Snorre Aunet is professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications. He is a member of the Circuits and Systems Group. He received a degree in electronics engineering from Trondheim Technical College in 1987, the cand.scient degree in informatics from UiO in 1993, and the dr.Ing degree in physical electronics from NTNU in 2002.
Research Interests
- Ultra low voltage/low power mixed-signal integrated circuits.
Employment history
- Since 2011: professor at NTNU
- Since 2019: adjunct professor, Department of informatics, University of Oslo.
- 2021-2022 Sabbatical at Bielefeld University, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
- 2015-2016 Sabbatical at University of California, San Diego, USA.
- Worked with ASIC design at Nordic VLSI (now Nordic Semiconductor) from 1994 to 1997. Since 1997 he has held different positions at the University of Oslo, and the same at NTNU.
- Visiting researcher at the Circuits and Systems Group, University of Paderborn; Germany, 2004-2012
Board/Council Work
- 2021-2022 TPC co-chair NORCAS
- 2015 Co-chair Technical Programme NORCaS
- 2015 Co-chair of ECCTD
- 2013 Program Co-chair of DDECS
- 2009 Co-chair IEEE Norchip conference