Rolee Aranya
Rolee Aranya
Professor, Study program leader for MSc. in Urban Ecological Planning
Hay, Hamish Donald Ashbourne;
Aranya, Rolee.
Samskaping for å nå bærekraftsmålene.
Multimedia product
Hay, Hamish Donald Ashbourne;
Aranya, Rolee.
Prosessen for stakeholder og problemkartlegging i Ålesund.
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sharma, Riny;
Sliwa, Marcin Wojciech;
Stecchini, Cinthia Freire;
Aranya, Rolee.
Fieldwork in my Backyard: Experiences with Threshold Learning based on Distributed Fieldworks in Project-based Courses.
Academic article
Gohari, Savis;
Medalen, Tor;
Aranya, Rolee.
Exploring the Impact of Complex Multi-Level Governance Structures on the Societal Contribution of Universities to Knowledge-Based Urban Development .
Social Sciences
Academic article
Sliwa, Marcin;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Urban Ecological Planning: Principles, value positions and application in practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Aranya, Rolee;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Lokalsenter, nabolag og bolig. Muligheter og barrierer for sosial integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim.
NTNU Fakultet for arkitektur og design, Instutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging
Aranya, Rolee;
Vaidya, Chetan.
Planning Education for a Smart Urban India.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Ulset, Vilde.
Contested formality and incipient informality in Delhi’s new suburban space.: A case study in Savda Ghevra Resettlement Colony.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shrestha, Pranita;
Aranya, Rolee.
Claiming Invited and Invented Spaces : Contingencies for Insurgent Planning Practices.
International Planning Studies
Academic literature review
Aranya, Rolee;
Vaidya, Chetan.
Is India ready to plan a ‘SMART’ urban future? – Planning education in the post liberal Urban India.
Popular scientific article
Archipovaite, Elena;
Aranya, Rolee.
Brochure for MCs Master Program Urban Ecological Planning.
Aranya, Rolee;
Ni, Pengfei;
Cheng, Zixu;
Huang, Jin.
South Asian Cities in Globalization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Ni, Pengfei;
Zhang, Yu;
Huang, Jin.
Indian Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee.
Location theory in reverse? Location for global production in the IT industry of Bangalore.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Taylor, PJ;
Aranya, Rolee.
A global 'Urban roller coaster'? Connectivity changes in the world city network, 2000-2004.
Regional studies
Academic article
Taylor, Peter J.;
Aranya, Rolee.
A Global 'Urban Roller Coaster'? Connectivity Changes in the World City Network, 2000-04.
Regional studies
Academic article
Aranya, Rolee.
Location Theory in Reverse? – Location for global production in the IT Industry of Bangalore.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Aranya, Rolee;
Taylor, Peter J..
Connectivity and city revival.
Town & Country Planning
Academic article
Aranya, Rolee.
Globalisation and Urban Restructuring of Bangalore, India.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sharma, Riny;
Sliwa, Marcin Wojciech;
Stecchini, Cinthia Freire;
Aranya, Rolee.
Fieldwork in my Backyard: Experiences with Threshold Learning based on Distributed Fieldworks in Project-based Courses.
Academic article
Gohari, Savis;
Medalen, Tor;
Aranya, Rolee.
Exploring the Impact of Complex Multi-Level Governance Structures on the Societal Contribution of Universities to Knowledge-Based Urban Development .
Social Sciences
Academic article
Shrestha, Pranita;
Aranya, Rolee.
Claiming Invited and Invented Spaces : Contingencies for Insurgent Planning Practices.
International Planning Studies
Academic literature review
Aranya, Rolee;
Vaidya, Chetan.
Is India ready to plan a ‘SMART’ urban future? – Planning education in the post liberal Urban India.
Popular scientific article
Aranya, Rolee.
Location theory in reverse? Location for global production in the IT industry of Bangalore.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Taylor, PJ;
Aranya, Rolee.
A global 'Urban roller coaster'? Connectivity changes in the world city network, 2000-2004.
Regional studies
Academic article
Taylor, Peter J.;
Aranya, Rolee.
A Global 'Urban Roller Coaster'? Connectivity Changes in the World City Network, 2000-04.
Regional studies
Academic article
Aranya, Rolee.
Location Theory in Reverse? – Location for global production in the IT Industry of Bangalore.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Aranya, Rolee;
Taylor, Peter J..
Connectivity and city revival.
Town & Country Planning
Academic article
Part of book/report
Sliwa, Marcin;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Urban Ecological Planning: Principles, value positions and application in practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Vaidya, Chetan.
Planning Education for a Smart Urban India.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Ulset, Vilde.
Contested formality and incipient informality in Delhi’s new suburban space.: A case study in Savda Ghevra Resettlement Colony.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Ni, Pengfei;
Cheng, Zixu;
Huang, Jin.
South Asian Cities in Globalization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee;
Ni, Pengfei;
Zhang, Yu;
Huang, Jin.
Indian Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aranya, Rolee.
Globalisation and Urban Restructuring of Bangalore, India.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Aranya, Rolee;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Lokalsenter, nabolag og bolig. Muligheter og barrierer for sosial integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim.
NTNU Fakultet for arkitektur og design, Instutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging
Hay, Hamish Donald Ashbourne;
Aranya, Rolee.
Samskaping for å nå bærekraftsmålene.
Multimedia product
Hay, Hamish Donald Ashbourne;
Aranya, Rolee.
Prosessen for stakeholder og problemkartlegging i Ålesund.
Archipovaite, Elena;
Aranya, Rolee.
Brochure for MCs Master Program Urban Ecological Planning.
