11ICHC gallery

  • The old wharves by Nidelva in Trondheim
    The old wharves by Nidelva in Trondheim
    Photo: Knut Aage Dahl | visitnorway.com

The 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry - 11th ICHC

Group photo from the conference dinner at Lian. Credit: Mentz Indergaard, NTNU, Trondheim. More photos are available on Flickr. Please contact Annette Lykknes if you have not received an invitation to join the group.

Footage from the demonstration of the distillation furnace


Welcome to the 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry - 11th ICHC

29 August- 2 September


Book of abstracts


Online registration is now closed. On-site registration starts on 29th August from 17.30.

The registration and opening session (18.30-20.00) will take place in Banksalen, the conference venue. Please note that the guided warming-up will take place in Suhmhuset/NTNU University Museum (see site map). One of the organizers will guide you from the Welcome party to Suhmhuset at c. 20:50 (50 persons) and at c. 21:20 (the rest of the participants).

Don't forget to bring your rain coat and a warm sweater! The weather may not be on our side...

Site map

The 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (11th ICHC) marks the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Working Party (WP) on History of Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). The general aim of the conferences organised by the WP is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists/chemistry educators and historians of chemistry, and to gather the community on a regular basis. Previous conferences organised by the WP were held in Rostock 2011 (Pathways of Knowledge), Uppsala 2013 (Chemistry in Material Culture), and Aveiro 2015 (Chemical Biography in the 21st Century).

The 11th ICHC will take place from 29 August to 2 September 2017 in Trondheim, a city founded in 997 which served as Norway’s capital during the Viking Age. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which has been the country’s centre for technology education since 1910, will host the conference. The conference is sponsored by NTNU, the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian Chemical Society, the Chemical Heritage Foundation, the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, Sintef Materials and Chemistry and INEOS/INOVYN.

Key note lectures will be given by Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge), Maria Rentetzi (National Technical University of Athens) and Anders Lundgren (Uppsala University)


Norwegian University of Science and Technology Research Council of Norway Norwegian Chemical Society European Chemical Sciences Chemical Heritage Foundation