Antje van der Net
Hossein Khoeini, Mohammad;
Wensink, Gijs;
Vukovic, Tomislav;
Kraft, Ilja;
van der Net, Antje;
Ruecker, Maja.
Nanoscale Analysis of Surface Modifications on Silanized Glass: Wettability Alteration and Long-Term Stability.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Karimaie, Hassan;
van der Net, Antje;
Torsæter, Ole.
Core analysis of reservoir rock systems.
CRC Press
CRC Press
Hossein Khoeini, Mohammad;
Vukovic, Tomislav;
van der Net, Antje;
Luna-Troguero, Azahara;
Ruecker, Maja.
A novel application of inverse gas chromatography for estimating contact angles in porous media.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Vukovic, Tomislav;
Røstad, Jostein;
Farooq, Umer;
Torsæter, Ole;
van der Net, Antje.
Systematic Study of Wettability Alteration of Glass Surfaces by Dichlorooctamethyltetrasiloxane Silanization─A Guide for Contact Angle Modification.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Mushabe, Raymond;
Azizov, Ilgar;
Adejumo, Gbadebo Nafiu;
van der Net, Antje;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Ion Composition Effect on Spontaneous Imbibition in Limestone Cores.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Journal publications
Hossein Khoeini, Mohammad;
Wensink, Gijs;
Vukovic, Tomislav;
Kraft, Ilja;
van der Net, Antje;
Ruecker, Maja.
Nanoscale Analysis of Surface Modifications on Silanized Glass: Wettability Alteration and Long-Term Stability.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hossein Khoeini, Mohammad;
Vukovic, Tomislav;
van der Net, Antje;
Luna-Troguero, Azahara;
Ruecker, Maja.
A novel application of inverse gas chromatography for estimating contact angles in porous media.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Vukovic, Tomislav;
Røstad, Jostein;
Farooq, Umer;
Torsæter, Ole;
van der Net, Antje.
Systematic Study of Wettability Alteration of Glass Surfaces by Dichlorooctamethyltetrasiloxane Silanization─A Guide for Contact Angle Modification.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Mushabe, Raymond;
Azizov, Ilgar;
Adejumo, Gbadebo Nafiu;
van der Net, Antje;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Ion Composition Effect on Spontaneous Imbibition in Limestone Cores.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Karimaie, Hassan;
van der Net, Antje;
Torsæter, Ole.
Core analysis of reservoir rock systems.
CRC Press
CRC Press
- TPG4150 - Reservoarutvinningsteknikk
- TPG4560 - Petroleumsteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- PG8608 - Eksperimentelle metoder i reservoarteknikk
- TPG4565 - Petroleumsteknologi, fordypningsemne
- TPG4116 - Beskrivelse og karakterisering av porøse medier og strømning ved laboratorieanalyse
- TPG4920 - Petroleumsteknologi, masteroppgave
PosterVukovic, Tomislav; Luxbacher, Thomas; van der Net, Antje. (2024) Streaming potential measurements in glass bead packs - Benchmarking zeta potential calculations. Interpore InterPore2024 16th Annual Meeting , online passive presentation MS19( Qingdao, China) 2024-05-13 - 2025-01-16
Academic lectureVukovic, Tomislav; Røstad, Jostein; Farooq, Umer; Torsæter, Ole; van der Net, Antje. (2023) Systematic study of wettability alteration of glass surfaces by dichlorooctamethyltetrasiloxane (Surfasil) silanization - a guide for contact angle modification. Interpore Interpore 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POROUS MEDIA , Edinburgh 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Academic lectureWillemsz, Mark; Rücker, Maja; van der Net, Antje. (2023) Calibration curve generation for the use of Xenon as a pressure indicator in porous media using micro computed tomography . Interpore Interpore 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POROUS MEDIA , Edinburgh 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Academic lecturevan der Net, Antje; Vukovic, Tomislav; Luxbacher, Thomas. (2023) Streaming potential measurements in bead packs. Norwegian Chapter of Interpore Interpore Norge 2023 , Oslo 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-09
Lecturevan der Net, Antje. (2022) Viscoelastic fluids for enhanced oil recovery. Porelab, Univ. Paris-Saclay, Univ Federal do Ceara Workshop on Non-Newtonian Flow in Porous Media , Fortaleza 2022-06-28 - 2022-06-30
Academic lectureMushabe, Raymond; Adejumo, Gbadebo; Azizov, Ilgar; Berg, Carl Fredrik; van der Net, Antje. (2022) Ion composition effect on spontaneous imbibition in limestone cores. InterPore InterPore 2022 , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02