Grepstad, Jostein; King, P.L.; Yang, X; Pianetta, Piero. (1990) Ce Promoted Oxidation of GaAs(100) Surfaces. 20th Intl. Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) , Thessaloniki 1990-07-30 -
PosterBernstein, Ralph W.; Borg, Anne; Johannessen, Kjetil; Grepstad, Jostein. (1990) XPS Investigation of the Ti/GaAs(100) and the Ti/Al0.3Ga0.7As(100) Interfaces. 17th Annual Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI). , Clearwater Beach, Florida 1990-09-05 -
Academic lectureBorg, Anne; Bernstein, Ralph W.; Grepstad, Jostein. (1990) Ce Promoted Oxidation of GaAs(100) Surfaces. Norwegian Physical Society Norwegian Physical Society Seminar on Condensed matter Physics and Chemistry 1990-10-12 -