Bianca Johanna Hammer
Nujen, Bella B.;
Solli-Sæther, Hans;
Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward;
Hammer, Bianca Johanna.
Reputational risk as a factor in the offshore location choice.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Nujen, Bella B.;
Solli-Sæther, Hans;
Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward;
Hammer, Bianca Johanna.
Reputational risk as a factor in the offshore location choice.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Academic article
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureNujen, Bella; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Hammer, Bianca Johanna. (2019) Reputational risk as a factor in offshore location choice - A high-cost perspective. University of Leeds European International Business Academy Conference , Leeds 2019-12-13 - 2019-12-15