Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation

The Second

Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation

– Trondheim, Norway, June 3-6, 2019

The old wharves along the River Nidelva in Trondheim. PhotoThe old wharves along the River Nidelva in Trondheim. Photo: Mentz Indregaard/NTNU

Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation 2019

Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR) is the organiser of an international conference on molecular mechanisms of inflammation, June 2019.

The conference has a particular emphasis on the regulation of inflammation in sterile and infectious diseases. Experts from basic and clinical inflammation research are brought together to promote exchange across disciplines. The target group is scientists at the group leader-, postdoctoral- and PhD level.


We encourage young investigators from around the world to attend, and to send abstracts.

This is a great opportunity to publicly present your novel findings, and 16 abstracts will be chosen for oral presentation. Award Opportunities: Travel awards and awards for the best poster/presentation are available with support from leading international societies and research journals. Awardees are selected based on scientific criteria (abstract, poster, talk).

Conference host

Conference host

The conference is hosted by Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR). CEMIR is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Be a part of a Special JLB Dedicated Meeting Issue

Be a part of a Special JLB Dedicated Meeting Issue

The Journal of Leukocyte Biology (JLB) will publish a cluster of articles related to topics of the 2019 Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation meeting, both review papers ("overviews") and original investigations. Selected contributions will be invited soon after the completion of the conference, and all submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed according to the high standards of the JLB.

Learn more abut the JLB Dedicated Meeting Issue

31 Oct 2019

Important dates

Important dates

Final deadline: May 1, 2019

Abstract submission: April 1, 2019

Early bird deadline: March 1, 2019

Confirmed Speakers

Confirmed Speakers

Presentation of the speakers

  1. Ablasser Andrea, Switzerland
  2. Geir Bjørkøy, Norway
  3. Aline Bozec, Germany
  4. Petr Broz, Switzerland
  5. Ken Cadwell, USA
  6. Trude Helen Flo, Norway
  7. Douglas Golenbock, USA
  8. Warner C. Greene, USA
  9. Veit Hornung, Germany
  10. Claudia Kemper, USA
  11. Eicke Latz, Germany
  12. Egil Lien, USA
  13. Katrin Mayer-Barber, USA
  14. Edward A. Miao, USA
  15. Tom Eirik Mollnes, Norway
  16. Menno Oudhoff, Norway
  17. Fiona Powrie, United Kingdom
  18. Clare Pridans, Scotland
  19. Felix Randow, United Kingdom
  20. Anne Simonsen, Norway
  21. Therese Standal, Norway
  22. Harald Stenmark, Norway
  23. Lynda Stuart, USA
  24. David Underhill, USA
  25. Maria Yurchenko, Norway
  26. Arturo Zychlinsky, Germany