Bo Huang
Realfagbygget, E4-122, Gløshaugen, Høgskoleringen 5
I am a Head Engineer at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU.
My primary research interests include the interaction between land cover change and climate change, Asian monsoon variability and its prediction, and global-to-regional climate modelling.
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun;
Gilardi, Matteo;
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner;
Rørstad, Per Kr.;
Huang, Bo.
Influence of wood resource types, conversion technologies, and plant size on the climate benefits and costs of advanced biofuels for aviation, shipping and heavy-duty transport.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Zhang, Xia;
Tan, Chunping;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Regional temperature response to different forest development stages in Fennoscandia explored with a regional climate model.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Li, Yan;
Huang, Bo;
Rust, Henning W..
Using statistical models to depict the response of multi-timescale drought to forest cover change across climate zones.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)
Academic article
Zhang, Xia;
Huang, Bo;
Rinke Dias de Souza, Nariê;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Regional cooling potential from expansion of perennial grasses in Europe.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Wang, Chenghai;
Yang, Kai;
Wei, Zhigang;
Huang, Bo.
Editorial: Extreme precipitation in arid regions: observation, mechanisms, and simulations.
Frontiers in Earth Science
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Tölle, Merja H.
Editorial: Interactions between land surface and climate.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Liu, Yi;
Hu, Xiangping;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
A simplified multi-model statistical approach for predicting the effects of forest management on land surface temperature in Fennoscandia.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Spatially and taxonomically explicit characterisation factors for greenhouse gas emission impacts on biodiversity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Hou, Yanzhen;
Li, Dan;
Hua, Ting;
Marchi, Maurizio;
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero.
Changes in multiple ecosystem services and their influencing factors in Nordic countries.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero;
Huang, Bo;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Meta-analysis of leaf area index, canopy height and root depth of three bioenergy crops and their effects on land surface modeling.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Huang, Bo;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Recent global land cover dynamics and implications for soil erosion and carbon losses from deforestation.
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land‐cover changes in biodiversity hotspots.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Academic article
Shang, Wei;
Duan, Keqin;
Li, Shuangshuang;
Ren, Xuejuan;
Huang, Bo.
Simulation of the dipole pattern of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau by CMIP6 models.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne;
Zhou, Xu;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Predominant regional biophysical cooling from recent land cover changes in Europe.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land cover changes in the biodiversity hotspots.
Tan, Chunping;
Yang, Jianping;
Wang, Xiaoming;
Qin, Dahe;
Huang, Bo;
Chen, Hongju.
Drought disaster risks under CMIP5 RCP scenarios in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China.
Natural Hazards
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Qin, Jun;
Li, Huidong;
Tang, Wenjun;
Pan, Xiaoduo;
Huang, Bo.
A statistical method to construct wind speed at turbine height for study of wind power in China.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Impacts of idealized land cover changes on climate extremes in Europe.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Matthes, Heidrun;
Rinke, Annette;
Huang, Bo;
Yang, Kun;
Dethloff, Klaus.
Simulating Arctic 2-m air temperature and its linear trends using the HIRHAM5 regional climate model.
Atmospheric research
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Yang, Kun;
Beljaars, Anton;
Li, Huidong;
Lin, Changgui;
Huang, Bo.
Dynamical impact of parameterized turbulent orographic form drag on the simulation of winter precipitation over the western Tibetan Plateau.
Climate Dynamics
Academic article
Shang, Wei;
Ren, Xuejuan;
Huang, Bo;
Cubasch, Ulrich;
Yang, Xiu-Qun.
Subseasonal intensity variation of the South Asian high in relationship to diabatic heating: observation and CMIP5 models.
Climate Dynamics
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Cubasch, Ulrich;
Li, Yan.
East Asian Summer Monsoon Representation in Re-Analysis Datasets.
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Toelle, Merja;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Quantifying the climate response to extreme land cover changes in Europe with a regional model.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Zhou, X;
Beljaars, A;
Wang, Y;
Huang, Bo;
Lin, C.;
Chen, Y.
Evaluation of WRF Simulations With Different Selections of Subgrid Orographic Drag Over the Tibetan Plateau.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences
Academic article
Journal publications
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun;
Gilardi, Matteo;
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner;
Rørstad, Per Kr.;
Huang, Bo.