- AAR5230 - Fordypning i Urban Ecological Planning - selvprogrammert
- AAR5220 - Byplanleggingspraksis i uforutsigbare forhold
- AAR8200 - Kritisk Urban Teori
- AAR5210 - Teorier i Byøkologisk Planlegging
- AAR5270 - Globalisering og byutvikling
- FP4350 - Planleggingsteori
- AAR4820 - Metoder for medvirkning i planlegging, co-design og lokalisering av SDGene
- AAR4525 - Byøkologisk planlegging - prosjektemne
- AAR5390 - Praktisk arbeidserfaring
- AAR5400 - M.Sc. Thesis in Urban Ecological Planning
- AAR4874 - Teori og metoder for masteroppgaver
- AAR5325 - Prosjektutvikling og prosess
LectureAranya, Rolee; Hay, Hamish Donald Ashbourne; Refstie, Hilde. (2022) Tools for Stakeholder Mapping. NTNU Ålesund Gigamapping Workshop Ålesund , Ålesund 2022-03-31 - 2022-04-01
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Aranya, Rolee; Millstein, Marianne; Refstie, Hilde. (2019) Methodological implications of the 'southern' turn in urban theory: introducing North-South dialogues on participatory planning and urban developments . Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
Academic lectureNielsen, Brita Fladvad; Vrebos, Hanne; Aranya, Rolee. (2019) Experiential learning and reflection through video in field-based learning . NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-07
Academic lectureRefstie, Hilde; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Aranya, Rolee; Millstein, Marianne. (2019) Session: Planning for sustainable urban futures: transgressing the North-South boundaries in theory and practice. NTNU Geography Nordic Geographers Meeting 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
LectureStøa, Eli; Aranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2018) Presentasjon av resultater fra forskningsprosjektet «Lokalsenterutvikling som strategi for bærekraftige byer – bosetting og integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim kommune». NTNU Institutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging Workshop for Trondheim kommune og Husbanken 2018-05-25 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureStøa, Eli; Aranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Thorshaug, Ragne Øwre. (2017) Local center development and integration of refugees in Trondheim – the role of housing. European Network for Housing Research ENHR2017: Affordable Housing for All! – Redefining the Roles of Public and Private Sectors , Tirana 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Smith, David; Støa, Eli. (2017) Reconciling goals of social and physical sustainability: an examination of spatial dimension of social integration in Trondheim, Norway. University of Lisbon AESOP annual congress '17: Spaces if dialogue for places of dignity. Fostering the European dimention of planning , Lisbon 2017-07-11 -
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Aranya, Rolee. (2015) Smart Cities, Communities and Regions @ NTNU. NTNU, DTU and TU Berlin ClimateKIC Seminar Smart Sustainable Cities , Trondheim 2015-02-23 - 2015-02-25
LectureSkotte, Hans Narve; Wellinger, Steffen; Archipovaite, Elena; Aranya, Rolee. (2013) live studio - miniseminar. AB fak. NTNU miniseminar, AB fak. NTNU , AB fak. NNTU 2013-09-06 - 2013-09-06
Academic lectureShrestha, Pranita; Aranya, Rolee. (2013) Claiming Invited and Invented Spaces : Contingencies for Insurgent Planning Practices. University College Dublin AESOP- ACSP Joint Congress , Dublin 2013-07-15 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee; Shrestha, Pranita. (2012) “Does Insurgent Planning represent a hope for cities of the South – Evidence from Kathmandu, Nepal”. World Society of Ekistiks WSE Symposion, “Liveable Cities & Quality of LIfe” , Naples 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-07
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2011) Using the city for accessing the global economy: Lessons from Bangalore, India’s cyber city. Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, NTNU International Conference and Seminar on Urban India , Trondheim 2011-10-05 - 2011-10-06
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee; Bjønness, Hans Christie. (2011) Main organisers of International Conference 'Urban India' during the India Week, NTNU. NTNU Urban India , Trondheim 2011-10-04 - 2011-10-07
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee; Skotte, Hans Narve. (2009) Workshop: GETTING READY FOR LEARNING on Methods of Investigation, Project Development and Implementation. Department of Urban Design and Planning, NTNU International Workshop on Methods of Investigation, Project Development and Implementation , NTNU 2009-08-01 - 2009-08-03
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2009) Chair of Panel - Merits of African Urban Informality. Africa Network, Nordic Africa Institute Nordic Africa Days: Africa - In search of alternatives , NTNU 2009-10-01 - 2009-10-03
PosterAranya, Rolee; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2009) From the ivory tower to the town square. Exploring the role of academic institutions as actors for collective environmental learning: the Brøset case. The World Bank 5th Urban Research Symposium. Cities and climate change: Responding to an urgent agenda , Marseille 2009-06-28 - 2009-06-30
Academic lectureTaylor, Peter J.; Aranya, Rolee. (2006) Changes in the World City Network – A global urban roller coaster?. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers , Chicago 2006-03-07 - 2006-03-11
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2006) Global, Glocal and Local City: Emerging politics of scale in city planning for the globalising city of Bangalore. International Planning History Society 12th IPHS Cross National Transfer of Planning Ideas , Delhi 2006-12-11 - 2006-12-14
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2003) Globalisation and Urban Restructuring of Bangalore, India. International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) , Cairo 2003-10-17 - 2003-10-22
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2003) Spatial Inequality in a Globalising City: Case of Bangalore. United Nations University Conference on Spatial Inequality in Asia , Tokyo 2003-03-28 - 2003-03-29
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee. (2001) Emerging dichotomies in landuse planning in a global economic environment. Global Planning Education Association Network World Planning Schools Congress , Shanghai 2001-07-11 - 2001-07-15