Influence of wood resource types, conversion technologies, and plant size on the climate benefits and costs of advanced biofuels for aviation, shipping and heavy-duty transport.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Zhang, Xia;
Tan, Chunping;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Regional temperature response to different forest development stages in Fennoscandia explored with a regional climate model.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Li, Yan;
Huang, Bo;
Rust, Henning W..
Using statistical models to depict the response of multi-timescale drought to forest cover change across climate zones.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)
Academic article
Zhang, Xia;
Huang, Bo;
Rinke Dias de Souza, Nariê;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Regional cooling potential from expansion of perennial grasses in Europe.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Wang, Chenghai;
Yang, Kai;
Wei, Zhigang;
Huang, Bo.
Editorial: Extreme precipitation in arid regions: observation, mechanisms, and simulations.
Frontiers in Earth Science
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Tölle, Merja H.
Editorial: Interactions between land surface and climate.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Huang, Bo;
Li, Yan;
Liu, Yi;
Hu, Xiangping;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
A simplified multi-model statistical approach for predicting the effects of forest management on land surface temperature in Fennoscandia.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Verones, Francesca;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Spatially and taxonomically explicit characterisation factors for greenhouse gas emission impacts on biodiversity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Hou, Yanzhen;
Li, Dan;
Hua, Ting;
Marchi, Maurizio;
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero.
Changes in multiple ecosystem services and their influencing factors in Nordic countries.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero;
Huang, Bo;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Hu, Xiangping;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Meta-analysis of leaf area index, canopy height and root depth of three bioenergy crops and their effects on land surface modeling.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Iordan, Cristina Maria;
Huang, Bo;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Recent global land cover dynamics and implications for soil erosion and carbon losses from deforestation.
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land‐cover changes in biodiversity hotspots.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Academic article
Shang, Wei;
Duan, Keqin;
Li, Shuangshuang;
Ren, Xuejuan;
Huang, Bo.
Simulation of the dipole pattern of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau by CMIP6 models.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne;
Zhou, Xu;
Zhao, Wenwu;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Predominant regional biophysical cooling from recent land cover changes in Europe.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Tan, Chunping;
Yang, Jianping;
Wang, Xiaoming;
Qin, Dahe;
Huang, Bo;
Chen, Hongju.
Drought disaster risks under CMIP5 RCP scenarios in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China.
Natural Hazards
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Qin, Jun;
Li, Huidong;
Tang, Wenjun;
Pan, Xiaoduo;
Huang, Bo.
A statistical method to construct wind speed at turbine height for study of wind power in China.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Impacts of idealized land cover changes on climate extremes in Europe.
Ecological Indicators
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Matthes, Heidrun;
Rinke, Annette;
Huang, Bo;
Yang, Kun;
Dethloff, Klaus.
Simulating Arctic 2-m air temperature and its linear trends using the HIRHAM5 regional climate model.
Atmospheric research
Academic article
Zhou, Xu;
Yang, Kun;
Beljaars, Anton;
Li, Huidong;
Lin, Changgui;
Huang, Bo.
Dynamical impact of parameterized turbulent orographic form drag on the simulation of winter precipitation over the western Tibetan Plateau.
Climate Dynamics
Academic article
Shang, Wei;
Ren, Xuejuan;
Huang, Bo;
Cubasch, Ulrich;
Yang, Xiu-Qun.
Subseasonal intensity variation of the South Asian high in relationship to diabatic heating: observation and CMIP5 models.
Climate Dynamics
Academic article
Huang, Bo;
Cubasch, Ulrich;
Li, Yan.
East Asian Summer Monsoon Representation in Re-Analysis Datasets.
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Huang, Bo;
Hu, Xiangping;
Toelle, Merja;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Quantifying the climate response to extreme land cover changes in Europe with a regional model.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Zhou, X;
Beljaars, A;
Wang, Y;
Huang, Bo;
Lin, C.;
Chen, Y.
Evaluation of WRF Simulations With Different Selections of Subgrid Orographic Drag Over the Tibetan Plateau.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences
Academic article
Hu, Xiangping;
Huang, Bo;
Verones, Francesca;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Overview of recent land cover changes in the biodiversity hotspots.
LectureLi, Yan; Huang, Bo; Tan, Chunping; Liu, Yi; Rust, Henning W.. (2024) Examining the influence of forest changes on drought across time scales in Europe through multiple regional climate model simulations. European Geosciences Union (EGU) EGU2024 , Vienna 2024-04-13 - 2024-04-19
LectureHuang, Bo; Li, Yan; Zhang, Xia; Tan, Chunping; Hu, Xiangping; Cherubini, Francesco. (2024) Investigating forest management's impact on local climate in Fennoscandia through statistical and dynamical modeling. European Geosciences Union (EGU) EGU2024 , Vienna 2024-04-13 - 2024-04-19
PosterHuang, Bo; Li, Yan; Liu, Yi; Hu, Xiangping; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco. (2023) Machine learning models reveal reductions in land surface temperature associated with forest management in Fennoscandia. CORDEX, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) ICRC-CORDEX 2023 , Trieste, Italy 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-29
Academic lectureHuang, Bo; Li, Yan; Liu, Yi; Hu, Xiangping; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco. (2023) Reduction of land surface temperature associated with forest management in Fennoscandia. The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference Climate Resilient and Sustainable Forest Management , Helsinki 2023-08-28 - 2023-08-31
PosterHuang, Bo; Li, Yan; Li, Yi; Hu, Xiangping; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco. (2023) Reductions in land surface temperature induced by forest management in Fennoscandia revealed by machine learning models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) EGU2023 , Vienna 2023-04-23 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureShang, Wei; Duan, Keqin; Ren, Xuejuan; Huang, Bo. (2022) Simulation of the Dipole Pattern of Summer Precipitation Over the Tibetan Plateau by CMIP6 Models. AOGS 2022 2022-08-01 - 2022-08-05
LectureLi, Yan; Huang, Bo; Rust, Henning. (2022) Global and Regional Drought Response to Idealized Deforestation Based on LUMIP Models. AGU Fall Meeting 2022 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-16
LectureHuang, Bo; Cherubini, Francesco. (2022) Recent land cover changes and its climate effect in Europe. Oslo 2022 Cordex Consolidate workshop 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureHuang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Zhou, Xu; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco. (2020) Unmixing the regional climate response to recent historical land cover changes in Europe. EGU General Assembly 2020 2020-05-03 - 2020-05-08
Academic lectureHu, Xiangping; Huang, Bo; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Zhou, Xu; Cherubini, Francesco. (2020) Regional biophysical cooling in Europe from recent land cover changes . Beijing Normal University Expert Lectures in Water Sciences , Beijing 2020-06-17 - 2020-06-17
Academic lectureHuang, Bo; Cherubini, Francesco; Hu, Xiangping; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Zhou, Xu; Zhao, Wenwu. (2020) Decomposition of the effects on regional climate from recent historical land cover changes in Europe. Fall Meeting 2020 | AGU 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-17
PosterHu, Xiangping; Huang, Bo; Cherubini, Francesco. (2019) Climate response to land cover change in Europe using regional climate model. University of Leeds NCAS/NCAR WRF Workshop , Lincoln 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-11
PosterNæss, Jan Sandstad; Cavalett, Otávio; Huang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Cherubini, Francesco. (2019) Land management for climate change mitigation: finding space for bioenergy plantations. International Association for Landscape Ecology 10th IALE World Congress , Milano 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-05
Academic lectureIordan, Cristina Maria; Huang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Muri, Helene; Cavalett, Otávio; Cherubini, Francesco. (2019) Impacts of land management and land cover change on albedo.A global assessment . University of Milano-Bicocca 10th International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress , Milano 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-05
Academic lectureHuang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Cherubini, Francesco. (2019) Quantifying the evolution of agriculture impact on climate in Europe by observation and regional climate model simulations. CAS, WCRP International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2019 , Beijing 2019-10-14 - 2019-10-18
PosterHuang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Cherubini, Francesco. (2018) A benchmark of Europe climate response to land use transitions in regional climate model simulations. AGU Fall Meeting 2018 , Washington 2018-12-10 - 2018-12-14
Academic lectureHu, Xiangping; Huang, Bo; Cherubini, Francesco; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2018) Climate change with land use and land cover change. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Scientific lectures in China University of Geosciences , Wuhan 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-16
Academic lectureHuang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Cherubini, Francesco; Toelle, Merja. (2018) Land cover change impacts on EURO-CORDEX climate by regional climate model (COSMO-CLM) simulations. EGU General Assembly 2018 , Vienna 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13